rhalisin, and to ditors some con- ced stages of the Y i i I i pr( Forty Schools uin Arbor :May 9, 10 will SOCIETYI from more thIan 40' ghout this state will n Ar bor for the thirdj tion of the Michigan In- Press association, to be 9, and 10, under the igma Delta Chi, nation- al Journalistic frater- Those on the committee are: Pro- gramns, Robert Tarr, '24; housing-, Wil- '1Lam Stoneman, '25; registration, Dav- id Bramble, '25; arrangements, J. Logan Stevens, '24; judging, E. G. IBurrows, of the journalism depart- m aent, Prof. John la. Brumin, of the+ journalism department, Donal Ham- ilton Haines, managing editor of the Mbichigan Alumnus, and Robert Moriar- Ity, '24; discussion, Ralph .Smith, '24; ~printing, Paul Einstein, '25. A special committee, of which flo'dert Moriarty, '24, is chairman, is to have charge of the, cups which will be, given to the winner of the seveeral de- cisions, based ,upon..the. best weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and-annual pub- lications represented; in the associa- tion.j Special programs are to be arranged to enable the delegates to attend the 0. S. IT. track meet, the spr ing tgares, and other events of considerble imn- t portance scheduled for, that time. Other announcements of the complete program will be given out at a later Harry Heilmnan and Ty Cobb,. both of the Detroit Tigers, are standing first and second respectively, in the batting ] standings of the American League. Patronize Dailv Advertisers.--Ad. Y1ois "Boss" +ISTIE T 1JEflFOR Succeeds Murphy!~UEJIlIIL ..........VI.OLAMU lON OF STOP LA Police c ntinuthi drive against te hi ieinfraction of traffic rules yesterday, making their first ari osts for vloaltion of th~f stop street ruling. Orville >.,;'>.....Bond, '26, pleaded guilty before Judge < I John D. Thlomais and along with First Run Pictures" Charles Jo,!eS I1D These are the points of security which IL Wayne Cedar Wardrobes Moth Proof Dust Proof Moisture Pr ,esentatives of the schools who! 2nmbers of the association will in town Thursday, and the first g will be held that same after- Nothsing as to programs has efnitely decided upon~, although bought that there will be two ssions each dayv of the meeting, [so several smaller business gs to be arranged at the con- ce of the delegates themselves. purpose of the annual gather,- fthe association, according to tSchoonmaker, '25, general an for the fraternity of the cnvention, is to promote. better Carl Castens who was arraigned yes- terday morning, wai~ fined with costs1 $13.45. In addition five were arrested f or speeding. In passing sentence, Judge Thomas said: "There are no excuses for viol- ations of pthis ordinance.. The signs have been placed .for nearly three weeks and all drivers should be aec- customed to stopping. Penalty for the second violation will be a jail sentence. Fraternity athletic managers who do i not receive a copy of the weekly base- 1 hall schedules by Saturday of each' iveek, should call the Intramural of- fice at once. $155 Roundtrlp SCOTLAND+ $155 Roundtrip ENGLANID 13190 Rundtr p FRANCE' 5203 Ratdfrip GERMANY' 116 day tour Fnilland, France S'SSO E. I(UEER S teamshtp Agt. Ph. 1284 "No t a Dl's v Was Heard" IN Read the Want Ads Offer tas a real protection for clothes, furs and garments. We have a complete line of these cedar bags 75c to $2.50. Eberbach & Son, Co., 200.-204 E. Liberty St. I D ETROIT This is the store in Detroit which gives 5i per cent of your purchase to the Lea- gue Fund. George E. Brennan The death of Charles F. Murphy of New York leaves George Brennan as the most powerful individual among all D~emocratic party leaders. _ ; IiTODAY AND 11TOMORROW (iit 0a .. a ^ ;y' ,e i . , -' i ( ; t y. 1 Thea Frock DL.ebonair -NO $ '9,50 Tub Silk ql John ' BRO1DWAY DOROTHY DL TON in the Paramount Picture "MORAL SINNER" A Story of Crooks its the Parisian Undierw.w1d "DA.?I)EyltA) N','" A Christie Coiacdy 1IiNOG~RA.11S -SI XGE-- MAXBLOOM and ALICE SHER in "6j'he Wail of thie Lonesome Charley Chase in "AT FIRST SIGHT" Pa the News Wuerth Orchestra . Oi1/1/ d --NEXT WEEK- l' l wl THIAT'SIY HOW-,E My dears, iI you haven't a tub-silk frock, you'd betuer stay in your room SatuirdaLy afternoon instead of dancing ait the Union-ocr ,playing golf--or st olling or. the boulevard. Tub-silk frocks are a la mode-they're bouyant ---you can wear one anywhere!l Adorable poeclcs; boish collars; boson, fronts-tucged and Plain; .~narppVl ies; mono grams--thy clevecrness of a dozens fr ocil in onc ! Candp stripes in aill theeme color combinalions. Solid coi- ors : LnvinZ, bQananac, ell u', echl, blue anrd rhite. CORINNE CON WAY -SItN DA --- ' rle 11tue Sliding, Dihiniug tCo llledia-z ROSOEAILS AND. IN cz KATIE PtULLMAN HE COMMON' LAW" WITH II 11! Sho3wing Fat Regular Pr.,ices 1'l 'Most 0 * 1, U RDA v I II l wit' tes ' . I @ 3 k§ M S a Milady would be assured 0 that her thinnest gxarmnents are handled with careif he would 'f' r .,' KF~. ?su .Y4 ,> ,,y'17:. , ry l:: 'g °k gr" , , ' ,jY, .''..q, ' i f ' . 'i . .:.. ..:. ,,":. .: xa y p. ty Si .3 a _ 2 :N . " ,l: .ti< >J'i drop in any time and inspect III our laundry methods. V I~x A romance of New Ytlorkc-its true soul bared to the world- here in gripping pic- tures> is the story of one of its-daughters, riigthrough love atml sacrifice, to a life of hapmpiness. We do a great deal of this special Work. That surely is d proof 'of satisfactory service. CAL LAEMLE presents Pone 2076 or 20 '77 the beautiful "'Ierryt' o Round" Girl in 0 U M p a Y ' 41 Base ,l oi OwenKild ari,'s Flife story "ITY .1A.1111'ROSE!" "Mary. Philbin is lvcna cannot forget hvr loveliness for er, even more appealing than in that picture is Mlary Philbin I f-'atirv nn3 d