Y i . .., Y -1 . N--/ . L. r ® Al o oil ) irlr NYrrrrYiYwrl i.>. r ... is .. .. L 'ORI MAYO NIS, QUOITS, D IN AFTER- TO '/ a tradition of the niversity, will be held , on Palmer field. The be preceded by theI it, field games and a r all University wo- Spring Clothes To Be Displayed At Party Today Six types of spring clothes includ- ing lingerie, sport costumes, suits, street coats, afternoon dresses, and evening gowns will be displayed in the style show at the Women's League party to be given at 4 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Models displaying the fashions will be the following: Margaret Ballard, 1 '27, Helen Newberry; Olive McKay, '25, Pi Beta Phi; Cornelia Shepherd, '25, Gamma Phi Beta; Thelma Smith, '25, Collegiate Sorosis; Vesta DeWitt, '25, Kappa Delta; Dorothy Nix, '27, Betsy Barbcur; Louise) Barley, '25, Kappa Alpha Theta; Sally Randall, '24, Alpha Phi; Emily ine, '24, Lim- pert house; Jean Svensgard, '25, The- ta Phi Alpha; Alice Richardson, '25, Ma tha Cook; Eleanor Crook, '25, Adams house. The style show will be followed by dancing a,n" refresh ments in Bar- bour gymnasium. The Union orches- tra will furnish the dance music. rated with and blue. the final s will beI aters and ed at this Y. aw GOOD REUT9HOWN IN LEAGUE AMPAIGN Keen competition among the dor- miories, sororities, And league houses on the campus is being shown in the undergraduate campaign for life mem- berships in the University of Michigan League, according to Miss Ada Mul- Sholland, undergraduate secretary, commenting yesterday on the results of the second day of the campaign. Reports from the team captains, cor- rected to date, are as follows: Alumnae house .............100 pct. Collegiate Sorosis........ .100 Ladd house (three members).100 Pi Beta Phi .................100 Alpha Gamma Delta ........ 92 Alpha Chi Omega..........68 Martha Cook .............. 64 Kappa Kappa Gamma.......63 Wood house (17 members) .. 58 Adelia Cheever ............. 55 Delta Zeta.... ...........52 Culver house (2 members) .. 50 The central committee of the under- graduate life membership campaign will meet at 12 o'clock today at Fos- ter's Tea room. Miss Mulholland will be in her office at Barbour gymnasium at 2 o'clock this afternoon to receive reports. All team captains who have not yet reported are asked to do so at this time. a l ) . t a Notices The first round of the tennis tourna- ment must be played off by Monda'y' and the names of the winners (those who win two sets out of three) post- ed on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. Act I of the Senior Girls' play will rehearse from 4 to 6 o'clock today in Newberry hall. Interhouse baseball managers are requested to make sure that every t woman on a team has had a heart and lung test sometime during this academic year. All classes in required physical ed- ucation work will meet in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall instead of going to their regular classes on rainy days. j They will practice songs for Lantern{ night at this time. Women who have not received their? W. A. A. arm bands are requested to call for them at Barbour gymnasium. ATTENTION STUDENTS! THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Commencing Monday, May 5th And Daily Thereafter, Will Place on Sale at Ann Arbor Round Trip Tickets to Toledo at 25 found 'Trip 25 THREE DAY LIMIT Any further particulars regarding above will be cheerfully furnished. H. A. MILLS, Commercial Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. Read The D Read The D *1 - -- ------- The classes will assemble for the, antern~ march after the pageant. The eniors, in cap aid gown, will pass heir lanterns to the junior women nd the juniors, in turn, will give owered hoops to :the sophomores rhile the classes form a block "M" nd sing the lantern song. This cere- iony is significan~t of the passing on f the traditions to the successive lasses. Eight women will be chosen o act as aides to conduct the line of iarch this year. They will be select- I on a scholarship basis. 'The lists for the dances for thel 'eshman pageant have been posted n the bulletin board in Barbour gym- asium. Freshman women are request- I to see in what groups they are assed and report to practices reg-' larly. Practices are being conduct- I under the direction of Miss Ger-' 'ude Noetzel, of the pyhsical educa-; on department. Women who do not port at the appointed time will be itomatically dropped. Tokio, May 1. - A dispatch from1 eoul reported a fire which destroyed e Korean government printing office4 id tobacco monopoly quarters, with, LEAGUE OPENS ANUA RUMMAGE SALE1TODAY Old and new clothing, sewing ma- chines, victrola records, and other articles will composetthe stock of the annual rummage sale given for the benefit of the Women's League from 8 to G o'clock today and from 8 to 8 o'clock tomorrow in the Y. M. C. A. buiding. A large supply of new articles left over from the Christmas bazaar will also be sold. The rummage sale, in charge of University women, is open to the gen- eral public. The affair is one of the big undertaiings of the League this year and will be well supported, the committee believes. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Announce Winners in Contest Posters for the Lantern night con- test which was conducted by the W. A. A. were judged yesterday afternoon by Prof. Emil Lorch, Prof. Alfred Pel- ikan and Prof. Herbert Fowler, of the+ .architectural college. Cash prizes of $5, $4, $3 and $1 will be awarded. to the following contest winners respectively: Rosemary Law- rence, '24, Florence Probst, '26, Dor- othy Lauver, '27, and Ardys Stoner, '25. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING ' BIG RESULTS- ON LITTLE INVESTMENT Anyone with a Grecian costume which she is willing to lend for use in the pageant is asked to notify Ruth Holznagle, chairman of the costume committee. Three councillor positions are open at the Girl Reserve summer camp, for the coming summer. These are in swimming, nature lore, crafts, and housekeeping. Women who would like to have these positions are asked to call Miss Traum at the city Y. W, C. A. or Mrs. T. E. Rankin for ap- pointments. More than 100 members of the Sci- once clb of the Hillsdale high school will visit the University today to go through the new Physics building. They will be given a lecture on liquid air by Prof. R. A. Sawyer, of that department. Fire destroyed the roof of a barn near 944 South State street yester- day morning. Nearly $50 damage was done before the firemen could get the blaze under control. C0 ENC. IN . SUNDAYMAY 4th The lfos-t Important Cllue=, ; 3 tne at in fl p lli #ory of Aim Allw , ' j YOU, Y id L r _ __ , . . -_. ;: 5. , (ENT.I ; i %' - .a Pp, '. EARAIV EAUTY-and which of us does ro' ?-here are scenes of such magnitude and splendor as to he almost heartbreaking. ROMANCE--you will thrill to th etale of a dash- ig nobleman and a sweet, unspoiled iAl of the people. ACTION-there are moments when the story moves at a pace so cyclone-fast that the blood will course through your veins at a like speed. UNTRIGUE-there is plot and counter-plot, an c- villain who seck to blast the ihappiness of twvo young hearts, and a mysterious figure which pursues him like a relentle~s Fury. GOOD ACTJNG-you will find a ve t cast, draw a from the raiks of cree:dom's favoritce, headed by LON CHANEY, P;t:y Ruth Miller, Norman Kerry and Ernest Torrence. DRA.MAs=-c w'if revel in one situation more tene han aaothz:, -l of them building up to a tremendous, saslng, Irashing climax. GRADE -UR-you will see sets of glittering glory und lavis hiuxury, done on a far more magnificent scale tLan s er Leore been attempted. PATHOS-your heart will respond to the unselfish de-otion of Quasimodo-the unquestioning love that made of him a willing slave who neither asked nor expected a revzard fro his services. The Amei ndesigned tailored S and sold y . Tj" t ... as a safe and sound THEN YOUTWILVE investment in good appearance as QUASIMODO uppenheimer GOOD CLOTHES Also 68 Screen Stars and ~~ 3,091 Professional 4 ~i( rir ~.Players d r . ., -1 n -'- Copyright 1924 ' 'he Housa of Kuppeaheimer 1 110'11474-6lIRd~ fit) :.AM, ' .