Peace 4C AND MUSICIANS' ,. I11V6 r Sonata No. ], 3D minor ...... Guilmant; Introduction and Allegro krPastorale Miinuet .......... Boceherini Andante Cantabile (Fifth Symph on y).........Tschaikowsky Prelude, Fugue *and Chaconne in C................Buxtehude To a Wild Rose.........MJacDowell Scherzo-Caprice ........... Candlyn Beatitude................... Bossil Famous Critic Is On Summer ,Staff Leon G. Winslow, (considered as one of the foremost Industrial Art critics author of several books of various subjects, and will be in this city as an instructor for the entire summer. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. qu ORGAN RECITrAL (.nests Schools Of Htonor At inu '[tp- I-LUR CHOSEN TO LE]AD ents oA' boys in public sch,)ols he; gubests of honor today at the obiservance 6of "The Boys' Day; hietics and Entertaininent," of iCoach ElImer D. Mlitchell is ai chairnman. ,9pccia assembTies e held ate o Aaschools alks by the principals, 'iz4i'atfr- es ionsoil the playrouns Aill e 'd to visitors. clh Fielding H. Yost w -ll s'peak. 'clock tonightl in the high school riumfr, with a:zsplecial progra-in of and mousical entertainment. Dur-y e dlay at the schools, gymnastic; tilns and contests, will take including track mneets among . The re-gular twilight Organ recital will be given at 4:15 o'clock this aft- ernoon in Hill auditorium, by Palmer Christian, Uniiver sity organist. I-H will offer the following program. in America, and who for several yiears SE;l.S Gt h I has bete in charge~ of the Industrial est salary and Arts work for the city of New York, the position you want as a teacher, is to conduct a class of Industrial arts Openings in all States. Ask for free' forinsrucorsin he rchtecura !enrollmient blank and list of M1ichiigan for nstuctrs n th arhitctualgraduates placed by us. college during the coming summer Specialists' Educational Burearu session. Odeon Bldg. St. Louis, _1o. Exchange that misfit _pen for a Patronize Daily Advertiser§.--Ater. LAST IME TONIGHT A Ileaf ty Roar from Title to Tailpiece COMEG SUn NDAYMAY 4th The foA IIp ort:::r4CI2it nye Egag i s t inte 111- iory f A er EfoLs of Sumner- Welles, whomi Pre- I y'Day in Citizenship and In-I ," was marked by trips through, buildings and factories yester- o c e r e P ite a d R v ert A. Jump spoke at the high A auditorium, and E.1 C. Mills onl "Citizenship" over the Ujni- y radio last night. angements for the Loyalty day e which will be held Thursday, been announced. The "M" club l be the leading unit of the parade N111 fall1-into' line at 2:15 o'clock thie high school immediately be- the Varsity nan~d. The nienwill their honor sweaters, and will d by Harry M~pke, '24. ci Yost said yesterd Ky in spak fthe , University's part, inthe par. "This is boys' Loyalty day the over, and certainly Varsity men d aid the boys of the community Heir presence, in this demonstra- Thle parade w ill last only , 30 t s an vil be nd d y' o, ;Iassified-Conit.I NIAKES. Agency Wdooustock and r~ ty~pewriters, 'Sundstrand add- mcine, Li 4he-a.-Tim'e copy drrubber stam ps, rlblbons, hion kes type cleaners and slip- s Mcl tnes rented. NN,4BOR TY.IP lXhITER [AN'E PhoneidIB GS downtoWvi 9 Anr, rbor Sav., Bnk IB1ldg. sJIc 3t Coolidge se-,nt to Hondluras Ito help endthe revolutionary 'Etrife in thiat diminutive republic, appear to have come to naught. None of the warring factions have met his over- tures, sindJunconfirmed rcports have it fhait sc eial Amelicwan Sailors have b.een killed. ! DI Jot) forou 4 AT HOME $20 to $60 aWeek Easy Earn mney'durn summer vaca- tion sellingour W i ie ure Foods, Spices, E'xtracts, Sum~mer Drink~s, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumes, Beauty Articles, Jewelry, Rubber Goods, Towels, etc. Quick sales i every home. Big money making offers. Catalog Outfltfree. Write now. W6estern Products Co. DNot. 13 606 N. Oakley Blvd., Chicago i MEN 'of w.'hich Thos. H. Ince t producer of this and "The ilottentot," saes:~ aImftSure that '4111lhing, Fish,' k the A ,;, Of fer Up Everything-m.--a Love-..-Life'---HonoJr- For Esmeralda? and I 1R I 0. D. Th1, - p "orani a~pncI, rnipeograpling ,rs 't c olusiitlerhtel' LAorl'l,' 17 II'kels;l ypewriler. & Statlon- Ly (bil~e at reason- s. HislZ1Cir, st .4, .'i Pictures" BettyBun RAIPRS" IT""' ;.11! -V gre atest Comedy f*pecIil ever iae" 'c eadd- Rilghtof 7Somethring e ul rely new-differ- eita..trained seal as hiere--a score (JkI~ diving lenu,&es to ,add zest,-a couple (of newlywed" to lend spaice-tad a grand, thrill climax thant piles laugh 01oar augh l to tlael ttn-burs ting tempio. did Jehan sacrifice decencyT and h on-~ t or as'he strove. to make her° h is? (lHd (ringoire sere hrdeg-v e'd IT Swth neve rahopeoeari did Quasimodo gi've 11 cIIin lei wH~J defense? HY WH'Y :.; iitz did Phoebus risk his very life to gain one single smile did Dom Claude defy the Gurardsmen 1ho so°Ught to take her? did ClopIn seek to sack a city to bri ng her back to himn? phone' -.-.-' I TheAnswer Is Found i The Greatest En'tertainmernt The World. Has .ver Knozpn gig" ADA ! DogtTll a Soul WNhat Happened to Marjorie Colbert--- Sidney Chaplin, Conklin, Louise Louise Fazenda - Foi d Sterling, Chester Ricksen, Nvith Fre ddie, the galloping fish, wil keep you roaring EA SPECIAL j HENRY CATALAN_&coal C 31oria, y Z J1 . Pres tea by JI ' AQo1p2uZeoa r v J sae . as i i i as QUASIMODO TH Rtr-OE STU F1 vil -FERS 0 ~IAN 1L' singing, Dalleing 4 NXEOF v t ANGloria Swanson in "A SocietyN n(lal" a0-7-8S:31 MA9TINEFS 10c, 25c, 34c VVENE NC S NF lA -, T A- I II R'S "'~('O LLS H IG H 'W A Y " 1ZINfG STOXY -Fea turing-_ N\ RYPHILB IIN 1E Fam o1 auyof N TAfS Max Bloom X iHORSEii '1?"Ii ai l " of the Lonesome Spine" -3..i 1J SP1.A%142.t Y VIV .[YV (; ij) 9M Met " I -- - -_-- . -- -- I . --- L-=, - , -1- * (PHN(l' SU-NDAY, MAY 4TH -GO'sS "TNu HUNCHBACK OF FCC: NOTRE DAME" Presenttion al (ary the Atn-osphere of Its Tremiendusness in Detail. Prices, 50c, fife and Loge Seats O)nly Reservedk. Not J1ore Thtan Ten Tickets WiTll Be Sold to Any One Personi. Seats Nowi Selling. 1111111111111.111t1;i1111#11111[1111111[N1i11111{I ti11111111Y111 11111111111x1:Ilixx9 amill.,l6ifill I81161111l161S,19161,1118In 41313iIII II111117iimmIli fill mi:kilmm11m!1-111011111111I111IIH111Bi#60&1iE499i "Le MEDECI LAGR~E By MOLIEIRt, and LUI"~ "L'Ang lais T el Qu'on le Pale" ]ByTRISTAN BERNARD resented byLe CEROE FRACAtS nA r... . ( (_ r1 !1_ fl. -A AA_ porh !c~rn11al A v rt'rJIlT rsi11