MICHIGAN DAILY ""... .. Nil, So WIF lmi I : Wllll!IIWIW . ,. __. CK SUDT 9KE REST TODAY1 apidly Rounding Into Shale for Oio Meet Next Satur- day r- IAN AND HULSE TO BE V FOIRX FOR BUCIMYE TILTI igan's Varsity track team will day and take a light workout ow as part of their preparation Ohio State meet which is to d here a week from tomorrowl -on. e outdoor season developes the iquad is rounding into perfect There have been a number of Aes during the last weeks of, loor program and the opening' f activity outdoors and Steve is anxious to get the entire nto form in time to compete t Illinois in a dual meet a week he Ohio meet and the outdoor ence meet later on. r Wittman who has been rest- lh a pulled tendon since a few efore the Drake relays will be seen in action in the Ohio In practice he has seemed to rproved rapidly and the train- confident that he will be in shape for the Conference meet! ough he may be kept from com- i against the Buckeyes. Ohio t promise a great deal of com- this year and Michigan's ace saved for the bigger events Hulse, low hurdler, who has1 a the sick list ever since the the indoor season with a pull- .on is also in shape again and h Steve Farrell refuses to al- m to exercise strenuously he doubtedly be ready to race Snyder of Ohio, in the hurdles. liggins has also been troubled idon which he strained in prac- nday afternoon and he is forc- ake it easy. His injury is not however, and he will be in y the end of another week. gan's squad of sprinters will tly strengthened by the return water, a star on the squad for st two seasons. He ran his. ce of the year with the half, lay team in the Drake relays' getting into good condition. f_ VICK IN FOURTII PLACE IN BATTING STANDINGS Ernie Vicki, formerly,, star catcher and baseball captain and All-American center in football at Michigan, is in fourth place in the batting standings of the National league. He is with the St. Louis Cards. Rogers Hornsby, Vick's. team- mate, is leading the league with an average of .429. Granthan of the Cubs is second, and Wheat of Brooklyn, third. Vick has an average of .375 for eight games in which he has played. , Kamin should get in touch with Myers to get his tennis match played off. Soph Lit baseball team practice at 4:15 o'clock this, afternoon. Hicks, manager, tel. 909. The time limit for the first round of the fraternity tennis tournament hasC been extended to Saturday. This has been done because of the difficulty of getting a five man team together. No first round matches will be accepted after Saturday. Tho independent baseball schedule is as follows: Monday, May 5, at 6:30-Raymans vs. Giants; Yankees vs. Toledoans; iWolfson's Warriers vs. Gun and Blade Club; Spencer's Enterprise vs. Fletch- er Hall. Tuesday, May 6, at 6: 30-Raymans All-Stars vs. Yankees; Giants vs. Tol- edoans;, Wolfson's Warriers vs. Spen- cer Enterprise; Gun. and Blade Club vs. Fletcher Hall. The following is the schedule for horseshoes for the remainder of the} week. These natches must be played by Saturday, May 3. Chyron vs. Kappa Sigma; Chi Phil vs. Hermitage; Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Theta Delta Chi; Nu Sigma Nu vs. Psi Phi; Phi Kappa Tau vs. Phi Pi; , Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Alpha Chi Rho; Alpha Tau Omega vs. Tau Delta Phi Theta Chi 'vs. Delta Chi; Acicia vws. Phi. Beta Delta; Phi Mu Alpha vs, Zuna Ruins Own Chances By Too Strenuous Work When the American marathon squad sets sail for Paris for the Olympic games this summer Frank Zuna willi go along as an alternate, with slim chance of competing in the blue rib- bon event of the athletic world. This because of, and not despite, the fact that he has won two regulation mara- thons in his country since the first of the year. Early in the year members of the Olympic committee tried to make it, clear to all men hopeful of being sel- ected for the U. S. team that the rec- ent Boston marathon would be con- isdered the final tryout for the team. The Detroit and Baltimore runs held before the Hub contest, were consider- ed sectional ones in which possible new stars might be produced. Recog- nized runners of merit, however, were advisedtagainst entering more than one meet. Zuna, despite the fact that the sit- uation should have been clear to him, entered the Baltimore and Detroit' events. He ran both races to win and did capture both events, extending himself to do so. Olympic officials point out that they warned Zuna per- sonally against competing in the De- troit event after testing his endurance in the eastern run. Now, the officials feel, Zuna has spent himself-has burned up his strength and muscles in the two races and will not be able to give hs best in the big event across the water. He dropped out of the Boston race with a few miles to go. Clarence De Mar, whose victory in the Boston run gives him the prom- inent position in the Olympic squad, ran in the Baltimore race, but simply to test himself. He did not try to win and was content to lope in third. SO.:FT BALL. TOURNAMENT HAS RECORD E) NTRY LIST' Indoor baseball on the campus hasf started with a- record entry of 62 fra- Varsity -temior Ilopes 4To i Punch For Illimo s G~aine Tomiorrow GILLINGHAM SHOWS STUFF IN DEBUT AGAINST IRISH Coach Ray Fisher continued to con- centrate his attentions upon strength- ening the Wolverine offense in yester- day's workout in preparatign for the crucial contest with Illinois which will be played here tomorrow. The squad returned from South Bend in fine shape and should be fit forj Saturday's battle. Although losing toI the Irish 6-2, the Wolverines were farI from outclassed. Gillingham, who twirled his first game for Michigan, held the winners in check in all. but two innings, and gave evidence of de- veloping into a capable moundsman. Gillingham looked especially good under fire, succeeding in holding th9 Irish after they got men on the paths. Michigansmade three errorscduring the contest, but two of these came in, one inning, when four runs were chalked up for Notre Da ie. In the seventh inninj Michigan started a rally when 3lott, Haggerty, and Dillman filled the bases with none out. However the next three men failed to deliver the necessary punch. Haggerty led in the attack with four bingles in as many trips to the plate, three of his hits being bunts. Following yesterday's workout, the men were given a short fielding drill. Shoesmith and Torrey were used to pitch to the batters. Stryker and Benson, who are the probable choices for the pitching duty tomorrow, took things easy. Baseball Results (By Radio to The Daily), AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis 8, Detroit 7. Chicago 13, Cleveland 7. Boston 5, Philadelphia 1. Washington 3, New York 2. iFISHERl WORKS' ON IWLEiETAK d1evelop United States ToHaveStrong TeamInDashes' When the athletes take their marks for the sprint events at the Olympics this summer at Paris, the United Stat-! es will be represented by a formidable collection of dash men. Of coure, Charles Paddock, the Cal- ifornia Flash leads the groups. Pad- dock showed skeptical critics that lie is still a wor'ld-beater when he stepp- ed the 100 yard event in 9 6-10 sec- onds, unofficial time, at the Drake Relays. In 1920, he won the 100 metre dash in 10 4-5 at the Olympics at Antwerp., Next to Paddock comes Loren Mur- chison, who was also a member of the Yankee team in 1920. 1He placed six- th in the 100 metre event that year, but he has reached his pinnacle since then, and many dopestors consider him th2 equal of Paddock. . Eddie Sudden and Morris KirkseyjI are residents of the same section of the country that boasts of Paddock, and will make matters interesting for the rest of the field. Kirksey ran see- ond to Padock at Antwerp. Chester Bowman, of Syracuse univ- versity, is looked upon by his admirers as the successor to Allan .Woodring, another Syracuse product, who captur- ed the 200 metre dash in the 19201 games. Bowman's chief claim to fame rests in a victory which he scored over Murchison this winter. Boots Lever, former Pennsy star, has been assiduously training Mur- chison this season, and has given Lor-i en some uncomfortably close races. Lever won the intercollegiate cham- pionship at 100 yards last summer. Francis Hussey, schoolboy cham- pion, also has strong possibilities asi an Olympic runner. le was caught. at 9 3-5 seconds for the 100 yard event last year, and seems to be im- proving with age.. Other capable men are Al Leconey,E Louis Clarke, Bob McAllister, Jack I Scholz, and Bernie Wefers, Jr., all of whom have chances ofmaking a berth on the Yankee team. Madison, Wis., May 1.-A total of $3,381.97 was contributed by the stu- depnts and faculty of the Universitv of :MtILTON STOCK RACK IN. 1A 1 NESS WITH DODGERS i , V _N F S I H D O GRMilto n S to c k , w h o w a s p n chased by the Brooklyn Dodgers from the St. Louis Cards, made his debut as a Robin, and has shown that he is in shape to take up the duties of infielding for the Brooklyn club regularly. Stock was a holdout until the I Card magnates made the deal that transferred him to Brook- lyn. !Mike Gonzales, veteran catcher, went to the Cards along with a cash payment of $7,500. If he continues to show the form he exhibited in his first game Tuesday, Stock will be a great asset to the Dodgers. *1 TENNIS SQUAD IS SEIT FOR ASGIES I AURLS OF COLLINS, HORNSBY THEAENE Is Frankie Frisch, wonder boy of the New York Giants, on the verge of crowding Eddie Collins and Rogers Hornsby out of the second basing spotlight? Those who have followed the game for years and have seen Frisch in act- ion the last year say now, after watch- ing his work this season, that he is already disputing the honor of being the best second baseman with the vet- eran Eddie and the dashing Hcrnsby. Of course, such a comparison at this time, does not cast any reflection on Collins. The former member of Con- nie Mack's $100,000 infield, is passing the crest. He- had a wonderful year last season-one of the best in his career-but he cannot be expected to set that pace two or three more years. Hornsby, while a veteran, has not reached the turning point as yet. He should ask no favors in a battle with Firsch for the keystone title, as far as this season or next are concerned. Frisch is now setting a pace that h'e should keep for years, barring acci- dents. There is no doubt.but what he will succeed Hornsby and Collins eventually. How soon remains a question. Same Lineup That Defeated Saginaw Clab To Meet M. A. C. Tomorrow NOTRE DAME TEAM TO CLASH WITH WOLVERINES WEDNESDAY Michigan's Varsity tennis squad will swing into action tomorrow afternoon at the Ferry field courts when it stacks up aaginst the squad represent- ing M. A. C. Not much is known concerning the merits of the Green squad. Captain Croll is the only exeprienced man on a squad composed in the main of Sophomores but in spite of the num- her of new men, it is expected that the Farmers will put up a battle worth fatching. Croll, who plays number 1, is an experienced tournament man and if he plays true to form, he will make it interesting for his opponent. Michigan will undoubtedly be rep- resenfed by the same men who saw service in the Saginaw matches last week., Captain Rorich, will lead the Wol- verine attack by playing number one match against Croll, the Farmer lead- er. Brick will undoubtedly play num- ber two for Michigan with Hodgman, Vose, and Crane following in respect- ive order. The doubles team has not as yet been selected but the chances are that Rorich will pair up with Brick, while Hodgmani teams with either Vose or Crane. Next Wednesday, the Wolvern e court-men cross racquets with the strong Notre Dame outfit. Headed by Donovan, who plays number 1, the Catholics have rounded out a most formidable squad and it is expected that one of the fastest matches of the year -will be a certainty next Wed- nesday on the Ferry field courts when they meet the Maize and Blue wearers. Donovan won the Indoor Open Championships in Detroit recently and in slashiig his way through for the title disposed of O'Connell, one of the best racquet weilders in the state, and "Chuck" Merkel, ranking man on last year's squad and Conference singles champion. Headed by Donovan, the Notre Dame court men feel confident of avenging the defeat that was hand- ed them lAst year by the Wolverine t' lefatinn. i I will be as good as ever in Alpha Rho Chi; Theta CLI vs..Signia week or so. With the addi- Nu; Alnha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Beta Pi; "oldwater to the squad of Phi Sigma Delta vs. Sigma Alpha Ep- Michigan will have three silon; Alpha Sigma vs. Phi Gamma i the dashes who will stand Deltic: Phi Delta Chi vs. Delta Upsil- ices of placing in practically on; Phi Mu Delta vs. Sigma Phi Epsil- Wittman is the best in the on; Sigma Chi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu; present and Higgins is not Pi.Kanpa. Alpha vs. Delta Ph':; Phi I him. Delta Epsilon vs. Delta Tan Epsilon: erday's practice Doyle was Peers vs. Alpha Kappa Lambda: Phi w) well in the discus throw K'appa vs. Delta Sigma Phi; Alpha ith and MacEilven were ( Delta Phi vs. Beta Theta Pi; Delta *th at aoun weeTau Delta vs. Alpha Chi Sigma; Beta. the bar at around six feet. Phi Delta vs. Phi Chi; Delta Sigma ter was also clearing the bar Phi vs. Phi Sigma Kappa. F t +t C . ' ;i ,. 4 i f E ternity teams, 12 independent teams and 10 freshmen group teams. The greater part of the month of May will be consumed in determining the frat-1 ernity championship, intarmural of- I ficials declare. Regular baseball's progress was curtailed by the fact that so much of Ferry Field. is being occupied iNy the spring football squad four times week- ly. Only one diamond is available The entry list includes only thea fresh- men, sophomores, and senior en~in- eers. the junior and senior lits, the All-Dents, the medics and the Edu-' cation: School nines. These eight teams' begantheir eliminations Wed- nesday, playing to a championship; and a consolation title. The final. games will probably be played early next week. In spite of the disorganized con- dition of the country as a result of the earthquake disaster last fall, a ta sa-ium wc~ith a capactiy of 50,000 will be built between Kobe and Osaka this summer. Daily classified for real results. 7 p4 NATIONAL Chicago 8, Cincinnati 1. Brooklyn 10, Philadelphia 4. Pittsburg 8, St. Louis 6. New York 9, Boston 1. Walter Koppi ch, brilliant captain and quarter iniler of the Columbia track squad, has been declared meli- gible for competition because of schol- astic deficiency. Ale- Watt, baseball star, has also been barred. EAT AT REX'S THE CLUBlITNC1I 71* Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets IRVING WAS AOLIS, Q. S. C. { Chiropodist and Orthopedist ,07 North University' Phone 265 T.hing Golfer Every Ne edgs 0 on, Ill., May 1.-Sabre drill- ling, and trick riding by mem- 1hre crack cavalry troop "A" t Sheridan will be some of the res of the Northwestern uni- circus that opens tomorrow. oth parade will be staged Sat- [e the adtaker" sells atything I -Adv. Seorge Cutshaw, formerly third I baseman with the Pittsburg Pirates and Detroit Tigers, is now coach and utility man for the Seattle club of the Pacific Coast League. None of America's three ranking woman golfers, -Misses Edith Cum- mings, Glenna Collett, and Marion Hollins, is likely to try for the British woman'a championsliip trophy thisj summer, Wisconsin in the recent drive for the Student Friendship fund to aid stu- The National Lawn Tennis Associ- dents in foreign universities. Of this ation has "condition~ally accepted" the sum, the stude'its gave $2,600 and the resignation of Vincent Richards from faculty $781.97. ti a Davis Cup team. . A-- 1, ,k'\ : 1- Sports caps in plaids. New. est colorings. $2 to $3. I . r I I' o11 ir "_,,, 0_ V. I ' I a pn p Newest Suits are FOR SWING OUT That's the dominant note in men's clothes this spring---an easy fit that gives complete com- fort. These follow 'the smart English lines. No vents. Vests blunt or pointed. Trousers are full and hang straight. Hart Schaffner & Marx and others tailored them. They'll give long service, economy. Collar-attah ded shirts are szmiartest. $2.50 to $A. Sweaters show many col- or combinations. $5 to $8. Easy-Feting a BETWEEN THE ACTS CORSAGE for her a. at POPULAR PLACES Sports belts give :a tonech of color. At $1 and 1.9 Wo l vests permit freedom of movement. Many are Knickers of linen, Palm ' ^"h and tweed. $5 to - from T'EASING melodies tinged with laughter-music and merri- ment fill the air-follows .... a lull, as you seen your table-My, but it's hot-want some real refreshment? Order Budweiser -Sold Everywhere. ANH EUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Am!b 'a !5 im)4 BLOSSOM SHOP Othlrs Qt $35 to $6o r ,l i ,...