THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,.. . . - I.. I.. I x - - 1 1- 1 -11- ,, --l 111. -1--." 114 BIB mulkla S. SZ NAME CHANCS IN CAST Of FRESHWI 1PAEANT I (110)[T' PRACTICES AN- 'tNUNEI) IF I - NoticesI Act 3 of the Senior Girls' play will rehearse at 4 o'clock today in the parlors of the gymnasiumr. There will be a make up class in; riding for women who are taking the course for credit at 10 o'clock Satur- day at the Fair grounds. All members of the University Girls' Glee club who are to take part in the Mothers' day program will rehearse at 11 o'clock Saturday at the Congre- gational 'church.. and at 9:30 o'clock Sunday at the School of Music. Announcement heas been made by the directors of the freshman pageant of the re-arrangement of -the cast of characters. The following is a list of the new groups ap3d the time of prac- tice specified on a few cases. The re- mfainder of the groups will practice at the previously arranged time. The entire cast will practice at 5 o'clock T!uesday in harbour gymnasium. The Thursday practices will be held out of doors. Maidens-E. Doster, D. Nix, L. Sher- mnan, N. Snell, and E~. Thompson;. Winds and' Leaves, practice at 1 0'- clcck '!'bursday-N. Austerlund, 1. Field, MT. Fr anki, L. Gardner, K. John- s on, N. Kirschner, C. Levy, F. Mars- ton, E. Oppenheimi, 1). Rogers, and I. Thorpe; Snow, nractice at 4 o'clock Thursday-D. Allison, A. Caplan, F.: ' Ccoper, M. Grahami, E. Johnson, J. Grover, D. Hendrickson, C.'Masline, Y1. Miller, M. Monroe, M. Olden, MI. larker, NI. Reed, M. Russel, and Ei. Weidmian; Mourners-I. F~ield, YH. Fur-] c:i(, E. Ilastings, V. H1auxwell, C. Levy, IOppenheimi, D. Roglers, and I" h:);Sun and Clouds-L. Gardner, L. H, 'tings, 1N1. CGrahamn 1. H.+urber, T) dca .hz;', V ..Hau,_ xwel1, C. Masline, NI. PNc~lI. Kna;,p,, and E. Oppenheirn; rance of' lejoicing practice at 7 o'- 'Iock Tursdiay-A. Arnold, MI. Baker, Pi l ,ckburn, K. Brown, D. Currie, 1 1L Dow, H. Edwards, L. Groff, B.l H~arger, MI. Keller, MI. Kent-Miller, E.t Nicholson, L Nagle, V. Royce,' E., Scher, E. Storne, H. VanWinkle, M. Weber, J. Wilson, and H. Wolter. x Members of act 4 of the Senior Girls' play will rehearse at 4 o'clock today in the parlors or the gymnas- ium. Baseball games that were scheduled for yesterday and postponed on ac- count of rain will all be played off at 4 o'clock Tuesday on Palmer field. All teams in 'the tournament are request- ed to see the bulletin board :in Bar- hour gymnasium to see when they will play. Wyvern society will not hold the breakfast planned for Sunday but will have a supper at 5 o'clock Tuesday at the fireplace. ME 'LBERS ATTENI) CLUB CON VENTION Mrs. Barbara Bartlett, professor of public health nursing and 'president of DRIVE SHOINS INCREASEI IN PERFECT RECORDS( Reports corrected accor ding to yes- terday's solicitation in the undergrad- uate campaign to raise funds for the University of Michigan League build-; ing are as follows: Nurses.....................$1,100 Alumnae house.... ......100 pct. Collegiate Sorosis........100 Alpha Xi Delta ...........100 Pi Beta Phi...... ......100 Kappa Delta .............100 1 Linqui~t (5) .............100 Ladd (3) ................100 McNeill (6) ..... ........100 Caughey (9)........100 Adams (10) ..............100 Coon (2)....................100 Mohiler (10) .............100 Alpha Gamma+ Delta....... 9 Kappa Alpha Theta ........ 94 Reagh (16).............. 93 Westminster .............92 Delta Gamma........ ... 90 B~etsy Barbour ........... 86 Gamma Phi Beta .......... 85 Helen ,Newberry .......... 84 Kappa Kappa Gamma ...... 83 Irernan..................83 { Martha Cook .. .... ...83 Limpert :(6) .............83 Chi 'Omega ..............82 :Adelia Cheever .... .......80 Delta Zeta............... 80 Spaulding; (14) ...........719 Alpha Chi Omega ......... 79 Delta Delta Delta ......... 78 Oosting (12).............7i5 Theta Phi Alpha .......... 74 f -Rock (9) ...........73 Alpha Omicron Pi1........ 67 Fisher (9).............. 67 Formhals (21) ............ 67 b'awvcett (3)........67 PhiZSigm a Sigmp a ........ ..60. W A SELECTS CI1ASS i Pta TiFIau.Alpha....... ...,61 Cozad (5)........60 swezey P..............55 r [ I NGTH Mason (4)............... 50 1 LNEN NG T A E Culver (2) ....................Ul 5oe0ae en coe IJeffrey (1-,).............. 50 ; frcm each class by the W. A. A. board NMcLouth ([;)............. 50 to act as ;,ides in the Lantern night Mullison (2)............. 50 procession which will begin at 8 o'- Fawcett (2)............. 50 clock Tuesdiay, May 20, on, Palmer Saller (6)............... 50 'field. Freeman (8)............. 50 The followVing is a list of the aides who will conduct the line of march: jAnnounce arlage Seniors, Lois MHiller, Mary Hays, Dor- t , othy Jeffrey, Dorothy Bogan, Norma Annonceenthas eenmad orBowbeer, Freda Diekhoff, Bess Lau- themariae o MaieZimermnver and W1inifred Craigie. Juniors, '23, and John Zimmerman, '23E, which i Olive Mc(ay, Marianna Smalley, Ad- took place on Feb. 5, 1924. °Miss Zim-' el"ide Sherer, Charlotte B~lagdon, mermnan is 'a member of Alpha Xi Del- Mary Stewart, Margaret Dickson, ta sorority and Zimmerman is a mem- Betty sack, and Verena Moran. her of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity.! Sophomore>>, Dorothy Ogborn, Norma Clark, Marian. Lindsley;, Florence -Pro-bst , Katherine Wilson, Louise jRoberts, Margaret Effinger and Eunicej WEAR CAPS ANDI) IVWTS I;Rose. Freshmen, Ailleen Millerr- TUSAY NDFIDY garet Bailey, Helen Searigkt, Elizabeth j ~Kennedy, Helen Reece, Jean _Kyer, Siwng-Out has come and gone ; Marion Collins and Eleanor Verdfier. but the caps and gowns have____________ just come. It is the custom each year for all seniors to wear ? Sl]NLORS NOTICE their graduation garb during 1 two designated days of every j } All seniors who have subscrib- week from Swing-Out day until I IIedl to the Alumnus are urged to IComencement. Tuesday and Fri- I pay their subscriptions and re- day are the days set for this jceive their Alumnus button be- }year. I fore June 1, at the Alumnus office ,I The cap and, gown gives the J in Alumni Memorial hall. After r Icmu nacademic atmosphere j the above date the subscription c tamps notig le a. vryprices will advance from $2.50 -Ifto $.0 senior should realize the impor- John Bradfield, Business tance of this triaition and not Iforget the days. They are Manager. j I Tuesday and Friday. I-_________________ Walter K., Scherer. Senior Class 'President. 1, "ALONG "FAIR WEED," BROMJ -SPECIAL- Baseball Returns BY INNINGS toA"'ATURDAY MATIP FULL SHOW TOO SUNDAY "FIGHTING COWARI DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING 7 BIG RESULTS- ON LITfTLE INVESTMENT I OLYMPfC' TICKETS ON SALE FOR WOMEN ( Louise Roberts,' '26,; has tak- en over the sale of Olympic try- out tickets among the -women on 'the campus. Miss Roberts urges Gthat all organized houses on the tcampus co-operate with her and subscribe' for these tickets in ,blocks. Tickets may also be ob- tained by the women at the W. EA. A . office in Barbour gymnas- #ium. Tryouts will be held in Ann Arbor M1ay 30 and 31. The r tickets are g-ood forn~ either day. Price $1. "Jimmtie the adtsaker" sells anything tluickly.-Adv.' I Y the local business and professional women's club, Miss Lucy Chapin, for- merly of the secretary's office, and Mrs. C. B. Green, second national vice- president of the club, will attend the state convention of the Michigan fed- eration of business and professional women's clubs which will be held to- day and tomorrow at Jackson. b1 Himeihoct i ACROSS FROM STATLER Girls' 4Quartette to Sing at Jackson Dorothy Hiartshorn, '26;, S.ofM., Louise Humphreys, '24, Margaret Kee- gan, '24, and Jeannette Emmnons,' '24, IS ofM , will compose the quartette sent by 'the University Girls' Glee club to sing at the alumni banquet to.-be held in Jackson Saturday night. This ban- quet like those being held in many cities at that time, will marks the -opening of the drive for the Women's League Building fund. Saginaw, May 7.-Damage of $12', 000 was done by a fire of undeter- mined origin which last night destroy- ed th,2 plant of the Sears Paper: Co., A f t r d3 t3 t? This is the store in De- troit which gives 5 per cent p o ur purchase to the League Fund. .oa Imported 'dimity 'vest in red, blue or white; with white pique waistcoat front. Three Blouses to Smarten Any Campus Costume 777 Re fre sh \~yourself Delicious and Ref'reshin TIhe CocaCoa nopany, Atlanta, Ga. ac 5.00 (Right) English broadcloth tucked band trim. Roman stripe tie, Peach, white, poudre bleu. S 7 Y t FH 1 1 e i I R 1 II I k y Vu } L .W ;. IIVV11 t r U F ,A FEWI SU1'ERLATIVE-4 TIAT POS~iIVlLY CANNOT TRlE EI)O3IJSNESS OF IT ALL1 '/1! ' i .L p , rc .~l r r'_J ." s 111~ II1 Y V. L nil The Genius of ArtistryT, The Guidance of Genius, L.avishr Expend iture, The Restraint of Good Taste MATJ NEE OFLYN V E -N"N NOW,0OP-AY:40 f f EXPRESS THlE ri- Seer ALL. OF' WHI1CH I 0 li ARIK T]Il-l ' IP it4OLOSSA I PIW)VCTIO N-W() LD BE AS NO'fM12\G IF IT 1W"EE NOT Magnitude, Unparalleled Magnifif-'ce I { f (t i' , i , I I I; I 3f.00 (Left) English broadcloth shirt. Also with high collar-plain or with hand cross-stitch trim. 1. .t A Drama Such As You Have Never Seen in All Your Life. Written By Whose Sublime Genius Has Made Him- Immortal 6 'Whoskoede of thne luumall heart and .a.iInd vlinrac'tci-sfor onie Ivo~lm"I. Stag'ed anmid sees of-_ npar«alleled Magultude oil amcleier before attempt'ed--you will ell- joy It as yuiee noe ntigbfr ill Your life. /r . 1 i ' IThe wiuslcal iNftefeatin iwill b~e tie oizi- -P,,S I 1 ThF..4'1YlA . .. eA Z 1--