THE MICHIGAN DAILY DICUSSESI AOMS Inner of Nobel Prize For Physics Delivers University Lecture ESU1IBAES NEW FIELD OF WORK IN ATOMIC MECHANICS Dr. Robert Andrews Millikan, win- 3r of the Nobel prize for physics last ai, and second .of the only two Am- icans ever to have received that nor, delivered a University lecture 11 o'clock yesterday morning in itural Science auditorium on the tbject of "Atomic Structures." He aWs in Ann Arbor to deliver the prin- pal address at the Phi eta Kappa itiation banquet last night. President Marion L. Burton, who s been confinedtoshis home for the rast week, and has hd to cancel ost of his engagements for some ne because of illness, was able to in- bduce the speaker. Professor Milli- mn described the various parts that ientists are now agreed mak up the oms. Electrons Determine Kind "If we could magnify the atom 10 llion times, it would have a diameter E about a yard, and yet the nucelus, ich sometimes contains several hun- aed electrons, would be the size of pin head," said the professor. He so pointed out that although one n never see an atom withl his eye, .e scientist can see them better than these minute particles could be ewed by the visual organs, due to *e imperfections of sight.~ "It is the number of the electrons," lieves Dr. Millikan, "that determines e majority of the characteristics the atom except mass." He furth- ' said that all physicists agree th-at >far no proof has been offered to ad anyone to believe that there is iy smaller electrigl charge than the .ectron. Adds To Knowledge Dr. Millikan pointed out that, con- ary to the popular idea, these) new ieories of the phyicist concerning at- ns has in no way destroyed any of le claims put forth sometime ago by ie chemists but have simply added ditiona knowledge. The main part of his address dealt ith the field which he thinks will ewelop into one of."Atomic Mechan- s," similar to "CGeestial Mechanics." hie atoms always travel in circular aths, moving from one path to an- ;her. It is the prediction of the ovements that will be taken up un- er "Atomic Mechanics." Classified-Con't. 1OSPITALJJ SIPP1IES he Place Where You'll Be Satisfied HOSPITAL SUPPLY CO. Geo. Gltzenhirn, 3(gr. Makers and Dealers in nrglcal and Scientifical Instruments A bdmfulnal Belts, Artificial Limbs Braces, Trusses, Arch Supports Experimental Work of All Kinds icrotome Knives Ground and Other Fine Grinding Plating and Repair Work 016 E. Washington St. TIeiCIhne a 2%-M MUSIC ' lE LATEST VICTOR records one a week, every Friday at Schaeberle & Son's, 110 S. Main St. FOR IRE EEP THE mud off the flaaper's shoes. Don't walk her around. Phone, 1060-J and use a Sedan. I'. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest Announce the Only Visit in Detroit of the lOSCOW ART THEATRE World's Foremost Acting Compa iy at the UIRRICK THEATRE Delroit V. AF TERNOON-"'BHE CHERRY 4) RCHWAII." )NJIGT-"TIE LOWER DEPTIIS" rises. Nights ..........$1.00 to $3.00 ats. Wed. and Sat. ....$1.00 to $2.50 Sunday Dinner MENU Soup Cream of Asparagus Wafers Olives Radishes Prime Rib "oast of Beef au jus Roast Leg of Lamb With Mint Sauce Roast Young Chicken with , DrEssing_ Cut Wax Beans Mashed Potatoes Polls Salad head Lettuce and Tomato with Thousand Island Dressing Dessert Invention Makes Vision By Radio Possible, Claim', J. P. Morgan met leaders of the re- parations commission informally to discuss the proposed loan of 800,000,- 000 gold marks to Germany, as a part of the reparations solution. He said: first, that the loan would have to be part of a genuine reparations settlement, and second, that it would have to be amply secured. Premier Theunis and Foreign Min- !iere more than two and one-hal ster Hymans, of kBelgium, arrived in years ago, and is still going strong,C London to discuss the Dawes repar- with no prospect of a settlement. FOUNTA PEN ation plan with Premier McDonald._--_ They are acting the part of inter- Poland. IRoumania, and Turkey,, REMEBER that Rider told you Dia- mediaries between France, Italy and signed a defensive treaty, which pro- nond Blue Black Ink was the best Great Britain. -- vided for a guarantee of the existing fountain pen ink. Now you know it Bishop Aukland, a town in north frontiers against zany external ag- is good. England ,holds the long distance gressor, and contains a clause con- RIDER'S PEN SHOP strike record. A labor dispute started cerning the liberty of the Dardanelles. 302 State Street SLE~EP AiNYW] EAT AV TH T LUB~f 71 Arbor Near State and P, 3rc BOTTLE CRES, INE MAKES 12 QIL STARTING TODAY At 2:00, 3:40, 5:20, 7:00, 8:30 Come When the Shows Start! I r Famous Novel, Which:Answers the Cry of the "Moderns":j J. L. Baird The invention of apparatus making it posible to see by radio is credited to J. L. Baird, young Scottish electric- al engineer. It is explained that even owners of ordinary tube sets will be able to install the apparatus, and see by means of television. Baird, who is 28, says he has been workingon the device since he was 18 years of age. The Week's News In Brief (Continued from Page One) "There will be less crime and social outrages featured in newspapers in. the years to come," said Paul Bellamy, editor, in an address before the Amer- ican Society of Newspaper Editors. "Newspapers have found that it does not pay to cater to the tastes of those who would rather read yellow journlism than clean news truth- fully told." "Forty-five women arrived in Wash- l ington from 22 countries for the fourth biennial cong ress of the Wo- men's International eague for Peace. They will attempt to map out a com- prehensive program for enlarging the scope of the peace movement. The Senate passed the annual naval supply bill, carrying $273,000,000, AttachedA o it was an amendment authorizing the President to call a second Naval Disarmament confer- "Is Marriage Essential?7" FEATURING CORI TH F AND SUPPORTED BY AV Ew Elliott xtr FOREIGN there were This week inl.: revolutions 1. Mexico. 2. Honduras. P. A Cuban Province. 4. A Nicaraguan Province. May Day activities consisted of: 1L Numerous clashescin Germany be- tween "Communists and the police. 2. A parade of 10,000 workers in Tokyo, under the watchful eyes of 3,000 police deputies. 3. Small clashes in Athens, Greece. 4. A strike of taxicab drivers in Paris. 5. Communist demonstrations in Lisbon, Portugal. 6. Peaceful demonstrations in Great Britain and Russia. Philip Snowden, British chancellor of the exchequor. submitted his first budget. He reported a surplus of 48,329,000 pounds for last year. He recommended the removal of the Mc-} Kenna duties,. a war-time measure which levied a 3311-3 per cent duty on all imported cars and parts, musi- cal instruments, rubber goods, and other articles. Manufacturers said it's removal would ruin the British auto mobile industry. Premier MacDonald said: "Before discussing the limitation of armaments you must first of all remove some of the difficulties in the political situa- tion in Europe." Plorirftkay tkrryMyetr Hissluporl p a t irbt Phjvllirlkwver ffobartBosrwopi Wd4Van A STORY OF NEW VORK'S GREENWICH VILLAGE! It Takes Two to Make a Collision 0 Careless driving causes the ma- jority of automobile accidents- but the careful driver suffers too. You can't afford to be careless abput insurance. Theft, fire, col- lision, public liability-what in- surance do you carry? Are you sure it's the kind you need? em'. ADDED FEATURES - -I in it hy" "FUN FROM THE PRESS" WUERTH CONCERT ORCHESTRA SPECIAL MUSICAL SETTING ARRANGED BY N. D. FALCONE PATHE NEWS Home Made Apple Pie Strawberry Shortcake with I -EX-T- 11 -