rA ._ enc c Past Play rel .m.* iswell Angell Hall Was Of Earliest Senior Plays Descendants Of Colonists Forme New Societyl e time the first Senior Girls' ;iven 15 years ago, this pro- s gradually come to be con- e of great importance to and women of the Univer- present it is a special fea- mmencement week, and is ended by guests of thre sen- :ome to attend the graduat- ses. The following history the development of the play to the present time. cement week of 1909 saw tion of Guilbert's parody on , "The Princess" given by girls under the direction of s Bird. Decidedly different light musical character of was the Senior Girls' play r of Wakefield," which was in Sarah Caswell Angell ext year. The Senior Girls' established as an annual feature of the Commence- ys have varied considerably matter and place of pre-, sentation. Unlike the Aunior Girls' play none of them have been college plays or plays written by the girls themselves. The list of authors in- cludes Sheridan, whose "School' for Scandal" was presented in University' Hall in 1913; Percy McKaye, who gave special permission to produce his play, "The Scare Crow," in 1911 even while it was playing on Broadway; Louis Parker, whose "Pomander Walk" was given at the Whitney the- ater in 1922; Alfred Noyes, whose story of "Sherwood" with Robin Hood and his Maid Marion, was produced at an outdoor theater behind the grounds of the President's home last year. The plays have been under the 'di- rection of Prof. John L. R. Brumm of- the journalism department for several years and he has also consented to direct the senior girls this year in the production of "If I Were King" by Justin McCarthy. This is to be pre- sented at the Whitney theater, June 13th. 'C C 1 t 1 r t f S z W ome- Students Did Not Sign 'or every team. The manager is re- 1istry. This is 33 less than were made sponsible for the health of the squad for these courses last year. From the Out Twenty-Eight Years Ago members as well as their playing. total list, 50 have applied for the com- Fvery member is required to pass a bined curriculum in medicine, 63 in Twenty-eight years ago, the women which they can be brought i ose heart and lung test before she is al- laW, and one in dentistry. on this campus did not have to "sign contact under the present conditions. lowed to play in tournament games. In 1923 there were 66 applying for out" for every evening engagement At present every loyal Michigan medicine and 81 for law. Action will they had. Why? Chiefly because there woman has an ideal for the futu're; mf ,probably be taken on these applica- was no one in Ann Arbor who cared that of the Michigan League building ijEjjfl ETID Ijtions in the near future. particularly where they were or when. which will serve the women of today From the time that women gained en- and tomorrow even btter than Bar-I Archibald C. Wenley, '1, who is as- trance into the University in 1870, bour gymnasium did those of yester- sistant to Carl Bishop, now in China until the appointment of a dean of day, and will unify the life and activ- ULfor the Freer gallery of art, a branch women, in 1896, they had absolutely ity for the women of the University of the Smithsonian Institute, is inter- ao organized life or University direc- so that their ideals for Michigan, in- More than 110 students in the liter- ested in an ancient Chinese city which fron. Even. the care a.nd attention of- stead of being dispersed, may be ef- ary college have made application in was destroyed by China's first emperor fered by many Ann Arbor women was ifective. the Registrar's office of the University more than 3,000 years ago. It lies be- limited in its extent by the lack of or- --for permission to take combined neath three or four feet of earth about ganization and of a place where all Seven Baseball courses in law, medicine and dent- fifty miles south of Peking.. the women could meet. In 1898, this need of a club house Diamonds Added was met by the erection of Barbour gymnasium, the gift o fthe Honorable To Palmer Field Levi L. Barbour of Detroit. e Wme Wll Convene Lake Geneva lays of play including sports y description and an oppor- o meet women from All of, the colleges and representatives] imerous foreign countries be e regular camp life in an ideal makes up the Y. W. C. A. conference which will be held 3e camp, Lake Geneva, Wis., rpart of the summer. an sent 14 delegates to the ice last summer including lelegates from the nurses' school, but camp facilities en enlarged this year so that 25 Michigan women can be odated. fe atcamp is educational as recreational. The morning econsists \ir lectures, open and discussions on current s confronting the students of and universities. An inter- view point is gained through icipation of the foreign wom- 'ese discussions. Hore than 10 s were represented at Lake last summer including women ance, Russia, Germany, Persia, hina, India and South Africa. fternoon program consists of r and general sports such as rig, 'sailing ,;rowing, iking, Jfnd organized games. Occas- ps such as a visit to the fa- erkes observatory and ,a trip Lake Geneva, which isalmost replica of the Sea of Galilee, Meth for the camp. ' for the conference are now knpletion. Every University who is interested and desires al information is requested to in the Y. W. C. A. office in y hall as soon as p ssible. y Receipts, Helji Swell ~uilding Fuhd thousand dollars will be >ver to the University of Mich- ague as the profits from the Ial Junior Girls' play, "Thank damn," which' was givei March 'his amount is an increase of ver the sum made by last lay. xpenses of "Thank Yo, Ma- 'ere also considerably greater ose of. "Jane Climlbs a Moun- the previous year, amounting D while the 192 play cost $3,- re elaborate scenery requiring e shifters in place of seven 1 of the reasons for the added rchestration of the ms c by rge S. Riri, of Broclklyn, N. tried for theufirst time ie tx 'of the .play but tis expene, tially elini ated by the free of the, chest a whiich was id of facudty and student mu More mqney was also spent' e costumes aid the advertls- k You, Madam" is the second Girls' play whkhl has been the public. The previous 18 ore given in honor of the sen- ien by the juniors who also the attendance of the women Iniversity and members of the ring in the Vocational Guid- gazine for March is an article by Prof. George E. Myers of atlonal education department. te effiiency to use Daily Japan Hlas First Woman Doctor Tokio, May 3-The first woman phy- sician in Japan to be registered for Spracticeand given a degree corres ponding to M.D. is Madame Chikako Kuroda, a teacher in the Tokio High- er Normal School. She has been granted a degree by the Imperial University of Tokio for .a thesis on violet rays. In 1890, very largely through he ef- Palmer field has been enlarged to forts of President and Mrs. James B. accommodate a larger number of wo- Angell, the Women's League was or-#en who wish to enter the various ganized. In addition to considering sports offered by the department of problems of self government and gen- physical education this spring. eral interests of the women students this served the purpose of a social or- The field contains ine baseball dia- ganization and helped to bring faculty anonds now so that 18 teams can play women and students into closer rela- atoledboast o ony te diartment tionship?. cudbato nytodmns At the present time, Barbour gym- Forty women have signed up for nasium, which was built for a club the interclass baseball tournament house for 500 women, is forced to ac- which will open at 4 o'clock Monday, commodate approximately 2,000 stu- May 14, on Palmer athletic field. The dents, to say nothing of graduates. first games of the interhouse baseball I These 2,000 women are scattered series will be Played off at 4 o'clock widely over Ann Arbor, in dormitor- Monday on Palmer field. ies, sororities, league houses and pri- The interhouse baseball teams are vate residences. There is no way in organized with a manager and coach Mrs. . "E. Robinson Antedating the Daughters of the American Revolution is the Society of Daughters of American Colonists, re- cently organized. Mrs. J. E. Robinson of Bloomington, Illinois, is the first regent. Ancestry to form lineage basis for this society must antedate A Cofession ARLY in the history of Gotham Gold Stripe making, they were confronted with a prob- lem. -Should Gothams be of the 'costly type with a limited sale, or should they be more popular and with a wider selling outlet? the American Revolution. . ENS N din e oryhoenwadidpesr inw tyhe ainap earnc ofsmmr'cs gayest frock dngw latsring.auei wy htwila Tub Silks Pastel Voiles Pag Heed to SimplicilV Arc Dainiy and Feminine The Tub Silks arc of course "Especially adapted for dinner among the first to appear from wear are the frocks of voile with tetub be group, and their erhad rwnwk.T y straight lines, solid colors n pastel d shade or bold stripes make them accentuate feminine grace and ap- easy favorites at $19.75 and pear in all of the pastel shades 25.00.at $15.00. Linens Preserve- " l -r Adhering to the straight line tendency the frocks of linen prove their smartness through simplicity. Only a tog.ch of contrasting color or a novel collar and cuff set adorns. them. They are youthful and unusually attractive at $10.75 and up. -© This is a confession. They ignored the prob- 'lem entirely. What they did decide to do was avoid all thought of cost and produce silk stockings that would wear. r ,.. Y W. N i' The result has been that any wearer, whether she belongs to the four hundred or the forty million, after she has worn a pair, wants only Gotham Gold Stripe Stockings. fhn Hammer On Hosiery I T ALMOS express the T needs a new Kipling poem to "yammer, 'ammer, 'amimer, on the 'ard 'ghway" that hosiery m itst stand up under. Even if slippers do seem dainty, even if xiilady's step 'be light, the punishment is gruelling for the silk stockings she wears. We are all aware of that fact. We know that the Gotham Gold Stripe reputation depends on Gotham Silk Hosiery's ability to last. "Silk Stockings that wear.' So we make: Z.00 $2.25 $2,75 "Full Fashioned" is just an incident in the Gold Stripe total of qualities The, Mills Compary 118 MAIN ST. The Shop of Satisfaction -------------------- .W- II SENIORS 619 Count un the friends who want I