THE MICIGA\NDILY_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ... ,.... s _. 'I, NEWSPAPER OF1?THE TERSITY OF IUCUTUAN j I ever'y morning except Monday, Ujniversity year by the Board in Student& Publications. of Western Conference LEditorial joiae Irssis. excluijvly en-~ this paper and the local news pub ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate granted by Third Assistant Post- neral. ion by carrier, $350; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Biang,'.MN ye omjnunications, not exceeding 300 11 be published in The Daily at ion of the Editor. Upon request, y of c,)mmunicant will be re- confidentiaL. out. The United States was to haveIR as great a navy as Great Britain and at least five-thirds as great a navy asC ;;cordingly, it was deemed at that[ tine, that to keep within the boqunds of, this treaty, thiS country would have to scrap niany of its ships whichha se n a om w t l ng r p i d of service but were in first class con- dition, and order thIe dismantling of .ship~der waylf construction. With) a view of ridding itself of the. suir-.r plus mnaterial created by the jun~king of these vessels, naval auction sales were hect sh~d milion ofdollars3 worh o seelacd niaval equipment were sold with. a great loss to the° government of this country. Thesej sales displayed a further effect :upon teU. S. in that they flooded the,1 market with steel and created a slow up in American business. In this way, the treaty was rigor- -ously carried out by the Unitedj States.i OASTED ROLLS CAMPUS ALL 'GABOUT DSAE THE DEAR IGE CONTRIBUTORS; To The Editor:- 0 14. DECISIONx wR gas w+ w we _ M EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176-31 MANAGING EDITOR. HARRY D. HOEY Editor....... .. .. Rcbt. B. Tarr rial Board Chairman... ,R. C. Alorarity Editor............. J. C. 'Garlinghouse Night Editors Ailes A. 13. Connable, Jr. yC. Clark T. E. Fiske P. M. Wagner sEditor............ A'alph N. Byers~ en's Editor... . ..... Winona llibbard c Iditor........... Ruth A. Ihowell ant City Editor..Kenneth C.- Kellar for Michigan News Bu reau. R. G, Ram say iaisEditor...Robert B. Henderson- Assistants ;e Barley Elizabeth 'Liebermarn . erkmn R. S. Mlansfield ia Bicknell E. C. Mlack an Boxer Verena Koran nBrown Ilarold Moore 7,3 'Cnrad' Carl Qilksache atte Cote hIyde Verce d. Davis Andrew }Topper~ Id Ehrlich Mlarie Reed Fernatnberg Regina Reichimann Gartner Edniarie Setiuder beth Heath C. A. Stevens .Henry W. 11. Stoneman ig Houseworth Marjorie Sweet Y Hine Frederic G. Telmios thy Kamin N. R. Thal Caret Keil W. J. Walthour sKendall Herman Wise )h Kruger BUJSINESS STAFF Telephone1960. 'BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVRO1t ,rtising ................... E. L. iliinne !rtising.............. Prry; At. I Iaydvn rtising.. . . .. . ...... .,NW. Roesset rtisirrg... ..... ......... -fl. E Roe rnts ...................... If. L. lhale lation...................... C. PI'I dv ication ................ Lawrence Nierce Asssants T1'~ ue C~an stil L. Irelatnd Chamlpio lrel A Nlr)~j ConlinMyo'Pkr Is A.D xtr. . -;ll ph . Minn GenA.Sae A A. IFox R. C. Winter But in its attempt to fulfill the con- ditions of keeping the navy down, the department seems to have dis- played an 'extra amount of leniency and have failed to realize that as time passed, England and Japan were slow- ly adding more ships to their navy, and that the United States to main- tain the 5-5-3 ratio, must necessarily follow suit. That we have allowed our, navy to sink to third place seems to he the opinioni'of, both Rep. Fred A. Britton, of Chicago, and Rep. John Jiacob!) Rogers,, of Massachusettes. Cur :coun- try, with its. numerous islandl pos- sessions, and its expanse of land openl to the sea, "dbmiands, and ought to demnd tha~t1our navybe equal to that of Great 13ritafti 'or any other power and that it be as contemiplated,, in the Washington treaties at, least- five-thirds. that .of.Japan.', It should be as fundamental1 a policy of this1 -country' to maintain the 5-5-3 ratio as it is to, maintain the Monroe doctrine. But the people demand and ought to demand that it be just as-fundamen.tal of this country to maintain a 5-5-3 ratio and not one that is only 5-3-3. 1 The decision of the judges, in select- The unis cse row daly oreing the winners of the honors at the I - involved. The latest development is I oratorical contest, meot with disap- : the following letter from one who proVal from a majority of the audi- signs himself Napoleon. This busi- enice. .. nes ~ tt~kin soeon wh Isin The. common objection of individ-' reality not even a contributor, but uals' even to; consider popular genti- mrerely the advance agent for one,. is mea~t as a criterion of selection is that certainly most intricate. (To be pro- 1 the audience is not capable or ex- - nounced, as God intended, on. the first)Jprecdt eie uiiul.Ti contention is true. with, respect to Heres th leter:audiences of most high school con- Dear Sirs:- (tests, political debates, and. even free ! Of late niuch has been said ihi your' inter-collegiate =debates; but' the uni- colyum about one' Junius, who, it is I versity students and instructors, w~ho said,.. poundts a mean Carona. And were iterested enough scet py ferty one who sye himself Prometheus cents to listen to thi cots, 'ee hails him glowingly as a wit who will for the most part, experienced shatter this col with the brilliance speakers or members of~ public-speak- of his thrusts. ing classes with sufficient training and I hesitate to say just what I think discerning intelligence to form ration- of this Prometheus. The playful devil, , al judgements of the merits of the his brain must be as warped as his respective orators. If sympathy and looks! He's beneath all contempt, and courtesy for the contestants super- udyet this fat-witted, {fiat-witted idiot sedes the impression the orator makes wudhave us believe that Junius can on the audience, then this criticism is write! Lord! Compared to, Junius' unarntbe stuf th 23r Pslm s bulesue. I do not intend to infer that the! jAnd what is infinitely worse, he's even judges of this contest wereinscet roten~r UaP.P~one eus Horibe!for six of the mostCapable critics and Hlid eous? Stinking! God forbid that authorities iiithe country acted in I ever nieet Juinius. There may be that capacity. But, the mIethod used men of equal calibre, but none of in' selecting the wvinners, needs to :be! greater bore. He's continually drag- amended., ging in arid, ancient cracks like, It would be expedient to use a dif- "whe'n's a dwr - ;not a door?"' and~ ferent 'system in 'selecting the best' "Have you heard that new song aboutj orators of future contests; for, surely the banana shortage?" Oh! Hie three judges, or even one judge, wJii tat to be hiW - by his own sorry 'o~t et~cneto~'ihay no~ inees r eprnesezn itawny l n e, ~~~~of the intitutiosrpeetewuc So-p uireriders must be warned! rnot only be. aniore effective mp6anis-. Theymus prearetheselvs fr aof selection, but also more favorable shock of disenchantment, of disgust. to all the contestants and the aiudi- Junius, thy''bubble hath bursted! You ence. C. F. W. '26. are rank, altogether RANK 21. every two hour2 to 9: 10''p.gyn. ¢ Express : 7 a. mn., 8 a m:. and e,..:y two hours to 8 p. rn. Locals: 7 a. gyn., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 9:56~ p. mn., 11 p. mn. To Ypsilarnt' only, 11: ( p. Ins., 12:251 a. mn. and 1:15 a. mn- t WVEN'SBOUN D °Limteds: 8:47 a. mn. and every two hours to zs:,i p. im. Express (making local stops): 9:61)D a. mu. anid every two hours to 9:60 p. Mn. oeals: 7:50 a. mn., 12:10 a. m. - -GO"L F S uo PP L E m r BOTH ENDS OF THE DIACOINAL. E~AST BpiUjam'' , h 1000T 1 k~'iF'trig AiVluvmr4&J In Cut-out Lffects :" 2I' I i , _ ' ' - - vw . ,I T he A. cut-out Colonial is beaver, and gray suede. leather trim to mat ch, low wa'k ng heel. U,, Louise fMAV 1 2 !3 h 9 10 11 1'2014-11 1516" 17 2 2 '27 24 '29 3$1) 31 k NOTICE - I $loo iosiey to Match: ya,: - .V .; 1A 1 Yours for the truth, NAPOLEON -li t er to., close mout'all Spr i 1 1"elt-I1ata. bhfore."4'triW Ilat. tinke 1-f "are nini.Il he k01f) ilollsc ~jjf 4 . - - tl1 ";3.50i Hats No w.......$:011 t11 1,00 Hits Now ......3.50 All 11,10 Hats Now......... All 5.0 I.nts nv ...... 12o' Loi taiLarge Sizes' FA( "O RY A AT STORIE CM7 Vacl~zid . . pholle 179 2 (Where 1I. . Stops at Stse) N~7 ahroe" Stare7- r .+ n i {You can see for yourselves that the I ~T WATRE DyKL.II 4 lZ d The Daily "Clssfid"Coluir TUESDAY, MAY G, 1924 ht. Editr-HARRY C. CLARK SIN4GOUT lig-Out, the realization of every l be, graduate, the time honored ony at which the seniors first elr academic garb, has long been nized as one of the most import- nd impressive ceremonies of the ;e year. The senior sighs, the Glassmnan envies, for a new epoch hand. Although the diploma is ,et in hand the cap and gown constant 'reminder that Coin-, ement is not an absurd' dream near realization and the senior sinto a new period of expecta- s tradition marks the beginning end of college. Only too soon enior is to.- assume a new role e ranks of the alumni, a role world of realities where hie will oodbye to these superficial inter- hat have so largely occupied his ind will take up the more serious s of an independent world of All of this will be brought forc- ,o him when he sees himself and lassm,ates wearing- the- college ation garb that has graced the "oss the campus this afternoon lass of '24 will take up the march will eventually take them into uch heratlded "'wide, wide world," ulminating with the commence- ceremonies, their bonds as act- embers in this institution which close to them will be broken. g the coming weeks they will an opportunity to wear the cap gown frequently as a mark of academuc rank and solidarity ofE It is, with the intention to take tage of this privilege that they d start on their journey today. FPresident will probably sign oitus Bill in order to do away any argument concerninfg it in ess. At least this will be one l e reasons. OV-R NAVY PROBLEM ent statements of high, naval rs that the American navy is slip- from its high place among the of the world's sea powers, have A much alarm in Washington,' a.n nrncnntatiFno f ft.ahllyc An extremely peculiar thing it is I-situation is becoming intolerably pro- to note the great strength and wit lix. The col will soon die of auto- that abnormal movie characters Poi intoxication. We sigh for the simple se$.The e }isi-'thirg ike it n all ay n}]W ei - nro thing but the wide worJ 1uthing. ~e 1'~s~irld~IVL m e~ ____ sonal or exceedingly personal or ex- The rains- of April seem tdt 'haveI ceedingly private. What has become x~n~e& 1hi4~4 thout ariy for- of Mitirc, o-itrl bf Th l t ~Rib I, 1J4ny1tqqover into the supiposed I(t K rcpp~a4 rre us )oa,. _usunshine of May. Woe Is unto u! Ze tyrus of lJdeb ran, of he Gun- - ~ I Dd 'f>ebsI er, or Ari opht n rNNA' rt,.'A 1IT 41vWDb& s a~rd catng lus'. The ncint agewhopro~aiedfor accusing her of bimhood. And The ncint age ho ro ittle he le .=grb e[! 's ..bss-~ the fact that the "world i, just'Alitls mi h &that we laugh h~ pce. p! .A1 ~~~g ~ 4' ~~ pigR n s i1s clot i- yumlh Jones 0of Poa",lSwi£, %jmethng to say to Mrs. SxirithPi, als-q s xf Pdunk, say. when they mtein 1ie NN'+*Yo ksub-'l way. The 'ior'ld may be a 'ittl place iW~d~e1btbiel~ohv to~~~~ 's Tms~f ~pP n-tea been mentally affected by the ad- foreentone~ ~g,, ut 4 i~quien vent of that inevitable season, Spring. au large bit of- territo-ryi -;iu th' ys[As wi ~sthisl rza tdn~lst; nhd °r 4atempt-_ l'{NT'y ing to promote a be'tteZ.' ld fueling.i Zaffei mon yowing it' biare luster From. San - iancico' to .ToktlO is a, 'conm~tie bqlevr,r trip of many miles, .-vr -trm Oderiferous eptsyis lulling a negative waters. A comparatively small per snt oiiees cent of the population of the two! (A' Vami bon sellac son suite cities know anythinlg about the other. diable ) Therein lies the cause of many mis-Philomel whirteling bezique flux; con- understandings, and the prejudice that I sumately guaic, is the father of misunderstanding. (Toccato las libretto tritissiti fortissi- Distance and isolation are the eternal Tfmet) foes of world peace. The world is! Carnaline splotches spattered on xan- far from being a "little place." this batik? But modern life is doing away bit Nictitate Love with' sores of blotched by bit with the limitations of space. bohea: t1~e tbtcetropbglllppe are learritiig mor'e about the (n-i hee5AoNie eai o ~~lyo life and customs of others. In thii~bc ~yu!? Sxgsna! light,-.such ;productions as' the 4Inter SsIG°,'e national Night program sponsoed by 1 B:IEL friTJB the Cosmopolitan club, to be pre"ened epressing, is it nt? Yes, very de- atHill auditorium Thursdaiy, are her- pressing indeed. aids. of. a better time to come. Ann Arbor Is located in inland United Pausing only to invite Aprdisiac States, with the barrier 'of distance to4 to dropa around and dicus 'the pro- foreign :climes at its greatest, yet on # position about clipig *the Campus. the; list -of, entertainers Thursday! corners, we hasten u 1to a consider- night' are Hindus, Chinese, S wiss, akfwton ,tf th ildaa-- South Africans, ussians and Amel- - Mn And Super-an"wa.s pretty, cans. The acts which they put on swell. The leading pig, however, was will bring to Ann Arbor audiences the a bit screeny. She insulted Tanner's atmosphere, the personality, the cus- intelligence by marrying him-she toms of the other half of the world. even insulted little Tavy's. Nobody Next to international travel, such but a deaf man could have fallen group meetings are the greatest de- f for Anne as played by Miss Thrower. I velopers of international sympathy Furthermore, a good many people1f and understanding.l seemed to think that Octavius wasf The, local Cosmopolitan club is a a good deal too young to be even con- ! chapter of a greater national organiz- templating marriage. He certainly ation. Throughout the United StatesI looked years younger than Miss and -Canada these 'clubs 'are' doing Thrower. The chauffeur seemed to I their work of forming 'friendships be- have been awarded his part on the tween men of all nations. From theI gi pnds that- he was a good Jneh- I pernsptW6veoffuntre years, thn ;work Mi; at least no other' reason was jof isuch get.together groups wipl loom Lc4rnible to us from our row H seat. larger than the more spectacular on gassing to the light~r 'Geerichr.d ferences, as; the,- ieal lasJng;z back V ?'(age F"ollies, we beg to report that bone of tthat .umshisquglit-fob. goal was rather uneen. Hpwever. asl world-peace. -,'- I11dlthe comic scenes were rather fun-' eI- nternationmal =Nght "offers a great .1=p~ and the other sce4~es the spec- opportunity toithestu'dehts of-'lchi-'I1 eslC, were not offensive to the eye, gan to get in line in this movement. th' show, was pretty decent. The T______ ___ yong lad that dlid the soft-shoe dance * It is well that on Swing-Out Day with the cane and the. ht and the the pendulum does not swing so far pants and the coat was about the but whtItcnsfreunto o-[hotes pupil of Terpsichore that what rturn t nor- rst on the stage during the perfor- I y THlE COSMOPOLITAN CLUB ; will present an' International Night Thurs- day, -May '8, in Hill Auditorium as its annual. production. Folio-wing Damon- their estalished custom the program' -- "What's 't1ie 'sittcr? :wvrll consist of a number of widely- I6 '&n't f r~ eahd 'burF evenwildly-various vaudeville - r iits f" .i ltur? This very diversity, however, e(5.; ,ylza " o ahihly amusing and intere.sting4, - rgnitI pef r an e: am using because of' the J pu ovr ih il 00l -cnglmeration of foreign tern-!my Dixon's Vdrado !" ~ peranetsadinteresting because of ~-- --------.-" the unique merit of the numbers thuer- 17 leads-all dealers selves. I - 'the 'present proria. will inctude 7to j everything from 'airorothtra and; the faithful Girls' GleeCel1ub to Jiu J tsu, Iyodellinig,,' and a. .td~iying Cliin-ese; ttt~c IHarry Lauder. flabindranath Tfa- gore's beautiful pla Y,"Chitra," will 4 ' e falso .be presented Jy, a.:grup of Erin-' ( Nv p wmw duspanplayers, 'as well as a seriesj of Russian, South African, and Ger- $ed man folky songs. Ann Ar-bor people do not real- Another feature of the program: ize that right here in our own will be a group of Russian,' (non- hone town ewe have one of the larg;est stocks of flower seeds collegiate; tl4at is to say, profes- in the state. In annual seeds sional), singers and dancers headed we l'ave not only the well known by Madanme, Nina Lapteva, an alleged varities but we have the new- noblewoman, and Stefan Kozakevich. est novelties in separate colors Madame Lapteva will appear in a!I a wl as mixed. In perennial flower seeds we have a wide Barinya amnd her supporting coin-i variety and carry many kinds pany will execute a 'Gopak. All. Ka- i not carried in. retail catalogues. zak~evich, who really seemis to be on I If a small quantity or an ounce the Kway towards mnusical fame andl is required we cansutpply. Our- romane acrdin o al theI stocks are fresh ands germina- ,rpac rig o l h ress. tion is 'guaranuteed. Everything notices, will sing a group) of Russian I in flowerin~g soetls, plants, bulbs, songs. -Ishrubs. Such a quantity and quality of data,. -:- hARRIS SEED) STORE may bewilder you a bit, but doubtless f o)i.,lVashlington & Fifth Ave. the actual performance will hardly , fbe as formidable as the program T_0 notes.- The "point is that, judging ~ I 'I " . - 'It, ,_ .I --?~'~4 N~ ' - ~Ii~ 11}; ra~ a. ia. ;: ; . a. a ; : >:. :: >>. 7;. :, . . . . >). 2)" D FJ" " S " h , . , ?" > . g" y,. 5 . F' . } . Fi L" 7P .e YcI-ebcnnJdy 3-1, ljame ,;aizd youi 4mg 4 i jo fnt,Pn it. It'aCUAN4RDER, you s~o1z)"'~ 4 L.a ncastria, Caronia, Carmania, Albania, Antoni'a, 'Au'sonia, Andania, Saxonia, Columbia, Assyria and other One Class Cabin Ships Provide CUNARD service and satisfaction as lows as $1)15. I ii "c I ~.' unirl C~ico's'or agen'ts everywhere I,; -',-- '4- 1~~ -, c . . .... - 3 from the past production-s of the club,; the International- Night needs little more than an announcement to assure 'its patronage. You will enjoy it, as - in the past, for every kind of reason. "THE GREENWICH V I L L A G E FOLLIES," a review by Valentine IDavies. Ann Arbor was given a really worth while. treat Sunday night. The Green- wich Village Follies is a revue which combines the usual amount of clever humor with a number of mountings of remarkably artistic beauty. John* Murray Anderson's sets: were as color-a ful as any that have graced the Whit- ney in many moons. '--I Mr. Gallagher and.l~r. Shean sateg their now famous anthemn and a . new} song, which received so many en cores ' that, they ran out of. vers'es and wvere-h forced to turn to- the ol favorite be-' fore the show was allowedl to proceed: j George S. Kaufman's 'skit, "Life A- mong the Advertisements,", was among. the cleverest numbers ,and "Around the Corner" did much to liven" the evening. Dancing of every description, from soft-shoe to classic was gracefully 'X BOVE ALL NATIONS IS HUMANITY". COS P LIAN C UB Presents Annual The University of II-Michigan T.. N HILLThu t ' - -' 12 U U UA 4C 5,i -LU)N Chinese Harry Lauder 'Swiss Yi rs 00 .M. fodelers " lananesp. )in litsu Ruissiani 161-h Century Dancing