r T r- r Y 'Ar 4v' IAL 4ij r t a.n Aq Aaiti ASSOCIATED and w FETN CON EDITORIAL ASS No. 159 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WThDNESDAY, MAY 7. 14)24 EIGHT PAGkiS PRICED, *tEh n r Coolidge Leads In Indiana Primary:. I U'; 15 LIEU I5 UTIONI Indianapolis,. May 6, (By ATP.)- -President Coolidge increased his leadr on Hiram. Johnson for the Rlepablicani presidential pr'eference as additional returns from, the Indiana primary were' tabulated tonight. 221 precincts Johnson . 2,509. FIRST YEAR MEN MEEIT'TO ORHGANIZE FOR SPING GAMES FRESHMAN OF ALL COLLEGES TO ASSEMBLE AT UNION TODAY i' ' WEAR CAPS AND GOWNS TUESDAYS AND FRIDA)YS Siwng-Out has come and gone but the caps and gowns. have just come. It is the custom each year for all seniors to wear their, graduation garb during # two designated days of every 1;week from Swing-Out day until Comencement. Tuesday and Fri- day are the days set for thisj ( year. j The can and gown gives thej 1 campus an academic atmosphere ( that nothing, else can. Every senior should realize the impor- t ance of this tradition and not j forget the days. They are (Tuesday and Friday. r( Walter K. Scherer. ENTS OF -;. CAM, NEW COURSES ADDED TO PR ES ENT CURRICULUM Professor Edmund E. Day, Dean, Will! Continue As Read of Econonics Department San Francisco--Complete returns of the 3,309 give }Coolidge 16,494; from, 214 precincts throughout the state give Coolidge 9,938; Johnson 9,443;. :McAdoo 2,682; No preference 560. KELLY TO' ADDRESS COUNCILMEN TO GIVE R ULES FOR CONTESTSj Tug-Of-War Across' To Take Place Fridii The Huron -RIver At 4 O'Clock BILL TO BECOME SENATE AND HOUSE CONFEREES AGREE ON OPERATIVE DATE INDICATIONS POINT TO WHITE HOUSE CENSURE President Wants M1ore Time In Which TIo Negotiate With Japan O ver Ternms Washington,, May 6, (By A.P.)-The provision of the immigration bill for Japanese 'exclusion was agreed upon by senate and house conferees to- night to be effective next July 1, when other provisions of the' bill become operative,' and. was, met immediately l with indications at the, White House that the arrangement was unsatisfact-! ory to President Coolidge. In' reaching this agreement' the con- ferees adopted the effective date stip- ulated in the bill, and passed, by theE house, and receded from the senate position calling for operation of the. Aisiatic exclusion .section immediately1 after the bill became a law. It was evident, however, that in deferring' (Special to the Daily) Minneapolis, Minn., Mlay 6,-Thie Iuniversity of Michigan's baseball team today maintained its spotless Con- ference record: when its second gatie, of a two-game series withi Minnesota was called off in the second innin:; on account of rain. The score at th a end of the second inning stood 3-0 in favor of the Wolverines. COUNCIL ASKS FOR' BIGREISRAIO DEAN Bulletin Ad the DECLARES RO( A\D WILSON IDEj CGRADUATES SENIORS OBSE SWING-OUT: UTI M.ichigan's new School of Business 1'IIjI 1 0I I rsme rmalclee I Senior Class President.I [ministration becomes a reality, Mith iii ilVIF fl I eta 'cokti fenolna h __________________ Sdistribution of the preliminary met a 5o'cockths ateroo inth tiounceinents. iupper reading room of the Union to Thbe fundamental aims of the new ; lrooO fdIT ~nuteSl elect a captain and organize in pre--I o::e nthbas ic rinciplresThoofAonman-e ii ~o are. to take place next Friday after- SD L O I enient. Second: To afford training 1_iooan Saturday. orum9 A ti teuse of quantitative nmesurc -J1pe etn full intucinswllb ats in the solution of managemecnt COVNCILIMEN TOSET OTI I giventh yearlingas in regards to they LA )blemsg. Anid, 'Third: to assure edu-I RULES IN' MEE'I TING iO ivar ious ae htaet ehl n ion in the relutionships between 1-- ruiles governing the contests outlined. siesleadershipanthmoeg- John W. Kelly, '24L, president oM the John W. .Kelly,. '24L, president of First Day Set For Saturday, M1ay :31; duinests nd the m oiy re-en student council, wili adress the 'All- the Student council, will address the Will Continuie Throu~gh .1 interestsboth pubcmmndity ate -new men. as. will other council men ,June ,11 ~sened y. othpubic ad pivae 001'h smoker Which is to be held at wi ,ncies." 'h will be at the meeting. The' 90 Hours Prerequisites 'Needed 7:45 o'clockt tonight in the Uinion as- t freshmen will then organize. for the .f COPIES NOW AVAILABLE IN Phe requirements for admission con-i- sembly- hall. H-e will touch upon, the coming combats. A captain will be OFFICES OF TIDE REGISTRAR tof not less than 90 semester spir'it of the annual Freshinan-Sopho- elected who will draw up h is, plan, of I - irs of collegiate work, with at least, action and oppoint lieutenants to as -1 The schedule of. final examinations manypoins ashour. Ofthes ifO~'eclas gaies wich ill e l it him in directing the class on the for the literary college was given out its at least 18 mast be in economics, ! irday and Saturday. il.A s.h utmacasbn ludinig economic principles, ac- .Iesoer hf s. en r iellds isbath e usomacls. badI yesterday by Registrar Arthur G. iting and statistics. Students en- Th!mkr hc sbiga-f ilas rbbyb omd Hall. The examinations will begin ing rom he lteray colegeare ranged by the 'offivers of the lits aendI The sophomores will hold their i) a 1 ad cniu ing tom toepresearysocomleemare-;etn t5oclc oorwafer audy a 31 n.cni engineers, i for the purpose of get- meiga 'lc oorwale- )ectd t prsen alo srnemat e-noon in the assembly room of the Un- through Wednesday, June 11. Copies tore the glams and to s timulate pr'in h aie ilofcally begin of the examination tschedlule are now )gy. -the following (lay when the classes r~vailable in the office of the Registrar, 'e es, r e i t a i n'n' o h r r u n it fo r th e b a ttle . A d m is s io n xw ill pm e et onbo p p o iteysi esgf t ~ in U i v r i y i a i hters will correspond with similar Iby Union -card only, exipenses for the Iwill meeAttentionitissicalledthbyiDr.ivealltto ,ctions in the literary college for: smoker being raid ont of the treasur- campus, paintaupbandwiledarcby otherec hti hfloigBle- present. "The school will grant a ter of the literary 'and engineering cIvecls bns=il arhtot e te ath is atuate foloingscea- gle degree, M. B. A., ,Master of' classes.; scene. of -combat, the Huron river.le iefis audy eoe a dns diitainuo h netimnet nsoe ilThere the tug-of-war will take place .11l the first Monday, June 2; the sec- sies dmnstatforuonth Etbyineteth ndos es 4willkftrwhcht ewin n d Satu~rday, June 7; the second npletlon of 60 semester hours. Stu-, be providedfobytsei charge. Wt4oclkatrwihtewnig ts who present one: and one-third Four acts of vaudeville' will. be 'pros- i ls ilcry terp o ilad dedy un 1 t.,onn many points as hours for admit- I ented, consisting of an orchestra, a itorium where the victory picture will 4 minations are held from 9 to 12 a'- ce are also eligible~ to receive the banjo act, a fencing exhibition and'! be taken on the step.,,. clock as is the usual custom, and af- ;ree of Bachelor of Arts at the some selections on the xylpphone. The carve spree, obstacle race and ternoon, examinations from. 2 to 5 o'- of their first yea~r inthe businespnch and cookies will be served al- rope tying conteit will be held Saour- clOCk. ool, .I day morning on Ferry field. The: Dr. H-all also stressed the fact that New Courses' Added I 'rneet ai ecm~tdjclass Lalju~g'the, .largest numhter of a xmia 19 U~t eheda~n 'he programs of stuxdy include those 'teipoir ad~wl lopa" events, of the two days will be the nr'unced in the~ schedule,' anti every1 sales managemet, financial ma -.~dun the eveningoTe band' also pa ckno Jedged cl rnF r f the Sprinfg student must take the final. exainin- meni't, the evening. Thee band is . he- atonl in every course elected.' '' nting9 business 'statistics, bank; n~,,farmed. under' the direction o s'' chedule is. cs followvs: Mondlayj iagement,' retail store management, blar'k I3_Brown~; '261], -andt willalso jPflclasses f Q--at 8, first Friday 2-5;"' at' 9i 11 of the courses which are being ! men, o to h and t from la the fracas Friday IJU 1rLOS WI I 'HII, day 25;at1;fis aura -1;a nsferred from the eooisd-Iad audy A , r r l £ fu 1second 'Monday 9412; ~at. 2;'fir'st tmen't are, being revised, and in ing was held last -niht at"' the Ulnii ,;I~lILLJg lIL IIIII Wednesday 2-5; at- 3:second Wednes-'! tinsvrlnwcourses will he a Plans for thlp g . ic formul'- t ~III~ULWI icay 9-12. ed, including' courses in manager-' ated; and a ac~ge tul naut J ,z xpeg4e~I IqTuerdsyclasses-at 'S4,second Sat- accounting, 'managerial statistics,: by those in chiarge. The- Soplionm6rcs -C luray 2-5; at 9,. .first=Friday 9-12; at an entirely new coursei per- will also meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow W~lga leet~Oi..~tt1,frtTedy 91; ti,fis eel 'manragement, in the assembly room of the Union'for I:IikU ySoe~ usa -;a , scn ody25 'he headquarters of the School of the meeting set by the Student coun- 1b 1.2 to 5 1.2 at 2, second' Saturday 9-12; at 3, 'see- esAmiiraitwilbeincii. At that time they will be in- and Tuesday .2-5, pane hall, which will be vacated structed in the rules for the games by 'A'fI Skir NDQUIK hcfloingseduwl e in rfeadto eeral departments to make room'. . l(LEIE LXN~ Spriumem'bers of the council and ,will corn- AEWLEIE UIA ISprc ore vi ei fet oe f th preliminaryinom non announce- plt plans for the struggle.I French 2 (all sections), second Tues-! t, or 'any te nomto.in''___ ___ Special to The Daily' day 9-12; Spanish 2 (all sections),'1 e secured,.1for the present,...in.Room-- Duffield, Comintitee fliairmf!,;, IleavTy Turnout WEI Insitre Better Results SaysI BOOTHS rTo OPENvAT vAmrIOS COLLEGES TOMORROW, FIDAY Both men 'and women students must register either tomorrow or Friday in order, to vote at the spring elections next Tuesday. Identification is not necessary as the lists will be checked pa h ls frgsrto."o one will be allowed to vote ne-xt week, wvho has not filled, out a registrationI card. The registration booths on the cam- -pus will be open from 9 to'4 o'clock ;an both days. Students will register 'by colleges at the followving places: lits, pharmics and _ educationals in front STRESSES PERSONAL' ENLIGHTENED THIN] Scherer nd Kelly Lead Pro( Of Classes In swving Across Campus. Declaring that the two idea versity men 'were Theodore Reo and Woodrow Wilson, and ti. characteristics most needed in 'can life today are enlightened uality, sound and compreh thinking and acting, and power sonal character, Dean Alfred 'H. of the Graduate School, yesterd livered the annual Swing-Out a in Hill auditorium' before. a ec more than 2,000 seniors, robed i and gowns for the first tin: yvear. The solemnity of the oc was forcibly realized whene conclusion of the exercises thes arose and in, a long processi somber black, relieved by the colors of the caps and tassels, m~ their way across the campus in't nual observance of this time h< Lne UiL Lt JUI ILU ranL goas ar as wIi- 4° ,. " ""'; tradition. had been wished by the chief exect-' otheLba egnesan rh- favored by perfect weat tive. Although just how long a de-1 lects at ,a booth under the Engineer-' near graduates assembled by 'lay had been desired by both the Ing arch; laws in the Lawv building; ' n front of the Library. At 4 o' president and Secretary' of State and dents in the Dental building. In; Varsity band started playi: IHughes in order that by "diplomatic the'medical school registration cards Victors" wvhich was the signa exchanges less offensive might be will be handed out at tihe laboratory march to begin. Led by V6 given to Japan has never been au- [sections.. Scherer, '24, president of tli thoriti vely 'disclosed. The council committee in charge of, literary cla ss, and John W. B' ,lWhether, the -arrangement as nowv registration urges that every student president of the 'student cou agreed upon by the conferees wvould st~op' at his or her booth. "It will only senior literary wom~en pros constitute sufficient cause for a veto take a minite 'of one's time and is ; Hill aundiorium followed by t of the immigration bill was not dis- i necessary if we are to obtain a rep- "c41~or classes in odr closed at the White House but it was, resentative student vote at the elect- i Walter K. Scherer, '24, o said that the president did not con-j ions next week," Hlugh K.' Duffield, I exercises by asking Rev. f.. A. cider the two months, remaining be- !'94, chairman of the committee, said "f the Presbyterian church. to fore July 1 at all sufficient time in; last night. "It is urged that everyone 'nvocation. Dlarre Hill, '25, n which to negotiate with Japan. !ssona psileadthn' solo ,after which Dean I,i The conferees at their meeting to-, introduced. Dean .Lloyd, he stay disposed .,of all.. other disputed; acc~ualnt .himself with the. candidates~ is nay ','zet a very prophl~ points, ~~~~ ~ ~ ~so that th ilwl e u- ota e may cast.an intelligent vote tn 11 ha rsdn Smitted tpmnorrow to the.. house 'and nexint yTuesday. par'fr then to the senate. Women will be' allowed to vote on Iiapt 'n' Iy eela ceAprt ~Whether the report ofythe confereesi ali.-ffices except the Student council in',,sftir. pr t .will ,be; d fd ri?-th face ..of in-: and Jnion positions. ' ' ha'Te of nmy hail, puitch a,t d ricated exec tine x '5gremn was' - .' 'r'i'nV'" in tes ' lan I not applarent 'aith60l prior t 'te . oil. theill a,e no White i1ou* 'postittin .'becoming, Ilimil 0'II 0fl'S'i"e.liSatisfaction in,. being your known ;tNvorith4td' vote 'whas r arded U 'U Ii* 't this Itli~ie.'You have do: as certain: ,'111 'niih distinct hjonom° and also I. fin LRW UII1II91L IU j bNr'ng bactk nearly 'forty ye UOG , SB- ORCSTI met a i ragover again' the closin Senior law, students will. meetat felt!. And, also, at times hu II~fh~r G; 030 o'clock tonight at the Mici"nadreecive.ou wsfis FM .viuuS M D OIET Union for their last annual class ban- '"Addressing you, Iewascfirst quet. Chief Justice Et. Finley John-{ ed to say, classes of 1924' b son, of-the- supreme court of the say class. It is well, is it "Dean Worcester was one of the Philippines will head the list of today wte think of only onec biggest nmen that ever vent to the speakers, according to George Dam- { graduates of the University as Orient. As a scientist, lie lef t nor~i mann, '24L, chairman of the class1 not of separate schools and monuments in tne Pthilippines iilan # social committee. John P. Dawson, You are all so many seniors, any other man," :pai'l Judge E. Finley' 124L, M~ichigan's next Rhodes Scholar n massed together with a comi. .'I.~'tof the t~s who d%?'1 t~k to Oxford University, England will pose,1 foreseeing at this tii. heart disease Saturday in the islands., spea.k for the classi, an~d Prof. Her- Imusic and, marching and. ce jJudge ioflnson w'ho i., I:A press- a'a~t- bert F. Goodrich' will represent the dress, 'Which the'most careleis in c (Liet just _cof the Phliov1',;',I'aculty. 'D-imnmann xvill be toast- lwholly escape, .the coiniing ,gr supreme court and a former colleague 1 rmaster. ' An end is' chose~ at hand, ai .of 'Worcester's, is visiting Ann Arbor i Justice Johnson, who will make the certain labors and to many. pl fo 'a, short tithe. - ~r*,nciple address, has had an unusualI and this end, we call Commen A forner i'emberof the faculty' areer, both in uni%,ersity circles and!' (Continuel on Page Fc 1here, Mtr."Worcester received his A. 13. I b'i're the public in judical affairs.' ____________ degree in the University in ,1889, antid; Following his graduation from Ohio his D. Sc. degree in 1915. He was' state university in,1883 he served fourjB rtnLo an assistant in the botainy depart-' years in tihe state legislature, and thenI mnent from 1889-90,, instructed in an- was given a position on thela fac-' ' E n e t imaal more hology 1893-4, becoming an i ?twlty, of ..his Alma Mater. He 114aSj o , assistant' professor 'in' 1894. F'rom I ser'ved tlhe" past '20' years in the judical ' U s ts 1-i895- to 1899, he' was assistant profes- service othtie' Philippine Islands, and 1soir of zoology and curator of timei 's now chief justice.- - zoology museum. ---"---________ I Grand Rapids, Mlay G.-An jMr. Worcester played a prominent i £ . . r . the hour boom for Presidens tthe .06, Economics Building. Expect 500 At Mothers' Day Celbrtin Mlore than 500 students and their others are expected to be present at .he banquet which' has been arranzred!j or 5:15 o'clock Saturdayr night in the: asembly hall of the Union, as 'one f the special features 'of the cele-! rations att daat upon Mothers Day. j The banquet is to include vaudeville velcoming the mothers of the students kits, toasts,and short talks by stu- { lents and faculty representative's o Ann Arbor. Tickets for the' affairI te to be placed on general sale at 01 bookstores, as well as in most of hie fraternity and sorority houses on he campus,. The plans of the committee in j 'harge include a tour of the campus I .o take place Saturday afternoon, un- ler special -tudent Guides. Sunday nmcrning is to be given over to church ervices.t 'T he event which will act as 'a clim- . x to thei entire program wil take 1 dace at 3, o'clock Sunday afternoon, vhen Edgar .Guest, well known poet I f the staff of the Detroit Pre Press., ,ill dleliver several of. his poems at a' pecal University Service in Hill amid- torium. Mr. Guest has. won for him- I elf one ofj the 'largest reputations in ,he line of modern poetry., H ISTORYI "Now is the time for all good menj to come to the aid of their party." FLOOD OF CHARGESI SEATE [IVENS DFBATE . Washington, May 6i, ('By A. P. )- L~egislation before the senate was in- undated today by a roaring flood o' oratory, political and otherwise. i ('harges and' counter charges were ; hurled back and' forth across the . chamber and those who. came under the' attack in the coarse of the de-j bate included President Coolidge, Se- f cretary Mellon, senators named 'and unnamed; George D. Lockwvood, se- cretary of. the Republican national!I committee ; Henry Ford; Wayne B. Wheeler, counsel for the anti-saloon league and many others in and out of public life.. Techmnically the senatel had before it the resolution authoriz- ing the internal revenue bureau in- J vestigating committee to employ-coun- sel' but the discussionl ranged, over a wide expanse, touching such familiar', subjects as prohibition enforcement1 and the oil and Daugherty investigat- 1 Eing and branching off.s KAfter time debate had proceeded for seven hours it ended as suddenly as it Imoad begun and time resolution au- thorizing the internal revenue conm- mittee to employ counsel was adopted without a roill'call. 'WlILMOE QUARTERS TO0 rNEW LITERARY BUILDINGt Completion of the new literary build- ing for occupanmcy next fall will prove a boon to tihe political science depart- ment, according to announcement of 1Pro"f_ Rot 1~T. Crai'ne 2otink' head of Columbus, Ohio, May fC.-Ohio State lost, its first Big Ten golf match tis afternoon when the crack Michigan team won from thle Buckeyes on time Scioto Country Club course by the scove of 18 1-2 to 5 1-2. The King twins were the stars for ' the losers scoring all of time points, while Quirk, who-made thie course in ! a. 78 and cantain Smith wer'e 'tie lum-' inaries for 'the Wolverine. All men second T',uesday 9-12~; Rhetoric 1 and 2 (all sections), first Saturday 2-5; History 2, 2a, and 2h (all sections), first Thursday. 9-12; Econonmics 1, 2} and 47, first Wednesday 9-12; Psycho- log-y 7, first Mpnda~y 2-5;' M1 athemiatics' A, C, , 1. , 2. 2E, 91, "an d 52 (all sec-h 'Lions). first Monday, 2-5. TIm the above schedule.' the first lec-' ture of the ,week in a lecture course! is uased to determine time tine of ex-I showed good form however' and 'the'_____________ margin" of play 'wxas not as decisive (* O fr as the score indicated. ' Sotoist '. 'er The winners mrade ten points in the v " P oga two foursonmes alld 8 andi- a half in' r ariedo~ the four twosomes. Robert Rodgers was elec'ted captaim of the. Ohio State At a. recital. given at ,8 : 3V~ o'clock, team prior to the match. ! last night in the concert hall of the! Summaries: University School of Music, Miss Annai t'xrnnrncd~nfnn mit mnld iHinshaw Shidlev,. soprano, Pupil or 11 Tw s m s--a t i i in Yicnii ." ; "'- "" ' ",' - ._ gan, won. fronm Captain Rodgers, Ohio Mr. William Wheeler of the School of part in Philippine investigations. hay- State 3-0. Quirk, Michigan won fromi Music, delighted her audience with ing taken part in. three expeditions Patrzio Oho Sate 3-. Bodeic' several well chosen selections fromni to thme islands, and later becoming Parichgo,OwonStfrom 30. King, Ohio 'Bralims, Rochumininoff, 'and others, secretary of the interior to the In- Michganwon romG. Kng, hioThe recital was one of a series ci'' sular government from 1901 to 11913.1 State, 2-1. C. King, Ohlio State, wo ecitals given from time to time lly Of the expeditions, he was a member from Crosby, Michigan, 2 1-2 to 1-2. Ibtudents at the School of Music, of the Steere scientific party, in .1887-1 Foursonme-Captain Smith and Quirk, Miss Shidley showed talent well de.- 8, was one of twvo men to conduct the Michigan, wvon from Captain Rodgerns veloped in her perfor~nanc e of the Menage expedition in 1890-3, and aided andl llatruz, Ohio State, 6-0 2 upi on cooauaadi er Der Tog, Das in the U. S. Philippine commission each nine holes. 1 st Die Kuhle Nacht," by Brahms,: 1899-1901. Crosby and Broderick, .Michigan,' she was able to bring. her low notes' Among the writings on Philippine1 xvwon froum C.: King and 0. King, 4-2. in to prominence, and showed a clear- ; questions b~y Mr: Worcester are "The ,ONio State wvon tile first~ 9 holes, 2 ness. of~ tone quality and a good in- i' Philippine Islands andTheir People,", up. Michigan won the last nine 3 uip. j terpretation of the: whole which wasj "The 'Philippine Past and Present,'I ___- -Itruly remarkable. "To} An Aeolean 'and "'Tke Non-Christian Tribes of} - FI !T'arpe." also by Brahams, was well Northern Luzon.",t LAT HNC;TclT one, while RaChuininoaff s "Floods ofFR S '> and movement of the umasterpiece, N BC- fllflfllfl fl gaesnl ruiyfr isTICKETS FOR MAY PARTY1 Situdley to lbring into action all oif the nP R S O AL GM emotional qualities of her, voice. HPH FBL ckt o h i tana rh- Ms Sily a copne t1 Htect's May Party, to be held May 16 in tihe piano by Dwight Steere, '27l, whose!- Bambor g'nnasur unertheaupic Iplaying formed aim excellent setting Broadcasting fromi station 'WCB3C of es of the architectural college, must for the singing. As a whole the re- the electrical engineering department, teIcital was a success, and the audience The Daily last night gave to inter- be obtained today at the desk in the . w,'1 noi dxwith the rni,',*. ,,nri the 1P t~~i iatt,'a h~rPnd t*hrnohnt . : A IU i f i L. Bui ton of the University. ~.JU. i, U iiigan, as candidate for delega' FREHME1 IN SIPTIVIR Icovni, at the Cleveland nationalr conentontoday threatene FRSH EN IN SETE BE~ turb the otherwisepec l -----I schedul.ed to continue thrc lStuidents who are comning to Ann state convention here tomor Airbor for the first time next Sep- The faction supporting tember ar~e to be taken care, of' by :Burton, headed by George fthe Student Christian association in se o i.tepaep'v the same manner as last year, the , workbein caried n bya eo_ dicted for Mr. Oruin Bolt of workobeing coren'd onndydatcorn- n mitee headed by Harold, Jacox, '25.ontevnm'scdiaef Plans include the annual fail l anquet, atlrejh te i o at which froum two to three hundred' delegates to be picked are freshmen are given an opnortunity, ly assured 'of their 'posts to make the acquaitance of the older! chance is' seen for 'the preside 'stuldents on the camrpus. ' place anyone. except 'Mrs. The difficulty that generally con-1 may turn into a controvers3 fronts most of the incoming fresh- vonmen and men delegates'1 men is that, they are unable to get - acquainted until their sophomore year, it is believed, and it is in an attenmpt R EPORTS SH OW SA' to obviate this difficulty that time Stu- ,d bt C rsi n a s c ai n i o g r ae theafir banquet last fall as an ~ A S 5 AESO The distribution of the Freshumen M