THE MICHIG~AN DAILY SCr;;^. 1 . i, s s sfq f 1 Tode 11. SPECIAL Ex 1),0 ER111 a and Every Day 25c Can Grapefruit, I A c Large Loavesr 3Bread LJ Ice food. cream is the great summer Eats lots of it, but be sure Phone it is the best. Ann Arbor Dairy Ice Cream protects you fully. Purest in- gredients only are used. Sani- tary conditions prevail at every stage in the making. The Result: The finest, purest, most palatable ice cream you ever tasted, aA variety of flavors for you are always ready. Special shapes and. designs for parties. A special week-end brick of Vanilla, Orange Ice and Fresh, Stram'berrp. Order from our dealers or from the Plant direct. 3 3 3 Lbs. BEANS Pkg. Macaroni 25c 'I9C 25c The Q~rub Cah Grcer Our- Motto: "The Most for Your Moniey~ SQATURD AY'S SPECIALS 14 Po ulds "Sug r (Pt r",...... ....... .. ..«t i(D~lIds31 P aiioill Corn). 2 (an11 or ..... .id IfAlm "ticy Gru' e IrcA h ( Iire Goose Braind) 4 ior...... 2c :we Oran.;ps, ( l(; ...... 29e clcclyIreltirg . ..... ............ .............. 3 1'xrIi'a iaii vPrunes (td0to y0) ?2 ounads ..................,......2ic Isc itir,' bard, only .................... ....................I1c 1 cit. Jersey I1Ikl, oly~'. ............. .................. .....12c Extra. Parlay sf ra wberrle , I lit........................... I~c 25c(Catn Grapefrit, only. ...................................199 43c Co'ffee, On r Spea ai-T-tl-Iay-Al t. ...... ....... . . ......399 FULL LINEOF FRES'-H FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND F--RESH MEATS A x RA . - - DelicIo Us DAWN DO Indorsed by Sai1iu c ll j:thle nlydonut's imade f~i'o . [ti l'h( from- all grease. ' i Dawn Donuts cah bLe purchased !: b kers orat v tirfa'un?;1- e tenr 1):)r NUT' S I at allleadiiln ucil4GJ VL'CU YV IA V V;PLC CI. L1I j piLc. PHONE 2993-R ~d .cn~. I......Y~i~.......Mi....i....~.......l..... i They a Lbs. RICE &Company 4,23 I Detiv cries Daily, Today until 4:00- P. M . Ann Arbor Da iry Co. N. ........,,,.r,... Butter Eggs. Cheese Poultry WHOLESALERS bles 2274-R Mlargyarine Fruit Vegetal Ainn Arbor Produce Co. 10,4- ww.... THE SCHUT ROOERY PUEFOOD PUREYORS PHONE 1373 or 77-J WE DESLIVER isand Out*a elci4 . ' h~ 2 'y1..\ 4 TANTLIZNG 4CH G FRO~ilYOUR.DEALE i g bli ''£ )'ti. a£ l .teGnyPx LA 709 PACKARD ST. "=I 191 No. 10OCansLogancberries .. .....~ No. 2 Canms Grapefruit, doz. ... $2.OO Best Bl-ack Pper b.111 .., ..~ LargeQu e Oies, qt, . ... 5c 53") I-O!"'EST AYE. P'roprietor o cyLe Dl PHONE 816 Figs,-lb. ... .27c * 9* *9 90 9 , _ . . .,. I x~m) -~ Qua lity llAeats I Phonle -.J PHONES 326 -327-328' 114,116. WASHINGTON ST. Shaw Groc'ery Company 101'; F. Uniiversity Ave. =11111 I111illll1hI1n1[ilul 01IIl ilvizg 1hIhi111I1i;hI1;iIin ;1:i:;l1;lgifi,: I"Fruit Sal d" Bri*ck Ice Croa vServe 'thi's delicious ice rem or dse.Pi -cream with pineapples, fr-eshl ltabr i :, pc peachc Swalnut meats. Be sure to ask for ii. OjRANGEIC,QU:ART..,...z ,A.CA"NDY SECIALS - Rich 1'W11it T~apewd .'eirnaa F11" ' . ,....... I= ut Geodies......................... I" C( alNItA Rlls, per 1lb..... .,..,.. - 1 (Ap C o noInte Pe.1nd" .." ..,l.. .. t1, al i1 Bitersweet, icr l11., Mpec ii3d............. ..... 2 la Je~enly Tll~s ..................... .................... . iM'Iik ('16lie te (Cover'ed B 1s, 3:; ............. 1V atHrnSre '.Ill11111N 1 111 1117E i~ 8111Blll I:Re3d1f3al;!t ii :1 1 C 3 ATTENTION, STEWARDS! IS IT ECONOMY? WE DO NOT THINK SO) 11 These Warm Spring Dayst Make Our u. I-SODAS d S'UNDjA 'E S ESPECIALLY DELICIOUS Y Yo W*N.ill: Enj o y Our Prompt Service anhd Delectable Dishes - FRESH CANDIES MADE UP TO YOUR ORDER THO MPSON'Si -212 SOUTH' MAIN ST. . Po + ult-y, Fish aid Game in sasi 1 2 1 rge Lonf Bread . . . ....... ... C>!;( ("n) 3ro iittc li e2~IU ("IllCa s ? 9 Lbs.4milue sugi. e f................................... . trid !ly F1.esh IEggs , doz; . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . F~iL~isBut1r3l. ........ ............................... ( ho'ee mkd lkWlhlor H4al, l b................... isickory 1, Pa olI, in 3 lb). IpleCVC, r of er, lb. .. ........ Chile Pot RonustlBef,I, ltr 1....... Ch1oice Short ]bids, l?. .. ...................... Porf3k Shoulder lzoast, b....................... lhiugro r 1g 2lS.................... Beef Tnus h tSweetniedsFrSSr', iwb'Rerr1(lsatl J Kelg' onFilws,3.......................... , ... ............. . .. .......... Gray FriWg, doz.... fo............................. Ihelier to All hlt; &of Cit3 I:m.I hie V ~-, l We are not converted 'to the idea of making our customers carry the jobbers stock, so we are here in the Grocery Business to do that for you... We will name you prices at any time 'for delivery from our stock in any quantity that you may wish. We will guarantee that you will be better satisfied than if you had your pantry filled with a lot of goods that you did not want, nearly so much as the Stranger who sold you, tried to mnake you believe. Buy your goods at home and know what you are getting, and when you will get it, with no shortages or back orders, and, at the price that we tell you it will be. YOURS FOR GOOD FOOD PLUS SERVICE usfor years. Surely that -fact is a.proof of the perinanenice of our servi ce. We find that most of our sales have been repeat sales, and that a great many()of Our customers have traded xvIth :, i I A. Ro G 220 N. Main St. Poe30 Phone 3100 ._ :,,