.1H- III N tAl1 F(juu, J6 A as 4 4, 4 hooks and Writers 4 to 4 C W.Po- IN REVIEW l yd Douglas lege books! The American author. seems to have become obsessed with the idea of writing them, and the NtTSITER'S EVERYIAY LIFE' American reading public still seems oyd Douglas; publibked by inclined to accept them. Their char- err. acters are not widely diversified' wed by Herbert A. Jump types, having a general tendency to odern minister should talk lean toward the literary and more or taxi driver, the plumber and less unusual variety. They have a eman, and thus develope his habit of arriving at college and being ympathies. He should never properly shocked by their r ommate's es with "damn" in them. conversation and morals, setting out tould he joke about funerals. immediately to change these objec- e comesdto a new parish he tionable characteristics, and generally always demand a salary at succeeding in a haphazard manner. large as his predecessor wls No one ever writes about the room- . Wh den e moves he should mate as a central character,-he is his duds in small boxes merely brought in to add flavor to the odern minister ought to know story and to demonstrate the youthful ie mechanics of a pipe organ inoec.f h eo bie can do emergency repairs nncne r' strument if these are not too Mr. Wiley has written of Yale in his ! .str n H f shdee r ert oolatest work, "The Education of Peter," e e should never permit and he has done as well as could have' inage to be next to the church, ld make a specialty of giving been done" with the time worn sub- mmencement addresses each ject. The book is not as mnch of an. ie should carry al the life autobiographical first novel as are so He thohd carry all. thelfe many college stories, and has suffi- e should he thrust his er, cient plot to be interesting. It for- ever shudh huthsper-; uaeydenogoittoln! into the workings of his we- Itunately does not go ito too long ocieties. He had better not philosophlcal discussions, and most of' clerical collar nor leave his the conversation is well handled andl hair unbarbered. At funer- convicig. he open air he should keep Peter Carey, the central character, on. Only occasionally should goes to Yale with the record of ay the bride at weddings. And popular older brother to live up to. lht before dropping off to sleep He is of a wealthy family, and almost d read a book of travel in bed. entirely strange in the uiiversity. His, it is unwise for him to speak roommate fortunately turns out to be Winning Author Clara Laughlin "So You're J. A The biggest ever offered awarded to J. author, for hi, leer's Stone." ing made top tries. Publisl{ed by loughtion, Mifflin Co. Reviewed by Smith 11. Cady, Jr. A guide book that does not boreathe reader with a mass of useless data, a history made interesting by present day associations, a real help for the visitor in Paris combined with a real literary style-this is Clara E. Laugh-< li's latest book, "So You're Going to Paris.', There is an interesting story con-' nected with every spot in Paris. It is a city of romance, intrigue, beauty. To the person who knows Paris, each picturesque vista brings memories of famous happenings. Kings, princes, beautiful women, made immortal by the literature and history of the world, once lived in Paris, frequented the same spots seen by the American tourist. Clara Laughlin is one of the persons who knows the City of Light. nker .arsen For every place of interest that the money prize-$14,000-I tourist is apt to visit she has a few for a book has- been brief stories, a few interesting selec- Anker Larsen, Danish tions from the history of the spot. She Philoso- makes it more than a mere object of Arrangements are be- interest-she gives to it the atmos- publish it in six coun- phere of beauty and grandeur that the tourist so often misses. "So You're Going to Paris" is that ideal often sought for and so seldom achieved, Fcernin gan interesting guidebook. For instance, the visitor in Paris r&f is traveling down the rue Saint-Hon- ore. At number 350, where the old- ng been taught that the fashioned guidebook would say "Scenel .eh of marriage of Napoleon," Miss Laugh- gedy have been achneved lnwie: lnwrites: ark of the "classic" dra- "At number 350 (you have no- halospeare, the Greek ticed that the numbers are much d a few others. Not long higher on the 'even' side of the minent literary periodl- street than on the 'odd' or south side) Napoleon signed his mar- eared an editorial com- riage contract, in the office of owhere in modern liter- Josephine's attorney to whom the e find true tragic writ- young general, when asked what se in which the "classic" his possessions were, replied, ruly tragic. That sense 'What I have on'.", tachment from ea.rthly Such interesting anecdotes work was so characteristic of wonders in holding the attention of Contributes Going To Paris", he reader. An American who had lever been to Paris and who had no ntentions of ever going there would Injoy Miss Laughlin's friendly style, ind would, incidentally, learn a great 'eal of history in a very pleasant way. Provision is made for every day the visitor has in Paris. Even Sundays, are provided for, including walks down 'he rue Saint-Martin, the Place Saint-, Michel, glimpses of Notre-Dame and other of Paris' cathedrals. A tourist following Miss Laughlin's advice would be kept busy-and happy-for sixteen days, at least! And then theret are the outlying points of interest. such as Saint-Denis, Chantilly and( Fontainebleau. The edition is profusely illustrated. many of the pictures being repro- ductions of old wood cuts of the Paris; of Louis XIV and the French- Revolu- tion. Several are taken from famous paintings. such as that of the Oath of the Tennis Court, by Couder, and that of Victor Hugo by Deveria. "So You're Going to Paris" is seem- ingly a fixture on the "best-seller" list and bids fair to become the most pop- ular non-fiction book of the season. HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION I, The King I, THE KING, by Wayland Wells Wil. ams. Published by Stokes, $2.00. Reviewed by Maurice Ransford Being a self-styled "Story of a rich young man," "I, the King"' has all the advantages, and certainly a good share of the disadvantages: to be found in most novels of its kind. Starting out with Kit Newell as a ch'ild of three. Lhe story carries biim rapidly through childhood, prep school and into Yale without much deviation from the beat- en paths of proper writing. The first' section of the book, under the sub- title "Kit" is whimsical, interestingh and extremely human. With the war and K ts as,,ignment, to an obscure post in the South Pac'fMc the trend of the story changes. His experiences on a tiny atoll there area unusual, to say the least, and lend at highly imaginative air to the story. It makes easy reading, perhaps because it is not particularly convincing. His return to the United States to find his oldest friend dead in the ser- )f the whole work, but it is well writ- ten, and contains some scenes which are very real. Kit's sorrow at the loss of his friend is so real as to be very moving. I cannot agree with some reviewers vho call "I, The King" a remarkable work, nor can I hold with those who dislike it. I find it on the middle plane, having both good and bad quali- ties, yet withal very much worth read- ing, and coming as more or less of a relief from too much psychological matter. To be sure, there is psycho- logical matter found in its pages, but -s is not offensively heavy. The mnat- ter of Kit's wealth, and his first move to spend it for charities when he comes into his inheritance fails to convince me. Very few college Jun- ors, upon coming into $80,000 a year, would endeavor to get rid of it as rapidly as possible to charitable insti- tutions. and from the other character- istics of Kit. I do not think he would I be one of the few. Frank Smithies, '04M, professor of medicine in the Wniversity of Illinois gave the third Bedford lecture at the vice, and his attempt to fit himself Pittsburgh College of Physicianq into civilized life after his carefree cently. The subject was "The 0 existence on the island take up the ok of two hundred pages a wise I In FavorOf Japan - ng-manual for a pastor in charge arish. ~-~- - best piece of satire in the book New York, May 3--Thirty-seven EU Ou p VVEI EI l Au hapter four where he is describ- members of the faculty of Columbia- ie difference between a meeting University have signed a 'protest 'S deacons and a meeting of the against the proposed clause in the es. "At the deacons' meeting pending immigration till passed by hairman opens the session by the Senate which terminates the "gen- , 'Brother Wilson, kindly lead tlemen's agreement" negotiated by a word of prayer.' The trustees'i President Roosevelt and Secretary ng is formally in session when Root with Japan. hairman says, "Jim, pass the The statement which claims that the UNDER FINE CONDITIONS es." proposed measure will injure existing a: -,.. peaceful relations with' the eastern country is to be forwarded to Sena- tiate or Colt, of Rhode Island, chairman of ' -a E A N P E ythe Senate Committee on immigration. REALCOMPANIONS EJWC)UATI0O F 1?PETER; by 1-5.= n Wiley; published by Stokes, Harry M. Comins, '03, was recentlyTiotd 0. elected secretary of Flint board of This trip is open to college students and faculty. Our ege books and still more col- education. p an has received the full and hearty endorsement of our lead- lililitiililitilittllttllililililitllmililiitiliintlllltililiw n educational institutions. SCHUMACHER IHARWARE COMPANY : THE LOW COST AkStore of Individual ShopsT EL -10-12 So. Hain KtPhone 171-175-M We offer these exceptional advantages at a cost not -greater than that of pre-war times and under conditions which Swould be impossible for us to secure were it not for the special 1 0 I L E b FR OM TOW co-operation of the White Star, Dominion and the Grand anda Meai in 5 Minutes Trunk Lines. It's great sport eating under the trees, miles away from the_- at and congestion of the city! No matter where you go with the '-to the woods-to the beach-day picnicking--or long distance iring-how you enjoy a substantial meal, deliciou ly cooked cn (Round Trip) :cal cook stove. Kamp Kook Kits . FOR PARTICULARS SEE iI Give me the man who can hold on when others let go; who pushes ahead when others turn back; who stiffens up when others retreat; who knows no such word as can t" or "give up;" and I will show you a man who will win in the end, no matter who opposes him, no matter what obstacles confront him. 1 11 i k Iy -MI arden. I loll