_____ _____ ____THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. ... .. ....e.. _ " zs -L I Nootice _ d S . S ' 2 ALPHA PHI WINS OPENING CONTEST . E PAGEANT IT MB'i She Is :National Leader Of P.T.A. * _.''. . . Announcement has been made of the! committees in charge of the Freshman. pageant which is to be presented im- m~ediately after the fild games and before the lantern procession on Tues- dlay, M~ay 20, on Palmer field. The+ list of committee members is as fol- General chairman, Sue Grunidy a~on- ~ ner; assistant chairman, Alice Hick~s; advertising committee, Mary Dent Miller, chairman; Margaret Reid, Bet- ty Cossitt, Jane White and Eleanor SVerdier; mujsic comititee, Gladys Schrader, .chairman, Lylos IHayea, Katherine Kelder, Florence Foster,I SMinna Miller and Louise Rittenihouse; Sprogram commitee, Clara Fo:x, chair- man, Frances Parrish, Elsie Nicholsonrn e C o e nd M r a e a k Finance committee, Persia Cop"' , chairman, Alice Goudy, Margaret Slher- man, Charlene Shiland, Margaret Biif-' . lngton, Nora Alsterlund and FEthel r chairman, Anna Arnold, Ilannali Fitch, Sarit~a Davis, Lucinda Slier-, Swood, Gretchen MVullson and ;"axine Rusty'.} S Costumes, Ruth Holgau ,Ic, chair- mani, Marion Dainiel Lad~cle Fiegel, jIren~e Field, Jean Grover, Elizaheth Hlastings, Helena 1Knapp, 1Harri(t Levy and Hlarriet Wise; publicily, Laniore SGardner, chairman, Elizalbeth Tb omi) -' son, Charlotte Haller, AdelZ De Lano and Jean Kyer. Claims to be Scout Founder S Miss Clara. A. Lisetor-Lan e, de- clares she founded the g irl :scout or- ganization in 1910 while employed on Sa Des Moines, Ia., newspaper, and wrote the handbooki of the organiza- tion. She claims that her book went Sto press almost simultaneously with the issuance of Miss B~aden -Powell's in England, and that it was "in no way the out-growth. of or connected+ with thie English. organization." She threatens to prosecuite Mrs. Juliette s.Low, who is the acknowledged founder i of the girl scouts in this cou~nt ry. "Jimmie the adtakeir" sells anything Nrses from the Unliversity hospital have pledged $1,100 in League mjem- berships and team captains report, that, a larger amount than this ivill be obtained from this group before1 Friday. The remainder of the cam-1 paign report is as follows:l Alumnae house........100 pct. Collegiate Sorosis ........100 Alpha Xi Delta.......100 Pi 1eta Phi .............100 (Kappa Delta .............100 . Llnqluist (5 'members) .100 Ladd (3 members).......100 ' Caughey (9 memnbers) .... 100 Adam s (10 m emnbers)......10011Mei (6 m b rs . . ..0 Coon house............100 Kappa Alpha Theta ........ 94 Reagh (16 members)....... 87 Betsy Barbour........... 86 Gamma Phi Beta .......... 85 Ireman house............ 83, SKappa Kappa Gamma ...... 83i' Chi Omega............... 82 Adelia Cheever...........80 Delta' Zeta ...............80 Spaulding (14 members) .. 79 Westminster (14 members). 79 I Alpha Ci Omega ......... 79 Martha Cook. ............. 78° Qosting house.... ..75 Helen Newberry......73 Rock (9 members)........ 67 Mohler (9 members). ...... 67 Limpert (6 members)...... 67: Fawcett house........... 67, Zeta Tau Alpha.......... 61 Phi Sigma Sigma ........ 60 Delta Delta Delta ......... 57 Sweezey............... 55 1 Forhmals ........ ........ 54 Schaumen (10 members) .. 50 "Jimrmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly.--Adv. . ... ,,.Opening -the( first round of thle in-' : rhouse baseba:ll tournament Alphapl Members of the world fellow-ship ) defeated Zeta Tau Alpha 2"-10' committee of the University Y. AV. C. yesterda y aftern)oon on Palmer field. A. will meet at 5 oclock today. The- next games on the schedlule will be p Ilayed at 4 o'clock today when~ Membrs f te cst f t juior si1 contests will be staged. I irls', play Nwil meet at 3 'clck to-_____________ day at Westminster I-all, V6P'sEacst.~ TC ILGV Huror. street.I . A VIL I BREAKFAST MAY 241 I Members of act 2 of the Sen«^r Gr play wvill r eheanrse at 4 o'clockb today in Sarah Casw.ell Ang-eil hail., Act 3 Iwill rehearse at 4 oclc tor row inj the parlors of the g; mnasitln. . tj . Arrangemeonts -re being complctedI for the' annual Ay3 breakfast to lbe g;iven Saturday morning,' Mtay 24, by thie Uiversity Y. W. 'C A..' The affair iiven erapich year during the week of i Th~ere will obea a. nile ap class in c riding for wom ~en wvho are t 0kiin c th, course for ce t.ti10 o'cloc iSa.ur- da4y at the Fair, grounds. Mfembc rs of the oldi and newtY . W C. A. cabinet will mneet at 5:.i0 o'- clock today at NIA berrk hall for n dinner and discussion. This will be' one of a series of three training cou- oils. Old cabinet members will meet at 5 o'clock todlay for a short ibu x- ness ineeting. p.' May Festiva! so that mothers andi oth- Johnny Dundee and Bon er guests may be entertained. Ruth may clash for the ninth takn'2,isnchreotebek-dtplsgohou. v fast. ters are considering the b+ Ageing in wood takes timeQ anud costs us lots more money, but it gives you better tobacco Velvet is made from the best Kentucky Burley tobacco money can buy, and every bit of it thoroughly aged in wood. It is mild, finie flavored and smokes cool. Remember-aged in wood. k - e "PFistRun Pictures" 4 ' co made Y gazettes _ _ --- -' __ .; M~rs. A. HI. Reeve} Mrs. A. H. iReeve, of Philadelphia, i presidenit of the National Parent- ITeachers-' association. ;,Tl§ body has a membership of between five and six hundred thousand anid is organized i n 46 states of the United States. Its r Iwork is being introduced and branch- es formed in _1Me-ico, Alaska, Hawaii, 1Ionol ul t2 Latvia, France, Australia,1 and New Zealand. The aim of the organization is to Promote co-operation between the par- ents and teachers of the children to} their mutual advantage. The 28th an- nual convention was held recently in St. Paul, Minn. 11-Y Women Attend Senior Tea !An air of festivity hovered over the corridor: and parlor of Martha Cook dormritor"y yester'day afternoon whcn jmore than 150 senior women attended, the last senior tea of the year. Dor- othy Bogan, chairman of the senior social committee, presided over the re- freshment table.. Calcutta-Liemt. Pelletier Daisy ar- rived here yesterday in his flight from Frane etob Japan, .coveringkhiss ltestj 750 miles in six and one-half hours. He probablyr will be hed here two or three days ~for rpairs to the wingsI of hilan. are the mofst approiate? gifts L A S', "TMESTO-NIGT 66 ~ st Bond" WTTFI AN ALL STAR CAST] 1,Tmrrr &CMI~eBs TOBACCO CO. Pe~iTr oryu ~h ci her a ~an Y fro 61 1 E. Uni ersily Call 115 '. i . ..a F European Travel. v r t.: . . .~ . :: .. , .:. ; The be t in F-URS. Furs to. suit ever)) taste and purse We have built our reputation on excellent merchandise Sat reasonable prices, but N4EVER BEFORE - have we been able to oifer such remarkable bargains lfl It is useless to mention prices for you must see the quality I Sand style of the furs in order to appreciate the wonderful'~ Svalues. D'on't delay. These values will not last long. 1217 East 7U DlhtIf(~ hoej Liberty .aWu 11' ""I 'lW .r ESTABLISHED 1902 =~ -I W I~ ltlllllll{Ilgllllili1I11{111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfill lllli~q{1(IIIIIIIII1!{111!{ I 19241 STours for Select'e ' and Limited Number of Young W ome n TOUR "A"-June 26-sepr. 1.3.............$1,030 TOUR "B"-June 26--Aug, 21.... ..........$709 MISS ELIZABETH PERSONS, A. B. Wei-lsCclie.7c,- M. A. The Johns. Hopkins University. ANN ARBOR 8 16 Tappan Phone 2798 FANMM MISS A. HOBBS F or information DETROIT 2989W. Grand Blvd. Phone 3774 S SSheer Ma B ~ ? E A"" ma8 C3V ci a. d0 1 1 _ n I 3FIo A Drama s TEiRLATIVVies rrITjATIlPOSITIVEIA CANN~OT T1E1tENPOPSNE'SSOF IT ALL "enIuls Of Ar tistry, The Guidnc f D E: :/m I EXPESS THE NW PLAYING :4~80 ll"WbLl al.lit Ul "k)'UU 1:. a YtC i } .gnitude, Unparalleled ITAP 4i TilSSVFPEE4A)LOSSAL PR(IDUCTIO)-WlOUL) BE iAS NOV~i 11 ITV -1ENOT'' Map'nific ence,9 I e ni !B I PF7 I £ -- D r f LON CNi.AN EY QV OD v i EDE o0 ¢ r { T , , i" r fr U[LI7J/ i ' S 7 I 1 - ., " . ' , : r } IA NIB LIATCOLN Beauty Culture and Toilet Preparations for the Hair and Scalp- Skin and, Nails i I NOW SHOWING ROBERT W CHAmBERS STRRINGl CORIN4NE GRIFFITh CON WXY TFARLE ELLMOT DEXTER; We have obtained the privilege of handling Janie Lincoln Preparations for our Clientele, knowing that the University wvoman is at all times interested in the highest preparations of this character, where per- sonal application is required. We offer- .Janie Lincoln skin re juvenator Janie Lincoln manicuring preparation~s Janie Lincoln face poivdr s Janie Lincoln creme dua Jour 1 i , ,a >. , . - t . - ich As You Have 1Never Seen in All Your Life. Written By Jublime. Genius Has, Made Hime Immortal .NEX'T'WEEK r IYM// 61 JunowAed of the huamar peart and mind d hint t0 cejiter the e?!tire 'do~t Of tis great i~s ic ponthlov10e of .0&l t eprinipal 1ara1CterS for 9110 wonlalm. .amid scees o f 1Unparallel ed )Izaultude on scale never before attempted-youv will en- 3 it as y-ou never enjoyed any't~hbig before ryour life. / ' ~ Q'5 ,,-- b,7S°7 4 " -pirIcEs- FArn ^~al:tini, -willho fhaA c i I