1-. I t t an t I -n , / 154 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1924 EIGHT PAGES FOR NON BONUS CES CAPS AND COWNS ARE NOW READY AT GEORGE MOE'S IOnly 150 seniors have called for their Caps andh.Gowns at George Moe's sport shop on North !! IUniversity avenue., All the Coni-j mencement garments arrived last ITuesday. With Swing-Out only five days off the seniors are urg- ed. to take them out Of the shop, right away so that all may have them at that time. Swing Out is the first tradition- al ceremony each spring in which' the senior classes appear together on the campus in Caps and Gowns. From then on until grad- uation they are worn on designat- ed days of each week. STORM TAKES 63 A'S..DEA1TH ,TOTAL1 ) nents Next MarchI 1 Washington, April 30.-(By AP)- he way was cleared today for final etion by congress on the soldierr onus bill preparatory to sending the easure to President Coolidge as a sult of agreefment by house and nate conferences on differenes in e bill as passed by the two bodies. Ratification of the conference agree- ,ent, which deals only with minor nendments, probably will be asked the senate tomorrow after which e house must approve the changes. The main provisions were the same{ the bill as passed by the house and e senate-cash payments to veterans t entitled, to more than $50 in ad- sted service compensation and 201 ar endowment insurance policies toC COOLIDGE AND CDx KEEP EAR-LY LEADS6 IN OHIO_ PRIMARY MCADOO 24,717; OX ,751; JOHN- SON TOTALS. 2;,188 BAY STATE GIVES 39; VOTES TO PRESIDENT Ohio Report Shows Coolidge Leading Senator Hiram Johnson By 7-1 Ratio Columbus, Ohio, April 30.-(By AP)-With returns complete from all but a* little more than 1,000 precincts in the state late today President Cool- idge and James M. Cox, former Ohio governor, continued to increase their lead in the state presidential prefer- ence primary Tuesday. The last tabulation by Secretary of State Brown at 5 p. in. on the r;e- turns from 7, 322 precincts out of the state'si 8,350 showed Coolidge leading U. S. Senator Hiram Johnson by al- most a 7-1 ratio, and Cox leading Wil- liam G. McAdoo almcst 3-1. The fig- ures were: Coolidge 156,393; Johnson1 25,183; Cox 66,751; McAdoo 25,717. BoAon, April 30.-The known can-! didate favorable to the presidential candidacy of Senator Hiram W. John-1 son was overwhelmingly defeated and a delegation of 39 solidly pledged to President Coolidge was efrcted to represent Massachusetts at the Rep-' ublican national convention in the presidential preference primary yes- terday, according to returns virtually complete today. , I Tau Beta Pi To Initiate 13 Men This Afternoon SENATE APPROVES TAX REDUCTI-ON ON EARNEDINCOMES; Tau Beta Pi, national honorary en- fgineering fraternity, will initiate 13 men this afternoon, following which a banquet will be held at the Union for the initiates. The initiation will take place at 5 o'clock at the engineering library.- Joseph A. Bursley, dean of men, will, be the principal speaker at the ban- quet, which will be held starting at 6:30 o'clock. J. W. Hostrup, '241',will act as toastmaster, while Ripley Schemm, '25M, will welcome the dew men. One of the initiates will reply. Seventy-five in all are expected at the banquet, including several men from the Alpha chapter of the frater- nity at. M. A. C.. John Polhamus, '24E, is president of. the Gamma chapter here. CITY -WILL HOLD LOYALTPARADE STUDENTS tRGEii TO BUY Tickets for the Oly-npic tiry- outs to be held on Ferry field May 30 and 31 are still on sale at the Athletic association ticket office in the Yost field horse atI $1 each. One ticket admits to either day's events. Fraternity houses are also be- ing solicited by ticket sellers as it is necessary to sell one thous- I and of he pastecards before May I 1 in order to raise the student's I share of the $10,000 needed to as- sure tie meet being held here. Students intending to go to the tryouts are urged to buy their tickets now. analyzing the differen- measure as passed by and agreed upon in issued tonight by n of the house ways imittee. presented for adoption ses, the measure pro- payments will not be r next March X, while policies will be dated 1 next year. [List Of Dead And Wounded Increases While Fatal Toronado Sweeps On MORE THAN 40) INJURED AS CYCLONE RAVAGES SOUTHEAST Atlanta, Georgia, April 30.-(By AP)-63 perons were killed and an undetermined number reported dead and missing and more than 400 injur- ed, many prehaps fatally, hundreds Were made homeless and untold dam- age was caused by storm of cyclonic proportions which devasted sectionsl of the southeast today. Fragmentary reports continuing to trickle in from the storm area wrote a steadily increasing list of dead and injured late tonight as the disturbance swept into North Carolina, thve fifth state to suffer. . Examinations to fill .vacancies in fhA arlinl r ""aof + . +nr~il a1 . CATHOLICS D MiCHIGAN, IN FAST CI University, Schools, Military Groups, Will Join In Boy's Week Celebration VARSITY BAND WILL LEAD MARCH, STARTING AT 2:10' University representatives, school children, 'and military organizations will march in the Loyalty parade at 2:30 o'clock today, starting from the high school. The parade is part of the lay's program to observe "Loy- alty Day" of Boys' Week, of whichR George E. Little is chairman. First in the line of march will be} the Varsity band, followed by the "M" club. Other units of the parade in CUT OF TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT MADE AS UPPER HOUSE , PASSES BILL MELLON'S PROPOSAL ON EVASION HITS SNAG SAction Means All Taxpayers with Incomes of $5,000 Will Have One-Fourth Cut Washington, April 30.-(By A. P.)- A treasury department proposal reduc- ing by 25 per cent the taxes on earned incomes was approved today, with lim- itations. by the senate but another pro- posal by Secretary Mellon, aimed to check tax evasions, struck a snag. EAcceptance of the earned proposal moans that all taxpayers with an in- cone of $5,000 or less would be able to cut one-quarter off their taxes after this year, in addition to whatever other reductions may be ordered in the reg- ular normal income tax rates. The senate cut down, however, from $20,000 to $10,000 the }naximum amount on which such a reduction could be made. The house provisions defining all incomes of $5,000 and less, as earn- ed. was accepted. Considerable opposition arose, how-{ ever, to the treasury's proposal tol limit deduction which may be made on account of interest payments to the} amount by which these payments ex- ceeded the income from tax on tax ex-E empt securities. Opponents declared it an indirect tax on tax exempt bonds. Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania, de- fending the provision, said it would not affect these bonds but would prevent evasion of taxes and net the govern-j ment $35,000,000 additional revenue annually. He way joined in its support by Senator Glass, Democrat, Virginia,] secretary of the treasury under Presi- dent "Wilson, A vote on the proposal was put over until tomorrow.S MEET AT UNION TODAY'l TWO :.. FRATERNITY OUPEN S CONVENTION TODAYI National Meeting of Delta Sigma Rho, Honorary Forensic Society, to Begin Ton iglit 30 DELEGATES FROM MANY UNIVERSITIES TO ATTEND Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary forensic fraternity, will open its an- nual convention at 6 o'clock tonight with a banquet at the Union. Prof. P. B. Blanshard of the philosophy de-' ipartment will deliver the principal ad- dress of the evening. S. B. Houck, na- tional president of the organization, will outline the work of the conve tion, and F. H. Backstrom, '262, president of the Michigan chapter, will deliver the address of welcome. The convention will last through to- morrow and Saturday morning, ending with the delegates attending the Mich- igan-Illinois baseball game at Ferry field Saturday afternoon. More than thirty delegates, representing all of the Conference schools and many other western and several eastern schools, are expected to attend. Tomorrow morning and afternoon the convention will hold business meet- ings in the reading room of the Union:1 The chief topic for discussion at these two meetings will be the problem of external expansion. The delegates will attend the Northern Oratorical contest tomorrow night in Hill auditorium in; a body. Saturday morning the conven-~ tion will hold its final meeting. At this time-the national officers will be elected and a date and place set for the next annual convention. F. H. Backstroni, '26L, and C. E. Hodgman, '24, are in charge of ar- rangements for this convention. J. K. Dunn, '24, D. O. Cook, '24, G. E. Bigge' of the economics department, and G. E. Densmore of the public speaking de- partment are chairmen of the com- mittees. UNLUCKY FIFTH F. PUTS VISITORS ] Varsity Makes Only Scores When Blott Starts wit Over Short (Special to The Dal South Bend, Ind., April 3 ham, a recruit pitcher for t ines, pitched a fine bran against Notre Dame but ti nings gave the Irishmen a ory over Michigan. The Wolverines took an when Blott started the sec( ting one over short stop, Ha Dillman both beat out bunt- bases with no one out. St fly to center scored both and Farrell playing center on Na turned his knee after catchi fly and had to be taken game. Wilson and Gillingh ed Steger by hitting to the outs. After two were out in Silver caught one of Gillin ferings for a home run, sc ahead of him. In the fifth Haggerty boo ergast hit to third. Magev' Prendergast at second. SI lowed with a hit that put on third. Crowley flied out followed with a hit to left 1 two men. Wilson helped th missing a grounder and Ver ed filling the bases. Si through with his second scoring two men ahead of ingham struck the next Michigan had a golden opp score in the seventh with th and no one out but Steg and Gillingham were retire succession. Haggerty lead the Wolver with four safeties to his cre of these were bunts to the i score: MICHIGAN AB R Giles, eb..........4 0 Kipk~e, Cl .......... 4 0 Baker. CF.........0 0 Backman, LF.......4 0 Blott, C.............3 1 Haggerty 3b......... 4 1 Dillman, SS........3 0 Steger, RF.......... 3 0 Wilson, lb ..........4 0 Gillingham, P......3 0 Totals ...........32 2 NOTRE DAME AB R Sheenhan, SS......2 1 -rowley, RF........3 0 Farrell, CF........1 0 Dunn, CF............3 2 Nolan, lb..........4 1 Vergara, LF.......4 0 Silver, C.........,..4 1 Quinlan, 2b.........4 .0 Prendergast, 3b......4 0, Mageviney, P...... 4 1 RBiA 1 I conbin he purpose is it before the cla men in the Stri 10. ill be provided ting of vaudevil orchestra. In a will be served a some promine 11 be secured. ast night by Cla ector, for all Sop r .band instrumen lock tonight at t i and wrestling b id for the games -n i me i cual 'Cacorps or the reguiar armyi - will be held in Ann Arbor from July{ 28 to August 2, according to announce- ed ment made yesterday at the Medical he I school. 'Successful candidates will be er ordered to duty for a postgraduate{ 'h" course at' the armi medical school 'on 'd full' pay and allowances. At the{ to ! completion of this course the candidat-] rsi es will be tendered permanent posi- ny tions in the regular army. The examination will include a phy- at cisal test, a written examination in le, anatotny, physiology, histology, sur- Id- gery., the practice of medicine, mater-E end ! ia medico, therapeutics, obstetrics and nt gynecology. Complete information in regard to the examination may be se-E .rk cured by writing to the Commanding li- General, Sixth Corps Area, West Park its place, Chicago. he { P University R. 0. T. C., high school students, Boy Scouts, I. 0. T. C. band, T ending with the , grade and rural COUIENS REPORTEDUUUU !schools. The parade will form nearI the high school at 2:15 o'clock, and will take slightly over 30 minutes forI Baltimore, Md., April 30.-The condi- completion of the 'line of march. tion of Senator James' Couzens of Coach Fielding H. Yost, general Michigan was reported good tonight at chairman of Ann Arbor's observance Johns Hopkins hospital following an: of Boys' Week, will review the parade; operation performed yesterday for the from the reviewing stand near ull remoal f gllstnes auditoriumi. From this stand, winners removal of gallstones. He passed a very satisfactory day, of the Loyalty day essay contest rec- it was said,-and was doing quite .as ently conducted among the schoolj i i E' E but IH LE T MEETIN '24L, president of. il and Robert J. ary, left yesterday i., to attend the an- the Middlewestern :e held at the Un- ee, May 1 to 3. council neeting ort was made from ie cheering section that that body is the Athletic asso- some feasible planf cheering may be >r the games next unced by Hugh K. the subcommittee ell will meet at 3 afternoon at the1 eparations for thej ROOSEVELT WILL HEAD CAMPAIIGN FOR,5MITH~ New York, April 30.-Franklin B. Roosevelt, of Hyde Park, former as- sistant secretary of the Navy and Democratic candidate for vice-presi- dent at the last election will steer the movenient for governor Alfred E. Smith for the democratic presidential nomination. This was announced by .the governor today a few hours before' be left Albany to give his attention to state business, which has accumulatedI bince lie left the capitol to attend the) funeral of'Charles F. Murphy, leaderl of Tammany Hall. Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, general secre- tary of the alumni association and Coach George Little spoke before a reorganization meeting of the alumniI at Flint yesterday. Members of the physics staff were entertained by the wives of members of the department at a basket supper and entertainment in the new physics building-last night. well as could be expected. children will e awarded prizes. Men- Student supporters of Calvin Cool- hers of the' reviewing party will in- idge for president will meet at ' Wlude President Marion, L. Burton. Dr. o'clock tonight in the reading room of 0o Wo dR cie - Harry B. Hlutchins, Mayor George E., the Union. It is hoped that a large Fr m D a a o~ Lewis, and others. number of the politcally inclined Fm D nbFloatsain theparade will be pres- neibers*of the student body will be ented by each of the schools, and civ- on hand to organize a club that will Dean Hugh Cabot, who sailed Sat- ic organizations. For the best school actively function here and which at urda-y for Naples where he has gone float, a picture valued at $25 will be the same time will work in conjunct- to meet Mrs. Cabot and daughter presented at the conclusion of the ion with Coolidge clubs of a like nat-I Mary, reported ill aboard the steamer parade. ure in other universities- Laconia a week ago, has sent no news '-All members of the Republican club relative to the condition of his dau- and students especially interested in ghter, according to an announcement1the study of political science are in- fron his office at the hospital. Lat- vited to attend the meeting. If suffi est word of her condition came last rcient interest is aroused the new or- Monday when it was reported that TIS I T .ganization will , at once endeavor to she was still in a serious condition. secure one or two speakers for a k PfLi ~~oP--iprogram to be given before the close Prof. Louis Cazamian, of Paris, will Iof the school year. Seniors Engrave lecture at 4:15 o'clock this afternocn _ On Table in the Natural Science auditorium on I "The Inner Development of English -- --- ~~Literature." The lecture will be de-1 IETEE DT Another good old tradition still lives livered in English. Professor Cazam- in their tap room of the Union. The ian is a graduate of both- "L'ecole Senior table has been set up and for Normale Superieure" and the "Sor- some weeks the men of the class of bonne," two rival yet co-operative in- '24 who have ability as artists have stitutions of Paris. He has written Frank Leverett, staff lecturer in Ge- been engrossed in perpetuating several text books on English civiliza- -logy was elected to the American I their names for future Freshmen tion from early times up to the pres- I Philosophical society at a meeting of to look upon with wonder. Many ent day. that organization held last week in and varied styles of wood carving "Les Compagnons de l'universite Philadelphia. Fifteen men are elected are represented on time table top t nouvelle" is a society for the reform annually to the body. etchings that would put to shame of educational methods in France, of The election of Mr. Leverett raises the masters of the German forests. which Professor Cazamian was the the number of Michigan faculty men t The football scores for the past sea- first president. He is co-editor, with in the society to five. The others are: son, according to custom, have already Professor Cestre who lectured here Prof. Moses Gomberg of the chemistry been inscribed in the wood. At present l last year, of the "Revue Anglo-Ameri- department; Prof. G. C. Huber of the there is plenty of room on the table for caine." M1edical school; Prof. W. H. Hobbs of Seniors to emblazon their names. the geology department; and Prof. B.3 The table will remain in the tap iuM. Davis of the botany department. room, until the end of the school year IS RCOSamong those elected this year were when its rough surface will be polish- HIPresident James R. Angell of Yale and, CUNARO MAN' WILL HELP PROSPECTIVE''TOURISTS George C. Calvert, travelling repre- sentative of the Cunard Steamshipz company will be in the Union reading room from 3 until 5 o'clock and 'from 7 to 9 o'clock today to aid any pros- pective travellers in their arrange- ments and to give information on Eu- ropean travel. Mr. Calvert will deal especially witt students planning to take advantage ofl the Cunard line's "College 3rd Cabin," an inexpensive mode of transatlantic travel which college students through- out the country are planning to enjoy during the coming summer. s , . .3 ed and a coat of varnish applied. SORE THIN 80 TYIOUTS April Chimes Features New Lawyers' Club And Policies More than 50 tryouts have been For size and for content, this month's reversion toward its title "The Campus iosen for the cast and choruses of Opinion Magazine.' "Nineteen Years ext year's Union opera, according to; Issue of Chimes is the best that has h O i n Czne. " y er M. hutr, iretor Th me se Icrossed the campus horizon this year. of the Student Council" by Vernon .]. Shuter, director. The men se- rs.Hillery, '25L, a former president of eted are now at work on the produc- r The .articles are interesting, and their the council, is expressly a study of the on and will continue rehearsals for varied character, which is an excellent possibilities of the organization, writ- kk WANTEIN IIPHILIPPINES1 That there are opportunities for men desiring instructorshps in the Philippines was stated yesterday when Dean Maximo Kalaw, of the college of liberal arts of the University of the Philippines, explained that at least three men were needed in the English department of his university. Dean Kalaw is at the University of Michigan this year as an exchange1 professor in the political science de-I partment, and while here is endeavor- ing to secure several men to teach in the University of the Philippines. De- President Livingston Farrand of Cor- nell. Elect Leader Of Republican Club Rogers L Marquis, '26L, was electedl president of the Republican club for, next year, it was announced at .al meeting of that organization last night at the Union. It was also stated that there will 'be an attempt to secure some national figure to speak here in the near future. This was the last official meeting of the club this year. Cologne, April 30.-Chancellor Marx in a speech declared Germany would do her utmost to restore economic and financial order but would claim ful- fillment of the preliminary conditionsj INDIANA OVERNOR GETS: TEN-YEAR PRISONTER Indianapolis, April 30.-Warren T. McCray, who ceased to be governor of Indiana at 10 a. m. today a scant half hour before he received one of the heaviest sentences ever imposed in the United States district court by Judge Albert Anderson, tonight is enroute to Atlanta. Georgia, to begin his 10 year term in the federal prison. Short Cuts Cost $1,000 Per Year Short cuts taken by students in a hurry to get to or away from their classes cost the University more than j $1,000 yearly, say officials in the Build- ings and Grounds department. At the I present time repairs are being made on all parts of the campus and grass seed planted on the bare spots. Another fault of Michigan men--and women-which is said to cause trouble and expense to that department is the practice of parking cars in the space! reserved for faculty members. Pamph- Totals ...........33 6 By Innings: Michigan .......02000 Notre Dame .....0 0 0 2 4 Two base hits, Sheehan. Silver. Sacrifice hits, Crow Steger. Struck out, Magevi ingham 4. Base on balls, 2, Gillingham 3. UNONCHIEFS gADD CHAMBER OFrGO Labor unions were repr the first time at a luncheon ing of the Chamber of Cc 6:15 o'clock last night. 150 persons were present. Two speakers from the ganizations talked on "Ur the Eggs." C. F. Boormar of the. Ann Arbor Trades c J. J. Scannell, secretary 01 gan Federation of Labor pr standards which their 01 uphold. Whimsies Poet Number Out Poetry representing pmr schools of modern verse, two presentations which ar ed under any particular cat up thethird annual Poe Issue of Whimsies, camj publication, to be placed or All poems submitted fo are to be judged by a con sisting of Mrs. Elinor Wy York, Prof. Roy W. Cow rhetoric department, and tI quality for such a publication, makesl for the general interest of the wholel «,. . #.-- hi io fac - r fhnt ten by a student rWell-informed on the subject. Hillery discusses its prob- The book for the opera was chosen mne weeks ago, 'but the lyrics are ot yet ready. The dances and lines r the show will be Worked upon dur- .g the remainder of this year. number. As for size, we ee sure t aL 'lems with unusual candor. Karl Zeis- it will be a long while before any col- ler, '26, gives a 'few facts about class lege monthly magazine equals this dues in his article "Reasons for Dis- copy. car(ling Class Dues," and clears up The feature of the issue, "The Law- icampus misunderstandings. His arti-J yers' Club and Its Government," by cle takes a distinct stand against the Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law system of levying class dues. r , 1' tails regarding the appointments to positions may be secured from Dean Kalaw in the Economics building. LITS NOTICE C i Lndsay Teaches at Princeton PrinrptnnV T Anvi.l f) VnTp