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February 17, 1924 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-17

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. .w ....,.M......,w .. ~ .....

Ilcation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
University. Copy received b the~ Assistant tc the 'eoeret until
0P. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturilax.'

ICast for "Captain Applejack":
The cast for "Captain Applejack",C
m1 at Dewberry Hall, Monday, Febru
Players Club:
On Wednesday February 20th, Pla3
Three-Act Comedy, THlE DOVER ROX
f ~i

ine 4


A umher 983

that the lease w as never consumated
Comedy Club's annual play, will meet but declared that the department of
iary 18 at 4 o'clock. the interior upon taking over mining
J. Raleigh Nelson, D~irector. operations in the Matanuska field sus-
________ penaded mining operations and that the
navy department had refused to utilize
Ayers CAlaskan fields on the Pacific coast
preentA.A. iln's although it had been shown to be
D, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall at cheaper and better.
Stacy R.. Black. Submission by Mr. Ballaine of his
charges to the President was followed:
by preparations by Senator La Follette
I INUEVSITbH TES forp introduction otoda y calling u pon
i the interior department for certain
NNVYCOALuC O N OITWION( records relating to the inter-depa rt-
1 i mental transfer of the Alaskan coal
Washington, Feb. 16.-Initial steps
toward a possible senate inquiry intoI London, Feb. 16-The Association
the long fought Alaskan coal contro- of British Chambers of Commerce has


were will be no conference of the Deans Wednesday, February 20.
M.L. Burton.
'sity Women:
an Jean Hamilton will be at home to women of the University on
ay, February 19,' from 4 to 6 at 1722 Cambridge Road.
.y of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:
ere will be a meeting of the Faculty of these colleges on Monday,
ary 18, at 4:15 p. m. in Room 411 West Engineering Building.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.

l _


Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Schedule blanks have been placed in, the messenger boxes. Will in-
structors please fill them out and return them to my office as soon as possi-
ble. WV. R. iHumphireys, Assistant Dean.
Professor A. E. R. Boak will give an illustrated lecture on "Municipal
Life in the Roman Empire", Tuesday evening, Feb. 19 at 8 o'clock in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The Public is invited. G. Negaro.
Students Enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments:
All students enrolled with the Bureau should fill out Location Blanks
for the second semester some time this week.,-
Margaret Cameron, Secretary.
French 49:t
The class will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3 p. in., Room 303 Lib-
ary. X. Clayel.
Rhietoric 14--Verse Form:,
The class will meet In 301, Library on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00
ind Monday at 7:00 p. mn. A. B.. Morrij.
Physics 4, )Pkdcrn Physics:
Modern Physics will meet Monday and Friday at 11 o'clock in Room 301,
Physic~s Building. E. F. Barker.
1hyslcs 1.8, Radiationl:
Physics 26, Radiation, will meet Tuesday and Thursday at 9 o'clock In
Roomn 301, Physics Building. E. F. Barker.
Political Science 1:
This course will meet Tuesday, February 19, Room 348 Engineering
Building. ..R. Hayden.
Frenc'h 13a:
The Monday and Friday section of Frenoh 13a at 9:00 o'clock taught by
Wnr Dow will meet in Room. 4061 Main Library, beginning Monday.
L2afayette F. Dow.
ReerhCu:The February meeting of the Resear(:i ('. ,l- will be held on Wednesday,
7ebruary 20, 1924 at '8 pim. in the Histolo,-'.c I JL- boratory. The following
apers will be presented:"
"Some unofficial Relations with Soviet Russia" by Professor E. S.
"C'hemical Regulation of Rezpiratlon" by Professor R. Gesell.
11. 11. Hildebrandt, Secretary.
Fniversity Service:
Dr. Gaius Glenn Atkins, Minister of the First Congregational Church
f Detroit, will speak on "The Everlasting Reality of Religion" in Hill Aud-
torium at 7:30. Mrs. Grace Johnson Konold, of the University School of
Iusic, will sing. H. K. Latta.

9:3(--Umiversity Men's. Bible class,
Upper room, Lane hall.
12 :004-Iaptist, Students Bible study 1
class, Guild house.
2 :30--Degates to Student VolunteersI
convention meet in upper reading
room Lane hall.
4:04-Sigma Delta CII, room 306, U~n-,
1:15-Faculty concert, Hill auditor- :.
4 :30-Soph Pronm committee, room
302, Union.'
5 :00--Meeting of Scalp anid Blade.
room 304, Union.
5 :30-,B-aptist students social hour.
5 :30-Congregational Students' supper
and social hour.
0) :O--Student suppe~r, Harris bail.1
Rev. E.L J. Nutter, of Detroit, speak-1
6 :30-Baptist students evening devo-
tional meeting.
3i:30-Professor Hanford speaks in
"Trhe ;Larger Bible", in Unitarian
church parlors.
7 M30-University service, 11111 auditor-
5:45---Unitaran Students i~uon can-
dle light supper.
12:00-Journal club lunch, Union.
4:30-Freshman Gid~s' Glee club meets 1
at Barbour gymnasium.
6 :30-Exchange club dinner, room 318,
7 :301-Men's Education clumb meeting,
room 302, Union.
x:W0-Basketball, Indiana vs. 311clilgi,,
Yost field house.
;:* 40-M1r. and 111n. Lhevine in piano
iaci tal, BIill auditoriurn.
12 :t0-IM'edical f"Culy lulled, Umlon.I
4::30=University Girls' {flee club'
meets in B~arbour gymnasium. 4j
6:00-.Dodo players' recital, room 20.x,
Mason hall.
4 :00--Mother's fand4Idaug liter's MIS.
,Vonery 'baniquet, First Methodist
:;Ar -Le Vol agcy rs meet in roonm 302,!:
Paris, Feb. 16.-Dr. Leopold vonI
[oesch was formally received as the
new German ambassador to France by
President Millerand today.

versy started yesterday after John E.
Ballaine, of Seattle, an Alaskan rail-
road constructor had presented tc
President Coolidge charges respecting
the transfer of the Matanuska coal re-
serve from the Navy to the department
of the interior.
Mr. Ballaine in a lengthy letter to
the President declared examination of
official files would show that former
secretary Fall and Secretary Denby in
July. 1921, four months after they had
taken office, began negotiations for
the transfer of the Alaskan coal re-
serve from the navy to the interior de-
partmnent and before the leasing of
that reserve for a period of 50 years
The negotiations and the terms agreed
upon Mr. Ballaine asserted "rank along
lines exactly parallel with the negotia-
tions and the terms of the lease of the
Teapot Dome naval oil reserve."
The Alaskan railroad man explained


sent letters to the premier, foreign
secretary and chancellor of the ex-
chequer calling attention to the
amount of the debts due from France,
Italy and other countries.
London, Feb. 16-Efforts are being
made to rehabilitate the glove in-
dustry in this country. Today, owing
to foreign competition, there are onlyI
nine manufacturers of gloves in Lon-

Light WiIines Lead ing their names and indicating whlich'
of the three propositions they favored
In Campus Bacllo t! according to thosie handling the ref-
Lat lat nghtth voe i th ~ As headquarters for the state of
Lat lat nghtthevot inthepro; Michigan The Daily officials have got
hibition referendum being conducted in touch witb the editors of college
by The Daily stood 612 for modifica pei odicals in the other institutions of
tion of the Eighteenth amendment to' the state and it is expected that bal-
allow the sale of light wvines and beers, lotiug will begin within the day in
300 for complete retention of the pres-' mnost of them. The final date for vot-
ent laws, and 145 for complete repeal. Ing~ in this state has been announced
In the heavy voting which continued) by the editorial department as Mlarch
throughout the third day of the ref- } 10.
erendum the modificationists contin-
ued to pile up and succeeded in gain- Ohio State university has asked Ox-
ing a substantially bigger lead thanl ford university to send a team to its
they had held so far. relay meet scheduled for April 19.
The "drys" forged ahead into sec -__________________
ond place with many new advocates. ,
and toward night showed signs of a~
determined rally to threaten the lead 1 ItRVING WARMOLTS, D. S. C.
oth seiwt.Vtn wilcn.( l03Citadtinue for at least four days. The bal-
lot appears this morning on page four!l Orthopedist
for those who have not yet had an op- 707 Nor'th Univestyt Phone 2652
portunity to vote on the question. __________________
A dozen or more campus organiza-
tions sent in the vote for their entire -
memberships during the day, and in- SLEEP ANJWHERE, BUT
dividual ballots continued to flood the EAT AT REX'S
editorial department. A booth was op-i THE CLUB LUNCH!
ened in the lobby of the Union yester- 712 Arbor Street
(day afternoon where students and fac- Na tt n akr tet
ulty Na men were able to vote by sign-

- ...............1."li"..."..1.......li.i.{........... ...... 9.....M . * 9~f........3... ..........."..9 ....K.l...to.....9~9.9* .... .... i..1 .
Merrick-Fette sampleDipyatK c &He e
(#~~wu~1UW 302 South Main Street
"e1i ..a - . "..9...r s."a.. ....... ..... f99s9r 1.0.a".n..9ra as. ..00.00.ib..... 9b 9t. 9.. . fat *et...199r.a~ a~.n.u.r...".ur."..u.u..".,w

IArcade- Nita Naldf and Jack 1
Holt in "Don't Call it Love."
1 I
1 Male. tic-Zane Gray's "Call of
the Canyon."j
Wucerth - Mvary Pickford in
Orpheum-"The Darling of the
Rich," with, Betty Blythe.
jStage-This Week
Whitney --Saturday-Dale Win-E
I ter playing the title role in
j Garrick-Detroit-Charles Wald- I
ron and Dorothy Shoemaker
in "The Fool."





yslcs Colloquluni:
Physics Colloquium will meet in Room 202 Physics Building, at 4:15 p.
on Tuesday, February' 19. Dr. Klein will speak on "The Simultaneous
ion of Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields on the Hydrogen Spectrum."
interested are invited to attend. Hl. X. Randall.
n'1s Educational Club: .
There will be a meeting of the Club on Monday, February 18, at7
lock in the Michigan Union. Dr. Pittman will speak.x
Frank L. Bailey, President.
iversityr of Michigan Band:
Formation Monday night at 7:45 at the Yost Field iRouse for the In-
.na basketball game. William Garuii, Jr., Manager.
Fridayf, February 22.
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