Ichaflge in the existing economic or n by a white aristocracy or permitting <;go by Ithat is bound to dlecrease." der speedily occurs. He alluded dis- j herself to be subjugated by Germany-. %]Wh'e n te COnversation 1turull(?( approvingly to her "imperialistic pol- !France's declining birth rate is a men- English polities, Mr. Russell spoke icy" and. predicted that she will be- ace to her national security so long orably of Rlaiusay Mac -onald come subject to negro armies before: as the rest of the world and Germany lauded his policy of seking to many years have elapsed. "In order in particular, propagate in unlimited tablish amicable relations bete to carry out her ambitious schemes, numbers. I am heartily in favor of Britain and. France. "It is iniprob, France is coming to have an increas- universal birth control, but for one however, that the Labor, ministry ing reliance upon the enormous Afri- nation alone to practice it in conjunc- remain in office long," he said. can population which acknowledges tion with an imperialistic policy is sui- hasn't a majority in Parliament her sovereignty," he declared. She is cidal, The American birth rate would depends for its continued exist confronted by the dilemma of becom- not be large were it not for the large upon the will ofi the Liberals ing a predominately Negro state ruled foreign population and as the years brought it into power. In the " fu tu re, M r. AM acD o n ald .,s m in istry w ill ' A m eric an s m n irilfe -ted i l l r i i _' '; ,>~ ll t r b b N p o o e s m e i l t oin- t ~ 1 : ep a l t t i nq e~ s~ a d d efav- tasteful to the Liberal party andt that ('haiptione l by thelr(' s in n-ure Y*'ng the Uft!, Sand Ca es- Lweeni will tand ,ense who peak, means a dissolution."E M'r. Russell declined to gi%,e any, "im-_ paressions of America" saying that he (lid not care to follow the( pathi mark- ed out by Mrs. Asquith,. Mr. Clhesterton' and other English ob~servers of our life and customs. H-e did, however, express surprise at the credulity of thatu the nwppei'relrel w- m ~ h 'Iv ' h o l I dere interests andl theil 0opinions are treanted wih conitempluous iniffe- ence. But here in Aeicyouswl low every thing; the pr's (offers vyou. alr. Russel thinklts our lack of repos"e know I'E El1il] In l..' .. e met: 1:ill.d irwh a n:v take tupf utry re- a star e we . r , ... pro- s ev- Jeves wise-I e immil BE Iay Comtstock and Morris G~est Aninouince the Only Visit illn Detroit of tile MOSCO~W ART THEATRE World's Foremost Acting Company at the I GARICK T~HEATREI Detroitf T0':TIGH-- HE ROTHER1S lRAiI- -AIMAZOFF," BY FYODOR DIOSTOI-C Thurs.Eve. May 1-"The Cherry Qr- The most refireshiog news on this cy in America j oday is 'Vcnar.- omiogeneity. The stop- Fri. Eve. M~ay 2-"Tsar Fyodor ivano- reign influx, if enforced[, witch:" eat change in the course Sat. Mat. May 3-"The Cherry. Or. n. chard:" foresntigbtd Sai. Eve. May 3-"Tlhe Lower Depths." Frane nlthisga-radical Prices, ?Nights ...... ...1.00 to *3.0* f Fanc unos a adialMats. Wed, and Sat...1.00 to i$2.501 page r \ I1 Bu3siness SBuilding Ievery business, and selling life insurance Iaffords the maximum of satisfaction and A.remuneration~. For the life insurance sales. mnis a business buile and finds innumerable ways~ to ere the commni~ty and make him~self indispen-. sable in 4ie con~duct of modern affairs. The life insurance salesman is not only a business builder but he is in, businesfor himself, creating a competence permanent and continuous. It is the best paid work for those who are ambitious and wiinjg to work, and who have the character and stamina neesary to stamp their individuality upon the business and on their community. The traditions and practices of the JOHNw HANCOCK are such that the college graduate can take a peculiar pride in repre- senting this company. You are liable to remain in the busi- ness you enter on leaving college. Before making a definite decision inquire into life insurance as a career. Write,"Agency Department." A-B3 . I 1 r . !{; ° i ,. I f i r ;. j . r i ,. t ' ,. . .. r I } I t } I i t t Iyy k i } 7 To Europe 'ci for 125 Y7ES-it can be done. At our $125 irate a crossing actually costs less than a stay at a summer resort. And what a different sort of a vacation you'll have!l Consider, too, that living costs appre- ciably less abroad than it does here. That your dollar will buy much more than a dollar's worth of pleasure, of experience, of beauty. See the British Empire Exhibition--the life of a vast empire condensed into a picture before your eyes. The Olympic games - -where the vigor and skill of humanity is put to the test: The great races, the~ art treasures, the quaint ,small towns-see Europe ! Our service is complete-in its range of sail, ing-dates, its types of accommodatio~ns, the speed and size ofits ships, and - most im. portant- its readiness to meet your purse requirements.. Consider Europe this year- before yvou plan your vacation. Ouir services offer sailings to five European countries. F 4 --a rich ripened blend of realf Jamaica Ginger and, pure fruit. Juices - is a beveragte that mixes well under all conditions. " WIhenx good fellows get together", enjoy one of fthese delightful combi- nation s - Ginger Tea Ice Tea andt A-B Oinger Ale, healf 4old alf. Shandy Gaff Budweiser andt Ginger Alb, half ancdhalf; J , ' II' k pN gnl . 1 -%,l f . (II ' - + ij i G 3 1 I,, t, 'You can con int y.e sUmmer1nowi Lt ; -tL fog' deirechange ndc r( . 1 - )"u Illhe refreshed and de r~i attendanlce ,h u la'OF LAKE1,'J'! I tcn' cowr v Qeg, oi,rf"- .I i,6 freelCs, ct Ii ut tah from otlher eia ol of 'School of Commen~rce o~ffcrsc "Salesma~nship, " Factry irn Insurance," etc. "chooI of . features pracical newsVpaj Many courses su-Ipkmlcllt "' tclinfngin tr alai cenlt -s o1 cW 'cag THIS BOC flip Followin1 Request F( lPLEASE SEND To:0 bokict degcribing in full th ourses ~WESIE .N UISITYSunmr o ther advantages, recreaticual and N m ................. .-.- FuNaes ....~.. ................. Northam steirn IT i~ 604 & aser tyfialS' A [- Ask for a copy o "When It happens in Europe" which tells just when and where the interesting ev'ents of the Euro. pean season take place, also "Yoiur Trip to 3urope" and "Comfort in Second Class." /- ILI I FE INSURACE COMPANY OF B~OTON. MASSACHUETTS - ni busine'ss:. Now insuring One Billion Seen Hundred l~ion Dollars in policies 0n13,250,000 lives Horse's Neck nu,~de bar addtng lem~on rindaend craclted tce to A-B Gtnger Ale. 5NESzR~s~ ST. LOUIS:- o- i. d-203 G-2U9 \yaInm STAR INE r SK~i~4RNATtONAt.!e''RC/SMoTiL3 MARIME C®OMtlIr 211.1 ia stie 3IIIaIidi l] 1r+ it, or 31aIy lilh(Irzed Ste'uiw!bip Agej',it3 ;A DIs40)11tors " r w " 4 - tOJIA~ Arrrr 'z1x1 i l¢ 30ri rs:r+ ,... ": d i }' -TT -r *E''. '81 Braslau oto by Mishikin Harold Bauer Photo' by Alpeda, Earl V.' Moore Photo by Rentschler Frederick Stock Photo by Matzene Dusolina Ginn~ni Photo by U'wood & U'wood FESTi L George Oscar Bowent Photo. by Rentschler Alberto li Photo by Mishkin E' maiyha ' 1 PARTICIPANTS FOUR DAYS OP GOOD MUSIC SIX BRILLIANT CONCERTS_ SONG BIRDS Photo by. Alpeda f ivm many operas-Oratorio sing- e rs-Violinist-H apst-P anist --Organist. TWO Bia CHORUSES THE CHORAL UNION anld the CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS THE CHICAGO SYM- PHONY ORCHESTRA M~AY Two famnou3 cholal workis jill Le e g-ive for the first time inI America (' ,i s inYs r jR cc 21- 22- 23-24 LA PRIMAVERA EARL V. MOORS, MUSICAL DIRECTOR b" RESPIGHI "NEW" ARTISTS GIANNINI, SAL VI, KRUEGER: BALLESTER, LAMONT, LENT, DADMUN, SCHIPA, will be heard CESARE BAROMEO is the stage name of Chase Sykes, a prom-* inent "Michigan. Man" who is filling a three year contract for leading roles at the La Scala Opera. SEADRIFT by DELIUS and F'orrest TLamnt Phiot o by IDaugerre CONDUCTORS EARL V. MOORE GEORGE 0. BOWEN FREDERIC2K STOCK for tie 'first time in Ann Arbor. Photo by>vL( 'wood & The other artists have all been heard in Ann Arbor. Good Course Tickets may still be secured at the School of. Music in the $5.00 and $5.50 Sections. "Festival Coupons" will still be accepted, at $3.03) each for a short time. For tickets or booklet an- i Mt;Vin, , _~ URV^:;# M 1 1 11 - I-C I I - I ;M