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April 27, 1924 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-27

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ens a
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-- --r ?t1 iern the Italians, the Japanese, and so on,
Pursuing its new policy of first run' can finally be isolated, and adjudged
ie rapictures., the Orp Iheunipr sets for the desirable or undesirable in them- I hurches -I
firs-,Attree da Ys of the week, Monte selves fromt the standpoint of our n(' T d y i eI
____ 'Ble and Irene( ih in "Defying tional and cultural welfare. Thus, no-d
-- gro melodies are delighltful. Yet suchl
1'u ert ijehiy._____________nalysis, even if comple td, would not Con-regallonal Church o'clock service in the First Methodist
setfle the matter. It will be neces- 'The Near East Relief has senta aChu1rch. Bile classes for "tudents
iin '<Qman to Wo- FC4DOAMIC ASPECTS OF sary also to try to decide whetherseaertoiisie the 14'wlmetiWslyalatheno
four-day engagemient RESTRICTION DISCUSSED racial virtues and vices can actually o'0cI(locservice in the Congregational hour.1
Theatre today. The be secured for our society merely by' church this mnorning Aspcaof
peieFec acrI (continued on Page sixteen) the transplanting process of intrigra gfrigfr hi w v ilof-ae FrtBats Cuc
how mtion.rTherseparatesaccomplishment up together with the regu lar olffering;.'Dr. Frank L. Anderson, presdent
ove with an EnglishhomuhrsrcinsbstItde of John and James are not necessar il'-
not necessarily follow that, if some of the lnte; national Baptist Semrinary,
efore their tar iage rsrcini odmr sbte.enhanced or synthesized into a high-
ty calls and the' E(n- The present flow of some 350,000a er unity if they take to living to- "hReigin of a hReahBa" 'ha!ill spcak t ;tCt~rhe 03 eviea
"e o h rot sa er soc:hlf oon hrat c ogethecr in the samte house; and it v "h egino ea i"hsjFs !pt hrh
edtote rnt -ly ya i nehlft oethr ti vlpossible that, however excellent the been clion as then sermoun subject!
nmory in COntSeiqUenCe ine which wais coming 1~Just before ntoa ris o h for the ?!0:30 o',Aclc service in the J Zion Luitherani1
he mnarries another rte war, and its quality is more ac- nsoullthrniEuroan.sitis i'. "rmDut~oFihr sanu
ase reun toenpland. cenp tein o in t ouf skillrandrcial not be assimilated with our northern- ed' as the sermon text this mnorning in
isdo h lybycrp~to. Frte etitoEuropean ways to the advantage of 5.: Aitretr's 111i~c~oi;al Clrnr~li the Zion Lutheran CQhiirch. The Bible;
theefre apersnottobea res~either party. This latter hypothesis rThe hour tif the Sunday mlorning study hour will be held at o'clock.;
ingneda~thoit efet, ftr heappears to be the rational basis of Vic, service at St. A ndrew's Episcopal At 5;:30 the student supper will be
'LrC a4Ie b'irrhips rivolved -Iin industial re- discriminating proposals. It is not on Church has been changed from 10:30' served followed at 6:30t}o'clock by the
n wears a litteringadutettoherucdfwar its face absurd or unfair, but a great to 11 o'clock. This has been foundI studetn Forum, .
survived], would t e further to strength- da ffrhreiec srqie eesr eas ftelmtdtm
gowns in "A Soci:e h cnmcpsto ftems elo ute viec srqie eesr eas ftelmtdtm
is receiving its first e h cnmcpsto ftems to establish it as a fact. I given to the session o f the Church Be~rlhctem Einngdfl cChurch
of our population. ;, p e c i g s iv c
tthe Arcade TheaterAr netFlaiu School. This change goes into effect !Th ere will he no pecigrvc
'hursday. But while 1'i Berlin, April 26-(A.P.)-With a today. :at the Bethllehem Evangelical Churrch
frs an even more en- The other two proposals, which in-viwoenurggthmafcue this morning. Communion se rvices
Dhow in "A Society tr oduce a revised method of selecting of linen textiles, the German govern-! First M ethodist Church only will be observed at 10 o'clock in
she ever did in heer thre total volumie allowed-the 1800 jiment has removed the export Icense' "The B3oy in the Temple" will be; the English language and at 11 in
baisis for quotas, and Asiatic exclu-antxfothsgodtetpcfdsusin tte103 Grmn
:tures," she impresses an_--fo------d.,hetpi f icusonatte-03-Grmn

No w
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11") S. MAIN

yonder Del.
the favorite
shoe of men
kniow value.
at the price I

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ie fact that she is a lady of
g dramatic and emotiionatl
Teddio, the traine l soul,
ys with remarkablo intli-
til ol f'ng; nirl , undier t0 4 r~ d
)tine Fazon la vie n e-
LIvin~. I.'use P
opsy plgtail , briOf ,'hiu.

tionrs. Some of these questions lend
themselves to distin1ctly economic .
anayss.For exmuple, the objection
frt qzwl, itl made IWoA ~i tsiesthat their
fiu l aso, living u indierine the
Aiur CaN s;'tandard II:fof living,-'is, "in
t? . i(,31;,eu v' f:l Faci en ; and, on the
et ar bad, I:;y r~aive )idtrial
q~v a n' of th.'wanyn group_ of iiuni-
(:;.~~4.r:(a nth 1-lr~l '1s Outh iEuro-
e one, and OrĀ°ent ). in tcnns lake,
~~~- ~ i ko Pro i ~u ".h2a h n; ut: trld
a ';~tbi~tv s tey r'~f<hi'a:d
* -'- :1 ~ ~ b e 'inn : a's c (' n t e r A
r r~od at ' a ' ta'o a~l dsa t

nany veary arc-, lWt in 'ir
to be both beautlfi1 el
11 the "Diving Vens'l
iarrel with his g s he wa a , and
hadlmired nymph keei te
through seven renl; of

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'e on qosionapar to be non-
-n vMOM 'p oiE-,si!;io. T e'
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on'tgie aca
lowestu'eh!r~n ~ems
fn iygosta saig
Dosn t cap ve cap thm
ust wenyourWi urliams glthestairadtnr lsl
--z0p nd Ita olds th atshnagainsttebadRl:
-ream fc.Thnew L ast, Williansdcelyhpfltte
kn. teseforfev cofortabnedn ate o
)roement yourlbard a ishtendierursn.dheres
o coloring matter in Williams-it is a natural white,
ibsolutely pure. Say"Williams Hinge-Cap" to your dealer.
TilE J. . 13. WMS (CO, (IA~OBIY O




Bul Lum

In the Springtime when all nature takes on. new
coors::andQ aspects,- and .the birds are build~ing
eir esto esthe ug t u uq a hn o
-' ~ ur-sel 7es---a home as individual as its VNriers,
fnd*fi ed to their convenience.
Fveon/}ne wants to build and own his ownhoe
But only. a few are able to finance such an under-
taking without assistance. The Michigan Mu-
tual SaLvings Association has for one of its pur-
poses the financing of home-building for its em -
be.'Y ou can saveiz\Aaliec you build and build
wh ile you save.
Nowfite time :to build. Do not put, it off any
roe r, but come in ,and talky over your plans,
~vith use r better than that, telephone for one
of our representatives to call. Let us explain to
you hiow your membership will enale you to build
<a1d how your money can be put to use in a safe,
conservative investment.

'A1 ~
N' '~
N A'



here are taupes and grays; different shades of rose;
, and even several tones of green and hennt. Also
-ry and misteria-in fact any color or combination of
isn't as if you had to confine your choice to what you
d with me, or at other dealers in Chinese rugs-if you
find just the color o rsize or design you wish, you can
rug made for you. Many are doing this.
'ou can even. have your monogram woven into some
Ncuous corner, or part of the border. This may not
much to you, but your grand-daughters' will treasure
g, for-"Grandfather had this rug made in China for
mjother's birdthday," or "Mey grand-parents had this
de for my mother when she started house -keeping and
)oth father's and mother's monogram in it."






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