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May 07, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-07

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lation in the Bulletin is constructive notiec to all members of
Unidversity. Copy received b: tbf4 Aisifitaut to the Presihent until'
p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdav
ime 4. WEDNESDAY, MAY , 1924 Number~ 15 t
erewil e no onfernce of the 'Deans on Wanesday, 'hiay,7. There.
rweveif, be a conference onWednesday, May 14. iM. L. Biart on.
ed Curricuiwum in betters ad BJntegs Adminlstratlori:
iors who so desire inay; witho~ut penally, file with me an application
ission to the Combined Curricu.lumn in Letters and Business Adminis-
leading to the degrees of Bachelor. of Arts and Master of 'Buslnes^
Stration. Applicants must, before entering upon double reistraibi,'
mred 90 hours credit with at least onie and one-third tiles ;a riany
as hours, and must have completed the specific requirements for the
?gree, and, so far as possible the specific requirements for Ednissinn
School of Business Administration ;tated on pages 7 and 8 of the
scement of that School just issued. This matter should be attended
ce. Arthur #. HaII, Registrar.
ity Women:
Wednesday, May. 7th, at 4:00 P. M. there will be an informal confer-
rwomen to discuss some of the less known vocations. This confer-
restricted to juniors and seniors who have not yet, decided on a par.-
line of work. Mrs. A. S. IHobart, Assistant Dean of Women
ninheering Staff:
:ular monthly dinner 6 P. M. Wednesday, May 7, usual room, UJnion.,
6lentiL. A It.

Stu"3eni hit he !SchimA of Eduation :
'lle Faculty of the scho4ef' Efucaiion ane+1thr', 'c~; tv'l n,; Tr..
ception for the Segiors enrol'lod In the School of -uato >Thrd,
~May 15th, frova four to s'ix o'tdockr at tr.- trn e of P .f s"cr CC?0. Dax.
3 0 0 : a t n A e uGeoiog'y a~d Ge togT a hy Field (.o.urses:t
All studIents,. who have received perrXNsiou from tho!lid ritrtcto-q in t?;
field courses in Geology "nd Cepgraphy to attend tlh(e."ummnke atmp i
I tuelty, should en~'oll at tie IRegistrar's office and jmy their fees o a c:c.
Any others interested in the camp shou1d ccunillt tbio Iire 'tor.
G. 1. Eh1er<, Director,
Opportunities in Ga Eng'ineering:_
Mr. R. B; Harper of the Peoples Gas Light K Q1e C}ompany of Chi1cago
will talk on "Opportunities for Eugineersin the asInduist y" n t",,rem ~-
: Iing room of the Union at 7.:30, Wedn~esday, May 7 Mr. Iarper is sent t here
'as a °reprsentative of the Amuerican Gas Associa 9on The Amercan Gas
Association is interested in bringing engineems of yar Gu~s thrazcil. 3 in to r
ga' n u t y a d w a ,A r - a p r h s _o s l b f i t r~t t dents in all lines of engineering work. Allred It. W hite.
Moving Pletume on Asphalts:
Wt'ednesdty evening in Natural Science Auditoriumn at. 7:15 there will
be .a moving picture covering the mining and manufaicture of asphalts for
k students inEnierg Mechanics 5. The public is invited.
EngineringF. N. )Ienefee.

Ferris Tustitute Stu~ns:
Ferris Institut.e Sudents o~f the University ill ii eet at tVie Un on in
Ftc~om 0l6 Wednesda.y at 7.30 P. Al. for an election of officers and to re-
celve iinort~nt a.nnouuceimects and Information. 17v(>>y former student
of; thra Institute mst be present. N. C. 1 ILTIMI. President.
The reguar mo li liuucbeon Gf the 0 Ronipe Clb will be held Wtedl-
Regular rehearsal at band head uarters tQ Mht at 7:00.
W1i11am Oraiill1dm, Manager.

[3ctJohn Avers1
The ine~t arhitcturl wok o
Z oentmsi en rdcdb
ErcnaesAgsu Jo,
1 1 l- ofon o Nn ke, t n o
Amrcas :-3l iav erselAugusts Jress
aocatiounglconventin.Oe nong
sessionW- Unionr ,ikeUi
9:0a ed T cigan Inerclas i
ThsatPrfssorth omnveeonte
operaton onapeniitistpen
weeks ago, would return to assumr!e,
charge of his advanced course ini ad-
ministrative law, onf Monday of neXtL
week, was a ,sured °yeiterday after-
noon by Professor Robjei t T. Crane,
acting headi of the department.



T E American Line steamer
.1EMinuekahda-world's largest ship
carrying third-class only -offers c
commodations at this low figure for
her sailinig July 3.
Reservations are being made by groups of
college students and professional people
who wish to practice all possible economy
in the matter of steamship fares in order
to have a longer stay abroad.
The Minnckahdcz is a splendid triple screw
steamer of 17,200 ton~s. At the minimum
rate,. you enjoy good food well prepared
and the unrestricted use of large public
rooms and. spacious decks, whether for
games, promenade or quiet reading.
The Minnekahdat
tel~will land you on
the other side in
ample time for
- the British Empire
Exhibition and for
the concluding
events of thie
r Olympic Games.

To Englsand
and Return

due M~ay 8 is 'l'ea~d and Metcalf, Chapters I7128,':9" and
Z. C. Dickinson.

3 Q,. f;

s--Colleges of Literature, Science, and th'e Arts:
ill be a, meeting of the'Mathematical Staff in R~oom
May 7, at 4 p. mn. , J.L.

11.0, T. 13. on

rsity Students Pmwsning Observation in the nAx~ r lYii " 1i
regulahr'period for Observation work ciloses with,1Fiida jA~ay 'h.
ddidtiona~l week closing Friday, May 23rd, is available for students
ebeen unavoidably prevented from completing their Olbervatiorn
nts in. the period assigned, and who have permission from Prof.
his assistant in charge of Observation _asaignments.
wing is a list of Conference hours when observers may confer with
ol teachers regarding any points that they may choose to bring up

U .0. T. C.:^
For~lnatioR today at $:I0 P. X11.
~. Tleadquar'te-s. 'lo~f~al tei aNon. {

ear W . :00P. MV. t t . 0. T.



Ioan CoinmktRtaP ;fee iu :
Thyere wvsill be a. etin~ of the Loan Coemmittee Wednesday M ay -ti
fn Ttoom 2, Unfvive.VSO~Lal Stuents who have pending applications shov,10
appear befor'e the Ccrnitfe At the following hours,: Dntal Collcge, 3:00t;
Medical School, 3JS,; College of Lngineeini,33t; School of Fclcat~an,
3:45; Coll'ege of tLtepature, Scienice and the Arts, 4:00; Law School,.4:30.

If you are intterested, the suggest irntmediate
inquiry, as only a limited number of ac-
commodations remain untaken.

This advertisemnent ap-
pears in -
Yale Daily News
Tfarsard Crimson
Daily Pincetoarn
and, ocher leading col-
lege publicadons.

ration :
tt-Wed. May 14, 3:00-4:00
teele- Wed. May 7, 14, 3:01
)'Brien-Thurs. May 8., 1 :00
loyle-Tues. May 13, 1:00-2
,anville-Wed. May 14, 3:00-
isborn-Friday, May 9, 3:00-
mith-Wed. May 14, 4:00-5:
Vondero--Thurs. May 15, 3:0(
[eur)-Tues~. May It, 3:i00-
owell-Tues. May- C, 1:00-2:
:annan-May 11, 13, 3:00-4:(
iamb-Tues. May 13, 3:00-4
in~$.- JTues. May 1.3,< 3:004:,l
'dgsner-Tues. MIay 1.3, 3:0(
ihkh-aln - ThurVs. JMay 8, -:10
f)uff--Trtes: May 13,1:0-4

0-4:00 P,.'Al;C-11,

14 r kiug.,iemI, or Ally Auitlorized Steamshtp Agenit

At9verttac r .-Adv



-2:00 P. M. B-15.'I _ _ _ __ _-
:00 P. M. C-9. ..--nersm
:00 P. M. 1-13. ',y jN 2 I J -eeringild
4:00 P.MA. 01. ' -W 11 A PSIUII 7]~
00!P..N ' '
0-4:00. P. (Ai ..B-l13, s, i+;,J 6( --fOrY#
4:0.0 . ..? M .A-5, f,',, All" piroj.r eWnI 4U*~ CL- kn
-:00 P. . ,B 16 h M41T14111.t cal~ ~~ $enorI
:0 0 P . I I M . 0 - 1 . * i - ' ' .7 i . . o t 3 ,
"QQ P M T, . 'w-3.. ' - -tt dWDNESlkJA s ~ 1itft ofaspi
1:0 P. M. V ^18 1 eu i YF~.
0-4:00 P . 1 G. + . 31k- h rr, so'n11
to~fp.~n otet
:0~0 P. ,:M. 0714. - Vregutiai' of 6 ?I i airs, ,.,R -
:L' LOFor"'ythe, Principal, 11um. d.F. ~j J red- teetiilr
0C. 0. DRas. yppeIJdir
-~ ..
P~atronize UatkY Adlvrters. -Adv 1111trer i I> 4 '~e ' 3" I tl Il I
7 )7 'tsrtN i iviaity Poe r+0*i4it ~
'r bale, all nations is humanit .w
- V at . o tr
C. I.
V -,
a Sec J-Viti ' re t
,~ 'V h zWs o'lr ..
Beh Nllegb h tpetti1'
{ a usa-dnc ig
a IisIvrstig
I Beu thrille Yyth
1 fRssa
r_- V
L ) -,

i)*jet (ifl the fthuiufac.
alt , Natral Science air-
per reading room, Unl-


Fdifd ad Aapte fo StgeFresentation 1;3
4 P~rice $.0


etlng, room 242, Engi-
gi1Jeel~u~lli uftfinni~~ier.
VV~V '~. lnberAs rneeL4t
Si + V )n~l~iiteP A-'(o o X1$

! I
ry-1f .
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Just Published

.., h

V - f
)Id faster than' the
have been able to

'e were fortunate
h to receive a good
lent this week.


DRUG and

sat y

V. -


Baseball, returns by Special
Wire from Evanston.

All the Dope on the Track
Meet, Spring, Ganis and
Te~n n i Match


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