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February 17, 1924 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-17
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Leading Lights in Spring
NT EW accessories are blossoming out every-
.where, more clever each day. Scarves and
'Kerchiefs for boyish suits are as likeable as the big,
silver buckles on the quaint Quaker pumps that -are
vogue for Spring. Gloves, hose, and bags are to be
comrades that pleasantly surprise one with their new
ways. Truly Spring attaches much importance to
little things. Her favorites are here.

Universities from the

Twelfth Ce







FIRST Fashions have come for
glorious Spring, first to arrive
and first in style worth. Every line,
length and shade is interesting be-
cause it is different. What pleasure
there is in store for the first to wear
these First Fashions!

For Countless Personalities
D RESSES like these influence one's moods.
Crisp taffetas for informal dances. Girlish
flannel frocks for class wear and clinging satin dres-
ses for afternoon teas! These are fashion favorites
for Spring. Each has many clever points with such
variety it is safe to say that every personality can be




For Sunny Days to Come.
H fOW shall one dress for outdoors this Spring? Let your
height and figure tell you whether to choose a flaring mode
of three quarters length or a long and slinky Coat, two styles
that vie for first place. You will like them both with their very
new ideas.

Thai Hastens Spring
H ATS now lend en-
dearing charms to
the wearers! Though
small in form, they are
gay withnew. flowers,. rib-
bons and ornaments. They
crown the costume with
style and brighten the
smile worn 'neath them!
There are lovely Hats in
Milan and Bangkok.
21L UL
Are Changed
SH E woman with
wardrobe worries will
find her heart lighter after
seeing these Blouses. All
Spring she can enjoy one
of the satin affairs that is
semi-dressy. And how
dainty a crisp tub affair
will look with the Spring
suit !
Lanvin Green, Casanova red,
maixe and wedgewood jblue are
smart blouse shades.


Three lectures in 1922 on the Col- J. E. KIRKPATRICK avoiding them e
ver Lecture Foundation at Brown to discover fro
Fun versity of .Mahhiansoen ihi
University under the title of 'THE some one inh
book he would
RISE OF UNIVERSITIES," have been in quarters of their own, and not be method of instruction in the earlier ure to pass fina
"published recently by the Henry Holtcompelled as all other students -were I days though there was later more de- it is said,as
Comrpany. The writes}, Charles H. ~
askins, dean of the Harvard Gradu- to shift for themselves among the pendence put upon the text books Judgment," whe
towns people who were not often which were naturally produced by be final and wea
ate School and one of the highest au-1 friendly. No university buildings were the more noted and brilliant teachers, stout assertion
Euorptes tehtr provided in the early days, lectures of whom there were many. The meth- of no ava . Aft
En . t ltvbeing given in hired halls, and little ods of these professors is indicated by date might dem
In tte ts nl to et outsor h or no provision being needed for books the concluding remarks of one of a re-examinatic
kins attempts only to set out for the or apparatus. On the Continent, these them, Odofredus of Bologna, who studied his texts
intelligent reader the story of the colleges were for the most part grad- said: before or discoi
beginnings and early development of ually absorbed, while at Oxford and "working the pr
uaheymabsorbeolwhilend unOxfosdtand Nowv gentlemen, we have begun
the modern college and university. Cambridge they survived and over- and finished and gone through this The most inte
No one else has, I think, been able to book as you know who have been most important
do this in such brief space and with saoe h universityws
so mh intst.h briefspac andwith The basis of education as offered in i in the class, for which we thank university was
.these institutions was the so-called God and His Virgin Mother and 'all for as Dean Has
Dr. Haskins does not find the uni- tes!isittinsws hesocaied GovaitsrIssintncet uso
seven liberal arts, three of them, gram- HisSansItianncetutm
versity among the Greeks and Ro- mar, rhetoriccand logic, being grouped in this city that whent cabook is colonels but a c
mans. It is to be found first in the ; as the trivium and the other four, finished mass should be sung to the scholars." Jude
twelftl century in Italy and most arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and Holy Ghost, and it is a good cus- I surviving reco
clearly at Bologna. Here was assem- music, as the quadrivium. Logic was1 tom and hence should be observed. were an idle,
riotous lot. But
bled a group of scholars interested the backbone of the course but rhet- I But since it is the practice that doc-omo plenty of seri
mostly in the Roman law. They oric was by far the most popular, tors on finishing a book should sayents who did
had attracted many students not alone being, as one of the professors ad- something of their plans, I will f th ofdi
from Italy but from all western Eu- vised, "often and exceedingly neces tell you something but not much. outs.poev
rope. The first organization at this sary for the clergy, for the monksNext year I expect to give ordinary is most interesti
meeting place of teachers and schol-1 suitableand for laymen honorable." lectures well and lawfully as I al- i n vivi
l' Ii sitale,-nd or ayme hoorale.many vivid pict
ars was a union or guild of foreign One reason for its ways have, but no extraordinary
students called into being to protect studentsisalo lectures, for students are not good
itets clledr nobigt roetsuet s apparenth whenors, we-!p ayers, wishing to learn but not to te pert
its members against the landlords, res- into the lecture room of a rhetoric, day who freque:
taraeusan bokseles."Vc- ~pay, as the saying is: All desire to adterwy
taurateurs, and book sellers. Vic- professor at Paris. "Let us take as knowa but none to pay thyeprice. Ia the s
torious over the townsmen, the stu- our theme today," we hear him say-b. said: "The stud
dents turn on 'their other enemies, ing, "that a poor an diiet st have nothing more to say to youmire, fixed on
ing tht apoo an diiget su- eyond dismissing mourwithiGod'sn
the professors'," says Dean Haskins. dent at Paris is to write to his moth- dbe ssieing o ated 'temporal and li
For the professors the students made er for necessary expebeses." Herg ,," sires." They
certain rules, requiring for instance, of course was, as Dean Haskins re- Ther wee "quarrelsome th
that a professor might not be absent marks,."the real thing" and theology There were wfina"in'thoseida th them; wh
single da withoutleave and that and medicine, and even law might well also. They had the usual terrors and Paris or . Orlea
before he could go out of town he wait until such "practical subjects" brought out the usual ingenuity to country, their
before e coulrgouou
must make a deposit to insure his had been mastered. c them. They were ways by whoe unipeesit
return He wa finedif he id notwhich some of the great found special Aanw e
return. He was fined if he did not The lecture was almost the sole favors, while others succeeded inain we hea
get as many as five students for a' ofthe students
egur lecture. He was required tambourines an<
to begin with the bell and to quit with- and scurrilous
in one minute after the next . bell. and hd .clappi
He was not allowed to skip a chapter R ob ert B ridges and clappings a
in his text or to delay answering a tations. We h
difficult question until the end of the neighbor for h
hour. Faced by such an effective and Philosophy ofLove more carater
exacting organization as this student; the letter home
union, the professors formed a union ian father of t
and made some rules of their own.. first song is a d
DOROTH TYLERthere will nevert
These rules have a familiar sound to DRt
us. Out of these very practical ex- The Robert Bridges who wrote "The sonnets represent a Religion of Love. not ask for ca
pedients, the formal organization of Growth of Love" is a Puritan in the it is a well chosen epithet. Dr. rhetoric owed i
the university arose. - Stuart P. Sherman sense of that term Bridges has conceived love in the popularity to tl
Further north, as at Paris, students -that is to say, the best sense. The Biblical sense, or one may say, in the:sed modelwlet
also gathered about famous.teachers. poems of this sonnet sequence have philosophical sense. Love is, in his posed model Let
Here it was Abelard who was the the restraint, the delicacy, and the un- universe, an inherent principle, "an Our autho "
most attractive of the earlier lec-i aware aloofness whch characterize so all-pervading benign," as Tennyson whr hra
turers and who may be regarded asm many of the poems of this poet laur- would say. He considers love not as di hlh au
the founder of the university, thougheate who has been estimated as second something restricted to one phase of an i
1houne ofe uni itythoh only to Swinburne as an Oxford poet, man's beig bt sas a mi uncommonly ba
he was a lecturer In the cathedral lown's:ig bta amti o-nt
school. The first organization of a* While reading these sonnets, of ing all relations, mediator between j os
awhich there are no less than sixty- man and all else. To him ) to his
distinctive academic type was a "uni- i nniavretyItogto Tewoewrdnwi u h greeting. Thi
versity of masters." This appears for- e advertent I thght of "The whole world now is but the studyingat
" eally inaA Paris as early as 1231 and j t the moment minister [scheme di
furnished the model for all universid even the mental comparison seemed Of thee to me: I see no other stsnds ge
funiswhdhe amoe fr allunicers- to me like an amusing sort of bas- But universal love, from timeless eymstn, rs
ties which came later except those phm.FrWimnadRbr romnotion, asi
of southern Europe which inclined to' pemysFrncetan IdRospentem
fo olona. Stdenthch ptincip toBridges, when they write of love, are Waking to thee his joy's interpreter" since I spent
followBoognaS tugdvrentparticipatwo worlds apart. Whitman, like (Sonnet 3)ae
ioinuniversity government has per-i Oscar WvVilde's Dorian, Gram, cures Philosophershae xpind llb makes many<
sisted in the southern institutions and his soul with his senses but Robert leand have explained all by rent lodgings,
is now showing marked tendencies .of Bridges' sonnets transcend such a love and hate; in these sonnets Ro- cot ow
revival in Latin America, while in relation to a degree which does not ibert Bridges has explained all by I cannot now
nothern countries the faculty corpor-! permit conceiving an antagonism. We respectfully
ation and government continue. This find here And this is, one reflects, a very ser- that by the pr
type was lost during the first cen- "The mystery of joy made manifest ious attempt for a sonnet sequence.I you may assis
tlr of experience in the English col- ItTo see love, which has served as a be able to cc
turoexperience ite Enyligsh co- In love's self-answering and awak- theme for the most delightfully tri- well begun.
onies and shows little if any-signs of: Iig ml; ct
enEgg 'l .evial vers de societe, raised to the dig. that without
recovery in the English speaking sec-raWhereby the lips in wonder recon- inity of a religion or a philosophy, a Apollo grows
Li-ns of America. C Passion with peace, and show de- universal scheme. . . .! Poetry with Human nature
The "college" was originally a hall sire at rest,'' a mission, one further reflects, using fessor and stude
provided for certain groups of stu- (Sonnet 7) love for its purposes, is bound to be versities seems
dents where they might live and work Indeed, someone has said that the (Continued on Page Four) (Continued


Tell Varying Fashion Stories
W HEN considering Spring Suits a mannish tailleur of pin-
Itriped material immediately suggests itself for the .slim,
trim person. Boxy suits of covert or camel's-hair for sports-loving
women. And the handsome dress-coats suits * of charmeen for
very dressy wear. Some of the new shades are high shades that
are youthful and Springlike.

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