I /7 9tt Iatl1g H ITO RIA EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, WICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1924 EIGHT PAGES t Italian Department Extension To Include Many New Courses I - -- I bEI EVIL [! Due to an increasing interest in Machiavelli. His course is intended: the Italian language on the part of to show the relations and development the student body, an extension of the of the short story of the Itali Ren- nassaince to the modern novel. Sdepartment is to be made next Ye,+r: "An increasing number of students Prof. Jacob Reinhard will offer new begin itali in th h courses 'In the literature of the Ital- more year," said Prof. Arthur G. Can- ian Rennaissance, and on the short of the department of Romance story. Prof. McLaughlin, who will re- languages. "This makes possible a turn next year from a leave of b- more complete study of Italian lit- sence spent in Italy, will have the erature before taking up Dante, who is courses in Dante, Michael DeFilipls!of course, the goal in the study of It- will have the elemientary* courses of alian literature. It is possible to the first and second years. study Dante with only a years pre- A course in the Italian Rennassaince paration, but two years make for a given by Prof Reinhard will include a greater understanding of him, and a study of Petrarch, Boccaccio, and fuller appreciation." SCHOOL EDITORS OPEN THREE DAY CONTENTION HER DELEGATES FR AIN HIGH SCHIOOLj PUBLICATIONS OPEN CONFERENCE GOOD OF THE SCHOOL IS KEYNOTE OF TALKS Managing Editors, lbsinies I a uagers And Faculty Advisors A semble For DIscussion LODGE iDIS SS PROVIVES FOR RECONVENING OF HAGUE CONFERENCE B Y COOLIDGE SPECIAL COMMITTEE HAS ONLY POWERS OF VETO' N9 Direct Mention Made of The World Court Called For By The League of Nations 1WERE THIE CLASSES MEET Sophomores-At Waterman gym- nasium. Freshmen-At Union. Officials-At Waterman gymnas- i Time-3 o'clock. The tug-of-war takes place by # the Island bridge over the Huron I river at 4 o'clock sharp. Jack Stewart, Freshman cap- 1 taim called the coin in the toss- up for choice of river banks yes- terday afternoon. He elected to ( defend the west bank. SOPHS AND F TO SPLASH WILL MEET AT 4 0'C ANNUAL TUG-W WAR SOPHS MEET AT G FRESHMEN Al Palmer Picked to Les Year Men Into Fray &PPEAL ARCHY sents Personal ation Of ,n, May 8.-(By AP)- they believed would at-f alization of 2 3-4 percent osed in a number of pend- re described in fulsome day by dry leaders at a ore the house' judiciary e of five from the general f the Methodist Episcopal meeting at Springfield. e D. Wheeler, general I ie anti-salooi league, and BURONTO -OPElN University of Michigan National Drive Conmiilttee To Banquet InI Detroit . TODAY FINAL DAY fORRGSRTO con A Booths Will Be Open From 0b O'clock; Women Urged To Register To 4 oole, representin sian Temperan( n attack on the alize the prohib senting a staten at conferencein A to be the bell he "proposal tor al amendment b e of wine and b an orderly leg e and anarchy", ation further ~the" Wo- ce Union, proposed RailIO T') BRAODCAST TALKS TO NATIONWIDE GATHERINGS President Marion L. Burton, honor- Ni h'e a eleg. Live whe se fi k sta frotx nlone ition laws. ary chairman of the National Cam- nent from Ipaign committee for th University of n which it Michigan League drive and Dean Jean ef of that flamilton, acting chairman of the or-j nullify the ganization will be the main speakers by legaliz- at the banquet which is to be given eer is anitomorrow night at Hotel Statler in De- islation to troit, to mark theorpening of a nation members wide campaign for funds, which will' presented continue through May 31. The President's address, together cholson of with the program which the Univer- nti-saloon sity Glee club is scheduled to give, iatoon wasiwill be broadcasted by means of spec- Perlinan, ik equipment installed at the hotel, ether "the to hundreds of interested alumnae ights no all over the country. The Glee club ?m H. An- will begin its program at 7:30 o'- .ate super-clock, eastern standard time, and n pron." when they stop singing at 8 o'clock, is being President Burton will commence to {speak. [man' t The program is to be broadcasted by alary wvas, the Detroit News, station WWJ, direct his plac frpm the Statler ballroom. The wave he receiv- length of this station is 580 kilo-' cycles (517 meters) and it is known s opened that no other station in the country d legis- Iwill be broadcasting on this wave; airman of length at the time that is mentioned ALL-CAMPUS VOTING WILL BE HELD NEXT TUESDAY Today will be the last time that students can register for spring elec- tions. Registration is necessary in order to vote next Tuesday. More than 1700 students filled out the reg- istration cards yesterday at the cam- pus booths. These have been filed alphabetically and checked up with the class lists. The ballots next Tuesday will be compared with the list of those registered so that no one can hand in a vote for someone else. The booths today will be at the same places as yesterday and will be open from 9 to 4 o'clock. It is not necessary to have paid class dues in order to register and vote. The com- mittee expects that the registration total today will reach the 3,000 mark. Yesterday's turnout would have been much larger but for the inclement weather, council members declare, and those student. who did not fill? out card% at that ti e will do so today. Women are urged to turnout for re- gistration in larger numbers today.- From their comparatively light regis-. tration yesterday it would seem that many of them do not realize that they will be allowed to vote upon afl offi-# cers except those of the Union and Student council. On the ballot announced in the extra Monday will be the names of the can- didates for the Union, Student council, Students Christian association, Ora- torical Board, The Board in Control of Student Publications, The Board in the argument for modification. He1 told the committee he spoke for 700,- 000 people who had voted through a referendum of his organization. Twelve Honored By Bar risters; Banquet Tonight Twelve men were initiated into Barristers, honorary junior law so- ciety, last night when the society held its annual initiation banquet at Willitts cafe. Tht junior law stu- dents honored by the society this year are: James K. Brooker, Laurens Henderson, C. Coolidge Kreis, I. B. Stahl, John Hay, Russel Hayes, Ben- jamin Manley, Victor Voorheis, Al- bert Parker, David McEllven ,Herschel Davis and Arthur Moore. Professors Joseph Drake and Her- bert Goodrich of the Law school spoke for the faculty, and Marion B. Stahl for the initiates. Carl Velde. '24L also spoke a few words, and Jack Kelly '241 was toastmaster. Attempt To Check I "Giddy" Freshmen above. A similar dinner, which will take place at the Union here, Mrs. Fred- erick P. Jordan former Dean of Wo- men will speak. The affair will be' presided over by Mrs. Julius O. Schlot- terbeck. It is %with particular inter- est that this group will await the re- sults of the undergraduate campaign, which ends tomorrow these are to be Responsibility of the school publi- cations to the best interests of their own school was the keynote of the speeches and discussions of the open- ing sessions of the Michigan Intersch- olastic Press association which open- ed its three day conference at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at thle Union. Hore than 95 delegates from the high schools throughout the state, includ- Ing managing editors, business man- agers, and faculty advisors assembled for the conference. J. Logan Stevens, '24, president of Sigma Delta Chi, sponser of the con- vention, gave the address of welcome I to the delegates at the opening ses- sion. Paul Anderson, Muskegon, presidnt of the association responded. Prof. J. L. Brume, head of the journalism department of the Uni- versity, speaking on "The Student Viewpoint in High School PubIicat- ions" advised the high school editors against considering their publications fas professional activities, or as labor- atories for their writing courses. John A. Bacon, '24, editor of Chimes, emphasized the fact that student pub- lications must contain what the stu- dents themselves are interested in, and I inspire them to think upon those mat- ters. Ie advised the school editors to secure articles from University men upon educational matters and from business men, articles upon commer-I cial affairs, in this way interesting students in a high education as well as matters of everyday life. l Mr. William C. Holland, superinten- i dent of printing at the university, told, the delegates of the opportunities1 offered to trained and educated mena in the printing industry which has grown to be the fifth largest industry in the country., Robert C. Moriarty, '24, Editorial chairman of, The Daily talked upon1 editorhil writing, and the qualities necessary to write good editorials.] He calls these intellect, ideas and ideals. Following a discussion of this subject the afternoon session was adjourned. Prot. R. K. Immel, of the public speaking department, speaking at the annual banquet at the Union last night, upon "The Tongue and The Inkwell," pointed out the necessity of co-operation between the arts of the platform and the arts of writing. in the challenge with social, political, and religious institutions of 'toda;y' present to the world. "It is the duty1 of both to apply the searckhlight t all institutions and point out their defects; to act as public prophets and custodians of those fundamental ruths which have come down through the ages and which we must preserve for future generations. Professor Brumm acted as toast- raster. During the banquet Booth's orchestra played several selections. After the adjournment of the session, ' the delegates were shown through the' Michigan Daily offices, where they were given an an idea of the actual processes necessary in publishing a1 daily newspaper. Sessions will be held at 9 o'clock and 1 o'clock today. They will be divided between discussion groups and talks by student publication men, faculty men of the university, and school advisers. The afternoon ses- sion will be adjourned at 3 o'clock to allow the delegates to attend the annual tug-of-war between the sopho- mores and freshmen across the Huron { river. OMINGER, 0 2L TO SPEAKi AT LAW REIEW BNQUET! Washington, May S.-(By AP)-_ I'Senator Henry Cabot Lodge today laid l before the senate and the country a SESSI UUJoI new world ecurt plan of his own. It provide-; for the reconvening of the ague conference at the call ofnn Nio Honorary 3e.earch Society ( M1ll Discuss Problems Of P resident Coolidge and creation by it litistigatPobes of a permanent court to which the g nations could submit their disputed for final adjudication. 1". K. RICUT[YER OF CORNELL The resolution of the foreign rela- t ILL GIVE PRINCIPAL TALK tions committee chairman made no) direct mention of the international i National executive committee niem- court already set up under the aus- t pices of the League of Nations, and h ers of the Society of Sigma Xi, za- commendedto the senate by president tional honorary research society, will Harding and Coolidge as an institu- 'hold their annual meeting today and tion worthy of American support. tomorrow in room 173 Natural Science Instead it proposed to build a tri- building, according to Dr. A. S. War- bunal about the framework reared at thin of the Medical school, who is the Hague yearsago, with the judges president of the local chapter. The hselected much after the manner of J meeting will be concerned with the those in the court sponsored by the problems of scientific investigation in league, except that the League itseltis country as well as plans for the would have no part in the~proceedure furtherance of scientific research. while the U. S. would act with Great t nc ion s iht Britain, France, Italy and Japan Tonight the committee will attend through a "special committee" hay- the initiation and annual dinner of the ing a olocal chapter at the Michigan Unibn, 1. 1 f w ih I -I~rcc --Ih: 11rn hi Music Students To Give Varied Pro ram Tonight, Artist students of James Hamilton, of the voice faculty, of the School oft Music will offer a public recital ofc songs at 8 o'clock tonight in the con-j cert hall of the School. Julius Net-f haus, basso, and Miss Isabelle Cum- ming, soprano will be the soloists, ac- companied by Ethel Ann Cumming andj Gwendolyn Wilson. Both of theset singers were students of Mr. Hamilton in Chicago and have come to Ann Ar- bor to continue their work under him. They will offer a rather 'pretentious program which is anticipated withf considerable interest. Recit. "The Rage of the Tempest" ..............Handelt Aria "Hear Me, Ye Winds andt Waves" .................Handel (From Judas Maccabaeus4 Mr. Neihausf 0 Sleep. Why Dost Thou Leave Me? (from Semele).......Handelt Who is Sylvia? ..........Schubertj La Partida ................. AlvarexE Miss Cumming In Questa Tomba Ascura ..Beethovent Had a Horse, A finer no one ever { Saw (Hungarian Folkr Song)..............F. Korbayt Song of the Volga. Boatmen (Adapted by Chaliapin-Koeneman) Mr. NeihausI Aria "Vissi D'Arte, Vissi D'Amore" j (La Tosca) .............. Buceini f Miss Cummingr Trade Winds (Salt Water Ballad)...................Keel l Tears of God................Mowrey Rolling Down to Rio....... German Mr. Neihaus Tally-Ho ...................Leoni Little Star (Mexican Song) ..La Forge Come to the Fair...........Martin Miss Cummingt at wich an aadress wiLL be given by the national president, F. K. Richtmy- er of Cornell university. Henry B. Ward of the University of Illinois, Ver- non Kellogg of the National Research council and Professor Carl H. Eigen-I mann of Indiana university will also speak. The addresses will deal with the aims of Sigma Xi, of the signifi- cance of scientific research, and of the relation of the latter to public wel- fare. Colonel T. C. Hodson, who is at present giving the lectures in anthro- pology in the university, will speak for the initiates, and Dr. NWarthin will preside at the meeting. Questions Wicorned The presence of these distinguished men on the national committee, who will speak at the banquet, tonight is an occasion of great interest ana val- ue to the University in the opinion of Dr. Warthin, who has announced that' the committee will welcome any ques- tion or problem concerning scientific work in universities, from any depart- ment or any member of the University faculty. While here the committee will be the guests of the local chap- ter at the Michigan Union. Following are the committee men: officers, presi- dent, F. K. Richitmyer, Cornell univer- sity; secretary, Edward Ellery, Union college; treasurer, George B. Pegram, Columbia university; executive com- nittee. Carl -I. Eigehmann, Indiana university; George W. Stewart, Uni- versity of Iowa; Clarence E. McClung., University of Pennsylvania; Vernon fellogg, National Research council; Henry B. Ward, University of Illinois; Clarence E. Davies, New 'York, Alum- ni representative. Will Rearrange Football Ticket Preference Plan "ItN ti v iin tn the ettr f d t announced from Detroit by President Control of Athletics and Varsity cheer- Burton. leader. These offices will be voted It has been planned that dinners will'upon at the election Tuesday. be held simultaneously in every state. The booths for the election at that and in every country in the world, time will be located at the same places wherever there are five or more Mifht-. as they are today. The vote will be3 gan women graduates. The following taken by colleges. group of faculty men are scheduled to sneak in some of the larger cities: iESix Orators Will Prof. William H; Hobbs at Indianapolis Prof. Louis A. Strauss at Pontiac, i Seek Honors Of Kemp Keena at Buffalo, Prof. William, A. Frayer at Mt. Pleasant, Secretary AtkinsonAwards Shirley W. Smith and Dr. G. Carl Hiuher at Jackson, Dean John R. Ef- Seventy-five dollars in cash and a finger at Minneapolis. Dean Allen S. gold medal are to be awarded tonight Whitney at Ypsilanti, Prof. C. J. Cam- ito the successful contestants in the phell at Monroe and Dean Wilbur R. annual Atkinson prize oratorical con- flumphreys at Toledo. At these meet-- test, which will be held at 8 o'clock ings some of the problems that are in University Hall. The winner will facing the students of Michigan at the receive a prize of fifty dollars and a present time, and matters pertaining gold medal; the, second choice will{ Ito the University of Michigan League be given twenty-five dollars. building, will be discussed. The subject of the discussion is "Student Character for World Citizen- London, May 8,- Dispatches from ship." Six speakers will present 1 Dublin record rumors 'that the Free orations on various phases of the sub- State government contemplates im- ject, confining their speeches to fif- mediate release of the interned pri- teen minutes in length. soners who have not yet been brought W. C. Dixon, '26, will present an to trial, but it is not clear whether 1oration entitled "Balance of Character .! f E << ! -I i t 1 Sophomores and freshi at 4 o'clock tfiis afte tug-of-war over the Hu traditional event which place on the first of the f day spring games. T rivalry between the two is especially keen due men taking the fall gan ft'erry field. The Sophor termined to drowned the the river. At s o'clock sharp th will assemble, the soph+ ig at Waterman gymna freshmen at the Union. student councilmen and Sphinx 'and Triangles this time at Watermang !direct the two classes The class captains will for choice of banks. The march to the riv mence at 3:15 o'clock, th heing led by their resp The captains and lieuten charge of the two groups men officers have alrea nounced. Captaining the sophor Lowell Palmer, who was spirited pep meeting of '26 held in the Union yet noon. He .has appointed lieutenants: Robert Bros Davies, Harris G. Ch Matheson, H. Frederick I Ferenz, Harry B. Kc Hawking, C. G. Oakma Vose, George R. Snider, On the opposite sles the officers will form t the rope] There will which will last until on other is pulled across the and into the river. The will be givcu two points nping the Spring Games On Saturday. morning will reassemble -0 8:30 1 same places. Watermar t't the Uai n. They wi 't( Ferry field where th e1n 'marke. off for 'Three everts A .11 be 1 Wt- point neh- the a c ie spree. ant1 rope t F eked team w".1 be us( two events, whiP o it111 S"es will .-apt to ti up by means ;, short pi 'ea n man. ,the lass out of' the possible fiv win the Spring Games. The committee in chai games consists of James chairman; Donald C. Hugh K. Duffield, '24, Fox, '25E. EXAMNTION DA FOR ENGINEER S 'Vifn note had of ever being able to con- mts in the underclasses, freshmen, that class flags e 'on the campus flagpole, s and grounds department ook the step of attaching rope to the top of the ence building in order toI of the "verdant freshmen" g "giddy" before their 'FATHERS' DAY BANQUET 'TICKETS PUT' ON SALE si IIS:0ey Up to tes LU enL s s Final examination date; to how the football seats are sold," said Harry Tillotson, of the Athletic gineering college 'were association, yesterday. "At present yesterday by Secretary L. we are working with a committee from close Wednesday June 11. the student council, trying to arrange lThe schedule is as follo a suitable seating arrangement for classes at 8 Friday June the games." Mon June 2 8-1;a 10 "In 1922, we changed to the present .Ju-e;2,-'12;uaty, system of distributing seats. Up to 2-6; at 11, Saturday, M - that time, the block "M" was in the at 1, Monday, June 9, 8-12 middle of the stands, and occupied Jne Je 2 about 2.600 seats. Upperclassmen did Tuesday classes - at not want to sit separately from their ,June 7, 2-6; at 9. Friday,J ! , i , Eamon de Valera and the other Re- publican leaders will be included., Patna, British India, May 8,-A, serious epidemic of cholera has swept[ over the Bessar division of Bengal,f where more than 10.000 deaths have occurred this year. In the worst af- fected district 1,000 died last week. Idealism; Lillian McEachern, '24, will talk on "The Spirit of Youth," the topic selected by J. W. Elliott, '26, is "Student Life and Character,"; and{ J. J. Rosenthal, '25, will present the topic "Culture Our Last Hope." El- mer Salzman, '25, a meinber of the Varsity debating team, will also speak, his subject being "A Student's Code." more than $300 is spent or levied against the a to pay for the cutting en the pole and for get- remove the class em- ppear from the top per- Tether the ruse of plac- out of reach of the stu- ve the desired effect re- een. READ! World's Population Problem Will Soon Be Acute--Schull Increase of the world's population' at the rate of fifteen million yearly forms a problem that will be acutely, felt within two or three generatons,I Professor A. Franklin Shull told the 1 class in Heredity yesterday. i Delivering a lecture which was com-I scientists, w o r k i n ; independently things, that the world's population bears a direct relation to the food sup- ply. By the year 2100 the population of the United States, at its present rate of increase, will be 193,000,000, the maximum number this country is capable of supporting under present Gustavus A. Ohlinger. '02L, of Tol- edo, will be the speaker of the even- ing at the annual dinner of th'e Law Review a sociation. which is to be held tonight in the Union. Alumni mem- bers of the association from neighbor- ing cities will attend, together with Professor J. B. Waite of the Law school and twenty student editors of the Law Review. Among the distin- guished guests will be Regent Ralph: Stone, of Detroit, once editor of the Michigan Law Journal, foregather of the brnsent Law review. Tickets for the Father-and-Son ban- quet to take place in the Michigan Union Friday evening, May 16, will; be placed on sale at the ticket desk of1 the Union from one to five o'clock. this afternoon, it was announced yes- terday by Franklin L. Dickman, '25E,3 chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements. Tickets which arej $1.50 will also be sold from four to five o'clock every day next week un- til Friday. OGLEE CLUB WILL GIVE ANNUALDINGE TONIS-NT More than 75 couples including members and their invited guests will attend the annual formal dance of the Varsity Glee club to be held at 1 friends, however, and we were forced to fill up the remainder of the section' with freshmen. Of course, the upper- classmen objected to seeing freshmen in fifty-yard line seats, and the stu- dent council asked us to change to; the present system." "The Athletic association is just as anxious as the students to encourage enthusiastic cheering, and a unified' rooting section is very satisfactory., However, we are not sure that the old I complaint will not be raised again, for if the upperclassmen sit aVith their friends, freshmen must till upj the rest of the section." Two years ago, upon recommenda- tion by a special committee of the' student council, the block "M" was shifted to'the west stands .ad divens itl u ,L , u . , i u at 10. Tuesday, June 3, Tuesday, June 3, 2-6; a June 9, 2-6; at 2, Satur 8-12; at 3. Tuesday, Jun Special hours announ follows: Shop 2. 3, and June 4. 8-12. E.M. 1, 2, Draw. 2, Tuseday, June 1 3, Monday June 2, 2-6; E. day June 5, 8-12; Sur Saturday, May 31, 2-6. All casw on conflicts signed examinations sh norted for adjustment tc Higbie, Room 272, east building who represents I tion committee. f y regrets that any P m(I' haIc mi ,, .n