THE MICHIGAN DAILY III A VA= o - s BRUIM TO ANNOUNCE SENIOR CASTTODA1Y! the 1 es are faculty. A large supply of artic- left from the Christmas bazaar also being sold. EXPLAINS TENONDIES I NCORORAlZT PLAY REHIEARSALS IWILL MELD DAILY DUR1ING* COM-~F ING WEEK Comies To Inspect Womzen Police In 'American Cities! ~JUNIRS AD SEIORSNo ticesI WIN IN DANE'l EET - I Thefirat round of the tennmis tourna- Junior and senior ajo;cr stuadents illr meut mus t be played off by Monday the departmnent of physical educatioan anid the Names of the winners (those took first place in the dan-Iyce peet! vz will two sets out of three) post- held Tuesday night in ]3;arbcur-r n- ed on the b)ulletin board in Barbour mtnsium, by a score of 47.8 agint thIFt 44 points gained by the freshtmen atnd znsun sophiomoireclasses.coniorpitnsaepn BE- Free (dancinig, ;fundamle ntals,, nu re- Throecuclo oitsaeoe ryrhymns and oiialgop:acsAt the iri Rc:eeve suinmer camp, for lwere wolked' out i:i the,, t whitiich the coming summerZf. These are 'in was a challenlge to the freshen and 1 li~lswtiming, n alure lore, Crafts, "hnd, sophomore by the two upe1lass)ous eeeing. Womien who wou~ld like] ga-Dr. Margaret Bell and N Ehlto ihave these posi tions are asked toI adys McCormick, of the, phys ca dco sl Miss: Traum aat the city, Y. W1. ore dlepartmenlt, judged? the lrn"4, .( oMsT. aln'oiap ne ch ___________C oiMrzs. .E aknf' p t in ta nford To p'e.nt Fipointent s Stanford univer.sity, Ay 2''.-Oen AA}>>C1rI~~l i Five -100 Per Cent i Li pert house, (G),'E Pledgs InDrive Ita l 61; Phj S1 Pl d e nRegh house, 56; Adle hue () 0 Followi is the latest per- centage report of the houses on the campus in the Womle's life member- ship drive: Alumnae house, 100;Co Co-legiate Sorosis, 100: Alpha Xi Delta,E 100; Ladd house, (3), 1(,"; Pi 13Bea Phi, 100; Alpha Gamma Delta, 92; Delta Gamima, 90; Alpha Chii Ollie-[, 79; Caughey, (9), 78; Gamma Phi Bet,,, 77; Betsy Barbour, 77; Martha Cook. 72; Adams hiouse, (10), 70; 'The numbers in parenthesis the number of wvomen living House. These are only given there are a small number a house. Mr. R. B. liosken of the S Machinery company interviews iors interested in positons w; company in mechanical engia yesterday. BE, Members of the cast for the annual{ Seior Gils~' play, "If I Were Kink," y which will be given June 13, are to be announced in tomorrow's Daily. P9rof. John L. Brumm~, who is directingC the production, has been holding in- tensive rehearsals during the past, week in order to select the leadinga' characters from' the large number of women who tried out. Reheai sals for the coming week are scheduled as follows: Act 2, 7 o'clock M~onday; 'act 3, 7:30 o'clock Tuesday; act 2, 7 o'clock Wednesday; act 3, 4. o'clock Thursday; act 4, 4 o'clock . Friday. Rehearsals for -the following week include those of. act 4 at 7 0'- clock Monday; act 3, 4 o'clock Tues- day; act 4, 7 o'clock Wednesday; actt 1, 4 o'clock Thursday; act 2, 4 o'clock, Flriday. Only members with sp eak-~ ing parts will be required to attend rehearsals until further notice is giv-11 en. These members are expectd to I Ceiniandant Xary S1. = [lea pa e f$ rmwihfnso Yr .Alwcmadn fabsences will be deducted and with the W omen's Auxiliary Police of Lon- which food 'will be bought later for don,,has just arrived in New York to rehearsals. spend .eight weeks studying American ! police methods, especially the methods ' of condIuctirn-ni'lht courts, in se~ eral American citib S ',he wears LEA lE UM~ C SLE London policewom en must either; TO E A ENJ B Twcrppedthotw"an-fariong an ays;h TO REUPENdTO a net-no bobbed hair on the7 force. Reneorter s sent out to look forj Results of the League rummage saleheupnoraivlasdhr v1 for yesterday showed that nearly half, erlupnc hinkrivalhrp a n er e-, of the articles had been sold. The fore th ey were told that "le" was the sale re-opens at 8 o'clock this morn-)I "police lady." ing at the city Y. WV. C. A. and con-I ----1 tinues until b o'clock this evening.,M dl tl Teeis a large supply of useful ar- m d l GiveStlI tidles, both old and new. The com- D)isp lay At Pa rty mittee in charge expects that these will -ll be sold today. Proceeds of -the sale, ,which is an!] !a in oes euiu lte annual affair, will be. given to the 1Cndarstile,;model,ptt t ifunllthesr; League building fund. Articles on sale own were displayed at the style showit have been donatod by league hiousesyestav afternon at Sara h Caswcll, sororities, doritories an~d women W o'.rgefl h211as ,part of tlhe entertain- f, (,LAT'V I)Y WI, '2.31,,SPEARS' FORE LOCAL BRANCH O01- W 4V03[E N VOTERS }}Modern= tendencies in court onp ization were explained by Oha Wells, '23L, in a speechi given bei the meeting of the Ann Arbor bra of Women Voters, Thursday night Lane hall. Miss Wells emphasized the' that; specialization in the courts ables each judge to deal with types of cases for which he hasl bared himself, and mnakes possible exclusion of the crowds of court lowers in moral cases. She illust ted this tendency by facts taken ft the Chicago system which is divi into domestic relations, court, 1) court and morals court. She ad that sometimes various members the same family will be present in three courts at the same time. N~ Wells also emphasized the importa of the psychopathic laboratory in c nection with the court, to disco the true cause of crime.' Laverne B~urchfield, grad., explb ed Ann Arbor's system of governor Iwhich is of the mayor-council t3 Violet Kidder, °'26, gave a history the National League of Women, ers, which was first organized as auxiliary to the women's party in states where women could vote, 'which is absolutely non-partisan in policy. i Mrs.' Louis Warfield, who wass by the state president 'of the Lea as one of the Michigan delegates the fifth annual convention of League which was held April 23-2i Buffalo, N. Y., told several of her ieie cs. R .: -°' ... Special for Saturday ALL PATTERN HATS AT REDUCTION ALSO fact? en- the pre- the fol1- .tra- rom iced ded of all diss ne ,ver ype. rof vot- >an all but 1its sent gue to the 9 in ex - air rehearsal are being hell on the campus for the production of "The1. Legent of the Laurell", a Greek play to be staged by the Women's Althletic vs- sociation on May 3. The cast ,,v'l in- elude eight principal roles while more than 140 other~ women are taiking, part in choruises and committees. jt a v .41Lk,,n iau,, , t~tU1111 l1U secretary, will be in the office of the W omen's Leaiguie from 11:30 to 1:30 today. Teaim cap)tains are requested to turn in t heir membership reports at this time. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quick ly.-Adv. Cane :One. Assortment at................ . . .. ... $5 Assortment at ...... ... ... ..... .$6. PUY 1 &HITZ 328 SOUTH MAIN i i i i i I . . _ > a.:n.:: _- . s 6 . , ow DOROTHY DAL TON 11t1 hePianutPicture AS f'ry (ifCrloos' iii he urilanUndVwllf d ---S'SA GE-- MAX BLOOMV and A LICE SHER in "The Wall of the Lonesome THiAT'S 311' ORSE ; Anent of the Women's League party. jLingerie, sport clothes, suits, street dIresses, afternoon. and evening dress- es of the latest fashion were shown. Prof. Robert T. Craig of the forestry i department hand twenty, students of that department yesterday made a, tour of inspection to the Creolite Manu- facturing company at Toledo. I The Sliding, Danming Comedian f ROSCOE AILS AND KATIE I'LLIVO WITII IIOSV()E AILS'' JAZZ O~itCIIESTRA'AND C'fARLIES CIALVERLT II mom, 1 . ~ ~. 1 ti i i 21 r SUNDAY- SCHEDULE: J ; i P. 1q. H 7t -,C0 P. @:I. E : v P. M. !j s8:4,P. vl' S ' 6 SUNDAY PRICES MAIN4EE ANDFjEXIWUN Lopes $ldO Children 20- :l' V i Icimde war Tax 4 :'f Dllp l 9 Logos u$1.10 Lorle r yy .y ,,, .,wBe y defile A Irv! THE OM CE S '&GPa RH 'SIMMRTAL 5E~l 1 LA HAL V /GPIG N JL.77,Y f l rf y f" 'a nv--- PO 10- A\T! I rr YOUR AD- TA NT. 0 E R L y .. ; : I ;+ k I4 . ( s Ji I 1 The Greatest Lor!e Story Screened 4A r a ' d 0 S I 4 jW. AlE ETI t8OF UN MPARALL.ELED ~1 (~Mi CENC, TPERPORTRAYALS BY A7~ AL-STUICAXST1, A'NDJ VIVID, PULSATINA,' V'4ilANE-FASTACON r x< a e O 0 o: d0, 0' The MuI sical 9re W ll B E Ideihivn al t '19W 'il hi roduttica ° 's 1'ez i ii Sw in New Voli City. Orthzestrmt More T"hait D~oled to Properly Presenlt Eiery ]Detdil e l a tniolty and Effects. NK'. 0 S U SPECIL kE eni1 1ing Ol. BaI'Oi~y d ..A-t A -, 11''1 n i R~ . - 5A~ /1 5 seve A y 'illie. I- 9 _ _...."-7 .;,