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April 29, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-29

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 152




RUSSELL TO TREAT Hope Abandoned For Rescue Of
Pittsburgh, April 2$.-(y AP)-- yet be found alive, they declared. Up-
' ~Hope had been practically abandoned on that possiility rescue crews in
tonight that any of the 115 miners, short shifts worked frantically
Sentombed by a-ekpiesion today inthroughout the day and night but had
-the-Venwood mine of the Wheeling not reached the scene of the explos-
"THE A B C OF ATOMS," SUBJECT field corporation, would be rescued ion tonight. INCREASE OF l23 TO i PERCENT NEWSPAPERMAN'S TELEGRAM IN-
O TE EGLS ANS alive. The only victim ,whose body has Il (APTA STCTR WEDB OE
OFThOTED EN4LIlMAFs aThe bodies of 8 miners had been been identified was that of J. T PoyleT MADE; CAPITAL STOCK TOUEIBEF E
ADDRESS recovered but the project of mine re- the fire boss. His bulletin board at
scue crews were made difficult by the mouth of the mine indicated he
HILL AUDITORIUM PLACE poisonous gases that filled the work- had inspected the mine and pronounc- REPEAL LEVY ON PHONE WHITE HOUSE DISCLAIMS
OF GATHERING' TONIGH'T, ings. Two of the miners were alive ed it safe before the daylight shift AND TELgGRAPH WIRES INTERVIEW R EP0RTED
when found, but died a few mnutes went to work. The explosion occurr-
later. ed a. short time after the day shift Both Paruty headers 1lhe 1+p Fores ! Hiller KeepsCnroe Oe n
Greatest Authority In Many Fields; Only a faint hope was held out by entered the mine.h y o Batt ver e Mlller sControversy Open And
Professor Day to Introduce officials of the mine rescue car A temporary morgue has been es- o uie Seie n Restates Clan; Not Ol
Brillant Speaker Holmes for the other 109 men in the tablished at the mouth of the mine atmy
mine at the time of the explosion. Venwood to care for the bodies when Washington, April 28-(By A. P.)- 1 Wasington, April 28.-(By AP)-
Hon. Bertrand Arthur William Rus- If any of them escaped being killed they are brought to the surface. Phy- M hodifcation of the corporation taxPride.--ByAPdg-
outright and had time to barricade sicians and nurses stand ready to Ad!iepa of the o telegram quoting President Coolidge
sell, Fellow of the Philosophical So- themselves in rooms filled with fresh render assistance to any who are res- and repeal o the tax on telegraph and as saying ie was "trying to delver
celty, heir-presumptive to the second air some of the trapped miners may ( cued alive. telephone messages were voted today Muscles Shois to Henry Ford was in-
Earl Russell, and one of England's by the senate in advancing considera- troduced at today's Muscles Shoals
greatest physicistsphilosophers,ecotion of the revenue bill. Notice was hearing of the senate agriculture con-
re ists, philopher e given, however, that contests would ittee and soon afterwards a flat den-
'nomists, and leturers,' will^deliver a Hil be made later on both of these levies. ial that the president had made any
University lecture at 8 o'clock tonight 1u. The corporation tax was increased i such statement was issued. at the
in Hill auditorium. His subject willT from 12% to 14 percent with the un- White House.
be "The A B C of Atoms." jjJ mum muON IHT 0, H LDderstanding that the capital stock The message was sent from Wash-
In this lecture Mr. Russell will pre- UUtaxWould be eliminatedThis latter iing on October 12, 1923, by Janies Mar-
sent the nets theory of the cohrpsI... amendment is yet to be acted upon. tin Miller, former Washington news-
tion of matter and give an outline of Emanuel L~asker Will Engage 10 Can- Purpose Of Affair To Foster Fellow. Senator Simmons of North Carolina,I paper correspondent and was address-
the essential features of atomic jls Experts Simultaneously in ship And Organization O ranking Democrat on the finance ed to "William JS. Cameron or Ernest
theory without formidable equations. Tournament Freshmen i'committee announced that minority Liebold," care of the Dearborn Inde-
He will discuss the quantum theory, I members were drafting a substitute , pendent. It follows:
relativity, radio-activity and other de- GERMAN PROFESSOR ONE OF PROFESSOR SCOTT TO TALK amendment proposing to replace the "In private interview had with Pres-
velopments in physical science in aJ FOREMOST MATHEMATICIANS FROM FACULTY STANDPOINT present corporation tax with one car- ident Coolidge he said incidentally 'I
non-technical, reputedly brilliant, ._rying a gratuated scale. am friendly to Mr. Ford but wish some
Manner. Emanuel Lasker, noted mathematic- The first annual freshman banquet, In voting for the repeal of the tax one would convey to him that it is my
President M4 L. Burton had planned ian and chess champion of the world at which -the first year men of all on telegraph and telephone messages hope that Mr. Ford will not do or say
on entertaininig and introducing Mr. colleges will gather, will be held at the senate rejected the recommenda- anything that will make it difficult for
Russell, but due to illness will be for 27 years, will play 30 boards of 6:15 o'clock this evening in the as- tion of the finance committee. Repeal me to deliver Muscles Shoals to him
unable to do so. Professor Edmund chess simultaneously against the sembly hall of the Union. of this tax hd been suggested by which I am trying to do. '"
E. Day, head of the economic8 depart- strongest University players, begin- With a program of music, vaudevil- Secretary Mellon and was voted by President Coolidge's statement said:~
ment, who w as instrumental it - ning at 8 o'clock this evening in the le, and short talks, the banquet is "in- the house Chairman Smoot of the 'I have never said I was trying to de-
curing Mr. Russell for this lecture, astended to- be the mst interesting finance committee announced he would liver Muscles Shoals to Mr. Ford or
will introduce the'speaker. upper reading room of the Union. freshman program of the year.- The ask for a record vote on it later. anyone else I do not think his favor
Professor Russell is the author of Dr. I asker, who is now a profes- banquet is to have two purposes, fel- ' Senator' Smoot explained that the is for sale. My position on Muscles
Sowvship :and organization. The off i- , . Mylos"'oianrMuscto
the main article in the May number sor of mathematics at Leipsic uni- sta oft t yer classes .re g~'-a x involved revenue amounting to Shoals is fully stated in my message to
of the Century magazine. The article versity in Germany, is one of the most ing the banquet in the belief that there $34,000,000 annually and it had been congress delivered Dec 6. My mes-
Is entitled "If We Are to Prevent the famous mathematicians. in the world, is 'a definite need for suchi an event, restored to the bill by the committee sage went out Nov. 28, five days before
Next War." In this article he: att-Mre Prof. Louis C. Karpin and they failue to I because it was found necessary to Mr., Ford came to see me." ,
butes war to three chief bAUses; econ- such events in the. past to the lack of raise more revenue than that which An executive of the.Dearboin Inde-
mlics, politics, and social psychology, ski of the mathematics departnent organization of the' Freshmian cias would be forthcoming under the mea- pendent,. Mr. Ford's weekly paper, is-
IIUder these |ivisions Pro esser Rus- and other faculty menbers. In ad- officials. sure as framed by the house. sued a statement in Detroit declaring
seldsuss'h recinoIle v Leaders of bath parties wee :bus.rr
sell discusses the reaction of the peo- dition to having an unusual reputa- The studlent speakers are to repres- Lt bsy Miller never had been on any Ford
ple to the leader urd of the leader to tion as a mathematician, Dr. asker emt the 'Union,' The Daily, S C. A. today, lining up their forces for tho payroll and never was authbrized a
the people,. the nature ,of imperia s i and the' Student coun il. Those al- approaching fight on the income tax Mr. Ford's agent in any manner. Mil-
and its effect upon th individuals of one of the foremost philosophers of ready secured ,o speak are John W rates. Modifying his program an- er it was said, had contributed articl-
an imperialistic nation, the contract Europe, just recently having written, Kelly, '24L, Milo Oliphant, '24E, and nounced Sunday, Chairman Smoot de- es to the Independent but he never
between the civiliation 'of China 'and "The Philosophy of the Incomplete." Thomas J. Lynch, '25L. -The whole clare Monday night lne probably ad had any other relation "either with
the Chineapoint of ;view and our in- It has beei bythie special efforts of idea of the banquet in short is to have would go no, higher in,. proposed the paper or with Mr. Ford."
dustrialif, the part relliion plays Professor Karpinski that Dr. Lasker a good time, according to E. B. Power, ! amendments on the maximum.surtax.' I
in war, the 'politician's inte-est in I has been secured to give his exhibi- '27, in charge of the.progam. In sup- rates than 33 or 35 percent, in re New York, April 2.,ames Martin
bringing about w'a the stut gle tion here. It is believed by many .o port of the movement are all the treating from the Mellon plan if that Mite, whos' telegram to the Dear-'
among the nitons for the possession his friends that Dr. Lasker is now on pr n 'prganizations, of thercanpus. is defeated. ' orn Indeendent' quotiiPsident
of the raw material of the world, and his last tour in Auimerica.ie faculty ill be repesnd by Coolidge as saig e would try to de-
the need for education and interna- Tickets for seeing the exhibition Pr.v nt P.Scott oft' em d- s IT beruscies Shpals toHenry Ford.
'l, artmxent who will speak bf' a' subi- Nr , ~1IU1 ' i ~",iated.ythe,,,eidenttod,
tionalism. may be secured at Wahr s book store, b of prim interest "to' fira edtbyetaesident.toidiy,
At thelhad of thearticle is a rather while tickets to enter the tourna- .,.y-t t !asserted tonight that his telegram was
lengthy coment:by the editors of Cen- 'ment may be secured frorm George i__an r"_sr2p78oeorr ect.
try, which says, in part. "This is in- Barnes, '24, phone 2738, or Professor MMA"A man cannot afford to have a con-
deed a provocative paper. Mr. Rus- Karpinski, phone 1322-M. Townspeo- troversy with the president oi the USni-
sell's valuation of' patriotism will be pie and students are eligible to pur- ULU IIU UI 'US L IILU IULU The Mihigan Repertory Theater ter States," Mr. Miller said, "but I
vigorously challenged by many read- chase tickets. will present George Bernard Shaw's want to say that I quoted the presi-
ers.~~~~~~~~° I i dtren nuliidImriI ~l1rfTTlIIITpeetG~og enr hwswnt crtolytain qutedegpr esr-
sere. It is a star 'and unqualitied < iii VL I ST TO I6IU f comedy, "Man and Superman" Satur- dent correctly in my telegram. Per-
statement as it' Lands, but it opens day evening, May 3, at the Whitney haps, however. Mr. Coolidge has for-
up a question which we hope to have s-.S I KE TOUpaTheater. The production will be un- gotten because in the thousands of
icussed from various anglese-.ms rAdephi-Alpha Nu annual fres'hman der the direction of Frederic McCon- duties that demand his attention it
This type o original thousght seells r ;debate will tak i place at 7:30 o'elo ues el, as before, and the cast will be comi may be difficult for him to recall one
to behabital withProfessor Russell.I'tonightinUniversity'hall.The e posed of the more prominent playes of many conversations."
tion for debate will be "Resolved, Thatp
him "Betrand Russell, who is 'per-s 1- _Congress, by a Two-Thirds Vote, connected with the Cleeland Play-
him, Be t Ruselle who lis pers- Trl~1i!tipshrough the city build rngs and Should Be Able to Override a Five-to- hser
baps one of the greatest living P111o3- huse frac il etet ird;W L S
ohers... .....a student of politics I speeches by Coach George E. Little, Four Decision of the Supreme Court thirdaWENLEewI LLbththr
and cau tic critic of the modern sochd Rev. Herbert A. .lump, and EC. ils Concerming the Constitutionality of a and last production in the present ser- °
sydaust..... lied "The A B C oi will feature today's program of Ann Federal Law.' ayies of the organization, anda while the!
"Thm.. ":ald"teABC f(ed. eAG SON TONaH
y . .d r Arbor's observance of Boys' Week. Th s't house has been practically sold out SOU U 1U16U1U
Atoms. . an amazing stour de forceh be ta sTesocieties'W ill debate'fi r the'pos- ' by subscription there are still a few
because It drags the most obtruse sub-r Boy's Day in Citizenship and the In- session of the cup which was donatedi desirable seats left on sale at: the '
jects .out Into the light' where the Bsfor these annual debates last year by dtsaProf. R. M. Wenley of the philosophy
minds of laymen like myself can io.- dustries", anti the program has nee the Oratorical association. The cup Whitney Theater box ofdice at $1, $I.a0, deprtment will give-the principal talk
low it." ' arranged with a view toward acquaint- is to become the permanent property. and $2. at a banquet held by Jackson alumni
ing the boy with matters heretorore !!T ________
Professor Russell is the author of out of his realmn.s of the society winning it four out of tonight in that city. . Hawley Tap-
a large number of books and art- Coach Little will speak at 9 o'clock seven times. Adelphi House of Re- 1ping, '11, field secretary of the alumni
,les. Among the best known are his in the morning in the high school presentatives, represented by A. M. 4CIDO i association, Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, gen-
Problems 'of Philosophy Principles auditorium, and in the afternoon Stern, '26, W. C. Dixon, '26, and J. W. .O' eral secretary of the alumni associ-
of Social Reconstruction, The Practice! classes will be dismissed in the Holmes, '26, won, the cup last year. ;' Uan.,"Coach George Little, :and "R. G.
and Theory of Bolshevism, and Pro1)- schools 15 minutes early to hear Rev- The Alpha Nu team, which will up- ILL bte of the University of Londonwill
lems of China. erend Jump, who will address the boys hold the affirmative, is composed of --- ialso speak. '

Arriving In Ann Arbor late last at 2:45 o'clock in the high school F. R. Line, W. H. Line, Howard Melt- Carl B. Schoonmaker, '25, was chos- Mr. Shaw and Coach Little will also
night, Mr. Russell will probably be auditorium. Mr. Mills will speak on zert, and M. L. Selmeier, alternate. en manager of the Varsity Glee clubs i speak at an alumni reorganization!
forced to leave either late tonight or "Citizenship" over the University The Adelphi team, which will take the at ,the regular sesion of the Board of meeting tomorrow night in Flint.
early tomorrow, as he speaks tomor- i radio WCBC at 7 o'clock tonight. Dur- negative side of the question, is made Control yesterday afternoon, accord- _
row night in Cleveland. While here ing the afternoon, the goys will be up of S. S. Bonello, G. O. Dykstra, N. ing to anouncement made last nightR
conducted on a tour of inspection of C. Bowersox, and W. H. Johnston, al- Schoonmaker's appointment is for Deans Represent
he will stay at the Union. the City hall and several factories. ternate. Hhonyear's antment or
I"Boys' Day in the Schools" was 9Tirnae.pbi sivie oatn thte year.1924-1925 and will go into e- 60,000 Students!
Wilkes Brre, Pa., April 28.-John "s The public is invited to attend this fect at the close of the present sea-
marked yesterday by special'programs d ea
Boone, a direAct dscendant of Daniel in all of the schools, consisting of Idebate.Tseason.w nMore than 60,000 students in uni-
Toone, died in 'Avaca,near ere, ce-dramatic, athletic and musical enter- stafhe new manager 1 habenpos th erste n olgsi l at
day. He was 78'years old and a veter- i sdrafatictaelGleticubandrnthusicst enter-eversties and colleges in all parts of
' tainments. Tomorrow will be cele- yersindhanee(atvernU i the United States were representedI
an of the Civil war. brated as "Boys' Day in Athletics and U U LLIIu UISCUUU U myears, and ugas been active on Union
I Etetanmnt, n hageofElmeSDIVU' committees during his sophonmore and' here last week-enuI when the deans
teEntertainment , to charge of Elmer D and advisors of men met here fr their
Alfred Q. Pelikili, instructor of theMitchell. A suitable program for the junior years. He succeeds rJohn M. a n a o e e T e for t
architect ural c olleg;e, announced the iday as ,been arranged. pAMFNT r fl iiNI I ltRussell, '24, the retiringmanager. Isixth annual on fere e. Te. sm lest
birth of a baby daughter early yes- Winners of the "Loyalty" essay con- th-eUrersitoMha was t he
terday morning. test in the Ann Arbor schools will be "Personnel problems in modern the University of Michigan was the
Personnel__problems___nmodern M ay chzmes I'il r, argest. .,1
annoutnced Thursday. In this con- works management" was. the subject
INFESTED WITH BUGSod test, each scheool was permitted tnree f nyesterday after- AppearToo Denby Ce d
entrants, the essays to be submittedn tu
Ifor consideration by April 21, and non nNaurlteoceauioru
Green, purple, grey, red and polor- from these tie winners will be chosen. by E. S. MeCle1land 'dfrector of per-.I Chimes, campus opinion magazine 'Cotton Stcs
less ones, then there are those sonnel for the Westinghouse Electric will feature the new Lawyer's club -
ta rqueanretuohr L 1al Manufacturing company. and its governument tin;its May issue e ut htr ue n.rsfl tesi B sb l r clladdvddidsra wihwl per ntecmu o etrfo di ~n ,'OL
that disturb the peace with theh dyghrecoendtiorf
__ problems into sx classes, arranging morrow morning. This issue will be Ctio'n Stokings the 8ti annual
roar of their progress, yet ey Aerican League them into their respective order ac- the largest in size that has appeared anion opera, has been fra ned and
are all of the four-wheel variety Detroit 7, Chicago 2. cording to importance, namely, men, this year numbering 120 pages. placed in the officee of the Mimes
St. Louis 4, Cleveland 3. ioal, nethods, machinery, materials, Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law -theater. The letter speaks of the hat-
acteristics. For a ; good line of New York 11, Philadelphia 6. and money. He explained that the school has written the feature ar- est Mimes production as being a


General Declares
He Will Not Run





John . Pershing
John J. Pershing, general of the
armies of he United States, is being
strongly backed by many friends for
the vice-presidential candidacy on the
ticket with Calvin Coolidge. Het ii
be retired from the army in Septem- 1
ber and his advocates hold that hel
would make a strong running mate
for the President. Pershing announc-
ed 'last week, however, that .he would
not run, in spite of his friends' predic-
Judge gendA MeCtIay to Coulnty Jall to
A wvait entence foillegal
Use of Mails
Indianapoli, Indiana,;April 28 .-(By i
A Gov. Warren '. M Cray 'was
fond guiltyof using the mail in fur-
thernce 4f.>ed scher to defraumd by
a' jty ,in federal cuutgat 3q.p.' d~ I
Judge .Anderson ordered .McCr ay
sent. to the Marion coupty jail. He
will sentence McCray Wednesday
nIoi'ning at 9 o'clock.
The penalty provided by statute may
be a fine not to exceed $1,000 or ink-
prisonment for not more than 5 years,
or both, within the discretion of the
Gov. McCray's tral started in United
States district court before Judge Al-
bert B. Anderson Monday, April 2.
The jury was obtained within few
hours and after opening statements
by both sides the taking of evidence
was started in the afternoon of the
first .d '
Apprminately' 150 wtnesses, most of '1
them bankers and McCray employes
and -business associates, were called
by the government. They identifild
a mass of correspondence with the
governor regarding notes, "cattle pa-
per," and financial statements sent
to the banks through the mail. At-
torneys for the governor based their
defense on lack of intent to defraud.
Govenor i McCray, testifying in his
own behalf, admitted signing the
names of others, but contended his
signature as endorser established his
responsibility and lie believed himself
financially able to meet all his obli-
gations. He disclaimed any intention
of attempting to defraud bankers to
whom he sold the notes.
i Ninehundred and sixty warnings to
sthdentis in the literary college' who
have done unsatisfactory wor, in one
;or more courses thus far this emes-
'ter will be sent out from the office of
Assistant Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys
beginning today.
The first of these notics were mail-
ed last night and will We delivered
this morning. it is expeld that they
will all be in the mai 'by ' ednesd4'
Lowell, Mass., April 28.-One fire-
man was killed, eight were injured
and a property loss of approximately

Blott Begins Avalanche
Second; WolverInes
Up After That
Northwestern's baseball
ed a "comedy of errors' 1
its game against the Wol
as a consequence Michig
second Conference tilt of
the one-sided score of 13
The Maize and Blue a
runs started in the second I
Northwestern added five :
six Varsity hits allowing
the one frame. Three 6
the eighth canie as the
wild pitch and a passed
Purple pitcher and catcher
the Michigan total to the um
Blott Opens Sor
After the Wolverines had
one, two, three in the ope
Jack Blott opened the seC
safety and Haggerty folo
base on balls. Dillman to
a hit and Blott was safe on
the first baseman threw
the runs began to come it
and Steger hit safely and
Jablonowski were safe w
vain and Kearville took tur
ing their grounders, Blott
and Dilman scoring. il
with a single scoring Steg
son. Kipke sacrificed Jabi
to third and second and
on a wild pitch by Beng)
Bachman made the se
fouling to Stegman anid.
the second time that in
started the ball rolling wi
Haggerty duplicated Jack
then McElvain muffed r
Dillman and Steger scorin
Haggerty,.and DI-Llman for
timie. Northwesjqrn ,ctuani
and, Wilsogh entl.ed the -N
cat. ro e lyf g ot
Fro th tiI th
made noaGeht t s cr r
w-re'anxious 'toget fooir
innings y beidre 'i
I good' day's work. In the
oP'eied v/witi a double a.d' C
but 'Jabby' vWs aulht a
purpose id Giles slowed
to allow Northwestern 'to
at second.
In th same way Milli
their hall of the fourth at a
Bachman got in the way
ball and was forced to go
he simphiifed nmatters b
clear around the paths
knocked a high .one to
thereby donated North
double play, center to first
followed with a single an
mitted himself. to be cain
off' 'first., .
The Wolvernes were ec
their' lead but Northwest
termined to.increase 0.1
Steger was given a walk
'off and Wilson beat out a
by contributed a nice s
Giles brought them home w
over the heads ,of the i
had crept in toward the ]
went to third on ,Kipi8's,
scored when a passed ball
ed up again-t the Purple
Jablonowski pitched a,'A
I the Varsity allowing on
scattered over four innings
but one base on balls, that
er two men were out in t
Michigan gathered 11 hit
Northwestern moundsmen
f and Scholz, the former ye
the first two frames and hl
the other five during th
of the contest.
(Continued on Pag
< Lloyd To Att e
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd o
uate sch6ol will' leave
Thursday to attend the,
ilnual neeting of lhe Amer

Ion Education which meet
tington, D. C., on' Friday ar
of this week:'
VHe will ac't as the repre
the University. of Mich an
sociation of American
The University of Michig
now secretary of this o
DOean Lloyd will return M\

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