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April 30, 1924 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-30

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iblicatlon in the Bulletin is constructive noticc to all nmem bers of n v ri y o y r ci e y t e A s t u ot e lr s(1lt uai
0 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday?.
lumie 4 WVEDNESDAY, APRIL 301, 1 92-1 W.-umnber 15)3
:e Deans:
'here will be no conference of the Deans on Wednesday, April 30.
1I. L. Burton.
rslty Lecture:
L. Louis Cainan, Professor of English'Literature at the* University of
will lecue ih English, Thursday, Mlay 1, at 4:15 P. Wi. Natural Sce-
Audtorum, on "The Inner Development of English Literature."
1' . ll ohblbin.
tive Board, Graduate School:
'here will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School
ednesd7y; April 30, at 4:00 P. M. A. H. Lloyd.
vil Faculty fyleeting, School of Education:
her'e will be a meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education, Wed-
y; April 30th, at 4:30 in the office of the School of Education, Tappan
A. S. Whitney, Dean.

Play Production Plays:
Thursday evening, May 1, promptly at S o'clock in the Auditorium of Uni-
versity Hall, Carlo Goldoni's three-act comedy "A Curious Mishap" will be
presented as the next program, in the series of play Production Plays.
R. D. T. Hollister.
International N ighit Comititee:
International Night Committee holds an important business meeting
Wednesday, April 30, 4:30 P. M. Professor and Mrs. A. D. Moore, Directors,
and Reneis Likert, Tickets, will have reports to make.
Carlton. Wells, General Chairman,
"International Night".
Organ Recital:
Mr. Palmer Christian, University Organist, will play the following num-
bers at the Organ Recital in Hill Auditorium Wednesday afternoon, April
30, at 4:15 o'clock:
Introduction and Allegro, and Pastorale (Sonata No. 1, D minor) (Gull-
nia nt) ; Minuet (Boccherini) ; AndanteCantabile (5th Symphony) (Tschaik-
owsky) ; Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne in C (Buxtehude); "To A Wild Rose"
(MacDowell); Scherzo-Caprice (Candlyn:); 'Beatitude (Bossi).
Charles A. Sink, Secretary.
Delta Sigma lho:
I The National Convention of Delta 'Sigma Rho will be held in Ann Arbor
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. A banqjuet for the delegates.
will be held at the Union Thursday at 6 P. M. All members of the Alpha
Chapter and other chapters are urged to notify C. E. Hodgmnan if they ex-
pect to be present. Business meetings will be held Friday morning, Friday
afternoon, and Saturday morning in the Reading room of the Union.
Frank 14. Backstrorn, President.
Cercle Francais:
Special meeting of the Cercle IPrancais 7:00 o'clock, Wednesday evening,
Cercle rooms. John H. lilyskens.
UCniversity of'' ichigan Boad, ;~
Regular, rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock at the Band, Headquarters. By
order of the Director, Willlim Giaou1iii, Jr. Manager.
aL lt. T. C. Formiation 1:00, P. X. Today:. -
Dr ill for all compianies and Band. Asetmbly at R. 0.T. C. Buiilding.
Uniforms will be worn. -
# Those students ;going to R. 0. T. C. Camps this sumimer will report to
M'aster sergeant Miller at R. 0. T. C. Hleadquarters Et once whether they
desire to travel on~ tickets to be furnished by the Government, or wvhether -
they intend to travel otherwise' and collec mileage at camp.
Win. T. Carpenter, P., S. & TI.
Senior iMeclianiical Enginteers:
I Mr. W. D. Rose of the American Radiator Company will be in R~oom 221
Engineering B3uilding, Thursday, May 1st. He wishes to interview all those
Interested in positions with this company. I[. C. Anderson.

i :30-Chlamber of Commerce nmeeting,
room 304, Union.
7 :4.i-Westerners' chlb neetlig, Har-
ris hall.
8:-00-Sacred concert, Betiheihiej Ev-1
angelical churchi.
8 :00-Play Prodluction play -- Cario
Coldini's "A Curious :Mishap," Uni-
versity hall auditorium.
9 :30-Aluniparly, Union ai ;haaati,';
Seniors Secure. Positions j
Thirty fouir seniors have been found~
positions in various high schools',
throughout the country through the,
.effoWtS Of buireau of appointments
since April 17, was the statement of
Margaret Cameron, secretary of the;
appointment. committee, yesterday.
The seniors come from both thej
School of Education and the literary


II ue :312-1{ State $& W'liam

or call 296-M
will be glad to call and make an estimate

end we

" ) .Jr 6tzer gym} mmiou


b - -

to Thursday, May
there will be an
as a profession.

1st, at 4:00 P. M., 'in the office of the Dean of W'o-
informal conference for women, interested in social
The conference is restricted to Juniors and seniors.
A. S. Hobart, Assistant Dean of Women.


n Arbor Art Association:
There will be an exhibition of watercolors, etchi'ngs, and dry-points by
ra Galaher, and of color wood prints by J. Walter Phillips, at Memiorial
1, week days at 1:30 and Sundays at 2:00 p. mn. from Saturday; April 26,1
Sunday, May 4, inclusive.
Students of the University and the Schools will lie admitted free.
Warren P. Lombard, President.,
All L niversity Students:
The Schick Test and immunization for diptherla will b'e given at the
Oth Service M~ay 5-0' inclusive, 11-12 A... M. and 4-5 P. MI. This service
Enot be!offered again tlyis school ye ar. F. 11. Allen.
lors In. Bmsjness Adminisfimtion s
Mr. re1~ presentative of Thie Illinois Bell telephone Co., will N, in
un 106, Ec~. Bldg., on W ednesds.y, April 30, to make appointments for in-u li t r i w n T u s a ,'f a ,wlh s u e t n e e3c n e p o -
it with that Company. 'Edr1nindE. lDay.
hors in Journalismi:
All seniors who are elig;ible to become candidlates for the certificate in
'nalismn must file their application, together with a transcript of cred(its,
a the instructor in attendance at 2 and 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon,
mn 305 U. H. J. j1. Brw1nt.

100 Cards and Plato $3.00 and Up




50 eto

50 cts.

See Our Artistic

Engraving on Senior Canes

candcal an1d4 Electricall Engineers:
sentatives Groint[the Ingersoll-Rand Corninyil. Ph ii pFbn rg. Nowx
11 be in Room *221 Engineering B3uilding IA, ,nelr ay. April 344)i, to

i'ieete 1 lpoitiom&s, lt M "

All per~s0s o seliec 1usig his-
04o1 urn h domld ince'i n their nodeo,
biaiy, hor.an~dJ4:ip. All soiw
s itiiuiit ttuisr 0 df'i t C' Jltiesreg. rled.
U" :1:--- liattlenuatics ci ib I uncheoon..,
i ~ ,-'C 31ir1at or an rcia.Hilt ll.,
in B~ibo r gymnnasium.


racturing and sales en ine erizig

F :00-Quarterdeck meeting, room
7 :10-Alplut Kappa Psi meetinig,
k ion.


It Costs. No -M ore.

1i..C ".tX a

7.3( --Rebubiica n ci ab meeting, Un ion.
7 :45 -Dellolay meeting, Harris 112ll.
5,(0-Cireolo Italiano mneetinig, room
"e i2, South Wing.
$OO-( ercle Froaia l eci4meeting,
fj}- nadranlgl . a ne~n;roI
' ,x:-Prof. louis Cazamilan lectures
fi~li ateat'' 7 ztuhI ence au-

302 State

lisof story lhour$ for children ill be given by the C lassi
,ooQni 302 Mason Hll~ I, Thursdlay aftern~ion. MYay 1, 1t
n between teages of fireand tOn are esppe&~li nvHtM.
e welcomle. Ray K. lmItt .

50 cts.



Plenti r:
1Wdesday.ril 0, at 4 :30.,-Room 13,17,. .
Cp'bl Blanshar ,-HetErogai2etizsin n .. c nie :uutati
The Daily "Classified",

W~hen you think of


think' of

isD vF Oeora -
CQlnn~you .e u
4 Iuch eojl?
W e are serving a special
a I business luncheon every day,
We are having the best =
of everything -- specializing
Sin steaks and chops.
S .~ Jeservations made
I = by phone
'Call 584-i -
Try our Soda Fountain
S.~,,s~em -Ann A bo
iage Restaurant..
r 2Eie SystemSt
~~e~a~ wa .i~ r .aIIsa gmnstaIa.su.. i

oti c


- I'd'


Are you satisfied with the wasy
your socks look after washing? Are
they soft and comfortable? Have




7 -~

Dancing exvery

they shrunk?

Are all the holes





. a ,:
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, ',. _'

At tie varsity you will be satis-~
fie d with the way wNe wash your



socks .

They are returned to you

University C haperot

soft and comfortable.-

.We char.~

11 1 . W-mm




them from ane: assortment w of forty
shades. They are ironed on a special
individual steam table that assures
you correct size.
This is just one of the special
features t h a t distinguishes T H E

If convenient, eat between.
11:30 and 12 or 12:20 and 1.
You'll save yourself consid-
erable time and help us in
taking- care of nioon crowds


Phone 2076 or 2077

Awl'o In lev 104,02

& g? - I i


r 1


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