SVR1k. rl u'arii'V L..#flL SLY OfFICI Al IBU L L ETI N %tiou 'i the Buletin Is constructive noticer to al members of xversty. Copy received b;": thr, A#4Itant to the Predent until (.(11:30 Saturday~ # 4 FRIDIAY, MA Y 2,1924 N mber 1;5 he information of the memibers of the Univers~ty and of the public Sregulations of the University are herewith summarized: o-not park In cross roads between ovals as t etween Chemistry and ience ThBaililings. arkig must be only In indicated apace at University Hlal. 'o patking In center space at University Hall. hen avilable space is filled, no more cars may be parked. o paarking in driveways. 041y cars with permits are allowed to park in "Restricted Space" rocks and "cars positively must keep off lawns and walks. following University parking spaces are available: estricted -' Between Chemistry Bldg. and Natural Science Bldg. -At'University Hll., -At old Campus Boiler H-ouse. " - South of Old Engineering Shops Open - S. University Ave. between E. University and Havn. 't -- Vollt nd and Washtenaw corner. estrcted - Health Service. Open- -- South of University Laundry. Washington ;street. estricted - East of Store House. 14th Street estricted - Between University' Hospital "and Maternity Ward. -North of Hospital Office. -bear of Dental Building. bove rules arein accordance with Public Acts Noo, "80 and No. 32 Applications for parking permts should be made at the Secre- ice. puikings and Grounds Department are patrolling all designated paces and wll rigidly enforce the above rules.' E. C. Pardon, Superintendent t Buildings and Grounds Department. ttention of all holders, of Athletic Coupon Books is called to the paragraph inside the front cover of the Coupon Book : 'een ted for admission by any person other than owner, look wvill d, taken up at time of fraudulent presentation and full admission The Owner will be called to account for any fraudulent use of and will be subject to discipline by the University authorities on dation of the Athletic Association." At= , fifty books were taken up at the Ohio State game and the these ,books will be reported to the University authorities for their !an we not expect better cooperation from Michigan men andi women eryance of'this personal contract and obligation? Fol~ding 11. Yot Drector. r Art A9Ssgcaton: sWll be an exhibition of watercolors, etchings, and dry-points by [agher, and of color wood prints by 1.. Walter Phillips, at Memorial k daysat 1:30 and Sundays at 2:00 p. m. fropi Saturday, April 26, S a'4 ncuiets of the, Universit~y and the Schools will e admitted free: AWarren P Lombrd, Presidfent riversity of Michigan Chapter of Phi Beta appa cordially invites rs of Qtbr chapters of the society to attend Its, annual initiation ,J May 3rd at 7:30 ,p. M. in the main dining-room on the first floor on." Tiokets at $150 may be obtained on the eveningof theLanquet SAll nmembers planning to attend will please notify the under- mal or telephone. J. H. Hodges, Secretary. al meeting and" election of officers, Friday evening, M\ay 2, at s p. Club room. Henry F. Adats, Secretary. T. osken of the Sullivat Machinery Company will be in Room eerng Oulding, Friday, May 2nd, and wishes to interview those in- n positions with this company. I. C. Anderson. Qtra"tiell League Contest: ix Opresentatives" of the Universities of Michigan, Wisonsn, noib, °lIn'nsota, and Northwestern will compete for the honors of )f1'contet tonight in Hill auditorium. The contest begins at ig rto'clock. ,I . Dann, President, Oratorical Aso. Yi l Chiagan'Band: : le'ai~e the . U. Rt.station oil HURON STtERIT for the Kalama-oo 4~ thi3s morning. Wear full(dress unifrom and bring racks. Willam (raulich, Jr., QManaget'r aezhiay purchase tickets to Glee Clubs Formal Dance, to b givm 510 .1,rold Stephen, 803 So. State "St., Phone 3520. ilawaril G. SalmiUl. will be firing on the outdoor range Friday aftern son, May 2nd, d&y morning, May 3rd. Trucks will leave R. 0. T. C. Office 1:00 day and 8:15 A. M. Saturday. No students will be permitted to have not completed the required preliminary instruction as given s I and II. Wmn. T. Carpenter, P.M.S. & T. Boar~d Ushiers: rical board usher's are requested to be at Hill auldjtoriium at 7 :3 night. R.. D. T. Hollister. ?r. Gall ageher-'a i --- II 1 . Ii :i (:PS AND GOWN S ARE NOW READ11Y AT GEORGE MOE'S Only 150 seniors have called for their Caps and Gowns at Gecrge Moe's sport shop on North University avenue. All the Com- mencement garments arrived last Tuesday. With Swing-Out only five dlays off the seniors are urg- ed to take them out of the shop right away so that all may have them at that time. SwFing-Out is the first tradition- al ceremony each spring in which the senior classes appear together obi the campus in Caps and Gowns. From then on until grad- uation they are worn on designat- ed dlays of each week. Baltimore, May 1,-Senator James1 Copenhagen, Mlay 1.--At the opening! Couzens passed a "fairly comfortable: of parliament Premier Stauning read nlight" and was "doing well" this the king's speech without winding up morning at Johns Hopkins hospitals xwith the traditional "long live the, where he was operated on for gall-j king and the constitution." Instead, bladder trouble Tuesday. H~is condi: another La-bor man shouted, "Long -tion continues satisfactory, hospital live Denmark." authorities added. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything Patronize Daily Advertisers.- Adv quickly.-Adv. SiT (TENT'S--SI ?ICER IWORK Deri' West Side is enjoying the I"y rN.__ g reatest industrial development that New C Ann Arbor people do not r ize that right here in oure home town we have one of largest stocks of flower sE in the state. In annual se wve l'ave not only the well lin rarities but we have the n est novelties in separate co' as well as mixed. In peren: flower seeds we have a v variety and carry many ki not carried in retail catalog If a small quantity or an ou is required we can supply. stocks are fresh and gerin tion is guaranteed. Everytl in flowering seeds, plants, bi shrubs. (c'lagiper madl Slumii Gallagher and Shean, the famous coup le, who will aplpear in tile Green- wich Village Fo l i-;,sat the Wtahitney , th eater Sundaly ;ight. T,, xviii be tlid liremliere ahppe r~ince of the two comians in AnnvArbor It's 'ra eflcicne(y to use Dlaily, W1ITN j MJaiQlleroi ,e %Thur. I3:i? AMERICA' GREATE fE l!M F. Ray Conmstock and M1orris Gest Announce' the Only Visit In Detroit of the NOSCOW ART THEATRE World's Foremost Acting Company at the GARRICK THEATRE Detroit TONIGHT "Tzar Fyoder Ivarovitch." Sat. Hat. May :3-"11The Cherry Or- chard."1 .Sa . Eve. 1,1a y 3--,The Lower Depths." Prcices, Nights . '..$1.00 to $3.00 SNats. Wed. and Sat. .... $1.00 to $2.50 :I 1 11a1 1 l l Il-i i III I i l SHave You Seen y ww ''h e N ew ly w OpenedM ~Ann Arbor .: Resauan SPECIAL LUNCHEON "The Best of Everything" Catering especially to par- w. t:Les at reasonabhle price. Res- ervations made by appoint- CALL 584-J Cur Fountain Specials arethe best and something rnew.'- - 215 S. Main St. {Patronize D7aily Advertisers.-Adv, Women to Learn a ,Business of Happiness The happiest occupation in the world is-showing women how to improve their appearance. It brings happiness to them-untold happiness. It brings satisfaction and fortune to you. You can learn this business of happiness in a few weeks of fasci- nating work. First we teach you how to improve your own person- al appearance. That brings hap- piness to you. Then you learn how to improve the appearance of others. That brings happiness to them.. Complete course in Facial and Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, Manicuring, Marcel, Water and Permanent Waving, Hairdressing, Electrolysis. Attractive surround ings. Easy terms. The time is past when women have to be contented with meager earnings just because they are women. In almost any point on the map we have Marinello Shop Owners earning from $3,000 to $20,000 a year in a highly respected calling. More salaried positions are open for trained Marinello graduates than we can fill. Right now decide to look into this business of, happiness; it is the onportunity of a lifetime. Write for catalog and complete booklet any section of the world has ever gone through. We will train a fewv U. of M. men to sell our properties, filrnish cars, and close the'r sales. One Michigan man made $5,040 here last summer. W 4trite giving telephone number and address. You will be in- terviewed in the campus and our pro- position and method of training thor-1I oughly explained. 1012Jl.etoltNAT Saigs0an A.12 DeYoiM ans BCO. Detroit, M1ihgan II HARRIS S, SEED) STORE ,n & Firth -'IltlIElillliti11111lt1i191slliiiillt6ili illl lllill .. ,.. ., ; f. *; ... _ «.. , O Y K ... ' ,. rrt ,: "S Y J L L .y N C. \ i f ,1.. 1 Vn y "rY i ; 3i. r i sn F,. a i lM 4 : ±,t 4j y ii [ f 'F as ' 2 !._y'P f s X . 5t{ ^' 9i! 4 v :,x - wY 4 Y 1 ! i W.. 'ti... ^w.w. .,. _,. { " ' ' r Y W * f I A11 i r l I : i w ' fti .. ... /, . , , i' .. i .. ... I New Gage Hats Weekly Al . '. at~.. Darling Jialleaux The Marinello System L .3iY Tower Court 366 Fifth Ave~ CHICAGO Dept. Col. t. NEW 'YORK_ 221 So. State SILI NTALL STAR 0IUANYOFW Lower Floor, $3.S"; Balconly Just Published "~A CURIOUS MISHAP" By .CA RLOS GO LDONsiI Edited and .Adapted, for Stage Presentation by) PROF. RICHARD D. T. HOLLISTER wAHR'S Price $1.00 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I - --- - e :over M O An& A new subdivision out Jackson Ave., a stone's throw~ fromt~ the Court Hlouse, on the paved road and car line. The best procurable land values out or inside of Ann Arbor, lots ranging in price from $259.00 to $750.00. Gra,7vel roads, shade trees, and sidewalks. No taxes for the fi nL tur v'. iG ON sor societies using this dI include in their notices adplace. All notices data will be disregarded. FRIDAY tLiterary circle mieeting, IFrench play, "Le -Medec..1 141," by Mvoliere, Sarah gell hall. s4ty club meets in clubj PHYSICIST WILL SPEAK ON "ATOMIC STRUCTURE" Dr. Robert Andrews Y'llikrn of Pasadena., Calif., world famous physic- i~t and recent winner of the Nobel prize in that subject, will deliver a University lecture at 11 o'clock tomor- rowa Morning in Natural Science audlit- orluum, his subject being "Atomic Stru- cture." Bertrand Russell having ds di-cussed atoms in his lecture here last Tuesday. Professor Mllikap's address will be the second scientific lecture on the same subject within a week. Professor MAillikan, who is director of the Normian Bridge laboratory or physics at Pasadena, comes to Ann Arbor to deliver the principal' speech at the annual Phi Beta Kappa society bianquet tomlorrow night. III Jr VV"on t Let us show pointment, a r pense is all o you these wonderful lots. Phone 3516 for [nd our m'en will drive you to the lots. The :)rs; you are under no obligation to buy. irs. Time payme-n-s. 10 percent down,2 percent 5 percent discount for cash.. Do not delay. The. lots will go fast at these prices. Salesmen on the lots all day Saturday and Sun dav. Wab~afthent Co.nd ap- ex- Oratorical contest,{ AY Students leave tion of Huron rational church. tt A. 3MellIJlan )mic Structure," itorium. Paris, May 1.-George Cardinal Mun- 'delein, of Chicago, accompanied by his secretary, is quietly catching up with his belated correspondence before sailinr for home Saturdayv on tiheBer 11 Phone 3516 203-4-10 Wagner BlIdg. I. .I 11 U ---