it qpxn
Russell Declares Socialism
Is Only Road To World Peace
S "The League of Nations has not only,
proved utterly ineffective as a prevent-
ative of war; but every one of its im-
portant decisions has been grossly in-
Introduced To
oomobile Tires,
Repeal Duty
Parts And
April 29.-(By Ar)-
e approval 'today to fI-
ee amendments to the
mposing a 10 percent
ets, reducing the auto-
repealing the capital
1 restoring to the bill
fts, checks, and prom-
equitable," declared Bertrand Russell,
the distinguished English philosopher
and social economist, in an interview
yesterday. We had the honor and
pleasure of an hour's conversation
with the famous visitor and found that
his reputation as a brilliant intellect-
ual radical has a substantial founda-
Mr. Russell believes that only by
the universal adoption of socialism can
world peace be achieved. The LeagueE
of Nations' futility, he thinks, has been
demonstrated beyond questiod and he
forsees no possible change in the pres-
ent world chaos "until we extend our
present political democracy to eco-
nomic democracy which is far morel
Mr. Russell's unequivocal denuncia-
tion of the League was supported by
reference to several incidents of its
jurisdiction. "The Aaland Islands,"
he asserted, "were given to Finland.
despite the fact that the inhabitants
desired union Nwith Sweden. The
Ieague's settlement of the Silesian;
question was entirely unfair while the
handling of the Corfu incident revealed'
pitiable weakness. Under the League,
the disposition of Syria was farcical.
The Syrians desired first, independ-
ence; second, government by America;
third, by England. The League of Na-
tions gave the country to France, the
one country which Syria had made it
absolutely clear, she did not wish to
becone attached to. Furthermore, the
administration of the Saar valley has
been outrageously tryannical; a man
is sentenced to five years' imprison-
ment for speaking ill of the Treaty of
"Lord Robert Cecil," continued Mr.
Russell, "is a misguided idealist who
does not realize that one can't re-
form the world overnight. The Ver-
sailles treaty was utterly bad and I
look for no relief from the existing
world turmoil which has followed it,
until socialism is adopted. The recent
war was primarily waged for econom-
ic reasons. The United States joined
the war because the foreign loans of
her great bankers were becoming en-
dangered by Germany's threatened vic-
tory. The outstanding result of Mr..
Wilson's intercession in world' poli-
tics has been to help make the world
safe "from" democracy. The Amqi-
can people, duped by a subsidized
press, excited to patriotic fervor by
capitalist propaganda, fought for a
cause which was detrimental to their
best interests the perpetuation of gov-
ernment by financial oligarchies.."
To bring about the socialist regime,
Mr. Russell proposes the nationaliza-
tion of the great natural resources and
transportation of this country, a step
which he pronounced easy of accom-
(Continued on Page Five)
ically withoutI
apid order af-
ad been spent
r proposals.
:pected, how-
I automobile1
pproval of these amendments left
y vital provisions of the bill to be
en up. A tentative draft of the cor-
ation tax amendment was agreed
n today by 8gnators Simmons,
C. and Jones, democrat, New Mex-I
and placed "before minority mem-
s of the finance committee for ap-
val. tI will propose a normal tax
bably more than the pending flatE
of 14 percent and additional taxes,
bably on a sliding scale, on un-I
:ributed profits above the amount
ject to the normal tax.
Arrival Of Cap1w AiAnd Gowns Complet es
Plans For Traditlona I
Senior Event
With the Caps and Gowns now arriv-
pril 29.-Nearly sev- ed at George Moe's, plans are rapidly,
je places available in being completed by the Swing-Out
tary Training Camp committee in preparation for that
xt Agust have been ventwhich will take place next
dung men from the
Wsconsin and Mich- Tuesday, May 6. The observance of
he Sixth Army Corps .this annual affair will be in the trad-
to latest figres ,itional manner that_ it, has always car-
rs more than 2900 ried out. The aim; ;of the committee
been received so far. is to-adhere.to tradition-in every pos-.
four thousand men ?sible way.,
e of at'tbe camp this - Swing-Out is the day in.which thej
'those who wish to seniors first appear on the campus in
at the camp should aps and Gowns. Each year about
tions in early as the this tine the Student council sets a
me, first served." ' date on which all the senior classes
camp idea has been will swing out together. Arm. in arm
us impetus through- the near-graduates cross the campus
said Colonel Noble iin the line of march that each year
Civilian Aide to the forms the block "M" of Michigan by
rfor the Sixth Army the columns of black. Swing-Out day
ple now see that the is the first rung in the ladder of trad--
ps is to proyie te itional ceremonies up to Commence-
physical and mental, ment.
n of the country dur- As is the custom the classes will
r vacations and asa form on the various walks leading to
will be filled to the the medallion in front of the Library.
is "
Eypert's Commission Anxious for
Speedy ionelusion of "Sounding
Out" Attempt
Paris, France, April 29.-(By A.P.)-
The reparation commission today post-I
poned official discussion of the allies'1
replies on the experts' report in order'
to give all possible leaway to the fourl
parlers now in progress between rep-!
resentatives of the allies. The com-f
mission, however, Jr most ,4nxious that
such "sounding out" as the Belghtu i
premier, M. Theunis, and foreign min-
ister, Hymans, are attempting at Par-'
is an'd London should be brought to a
speedy conclusion, as it' is pointed out I
bhat if the, plan is not put into opera-
tior quickly the, incidental costs pil-
ing up during the economic exploita-
tion of the Ruhr may make the ex- '
pests' estimates of Germany's repar-1
ation yield out of date.
The commission will hold an unoffi-
cial meeting tomorrow morning, after
which Sir John Bradbury will proceed
to London to confer with his govern-'
ment before the arrival there of the
Belgium ministers.
Students who are interested in the
formation of a Coolidge club are re-{
quested to meet-at 7 o'clock tomorrow
night in the reading room of .the Un-
ion. Members of the Republican club
are especially invited to attend this
Coolidge clubs have been formed in
other colleges and . universities
throughout the country and have met
with success. The move to form such
a club has been initiated in the hope
that students interested in national po-I
litics may be aroused in such an extent
that an effective group may be organ-
ized here in Ann Arbor.
Government Says 'tading Order Madei
Sinclair and. Toheny
Leases I 4valid
Washington, D. C April 29.-(By
A.P.) -With Joseph Daniels, secre-
tary of the navy In e Wilson admin-
istration, as the first witness, the spe-
cial grand jury whicis to investigate
criminal charges gr ing out of thec
senate oil inquiry begn itS labors to-
day in District of tumbia supreme
court. Atlee Pomer. e and Owen J.
Roberts, special goernment counsil
in the oil litigation, ape presenting the 1
case and they devote the first day toe
laying out the grou work for evi-i
dence that is to adduced later
through a number o witnesses who1
have appeared before the senate oil
Former secretary Daniels was before
the jury for nearly an hour and a half.
It was at his request that congress
passed the act of June 4, 1920, giving
the naval secretary controlof the nav-
al reserves and authorizing him to1
iease lands and to sell, store or ex-
change oil extracted from the re-
One of the chief contentions of the
government in the oil cases has been
that President Harding's executive or-
der of May, 1921, transferring control1
of the reserves to the interior secre-
tary was in violation of this statute
and the leases to Harry F. Sinclair
and E. L. Doheney were invalid for
that and other reasons.
Heralded Filmi
Comes To"Arc"'
3No more remarkable, epochal, unfor-
getable, haunting and obsessionat piece
of eccentric, bizarre, cynical character
acting than that contributed to the
"Hunchback of Notre Dame' by Lo .
Chaney has ever been seen on eitherr
stage or screen, according to New York:
critics in their reviewsof the much
talked-of' film which is coming to: the
Arcade theater next Sunday. If' Vic-
tor Hugo could see this picturization
of his famous "Quasimodo", he would
be amazed by the product of his own
Lon Chaney's is the sort of a charac-
terization about which you will dream,
the sort of a monstrosity, leering, cyn-
ical which you cannot forget, the pivot
around which revolves the tremendous
episodes of a really marvelous picture.
This "Quasimodo" will give you the
whole bag of human emotions; nobody
can overlookthim; he is as solid as
Notre Dame itself.
The film in its entirety gives you the
very marrow of Victor Hugo, without
having to fish for it yourself. The
meat is all there and perfectly screen-
ed. The finale, the cessation of the
Hunchback's activities with the por-
tentous bell, as he rings it for the last
time, is the ne plus ultra of art. Lon
Chaney has stamped himself an artist,
and his work in this picture caninot
Governor Of Indiana Tenders Resign-
ation Before Making Appearance
For Sentence
Indianapolis, Ind., April 29.-(By
AP)-Warren T. McCray, resigned to-
day as governor of Indiana following
his conviction in fedral courts Mon-
day on charges of using the mails in
furtherance of a scheme to defraud.
McCray's resignation as governor,
which was addressed to Ed Jackson
secretary of state for Indiana was
brief, saying "I hereby resign the
office of governor of the state of In-!
diana to take effect at 10 o'clock April
30," the h'our for his appearance in
federal courts for sentence.
Emnmet Forest Branch, of Martins-
ville, the lieutenant governor, when
notified of McCray's resignation sent
word that he would arrive on an in-
terurban car with his wife and son
shortly before 10 A. M. tomorrow and
would go directly to the state house
to be sworn in as governor at the hour
McCray's resignation becomes ef-
McCray will be taken before U. S.
district judge Albert B. Anderson to-
morrow morning for sentence, and it
was expected that shortly thereafter
h rild AO fra nhsm nh
- -------- - : r
_ I
ne wouia be started on nis way to De-- Frtefis iesice98 h ot toct nutest partt
gin a sentence in the Federal prison rssnevertheless be wrong. The
in Atlanta, Georgia. The penalty may Northern Oratorical contest will be other theories, which not or
be a fine of not more than $1,000 or held in Ann Arbor when speakers from thought of, which account eq
not more than 5 years imprisonment six Conference schools appear at 8g1 for what is known.
or both, in the courts discretion. The o'clock Friday night in Hill auditor- "We cannot accept a the
penalty may be imposed on'each count , . any confidence merely bect
in the indictment. The indictment rum. William Schie', 24, will rep-iplains what is known. If
against McCray contained 13 counts, resent Michigan in the contest. feel any security, we must
Schier will represent the University show that no other. theory
- T'by virtue of the fact that he won the count for the facts. If peo
sration W CB Clocal contest here, winning, athe believing the same hig f
fmante time, the Chicago Alumni associ- time that onlyimeans that n
B ro ad s ation medal and the Paul Gray Testi- man has studied the subje
Tosnonial of $100. that time." - . I
Gam e Saturday Northwestern University, Michigan's, - Il.disussing the f'ce of
greatest rival in these debates, will be I thespea, said, -".The veloc
rresented 'by a girl, Alice Hanson, "ds: an. extreme limit, wich
Inning by inning' reports on the Miss Hanson is recognized as 'one of be reached ry anymaterial i
noi the foremost speakers on the North- nucleu as . ist the.;v
Michigan-Illnois baseball game will western campusShe was a-member light. Ifwe could gethold
e broadcasted from station WCBCthe Varsity debating team whichde- f e of the. nucleus for ind
Saturday afternoon it was aninounced bated against Michigan's negative miltary p1rposes,, it wou
late last night by officials of the sta- team in the receht triiangula d'de. tionize the world ,
[tion and Trhe Daily..- bates. She'is also-a member of Delta P roff. Edmund E. Day, h
Sigma Rho, national-honorary foron- economics department, wh
Going on the air practically at the sic fraternity. -ponsible for securing N\
momentilay starts on Perry field, The The University of Minnesota also for this lecture, introduced
Daily will furnish to readers and lis- sends a debater of some note in Con- er.
teners in every state detailed ac- ference debating circles in Llewellyn
counts of the game by innings. This Pfan-Kuchen. He started his debat-
will be the first baseball game ever ing career on the Minnesota fresh-l
broadcasted from Michigan and one man debating team, and followed th'sOE ENI
of the first college games in the coup- with a year on the sophomore team. [ ri'a ttd hsya ewntePlsuyOa
try, itwas stated. IThis year he won the Pillsbury Ora-
ofThe frttecu- aSerIl~ T
S Theannouncement -came last night torical contest, which is the most im-
i after the regular program had been portant forensic event of the year at
I transmitted at 8 o'clock. The Mnily Minnesota. He is a member of Delta engineers attheir meeting
E has been giving these summaries from SgaRo
as WBCng theshtof l gmes Duem The University of Illinois will be re- in room 348, Engineering b
tCB the ucces of te pjets. DE presented by Morris Sostrin, who is a smoker immediately pre
Detse.ofte electrical regineei. a senior law and a member of Delta Spring games,. May 9 and 1
Dreese, of the electrical engineering Sigma Rho. Harold A. Cranefield, a to stimulate classspirit befi
I department, who with Lewis N. Hol- junior literary student. will -repres- cas with the yearlings.
land, grad. operated the plant last ent the University of Wisconsin. No Harry MacDuff, '26E, vic
night, announced that they would at- word had been received-as to the rep- of the class, was named to
tempt the longer program Saturday. resentative of the University of Iowa his junior and senior yea
It was announced over the radio at a late hour last night.: Engineering- honor -comrr
after the program last night that the This is the thirty-fourth anmtual ceeding W; H. Heath, '26E
results of- the Michigan-Notre Dame Northern Oratorical contest. Last H. Blanchard of the highwa
baseball game to be played at Notre year it was held at the University of ing department gave a sh
4 Dame Wednesday afternoon would be Minnesota, at Minneapolis. Harold at the meeting on, "Highw
broadcasted if received by the regular Berolzheimer, a Northwestern senior. Other social events thai
transmission houi of 8 o'clock. The took first place in this contest by the ,planned for the coming s
Daily will make every effort to get unanimous vote of the judges. Ger- also discussed.
the special dispatch containing a full rit Demmink, '23, the Michigani rep'-
account of the contest into Ann Ar- resentative took third- place with his H. W. Becker, districtn
or iniefottansmission at thatorstion "The Mind in Th'rall." Wis- the Mutual Life Insurance
timefrtasiso tta consin took second place. at the Union' from 7 to 8
Station WCBC broadcasts at 280 seniors interste422 to inE
meters wave length Baseball Results work
By Radio to The Daily
Chicago, 6, Detroit 4.gEIGIITEl:F:YXII7
LECTURE- HERE TOM OOW Cleveland, St. Louis-rain, no game. Eighteen men
quet was Paul Starrette,'
committee which arranged
ent consisted of the follo
Carl Dirlen, '27, chairma
Vogt, '27, Marshall Prelin
Denton, '27, Roswell Burrow
ner Roby, '27, and Eugene P
Schier Will Repre ent M
Northern Oratore
'27A. The_
for the ev- land's distinguished philoso
wing men: sicist, mathematician, and
an, Joseph h1eld a large audience fasi
'27, John his homely presentation of
,'27, John nical subjects last night in
vs, '7, Ws
Powers,, '27. itormum.
Mr. Russell justified h
"The A B C of Atoms," by
of handling it. He compar
om to a complete solar syst
-the nucleus the sun, and th
the planets.
"Space and tinme are not
used to be," Professor Ru
"Einstein knocked them al
We now have space-time.
ichigan In I to Poincare-I don't mean
eal 1 minister, I mean his cousin
great man--time and space
Professor Russell then t
OLS subject of scientific theorie
L AFFAIR to atoms. He said, "A th
explains all the known rel
down to the minu ~t nti
300 Freshmen
Entertained At
Union banquet
More than 300 freshmen, represent-
ing all the colleges of the University,
attended the freshman banquet held
last night at the Union under the di-
rection of officials of the various class-
A complete program of entertain-
ment accompanied the banquet.
Booth's orchestra selections, songs and
a number of short talks completed the
Prof. H. P. Scott of the rhetoric de-
partment spoke for the faculty, while'
Thomas J. Lynch, '25L, Milo Oliphant,
'24'E, Harry C. Clark, '24, and John
Kelly, '24L, spoke as student repre-
sentatives. The students stressed the
necessity of getting into college life
and learning its traditions and cus-
toms, and, if possible, participating in
its campus activities.
Acting as toastmaster at the ban-.
Audience Pleased By Non-'
Presentation Of Diffle
Subject Matter
Discussing light waves, r
vity, and relativity, and expla
general relationship and law
ing these things in a non-
manner, Hon Bertrand Russ
"The military features are those
best adapted to help develop the phy-
sical ability of the young men as well
as teach them how best to protect
themselves should they ever be called
upon to go to the defense of the
California Offer
Rejected By EichI
Prof L. M. Eich, of the public!
speaking department, recently receiv-M
ed and refused an unusually attrac-
tive offer to join the public speakingI
faculty of the University of California.]
Because of the attractiveness of the
offer, Professor Eich 'gave it a great
deal of consideration, but finally de-
cided to remain at Michigan.
Graduating from the University in
1912, Professor Eich took graduate
work until he was appointed an in-
structor in the latter part of 1913,.
From there they will form in line and
march to Hill auditorium where the
Swing-Out exercises will be held. At
the conclusion of these ceremonies
the classes will march out in the same
'order. . 7 . -
The line of march, across the campus
will be the same as has always been
followed out in forming the tradition
block "W". Thb procession . il go
across the street fromHi lauditorium
and east to Barbour gymnasium,south
on the walk leading to time diagonal,
southwest on the diagonal leading to
j the medallion, southeast on the dia-
'gonal to the walk leading past the
Engineering building, south on- this
walk to South University avenue,
west to Tappan hall, and north and
then northeast to the front of the
I brary where the class pictures will
1be taken.
Columbus, Ohio, April 29.-Returns
from 193 precincts in todays presi-
dential preferential primarsaies outof
a total of 8,350 in the state, gave
Pre& Coolide 3,52-,Sen IHiram W.
ie has been coinected with the pub- iohn son 440. In 173 precincts James
lic speaking department since that I. Cox had 1,771 to 821 for William G.
time. He has also done a large amounti McAdoo for the Democratic endorse-t
of extension work. - ment.l
May Chimes Largest Monthly!
Magazine Ever Published Here i
In point of size, the May issue of artists who will take pant in the Fes-
Chimes which appears today eclipses, tival program is presented by Dorothy;
any monthly publication of the past on Westphal, '24Ed., and Prof. Thomasr
Reed of the political science depart-
this campus, and the same probably Lment discusses "College Men and Wo
applies to the campuses over the en- nen in Politics," shedding light on a
tire country. The May number, overb
all, includes 124 pages, with an unus- which the scarcity of college gradua-
ual number of interesting articles. Ites is noticeable.
Chief among the articles is "The' Other interesting articles are "Do I
S .>>," (~hand - 4 att~"yfa ,io, .P P ,, - fora, n Onnortuity!
William Day, '00L, will be one of
the speakers at the annual Father and
Son banquet which is to be held oni
May 16 at the Union, according to an
announcement by Franklin Dickman,
'25E, chairman of the committee in
charge of the affair. Mr. Day has for
yearis been a federal judge in Ohio.
He has been one of the active Mich-
igan alumni in' Ohio since his gradua-
tion. At present he is one of the pro-
minent Coolidge supporters in Ohio
and is well known in politics in that
Negotiations are 'under way to se-
'cure the other speaker for the banquet
and his name will be announced in the)
near future.
Xentucky To Hold Military Reunio"n
-u mawvll'e. WK..Anril 9. -.Kentucky
Competition for the Booth Traveling
Fellowship in architecture has been
underway in the architectural college
for 'thepast two weeks, and nine stu-
dents who have completed the require-
#ments for competition have already
submitted drawings to the judges.
The subject chosen for competition
drawing was "The House of the Gov-
ernor of the State." This, according
to statements, allowed for free play
Iof the, imagination qualities. of the.
students, and at the same time placed
some restrictions as to the general
character of the work turned in, thus
insuring some common ground upon
which the judgement will be -made.
The winner of this competition will -be
given a $1200.00 traveling scholarship
in Europe for one year.
a '_
Prof. Louis Cazamian, professor of
Englishliterature at the Sorbonne
will lecture at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in the Natural Science audi-
torium on "The Inner Development
of English Literature." This subject
will be of particular interest to stu-
dents of literature, for it deals with
Professor Cazamian's attempt at psy-
chological interpretation of literature
in his "L'evolution Psyciologique et la
Litterature en Angleterre, 1660-1914."
Like Prof. W. A. Nielson in his "Es-
sentials of Poetry," the psychological
j method of interpretation of literature
is the one. adopted by Professor Caza-
New York, Philadelphia-rain no r n iatei
ary journalistic fraternil
game. initiation banquet held 1
NATIONAL LEAGUEin Willet's cafe. Hugh
-NATIONAL LAGUE ield. '24 'was toastmlastei
Chicago 2, Pittsburg -1. ,J afair, P o. F .S
St. 'Louis 6, Cincinnati 3. spoke for the faculty, ai
New York, Philadelphia-rain, no ? ence W. Favrot, '24, for t
game. I! ter. A. B. Connable, '25
Brooklyn, Boston-rain, no game. ! ed for the initiate.
j _-At the initiation hel
Baltimore, Md., April 29.--U. S. Sen- I day afternoon at the
ator James Couzens of Michigan, op- 'Union. the following m
erated upon today at Johns Hopkins 1 taken into the fraterni
hospital for gall stones was report- David Bramble, '25; A
ed tonight to be "doing as well as Connable, '25; Eugene L
could be expected following an oper- '25,; William Etherid
ation of that nature." The senator Thomas Fiske, '25; John
was a bit "uneasy", hospital author- I house, '25; Ronald Hail
Burton Honors