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ker, Benson, and Jabloniowsii to eral twirlers were used to serve the
be Saved for Coniference , ball to the plate.
Title The workout was con cluded with "a
snappy fielding drill with all the men[
[ER PLANS TO START appearing in fine form for today's tus-
IEGUTLAR Ll'NE IN LINEUP sle. The pitchers who made th e trip,
______were not extended during the after-
ehgan's Varsity baseball nine will noon,
its first game on a foreign field The squad will return immediately
retrnig fom he prig tipfollowing= the game and begin. prepar-
retrnig fom he prig tipations for the Illinois game here Sat-
the Fisher clan encounters Notre urday.
e this afternoon at South Bend. __________________
uirteen players composed theC,
d which left Ann Arbor late last.
Lto meet Michigan's ancient riv- -.
Sthfe diamond. Coach Fisher did1
ak ices tyeBnsnadowski, saving this trio for the ipratBgT.coes
h are to be played on Saturday, Sweaters for, the Junior engineers
lay and Tuesday. bowling team are at, the intramural
Torre~y to Take houndofie
;hough he at first determined toofie
Benson to the mound against the Entries in tehrehetu.a
Fine finall~y dcddupnsv mn ohsingles ,and idoubles, close,
iim for the fi~rst. gamne with Min- Pi ngt
A. which will be played at Minn- ngt
on Monday. Jablonowski will be Hadblturim trtat41
against the Gophers in the sec- Hr altunmn trsa ;-5gm ftesre nT e- o'clock this afternoon, the Senior fits
er will be used in the all-import-j o'clock paigtel-tomorrowdttaafternoon. the Soph-
Iinois tilt scheduled for Saturday~ omore lits play the school of educa -
mry field. tion team.
,rey, who hasn't seen service since ___
piing trip, will assume the pitch- Hand ball tournamen will start at
urden today with Gillingham. and at 4:15 Wednesday afternoon, the
ilnith held in reserve. Since this. Senior fits playing the all-dental team.
Et has no bearing on the Confer-1 At 4:15 o'clock Thursday. the Sopho-
standing, Coach Fisher will use mr i5pa h dctoas
game as a means of developing moeft lyth-dctoas
y in his mound work. - Oe~oesnlsmthh~be
sremainder of the team will line Oadd ed sing. letsroundhohasieeni~
ustl.~tbW lson on first ,ts toe'saddente is oudo htni crnrfBachman, l10pkelby g1525-MV mucs ~4h ms be n
Cobb's Crew AndH TO 0 '
In Big Leaguesl uCOURTEAM
i"Sixteen major league baseball clubs ___
are starting to get 'into real form af- ~ D(iII Folio ngActrinOf
ter the rigors of the first-few games. 1 ktci.i~iliill P Of
The teams have settled down to the I Tiienz
steady grind of the season and pen- +
nant talk is already beginning to flow. !i irl)'FS ;iO'NT I °: e t)Y
The Detroit Tigers, .starting out with I RPS )B IKR
a rush are at the top of the heap in'6 myl!9 ;i n a rI
the American League. The Bengals
have'been favored with good pitching' New York, April 29.--Vincent Rich-
ndtheir same old hitting ability is in theariteid Statenk ning to iltiFrsig
evidence. Recruits and veterans alike th ntd saeIs l ni gL e g
have been showing exceptional ability f rom the Olympic and the .Davis cup.
for he iger. Mnagr Cob hs teams.
for the.Tigrs. apagr Cbb hs !Richiards; decision to resign follows
twice made clean steals of home, and! closely upon the resignation of Will-
his all-around play brings back. the in idn.1 r(',capon h
memories of his earlier. days. in the:wtde'fo hetotasls
big tent.' Harry Hellman is leadingwihre frmtewoeaslt
the eage atbat Stoer nd Witeweek following, the ban laid down upon
thell lecguitbat.cher aen Wie-;all "ten~nis player-newspaper men by
hill, reutepitchershavdaeaon1six United States Lawn Tennis as-
games etwee them and ppear t iationj and particularly by 1Hol-
be ripe for the. tribulations of big time-cmoWrd hima fteImtu
basebll. rule committee.
By making a spurt of seven straightj Richards, said that he felt that there
victories, the New York Yanks pulled wa ohn letod nsuha
up to second place. Heavy hitting the omte a eie hth
has been the chief asset of the world's teemzt, a eie hth
champions. Babe Ruth 'lias hit five Iwvouldl he a professional if he engaged
home runs to date, giving porieO in newspaper work another year. In
a hghmak inhi fel b te rois-eo~ fza recent report of Holcombe to the+
a hgh arkin hisfied b th en Association he reffered to a "boy re-
,ofuggesyeMcrw'siaosad.h porter" and Richards felt that the re-
"Mugsy" c~ra's iant andthemark was shot directly at him.
Chicago Cubs are furnishing the fire- Thyonstrao igetdht
works in the National circuit. Te T e wougbetarcedsosby etedctionao
New YFork club is in the lead, with the committee to give up tennis al-
theBruns negamebeid Good together unless some field for pro-
Oither Sports Are
Good For Gridmnen
.Says Coach Yostj
4 - .
are etipected to prove of value in, cor-
recting the faults that crop out under
".Jimmie tho ad taker" sells anything
&~- ~~j'--x
felderad Bikeras elief catch- Lever W illi",N
ichiao urne .i tw victories ov-
otre Drft 'gter, and the Irish Although, the United 'States will
pariclaly n'o"us to even the boast of a host of stellar sprinters
,e by winning th contests thisI on its Olympic team, the absence of
;on. Tthfist game last year,'j "Boots" Lever, former Pennsylvania
e Parte s ccede in getting an captain, wil be certain to be felt. He#
y lead which seemned to assure recently notified Head Coach 4asi
a of vitory. HIowever, Michigan Robertson of the Olympic team.
ie toward' the end of the fracas,: would be unable to undertake t'ain-
Jig tw' runs in the seventh and1i ing for the tryouts because of businos
th innings,, ne in the ninth frame, l affairs. / N
g the' cut, and the winnin'g During his caneer at Pennsylvania
ker in thetenth whlen Uteritz scor- Lever -was considered one of the-at
n a wild pitch: The other game1 est men in college. He was aco'it-
'won esilyr by the Wolverines,I ent winner in the: IEast In thie',100
yard r alse. He had beaten tove~joy,l
ach Fisher continued to empha- Cornell's champion sprinter,, and took
hatting in yesterday's practice ses-,the: Eastern intercollegiates at Frank-
at Ferry field, devoting the great- I In Field last May.
art of the workout to hitting. Thiel The Olympic team will be out an-
nid team took the field while sev- ether star performer unless the in-
: :
'pit.Jingnia L1 Uthe eacters 1in U'nom fessional tennis was opened up.a
ing their position. Jack Bentley, who The resignation of both Tilden and
had an in-and-out season last year,I Richards will leave the American Dav-
is coming through in fine shape, hay- i,, Cup earn in a weak condition and it
ing pitched several excellent games.'s is thought likely that the association
Wayland Dean. the Giants' high-priced will be forced to lift its ban during the
form ~At the - same tifiie that Richards was
Thoke .Cubs valsul dino n: ci'laue oreothlexwek
Cs Inouncing his decision to resign from
d a y w h a u l . K i tac h e ' i A m n ei a n t oa xus ,T ~ x R ic k ard , w e ll
te Pittsburg airte4-2 hek'whleknown igh - ponibter, - declared that
his pltes;ctuNAota -2vic o think n,-g of pr om ot'ng apro-
Cinjltaat lst o ;heCardinalsth
into tird. I s'Itclass of'tennplayers if;
san d~~and sid ntothid. n sitecert zin nmeirbcrs pf the rmateur ranksI
,t~i, 4"enie of Charley Hollocher, wowr a d~-t rsn
hf6 f ,~ 'hortstop, Manager KDill- tine would psent to join. Tilden
of rhas a fast combination around refused to cor 'ient ,on . he idea.
second base. Grantham at the key--
stone position and Adams at short, The horseshoe cotf between the
have been- plating satisfactorily and ;gymrnasiumn and the nmedTai building
hitting heavily,, so the temperamental aire now in shape. . t - ys are to be
ilollocher] is not greatly missed. adda h onro ahea
fury to ean ,. Ave. and Volland St.- Entries for the
~jur to ~n, ownell's shoulder gets all-campus horseshope tournament
better;'Ia~- dill, Brownell's coach close Friday nighrt~.
for trthmein v 6tha w ~hsyrears at l nIllinoisonis- innr ftealci
deeli~e~t ji ta il e n o- ines f h alca-pus wrestling
dition or the tryTouts at Ferry Field,'tournament should. call at the intra-
M~ay 30 anil 31, fad\ he will keep him mnural office and receive the:ir sweat-
~out of all* comncdtition between now lens.
rand then if it is nieessary in order to
keep h~'nm in shape, Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.
It is better for" the imnvwho knows
the technique of football to takeho s
athletic work in winter and spring; in
games in which he is interested, ti~an
in further football training, p~rovided
football work has become a grind for!
hifm, in the opinion of Coach Fielding
IL1 Yost. Yost made this statemenit int
discussing the announcement that all +
the regulars of a certain team were
participating in spring training.
"I would never take a. man from an-1
other team for eithier winter or spring
football training," lie commiented."le
is getting traning there tI-,tt probably'(
is not routine or ;rindl for him. The+
object of sp ring and wilnter training+
should be to get the larger gr oup out-.-- I
thee i0or 60 men iwho mus-t take somel
sort of exercise and are learning a new;I
game. This gives the, coach a chances
to determine the qiualicationis of the+
menl of Whom lie has known little, andl -
this helps in working the aivilahle
omen into the football squad in the fall,
when less .time is available."
Even the cap,,tain of next year's
Michi gan footbaill team hlas> not been
working with the gridiroiiloen during
the winter, and is not expected to join ,
them this spring. Captain {elect Steg-i'
er has been a candidate for the base-
ball squad, and if he fails to land a I
place on the team when the final sel-
ection is made, lie is a, likely prospect
for the Michigan mile relay team and
also as a, javelin thrower.
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells 'anything
IF -S9 i wy not eliminate some of those
yea'rSofa«pprenticeship usually spent in
gaining experience.
To help yoti accomplish this aimn Bab 'n
Institute offers a one-year intensive tan
in g c o u r s e . - - ~ - - - - I ..,
principles of business are made clear. Bay
every day commiercial affairs.~
Write for Booklet
Send for ~boklt "7drairing for business
Leadership." Describes the courses i:, det ailf
-and :gives- cornleteinformiation, abot-t4" tF4-
men are trainedfor eeutc4 e.Write
--today. No obligatio n.
7l~AArbor Street
1 asoearrt:1e Subucrb S of1
Wide Road. Which?
The confines of one busiziess--or cone.
tact with them all.-
Insurance is the wide road4 that main-
tains active association with big m-en. and
-. big affairs, with many anid varied interess.~
Insurance-Fire, Marine and Casualty-
is an ssetial parzt of the miost vital activi-
lies .of the commiercial and indutia1l
As th-oldest Ariieicain Fire and Marine.
Insurance Comupany, so greatly respon-
sible for the present dignity and prestige
of the insurance profession, the Insuane
Copanyof North America urges college
consderaionthat Jsits due.
rrThe Narrow Path - or the
Mall Order, Now--Seats Thur.
Sunday,. May- 4th ow
With more th-a 11:> men on hisI
roster, Coach George Little is making
(ox:cellent progress, with his candi-
dtates; for spring football, who have
been working daily at Ferry Field. j
As a rule, there are five or six el-
evens working out at one time, but
the (entire squad is at practice three
or four times each week. At pres-
ent, thie instruction consists largely I
of fuindamecntals, suchi, as po iition,
charging, tackling, and blocking. A
number ot the backfield men have
been brushing up on passing and kick-
ing . Al general idea of the type of
forimaIon used by the -Michigan elev- -
en has been dfrilled into the gridders,-
so that when practice starts next fall,
it will be munch easier for the coaches
tget down to actual work without
htaving to t.ak'e upa great deal of time!
iwith instruction on the primary es--
sentials of th'a gamne.I
IThere will be a game between two
picked teams within a week or -10
days, in whiichi only fundamental playsI
will be used. F'ollowing the contest
the coaches will make criticisms which
4 - - -
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