I fr41 al WESTERN CE ED1ITORIAL I i / EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY Q 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, F L CONFEREES OSTTONE ION OPOSED) [UTE DATE DAILY TO ISSUE EXTRA ON ELECTIONS, XONDA The Daily will issue a, special I elections extra on Monday, May 1 12; All candidates for the presi- dency of the Student council, the * C Union, the Student's Christian j j association, and the Oratorical board who wish to have their pictures appear in this extra I must turn in glossy prints today ' j at the Daily office in the Press building. Credentials for the j candidates in order to appear in j the electiohs issue must be writ- ten immediately and turned into the presidents of the various or-I ganizations. I If the pictures or the lists of. qualifications for the offices in I any one organization are incom- I j plete that organization will be J omitted entirely from the extra. E'NTHUSIASM RUNS' HIGH AS FRESHMEN, HOLD PEP MEETINGIl YEARLINGS PREPARE TO BATTLE SOPIIOMORES IN GAMES SATURDAY CLASS OF '26 TO MEET AT 5 THIS A FTER NOON GATHER TODAY -FOR PRESS CONVENTION TO STUDY METHODS OF MODERNI .JOURNAIJSM IN THREE- DAY SESSION ; To Negotiate With r Debarring Treaty . C, May 7.-(By oolidge dby strenu- fforts today obtained Stuart Elected Frosh Captain; Lieutenants And Cheer- Lei.ders Naied Ten EXPECT DELEGATES OF 45 STATE HIGH SCHOOLS Brumm Speakts This Afternoon; Yost: And iImmel At Annual Ban- quet Tonight Delegates from more than 45 high schools throughout the state, includ- Enthusiasm ran high yesterday af- ternoon when every freshman able to crowd his way into the Union reading ,.., rnent to rec- of statutory 1 Madrch'1, ment ,would GROESBECK RULES 61.P.'CONVENTIONI ifronted with prospect of exclu- effective July 1 next as agreeax esterday by the conferees., the dent held a number of hurried rences with the result that the rence committee at a session late e day rescinded their previous n and voted for the new effective President for the of the exclusion son given by the unusual action. ublican, Pennsyl- n for the confer- rovision had been use members "at resident," and had e Senate members CFEFOR { TONIGHT e tomorrow' for thb At- al Atkinson These cou--! niers from Approves Coolidge Administration, Mellon Tax Plan And Bonus Bill GOVERNOR' DEFENDS PRIMARY AGAINST SMITH AND FORDNEY Grand Rapids, May 7.-(By AP)- With Governor Groesbeck in complete control, Michigan Republicans today held a state convention which on the surface at least was entirely harmon- ious. There were undercurrents of dissension, but the whole hearted sup- port of the delegates, who gave the Governor a tremendous ovation, swept away the opposition. After former congressman Joseph Fordney, and former U. S. Senator Win. Alden Smith' had attacked the primary system and endorsed the pre- primary convention method,; Governor Groesheck toqk the platformn and dis- agreed. He asserted that he is not yet ready to believe. that tthe 'prInial principle' is wrong President Coolidge was lauded, thei primary system was condemned, the I Washington investigations were men-: tioned, and the delegates went on re- cord as opposed to the alleged demo- cratic idea of making political cap-i ital ofth em. IAdjls ted corhpensation for ex-ser-. vice men was endorsed, although i President'Coolidge is expected to vetoI the bilI enacted by Congress. The; state conservation commission was commended. ' In the resolution Gov- ernor Groesbeck was paid a high compliment. They declared that "it is a pleasure to endorse the adminis- tration of Governor Groesbeck" and wvent on to compliment him for effici- enev and business-like conduct. The Mellon tax reduction plan was approved. room cheered hlmself hoarse as his class prepared itself for the coming, fray 011th the sophomores. The Spring Games of 1924 are predicted to f be the most spirited in years with the' yearlings determined to repeat their success of last fall and the sophomores' using every possible means of exciting; their men into beating the new men' in every event. ohn Stuart was elected captain of the freshman for the games. Ten lie- utenants and two cheerleaders were. appointed by him. The lieutenants selected are: Dwight F. Kellar, John H. Lovette, Elmer E. Langruth, Thom- as R. King, Richard C. 'Morrison, Clare W. Sabin, Edgar Madsen, Leslie J. Wessinger, Douglas Dickey and Theo- dore Hornberger. Alvin W. Tolle and Willis E. Topper were chosen cheer- leaders. Sophomores To Meet Today The sophomores will meet at 5 o'- clock this afternoon in the assembly room of the Union for their pep meet- ing. Hand slips advertising the meet- ing have been given out to the various 'members of the class. It is expected { that a big turnout will mark the final crganization of '26 into a fighting machine for the games. At 4 o'clock the Spring Games will open with the tug-of-war across the Huron. The freshmen will meet at] 3 o'clock at the Union and the so- phomores at the-sanme time by Water- man gymnasium. As is the custom the sophomores will carry the rope l down in the niarch to the river. ,Both classes" will be lead by tlieir respect- ive bands.' The captains .will toss a coin for choice of sides of the river. One tug will be held in which all! that can find 'a hold on.the rope 'wil be'alldwed'to .pull. This will eli- 1minate all previous" "weighing in." Officials will be present to supervise I the event: "1''M" ien, councilmen ind menmbers of Sphinx and Triangles will officiate. They will meet at 3 o'clock at, Waterman gymnasium pre- vious to the encounter., To Add Obstacles On Saturday morning the rope tying contest, obstacle race and cane spree will take place. The committee is planning on ia.ving more obstaclesi this year than ever before and in the rope tying contest one fifteen minute' period will be substituted for the two I ten minute periods used in the past. Each event, will count one point. In the obstacle race the winning side t in two oUt of three races will be giv-I eni the point. The 'tug-of-war on Fri- day counts two points making a total of five. The winner of three out of this total will take the entire Spring Gans. The meeting places for Saturday monrning will be the same as on Fri- day. The time will be 8:30 o'clock. Oficials will meet at this time at Wat- erman gymnasium and will supervise the march to the field. Universit rBand Elects Officers: -t ve are one of which is dollars in cash and the winner, and s for the second as a memorial, to by his father;- Orie Creek. , 'ree to the general mas C. Trueblood ~aking department ing managing editors, business man- agers, and faculty advisers of high school publications will gather here today, for the third 4nnual Michigan Interscholastic Press Association con- vention,, to be held today, Friday and Saturday under the adspices of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional jour- nalistic fraternity. i The purpose of th 's convention is to promote a better understanding of the ideals and methods of modern journalism as they may be applied to the editing of their high school pub- lications, and to create a better fellow- ship between the high schools of the state. First Session Starts At 2 o'clock Representatives will register at the Union from 9 o'clock until 2 o'clock., The first session will begin at 2 o'clock with Carl Schoonmaker, '25, chairman of the committee, presiding. John L. Stephens, '24, president of Sigma Delta Chi, will give an address of welcome, and Paul Anderson, of Muskegon, president of the associa- tion will respond. Prof. J. L. Brumm, head of the department 'of journalism, will give the principle address of the afternoon sessio. John A. Bacon, editor of Chimes, will talk upon "The School Paper's Opportunity," which will be followed by a general dis- cussion on this subject. At 4 o'clock William C..Holland, su- perintendent of printing;at the Univer- sity will tgive "A Few. Words From.' ,The, Printer." .Following this address .Boh Brown, ogrmespe ndent- for the' Djtroit News, will give some 'practical advice,:on "Reporting and News' Writ-' ing" as he sees it in his everyday work. . 'lhe annual banquet will' be .held nt .6:15 o'clock this evening at ^the ,'nion,:at which .time the high School editors will hear Coach Fielding H. Yost,, director of intercollegiate ath-' letics. and Prof. R. K. Immel, ;®f the public speaking department. Booth's orchestra will furnish the music for the occasion. Professor Brumm will act as toastmaster. On Friday the sessions will be turned over to discussions during the first part of the meetings. 'Student publication men and faculty members of the journalism department will ad- dress the delegates at these two ses- sions on Friday. Saturday morning will be occupied with election of of- ficers, business matters, ,and the awarding of cups. Each year four cups are awarded, one for the best weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and annual publication in the high . schools throughout the state.1 To Witness Tug'-War The Friday afternoon session will he adjourned at 3 .o'clock to enable the editors to witness the annual tug- o'-war between the sophomores and freshmen of the university across the' Huron River. The delegates will also' witness the class games which will be held Saturday morning at Ferry Field. Saturday morning the representa- tives will be the guests of the Athletic association at the Michigan-Ohio State track meet at Ferry Field. The men attending the convention wil be housed at the.different frater- nities, and the women will stay at the sororities. The committee still has several delegates to house, and any fraternity or sorority able to take care of two or three of these high school editors should call the regis- tration booth at the Union anytime today.i Paul Anderson, Muskegon, is presi-: dent of the Interscholastic Press As- sociation; Paul. Huss, Ann Arbor, secretary; Jack Mulcahy, Detroit, treasurer; Douglas Doubleday, Kal- amazoo, vice-president. Carl B. Schoonmaker, '25, is generald chairman for the fraternity of the con- vention. The other members of the committee are: Programs. Robert Tarr, '24; housing, William Stoneman, '25; registration, David Bramble, '25; arrangements, John Stephens, '24; judging. E. G. Burrows, of the jour- nalism department, Prof. J. L. Brumm. of the journalism department, Donal Hamilton Haines, editor of the Michi- .'snn A mir, r nnr . n lhart' Mnrartyr Cabot's Daughter Still Critically Ill, Says Messag A telegram received yesterday by the secretary to Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical school with regard te the condition of his daughter Mary, reads as follows: "International hos- pital, Naples. Condition desperate." The missive was not signed, but as ample time has elapsed for the Dean to have arrived at his daughter's bedside, it is thought to have come from him. No other news had been received up to a late hour last night. _400_O MEET AT SMOKER Talks By Dean Bursiey, Kelly And Snyder Stimulate Spirit For Spring Games CLASS WILL HOLD MEETiN- FOR ORGANIZATION TODAY More than 400 Sophomores turned out to the "All-Soph" smoker held at the Union last night to stimulate spir- it for the games with the freshmen Friday and Saturday. Intense spirit manifested itself when every Sopho- more resolved that his class would win the class contest this week end. Musical selections dominated at the gathering, intermingled with talks by George Snyder, '26, literary class president, Jack Kelly, '24L, president of the Student council, and Dean Joseph A. Bursley. Circulars were passed out after the meeting for dis- tL:ibution over Ann Arbor urging all of the class of '26 to come out to thei rganization meeting today at 5 o'clock in the assembly hall of the Union and' to give support in the games. Opening the program was an orch-, estra of Sophomores followed by sev- oral selections on the xylophone by Burton Hyde, '25M, soloist for the r ALL STUDENTS MUST REGIS TODAY ORl TOMORROW TO !ILL r -o IN CAMPUS SPRING ELECT'I! I WHERE TO REGISTER Lits-In front of Library. Engineers--Engineering arch aLaws--Law building. Archltects-Engineering arch Dents-Dental building. Eds-In front of Library. Pharmiles-In front of Library. Medies--In laboratory sections. TDIE-9 to 4 o'clock. ! E t S , r t tEj ! 1 BOOTHS T BOTH I PER Offcleals ,glee club on its spring trip. A. L. will open the performance proper and Gleason, '25M accompanied him on theI give the introduction for the acts that piano. I;follow, I Snyder urged the 'class to get togeth-,I The performance of the play "Chi- er in order 'to "whip the freshmen." Itra" is unusual in that few of Tagore's, 'He Ilso anounced thiit more men were plays have been presented here either wanted for the ,Sdphomore band, to j publicly or privately, and that the I play the days of th-e games. Kelly cast with but one exception is made impressed upon the 'second-year men un of Hindus now in the 'University the necessity -of entering into the frac- Native Hindu costumes will be used as with the yearlings with a. true in this scene. MAchigan spirit. 'IThe 'Girls' Glee Club will sing six. Dean Bursley gave some of his own . numbers. including a Belgian and a experiences while' in college and ur- (Czecho-Slovak folk 'song as well as ed the class to go into the games with the French "Mon Pays." The Girls' the idea of winning, but of winning in Glee Club is taking part in the per- a fair way. The Sophomore band, I formance at the invitation of the Cos- composed of more than 20 men con- mopolitan Club. cluded the program. An imitation of Sir Harry Lauder To Wear Red Tags by Benn Ing, '25, promises to be one Red tags to be worn by all Sopho- of the features of the evcning. Ing. mores in order that they may distin1 who has never heaid Lauder except guish fellow class members this week ion a phonograph record, is said to end were passed out. carry off the part laughably and well. Sophomores will meet at 5 o'clock A demonstration of Japanese wrest- today at the Union for their organisa- ling, Jiu Jitsu, will follow Ing's act. tion meeting, Friday afternoon at 3 1'nd Johann Rorick, '24D, will sing, o'clock in front of Waterman gymnas- Ithe South African "Song of Victory." um to ' form for the tug of war, and An Alpine sextette has been secured' at 8:30 o'clock Saturday at the same to take part in the performance, be- place to form for the games on Ferry ing made up of Swiss from three field. Cantons in the Alps. They will sing (Continued on Page Four) HISTRIA ITAKS ODAY Trueblood Makes ON WORLDWA'SCAUSES; hngahDs . l rtn ~ n. nr~m rn~~n nrtlT-nn'rrin n* rom L-onj ;. O. P.Coy id R.nids.Mih S WILL BE OPEN O 4 O'CLOCK DURIN T1,O)DAYS MEN AND WO MITTED TO BA Urge Large Turt Measure of Interest In Self-Rule r ' Booths for registration of lent voters in the University >pen on the campus from 9 Fut registration cards in their:r :ve college booth in order to T he spring elections next 'T *hen the officers of the Studer 31,the Union, the S. C. A., Orn t~socatin ndmembers of the International Night Program Includess in Control of Publications a Talent Of Seven CountrIes 'etics'will be elected on the In Twelve Acts, ballot. The lists of the names rei GIRLS' GLEE CLUB TO AID will be checked with the officia COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION r'olls by the council committe osed of Hugh K. Duffield, '24 International Night Entertainment, nan, howard F. Hoffman, '24 annual production of Cosmopchlitan *2rE. . yer,t oband Edwa club of the University of Michigan .he last day of registration, will be presented at 8 o'clock tonight candled in the same way. in Hill auditorium. Members of the Both women and men studen club, and entertainers from foreign 'egister during the two day countries now living in Detroit will 'men will be allowed to vot provide. amusement varying from The registration will be ta Chinese version of- Sir Harry Lauder's colleges at bo'oths situated on th singing to a scene from' Rabindranath Tagore's play "Chitra." , pus or in the buildings. The 1 ef these booths are announced The performance will open with the The medics will be passed regis overture from Thank You Madam," cards in the laboratory section played by the Junior Girls' play or- committee ha,3 simplified the chestra which is co-operating with so that little tme is reqriied h the club in the production. A scene the t s on the South Sea Island of Ooloo n draws C I UBB'24, NOMINATED 11.4, *fl*;as.1 11. aly ," f n a to Burt D. Cady, chairman of ublican State Central com- [resident Marion L, Burton niversity of Michigan with- name from consideration for at large to the Republicanj convention at Cleveland next{ P. convention .in sterday surprised ir attempt made n, led by George sident Burton's telegram was as s: "I. have observgd in the that there is some consideration name as delegate at large from gan to the national convention.t I appreciate the thought of who suggested it, in order to misunderstanding, I request that nnounce at the opening of the1 ation that this has all been donef ut my knowledge and that I :o withdraw my name from con-. tion. I had previously told the ites from Washtenaw county did not desire my name pre- L" M. L. Burton. an, May 7.-The society of play- ts here has decided to place a >f Eleanora Duse in the Mazonl er where she won so many of her Donald Chubb, '24, was nominated I as a candidate for the presidency of the Student Christian association at a meeting of the nominating committee I at noon Wednesday in Lane hall.. Other nominations for the presidency are withheld until Saturday when they1 will be announced. Rensis Lickert, '26,' and Charles j Higley, '25, were nominated at the! same time as candidates for the see- retary of the association. These are the only offices which are elective, E and appointments for the chairmen of the various committees of the as- sociation, which carry on the extensive programs of the organization, will be made as 'soon as elections are com-. pleted. The successful candidates are to take office immediately. The nominating committee of the organization was composed of J. K. Dunn, '24 as chairman, H. O. Steele, , '25, Rensis Lickert, '26, Jack DeTar, '24, and Milo Oliphant, '24. The vice- presidents are mhde up of the differ- ent church association presidents. Prof. Bernadotte E. Schmitt of Cleveland, will lecture on "New Light on the Origins of the World War" at 4:15 clclock this afternoon in thej Natural Science auditorium. Professor Schmitt has been a lec- turer in history at Cornell, Colum-j bia, the University of Wisconsin,! New York, Tennessee, and elsewhere,! and is a contributor to historical ma- gazines. During the war he served in the American army as -a secondI lieutenant. The lecture is open to the public. k'riends, admilrers, colleagues, and former students have so long urged Prof. T. E. Trueblood of the public speaking department to make a phono- graph record of his voice, that he has finally consented. As a result a Col- umbia double disc record has been made of his reading. One of the sel- ections is the soliloquy of Hamlet'; the other passage from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." These records are available at the Columbia agency on Maynard street. Register Today A big turnout is urged by the 11 to register today. The counci lieve that .if the students ae to adv'antage of their prjdivilege to their, own_ officers .tLnder a st governing, systemn that every, om thei hould signify this desir regits'tering_ today. The gucces the campus, electioxns depends the way the students '#espod. larger the vote.'t's almore ative is the "opinion, the counci Glares. "Only' a brief amount 'of tin taken in signing a- registration c Hugh K. Duffield, '24, said. want everyone to ston at asbooth take care of this small matter so he or she may have a right to a lot next Tuesday. A heavy should be cast at that time." Members of the council nomina committee will meet at 3 o'cloe day at the Union. The nomin committee is composed of the fo Ing: 'John W. Kelly, '24L, preside the Student council, chairman, I ). Thoey, '24, Manging Editor of Daily,'T'homas> 3. Lynch, '2,5L, p dent of 'the Union, Hugh K. Du '24, and Donald C. McCabe, '24. 274 SENIORS5 INITED TO HONORS CON VCT Invitations to 274 seniors ar the regents of the' university, t honor guests at the Honors Con tion next Tuesday, May 13, were out yesterday by the committee o Senate Council, according to Dr thur G. Hall, who is in charge c arrangements during the absent Dean Cabot of the Medical se The 274 seniors represent schob :ally the highest ten per cent of of the senior classes of the un sity, and holders of graduate fe (ships, winners of prizes and m in journalism, oratory and va other departments. The'program arranged for the vocation, calls for an academic Icession by the members of the fa ,in caps and gowns, starting i i E, i Officers for the university band were elected last night at the annual meet- ing held for the purpose. The new officers are A. McKay' Klein, '26L, president; John K. Altland, '24, vice- president; .Benjamin Boyce, '26, lib- rarian; and Edward Hodmaker, '26, assistant librarian. a Underciasses Urged To Refrain From Tampering With Flagpolei Appealing to the Judgment of the l flag of the Unied States is not in two underclasses, G. F. Kasser of the its accustomed and proper place. This buildings and grounds department yes-f gives a bad appearance to the campus' terday asked that the campus flagpole and impresses visitors unfavorably, be left untouched for once during this with the University." time when rivalry between the fresh- I The buildings and grounds depart- men and sophomores is at its height. ment has been urged by the adminis- "Two or three times each year, mem- tration to put a guard of "husky jan- hers of one of the two classes cut the itors" around the pole tonight and to- rope on the flagpole after first having morro tnight, but although means raised -their emblem to the top," he wkill be taken to prevent the appear- Famous Electic Locomotive On Exhibition Here Tomorrow! NTS LIBRARY) ad the extreme pleasure own through the above It was most interest- One of the largest electric loco- of . students from the electrical en- Alumni Memorial hall, motives in the world, and one which gineering department desire to see ;by President Marion L.1 the monster, arrangements can be1 organ music by - Palmer has for the past several years been d t tThe Varsity Glee Clubwil in service on the rocky mountain mefrste o do so.c -al numbers, following wh linesRepresentatives of the railway com- gram will be concludedb St. Paui railway, is to be in Ann pany were in this city yesterday singing of the "Yellow a Arbor, at the Michigan Central sta planning for the exhibition, and it was stated that several lectures will be tion all day tomorrow, and will b tendered to the classes of the college' open for exhibition, free for all stu- tof electrical engineering in a special o l dents and townspeople interested. coach which is fitted up for the pur- DR ACT n { To 1,,nemmfiv~T a is w 1 l-kn'n/',~r'n _I T f tMl( an ad Burton, r Chri 1 give s ich the by esSE nd Blu