... red every morning except Mlonday to University year by the Board ini if Student Publications. rs of Western Conference Editorial ssociated Press is exclusively eni- the use for republication of all news scredited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news hub- crein. Iat the postoffice at Ann Arbor,' ,as second class matter. Special rate re granted by Third Assistant Post- ,eneral. iption by carrier, $3.50; by mail, :Ann Arbor Press Building, May- eet. Fditorial, 2414 ana 176-ll; IBusi- communications, not exceeding 300 ill be published~ in The Daily at etionl of the Editor. Upon request, tity of commun1icant will be re- s ofitial. E~DITORI1AL STAFF Iephones, 2414 and 170-M MANAGING EDITOR HARRY D. HQEY ,tor...............Robs, B, 'Tarr Board Cliairman.... Rt. C. ,Morarity or,......... .3. C. Garlinghouse Night Editors" ilea A. B. Connable, J r., Clark T. E., Fisle P. M. Wagner ditor............. Ralph N. Blyers Editor ........... Winona Hibbard ditor.............. Ruth A. Rowell City Editor..Kenneth C. Kellar Michigan News Bureau. R. G. Ramsay s Editor ...Robert B. Henderson Assistants arley Elizabeth Liebermann rkman R. S. Mansfield icknell E. C., Mack Boxer Verena Moran rown Harold Moore .onrad\ Carl Ohlniacher to Cote Ilyde Perce avis Andrew Propper fhrlich DMarie Reed 'ernamberg Re;gina Reichmann rtner Edniarie Schrauder tHeath C. A. Stevens nry W. 11. Stonewall Houtseworth Mlariorie Sweet ine Frederic G. Teltnos Kamin N. R. 'Thal tKeil XW. T. laithour endIall Herman WVise Cruger BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 964 BUSINESS IMANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVRO'1 .......... .. .L. f)I7nnie iv ..... .Perry TM. llaydern ig............. ... .W. Roesser ng ....................ti. E. Rose S . . . . . . ... . .. . 1. 1,. Hasle an .\............... ......C, Purdy ion ................Lawrence 1'iercr Assistant~s Campbell N.' V. Holland Caplan RI. L. Ireland harnpion Haro d A. Marks northwest coast of France, waiting for a chance to cross that smnall body O LL of w ater that has saved England so E f e . ! r n h l e v s b o k d dIGS rin t e h bo of B s .LO E Then came an event that almlost "UPPER spelled ruin for England. Her fleet STENCIL mutinied. F'or a full week England was defenseless, butt France never E ast night at seven-thirty-five whe kne unil t ws to lte.A sip f isuddenly remembered that the Toasted the once all-powerful English -fleet I4ol oum a u I t n i . at seven-thirty. remained loyal, and for _a week it U osvntityfv ehddn sailed up and down before the harbor IU)t ee-hryfv ehddn at Brest, signaling furiously and mak- nothing on it. At seven-fifty we arilved at~ the office.l ing all sorts of preparations. And the French, believing a whole English I A1nd lo and behold, in our hour of]I fleet was about to attack, renained nie(] there was ams .f nmail-high- .., - cflas mil jEDITORIAL COMMIENT :7 SCHOLARSHIP IS 1 MPROVIf N (The Daily Northwes(tern) The statistics compilied by the iReg- istrar's office concerning the schol+r- ship- of fraternities, sororities, and the fopen houses for the first semester offer an encouraging bit of informatlion for the administration as well is the or- ganizations. -~They reveal the fact thtat~ study is becoming more of the fa shion- ~ able procedure among the gloups mn1- i C l t a(r.. k;5 C k 7 1 r I i secure in their ]harbor, while England---" -.-------------to. hn'npeid smses ( quelled the mutiny and regained con- h nyrao edr aeti ue hni rvossmses n trolof te canne' jfrank and honest 'confession of our that establishment of the proper V.- tOne ofshepchannsael. Eglndby a asent-mnindednes .is because our gue and attit ude toward decent schol- cloi bufl. Bt tat as he im, chief never reads-the col, and -will be J astic showing 'has been the aiml of the reouin oaasnone the wiser. I faculty and students for the past year. ~,f te Frnch * jThe average is not yet up to the! air ship.Ri would ell thast thesonyjTHE SWE 1LL M AIL' goal set forth, but the rise in the level anone n si. adof wo uld n. broadcasta theColes..indicates a move in the right direction.# annonceentof te mtin. Bi Mydea Mr.Cowes:The fraternity average has been a guns stationed on the shore would You will pardon me for conceal- source of worry because of the high shell the one lone ship, twenty mile. ing my identity. mortality rate of eligible and able athl-' away. Bluffs ,are impossible under the1 presue o mder eficeny.As your personal friend and as one"1 letes enlisted among the fraternal or- Andsseofitmode.n blffcerny "e h anstydsrst bte h anizations. The college fraternitya << wh aresl dsie t eterte gZ5An o tgos.. bufe my e Ihas long been held in horror as the ' by" far' a while, but when he runs literary style and the quality of hu- seat of corruption in study on uni- up against a combine of efficiency and mnor in your colyumn, I have long lab-caps.Th rotfte I ~~~~~versitycapssThrotfte nuyscientificlithr knowledge, i his cause is lost.i ored to' induce a certain illustrious trouble has been the disregard andl In the new scheme of things, in 20th friend of mine, who wields a wicked "cflwn"o h eto fapi cetr ie hr sro nyfrIpen. to submit a few articles to you. cation to the books among the groups. thos whoareprepred who areFreshmen entering into such an at- "teewith the goods." Bluffs worked For a long time he has avoided mle,'moper'av. ecm.epse o.h in the time of Napoleon, but not ilplut me off; but. now after weeks of gerlait ofppsbcue the imeof disn, arcniandHaggling marked' by. entreaties, plead-, they followed the leaders who set the. others of their type.' ings, bribes, threats and even physi-' style, of not :studying.I cal violence, he has consented to write Buthsylhacane.F- TILDEN AND PR1OFE SSIONALISM3 i for your colyum, and in case he re- tunately the men and women of these ? Sportwriters and the world in gen- I covers sufficiently, this will be within ' organized groups that scholarship at- j eral are up in arms because William a day or two. ter all is the prilimary reason for the ! So yu ma joyull expct t re university's establishment and exist- T. Tildel nd 'Ihs eendare pro- h ceive, very shortly, the first work of Ience b and that continuance udr hr fesinl n hsreinain rm Ih that master wit, E. P. Unum, christen- trb h nttto demanded proof American Davis cup team. accepted. I ed Pluribus, but better known by his o hi~srosesi h atro Tilden has forced the issue long in nom de pluine-JUINIUS! ! (This isstdfrhelieoybyhegan the offing with the' result of a wide- not a corruption of 'genius,' tho itI tuoforeuniveyonderbywhegroof spread protest against the decision mgtwl e)i of the tennis officials. The decision My reason for notifying you in ad- Ihytkesltr they gave was inevitable, however. vance of this marvellous' fortune on .. As the editor of a leading tennis your part is that you may suitablymo journal says editorially, it is hard to prpr orraesIo h soko kee aayfrm eronaitesina as #the first article, nay masterpiece, ofTJ T V TP of this kind, and that is exactly what 1 this revolutionary writer who smears 1Q *many people are failing to do. TheyJ the ink so glibly. b are thinking of Tilden and the sped- 'Yours with the utmost respect, I n fic case at hand rather than the under-; unknown friend.- . lying causes or the principle invcilvedl. - ~ "TSAR FYODO.R VA'NOVL''i They are villifyinig the 'tennis conm- Rve yVlnieTil miteeinteaine my gonwhch' -yaILd-Choosng their most elaborate and they acted. Such .atteinpLi are use- Otinm bc-yr, less apd uimjust. in I hve planted three seeds n row corflpenatnAxiTltys The present code i force throuigh- i1 N~ba wit ti can broen ottles, 1 cow Art Theater openedi its NNcej' ; ruin I out am~ateur teni cf r~saq ;*ale- Whafit ih t ~in anhrkeeb Gairif ~e ui l t ., a .. .., .. _._: !i 1SIiit~iESS1iE1i1lSi1i11111111111Il!1~ I~ll~ l~111111fll11111i1Illl1i111l11{l{Illll{II1tl1- GA HAM BOKTORE - , BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL DETROIT UIF IE EAST ROUND) is a:t. in., :0 a. in. anti F:3i\ 'U' - mm rr every two bourn to 0:10 n. M. . Express: .7 a. in., 8 a w. nd. Ievery I In the handling of your money.A two hours to 8 p. Mi. Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. mn. and consultation wti th one of our advisors will every two hours to 8:59~ p. m-, 11 p. im. To Ypsilar:t= only, 1 1:46 aid you in preparing for your future. 1p, m., 12:26 a. mn. and 1:15 a, nEm.BON Linilteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to b:4i p. im. IExpress (making local stops): 9:61&Uir e a, rte aund every two hours to 9.50! an I 'lc B n 7:50 a n ]a..3n...11 1l1-105 S .M' ain St. 30Sut tt =.n H112 10 . m_.....___ .. 330""s°1 South .e, State" " yw+w~ r' R !. /.w ~. r A PRIL .' '4' 4 6 7 8 9 J1 It 12 13 It 15 16 17 IS$ 119 20 21 22 23 ?l2; 26 27 2 9 30 SP)RING HIATS READ)Y S aive a Dollar or !Lore at Ouir Store !Itsgh Cas Work in Cleanintg anld Reblockiit FACTORY HAT STORE 17 612aciardI St. 111L911 73' (Wer I). NJ. BR. Stops at State) Relld the Want Ads Read the Want Afids .. . , Group Pi'cturcs - 3I I" SOES Sa ve 599 14 alk One Block .toi Davis Togry Shbop Spring is the time to get your friends together for a group ph otograph. Flash light or o ut- side gouLps. Phone for ane ap- Lynon& ,,Company F4T A3T, HED 1VO5 f A " i R . ' Winter __ 3 DAYi, APRIL 29, 1924 ;o-A. B. CONNABLE, JR~. II VOW BERIRA RUSSELL I ight the university will have od fortune to hear a lecture de- d. by Bertrand Fussell. Thoug. d his work are widely known ghout the country, there are no many here who have never be- heard of him, let alone having anything that he has written. A many students have been strong- ged by different instructors to what Russell has to say. To who plan to hear his lecture and never before heard him speak, ,e never read anything that he vritten, there; is this advice to There is a book: being used. by rehmn Rhetoric classes on th~e as called "Adventures In Essay nig." Try anpd obtain the use of )ool( and turn to the essay en- "A Free Man's Religion." Ber- Russell " wrote it and it will he reader some idea of the char- the personality, and the mind man he intends to hear. With- me preliminary knowledge such is, it is very doubtful if a per- Wuld get the most out of the sort ture that Mr. Russell is certain eliver. FOR GOOD 1VUA SURE r all, American hasn't left Eu- altogether without help). Not rtion the various American ex- of one kind and another ,who been devoting their best efforts -d solving Europe's economic ems, there is the little matter of cash. And it is an eye-opener. I government estimate creditsI ican tourists with having left X0,000 abroad in 1923. During tamie year foreign-born residents is country sent $350,000,000 to friends and relatives abroad, hie Red Cross and other philan- ic institutions added $70,000,000. makes a total contribution of $900,000,000. canny Europeans made a neat on the tourist traffic. The rest nearly all "velvet" for our for- riIends. hm a sum, however, need not be ;ed. It is easily spared by a na- worth $330,000,000,000, with anj AI income around $600,00.0,000. it is more blessed to give than,. Ica declares one a professionaml ho I planted three seeds in a #row--I"Tsar F yodor" is the story of ai sim - play formone, o who accets iN rCongressman sent ; pie, child-lke rman, the son of Ivan j m o n e y i ni r e t u r n , f o r iI 't r u c t i o ' n t 5t s1ft h e T e r r i b l e w h o s u c c e u e s i a 'ia ' n ; o e n s l l i d r f r , ( t o i ' p p r e v l p h r t b h oe t h~ - -o f -ii ~ fessionaI. likewise a~ ipies to. an ) Coa pnets 'a' the U. S. Bure~au of torn wie opden by a stru ggle ) eten other forms of :;port:- Tilden';W ri- A ric.uti e -W:13his imprial chancellor, T1ris (dumn ing therefore raises h que stioon- zl! One hascbl up a handsome pike 'off, and Prince Ivan ShouslJ,; lead tioncd in the second .'half of 11e e I ro h poig ri -Ten# finition of a profees jonal as ;gjv. NN~r W 'U14ink a Congressman Tsar is entirely helpl,-s efore the' above. Is writin ar ticles on how ,cotill'a i amagic as that?) 'rmmt}es s chening of dodunoff can4 to play tennis to constitutecin >"c Thbementty about it. fully realizes the futlity of his pos tion? So long as no d urther ri,= Anoi- o istsron g young tinder . ition. is only sol.a cc is in the love tions on the kind of instructi iz : a e ree onon of his consort, the Tsarina lhnm. -A ,; incorporated~ in the rule, there ca h oWha ii kt you might garnish, the. final curtain falls:he- bitterly "re ilite doubt but that such writing doesI, come. under the definition. Tilden was receiving money for instructing! read- ers of certain journals on the art oft playing tennis. Consequently the blame must go on the original ruling regarding prores- sionalism, and somre very definite amendments, we feel, are now called for.. To deprive the general "public of the w\riting of such a man as Til- den is to do a direct injury to th~e game of' tennis in this country. Unless the existing tennis officials do act promptly to make sportwrit- Ing permissible to amateurs we see a strong possibility that what happen- ed in golf will take place in tennis. There will be a split, the players will divide into hostile camps,' and ten- nis as a sport in this country will suf- fer immeasurably. It 'will require plenty of foresight and imediate ac- tion to avert this undesirable turn of affairs, a turn of affairs whicgh inciden- tally would land the Davis cup in th o hands of Japan for an indefinite per- iod. "Where did man start?" asks a Har- vardl professor. We do not know, but takinig all things into consederation we have an idea w~here he is going to bring_ up. Trhe season for barefoot boys with cheeks of tan is 'now open. Spring danc~s on the campus lawns, however, have not been announced. We violate no confidence in saying that the month of May is the hardest month in the school year. 1 But the third sulks where I planted I which have overwhelmed his reign, Or so it seems t e fdmo! o? ear? "Wy That -I planted the dum thing Ivan Moskvin, as the Tsar, gave a j Upsidedown, see?- performance which was as nearly per- And it's blossomed out in China jfect in its understanding. and vivid And that some China boy portrayal a; humanly possible. Alex- Thinks it is probably the swellest I ander Vislbnev:ky's Paris ,vas at thingI most equially convincing. MAd[Iame That ever burgeoned out in China! Tehekova's presence on the. stagy add- And he's pretty proud it come up in ed much beauty, although as the his hback:yrd. . Ts,)rina she wvas not given. a real o,)= And it' is also my fancy portunity to uxe her remarkable tal- That by digging up the seed Pent. All the othcr nmembers of the And breaking off the stem large cast tare distinctly worthy of, I could kijll that flower miention for their individual char acter- Way down in.. QChina-J izations, flawless to the. last sup erix . --There's the Hand of God for you! Scenically, "Tsar Fyodor" is about -Caligula. their best. The two sets in the Tsar's - ~** palace' were typically 'Rutssian and Before' we forget it, let us call your offered. something decidedly unique to attention to the advertisement in a re- American audiences in their brilli- cent issue of thee Daily of the super ancy of color. The final scene before i tillumn, "Thre Hunchback of Notre I the cathedral, was sadly disappoint- Dame," which, through the kind offices} ing in view of what had gone before. of the Butterfield Interests, is soon to The costumes, however, were remark- thrill Ann Arbor.1 ably beautiful from beginning to end, After the usual remarks about what' and the make-up, one of their great. a lucky, lucky little town this was est technical achievements, very near- to get so much as a smell at this ly perfect. great pitcher so soon after its re- An understanding of Russian is lease, we found this startling sen- hardly necessary in order to appre- - tence:;ciate the perfection of detail which VICTOR HUGO is 'artistry of the Moscow Art Thea-lI PRESENTS Iter. "THE HUNCHBACK OF NO'I'E ** DAME"1 THE FRENCH PLAY has always ap- 1 If many of our dead authors fol- pealed as a most remarkable accom- low Victor's example and go Into the plishment, merely as a feat of memi-t directing game, we may soon, perhaps,oyifntnges.Tepntsnt look for marked improvement in the that tb.e French patois 'ocoassionalilyI cinema. In the meantime, we antici- lurks into an ungainly American bro- geatog h at r eeal with interest, one hundred per cent French and Italian with a local sprinkling of sup- er-A stud ents-but "that theyv are able:t T L E U Kto- rattle off page after page of mane- 1. l script and inject into the entire effort Senior,, begauded in spring clothes an actual semblance of genuine char-j and new hiats, barging up South Uni- acterization. versity Avenue, swing their new canes. The French Play as an annual vin-I -- oltefs an opportunity to the average college man that canvot " be excellc-_J in any other line of summer vacation work." t ~W. E.llarwird spent h s first college vacation working in a garage. The next vacation work was in a railroad sna~p. "heFi D sumnmer he took up selling Fuller Brushes. I-TS first ws"ek's experience and earnings were most gratify- --l;s a4 °rae earnings for the ten weeks being slghlty ovecr $50.G0 aweek. Mr. Harward says :-"It is no iposshle for me to give in wvords my real etiat of the Caco ~su-11ing of fuller Brushies as an opportunity for the average strident cdurimig vacation periods." Trhe +uller Brush Company 'has' a limited nurnber of openmn<