iV U %.' i"~ .1 tA tA 4, Traditions 4 to -to I SENIORS SWING OUT IN CAP AND GOW' f Women and Fifty-four years ago women were accepted for the first time as students at the University of Michigan, and with their coming many new tradi- tions were started that make a part of the life of women here today. One of the first traditions to be es- tablished was the annual all-campus spread for the women of the univer- sity. This was established in 1876, and was an informal affair given by some of the faculty women to the girls in order to become acquainted, and alleviate "homesickness" on the part J of the newcomers. The co-eds were so few at that time that their social life was as closely interwoven as pos- sible. Aim of League The Woman's League, which plays such a large part in organizing cam- pus affairs for women at the present time, was organized on October 13, 180. From the files of the Daily at that time it found "About one hun- dred ladies were present at the gen- eral meeting of college girls called for Saturday evening in the chapci. The object of the organization is a social one, to -promote acquaintance and- friendly feeling on the part of I Traditions, the girls of the various departments towards each other and toward the[ faculty ladies." The group went without a name for over a month, but finally gained the title, "The Woman's League," in November, 1890. It is from the work of this league that many of the traditions arose. Their work at first was both social and for the betterment of the women's the seniors. Juniors are sophomores. The wreaths then passed on Lantern night - - - - - - - - - - 04 P PW 0 0 .. ,, The sombre cap-and-gowned seniors iii the picture above are marching in- to Hill Auditorium for convocation exercises after the annual Swing-Out of the cluded by the seniors sing to the Lantern night song, composed is con- anight alone, ceremony on the campus. All senior that they are about to leave the aca- classes of the university observe the demis haunts of their Alma Mater to Swing-Out tradition, as it is the first enter the "wide, wide world." And official notice to the world at large the gowns are so becoming! life in Ann Arbor. Meetings were helh every month for, many years, 10th att arbour gmynasiim and at the h nies of faculty laies who were j interested in the university girls. Aniaoune Eugagenient It is during the last of the school year that many traditions are enacted. Most of them are in connection with the seniors who are leaving the uni-' versity, At the senior breakfast the "great news" is broken. All girls who have become engaged during their college life are supposed to an- nounce it by taking a slice of lemon when the plate is passed. Those who have been married during their stayl in Ann Arbor must blow out a candle which is passed. Lantern night takes place in the l t of Ma~ a'°nd is one of the most For pleasant surroundings, goc foods and service, try Polly Little Te Shop Delicious Light Lunches Daily - £. ?eal Describes Customs of 1882 1Michigan Traditions j POLLY LITTLE TEA SHOP ON THAYER BACK OF HILL AUDITOBIUJ& In the early eighties when mail reached Ann Arbor but once . hday the chigan as the oldest of the great assist them in navigating the campus' big event was the Post Office rush. A western universities has many tradi- walks. This is in the spring. The little before mail time . all studetits tions that have sprung up from the fall bring Traditions Night which is would swarm in a body to the little past and have remained as ties that observed each year for the benefit of post office on Liberty street, singing. bind the Michigan men of today with the new men. Pep meetings are held" If the mail happened to, be late-and those who have come before. Each throughout each year in Hill audi- it usually was--a rush upon the post class as it passes through her halls torium, class mixers and smokers and office would usually be the result. leaves its make, in some way or distinctive class balls, foremost ofd Broken windows were not uncommon other. Soiie practices are lasting, ""which is the J. Hop.) and the harassed postmaster kept .an others are frgotften bifuture classes.- - The Freshman Pot account of all breakages until some Those that are_ worth while remain Undertraditional practices comes guilty student was apprehended. Then and are so deeply instilled into the the t"akedit off! Pitt it o-n" cries, it would fall upon this unfortunate undergiaduatelife tat they become directed at the freshmen beginning one to pay for past and present de- traditions which are followed out and dirfawith the first day that pots appear on struetion of glass, respected year after year campus each fall. The continual In this way Regent Junius E. Beal Today these aged customs may be t damps e bron. t e nder described rushing at Michigan in '82. classed under three heads: traditional dampness of the bronze triangle under It is possible that the present Fresh- events, traditional practices and gov- tai literary students is another one. the old post office rushes. erning traditions. The picturesque initiation ceremonies Cap Nit hi aundoubtedly the great-held at customary times on the camp- In those days, according to Regent est of Michigan's traditional affairsusbhorayoceisndtept Beal there wa.s a supposedly bottom- around which is wrapped a senti- us by honorary societies and the pots less pit filled with water back of mental significance that remains lon war nby freshmen are also old prac- wh-ere the present Dentistry building in the mind of the graduate. The stands. This pit was known as the Tsong W crm eOh Where","asit re- Tcalel agoverning traditon.,Thelittle, ",at Ho." Every Freshman made gr.ad.Tho ihe ,Oat- 1 i', aps. ., s - y liead gearust be wo'n butit is ore numerous times before he became a T{1oiv has a ditferenI meaning fr than an arbitrary rule for iti a 1Sophomore. This Freshmanducking'each class. To the freshn-an it meana m f'-diAtipction for aUthenew wa undoulely ,Cho pdelessor ofr n'w h ; to the sbpuhmoe' a re- 131eand se-tstlet off in'a cla by, the present Frosh baths in the Huron. sponsibility as he moves up into the themselves., Throughl it they ave F Th triiofethe:.$unior ;cane is-tjunlo[ o nJuppersyiars ,. t~o the Qreotin. comnd' , basi'of] ' rath e o sc e -ut it garm.be ti eo n oan it, and they m ay ba o - ~ result of the demolishing of the U~ni- senior a diploma, closed gates upon I lass spit and .camgraidarie1 ~tiaj 'versity fence in '81. Regent Beal the happiest four years of his life, )ouldn 6t be develo'ed if fihy merely- y says that previous to this time there and a shingle out, "1 want a job." slipped into the student life here like, i had ben a wooden picket fence sur- Cal) Night, the End so mai-y drops in a bucket. rounding the University buildings. The dying blaze pfa hCap Night, 'Freshijet oRules hen this fence was torn downabout fed by the hundrecs - pots and: Th 'eshmen rules which by -teir graduation tire-eve'ry se ier took t res of t hpfreshz marks the' ag are rea - governing ra- it upo ds~in- to fashion n ne ending of other e a The ivy itn a -as follows: 1. Learn the i rom ap ket., This very likely.,ave ;ib&"1 frmaze.,hsveylieI climbs, tr'cement alks crack and "YTellow and :Bliie,' sing it stakacing birth to y idea of senior c s r the ingrafted tradition gives the nd uncovered. 2.' W tear your pot or wards the enc of the school yea Michigan graduate' always the same toque every day except Sundayand i feeling of affection for his University. I official holidays. 3.: Remove your Iateis interesting to notthea vasrius ESwing-Out is always a traditional -ead coverng whenn University -'havens of refuge of Michigan students,.edcvrhgwve'~ nv~t Regent e]al recalled "Nat Drake's", evenpt that the seniors -anticipate as Juildings or the Union. Take it, off a saloon much in vogue until it was the first realization of graduation, [ immediately on entering the door. 4. ' succeeded by Joe's and the Orient. and the beginning of the ceremonies] Uncover when passing the President "No, Freshmen didn't wear pots in leading up to Commencement. On or Dean of your department. Get to those days," Regent Beal said, "but Swing-Out day the seniors make their know these men. 5. Uncover when seniors wore plug hats." The class initial appears in Caps and Gowns. entering or leaving the stands at ath- eor m hs kn u Forming in order of classes, so that letic contests. 6. Treat upperclass class was not so solemn. Ours were the lines radiate from the medallion men and sophomores with respect. white." in front of the library as a center, they Listen when they speak. Allow them There was no "Yellow and Blue" in are lead by their class presidents to to precede you through doors and - the eigh-ties. The closest approach the Hill auditorium where the presi- cross walks. 7. Learn as many to~ an official, college song was "Here's dent and other speakers address them. to U of M, drink 'e-r down." There They then march across the campus, was much more singing then than now forming the traditional block "M" in though. Every evening a large crowd their swing, and break ranks in front Hardy Garden Lilies tudets -would assemble In front of- Tappan half where the class pit- We have a shipment of Hardy ofUniversity hall an dsing such songs tures are taken. Gar2en Lilies from Japan. as "The grasshopper sat on the rail- (anmes Encourage Spirit There are three varieties. The road trak. This custom -seems to The spring and fall games are old Lily and Magnificum, the rose haedied out --compltetaes LiyaneMgifluyth.rs have completely. traditional events. These two dates and pink spotted lily. This is Regent Beal said there was one duty give the sophomores and freshmen a the only season of the year when that every Sophomore class took upon chance to meet on the open field and these may be had. Bulbs should itself to fulfill. This was to keep the vie for physical supremacy. They are be planted now. They flower in marble statue of Nydea freshly sup- supervised by the Student council andl August. We also have Caladi- suerisdbythdtueGladii nd ursorlphloxEIrs, Bleeding plied the na cigar stub. The statue men who officiate at the events. um orlB Er ana was henin the museum in the north iGails hoIiBedn wing of Unversity hall and as it wathSp~i i i always highl and is encour- ,Heart, Peonies and a large line Sfrst and n marble statue here aged by pep -meetings of- the two of Hardy Perennial Plants. It was an object of great wonder to classes. IARRI$ SEE) STORE visitors. On Cane Day each year the aged Cor. Washington & Fifth seniors bring out their class sticks to S L'- ~ a l bu C11iy, UL U1 U ,1 l5 significant ceremonies of the year. Michigan songs as possible and all This tradition is not very old, having1i the yells. 8. Attend all the meetings been started only in 1919, but its and functions of your class. 9. Dis- popularity has grown every year. It card prep school insignia. 10. Keep takes place on the hillside at Palmer off the grass. 11. Keep off the senior field. As soon as- it : is dark the I benches. 12. Never sitmoke a pipe on seniors, with lighted Japanese lan-T e the campus. 13. Do lnot advertise terns over their shoulders, pass un-The ravages of winter yourself. Keep your suit case free of der wreathed arches held by the "Michigan" stickers and your watch juniors, and form an M. After some free from an "M' fob. These rules songs the juniors form an M around 'are' given to the freshmen each year. -- It's trna efficiency to use Daily Daily classified for real results. Classifieds.-Adv. - Good Lumber -!=-Quick Service-Careful Estimates for Your Sprng Con On your way to classces-or on your way home. We =eY 2 carry all stud'nt supplies-Blue-Books-Note Books- struction Will Mark Your Dealings With the SWriting Paper--,Ink-Pens-Etc.- YOU'LL LIKE'OUR STOCK -- - - ' T Cor ~-~ ,John&k Fifth Phone 34( r - ' a t e ' - ' - - 1 - - STO K in 'y..l + t --0 ''An rbof 1 'M - A RB OR S . t T A N N U A M i 1. HILLI N " AR L V. MOORE Musical Directo CO NCE R T S . 21 14' tll el s MAY 22- 23.24 11 ii ii AUSTRALIAN PREIWJER I R(OFS EXAUUIO OF FOREGNERS (Continued from Page Nine) In, and an influx of peoples of another race always brings cheap labor. Aus- tralia has been experimenting with this problem for more than a quarter. of a century and has not as yet found a really satisfactory solution." East Has 3anchuria When asked where the Eastern people could go if the Western coun- tries would not accept them, Mr. Hughes said, "Every race cannot, by multiplying rapidly, acquire a right to overflow into other nations. The' development of a 'race always de- pends upon the food supply, and this, naturally becomes a problem which each nation must solve for itself. "The western peoples have more right to exclude the people of the East than have these people to force themselves upon the Western food supply. And if we should grant them this right, where would they stop? It I Gav 1111II flack Again-- I. V LMY liRUEWER, Munich, Berlin and Madrid Operas - Soprano To the old grind but do not let it get the better of you. A steal at, Besimner's brings real home foods STARS FROM MANY OPERAS IN MANY CITIES DUSOLINA GIANNINi, American-Italian Concert Star SOPH IE BRIAS LAU, Metropolitan Opera - - SOPHI 1E 1IASLAV, Meropolitan Opera - - TITO SCIIPA, Chicago Civic Opera - - - FORREST LA-IONT, Chicago Civic Opera - VICENTE BALLESTER, Metropolitan Opera - ROYAL DAI)MUN, American Artist - - CESARE BAROMEO (Chase Sikes) La Scala Opera - Soprano - Contralto - Contralto - Tenor - Tenor - Baritone - Baritone - Bass - Violinist - Harpist - Pianist - .Organist to Ann Arbor. SYLVIA LENT, American Virtuoso - ALBEJITO SALVI, Distinguished Artist HAROLD BAIUER, a Master Player - PALMER CHRISTIAN, Well-Known Artist THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION EARL V. MOORE, Conductor THE CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS, GEORGE O. BOWEN, Conductor T'E CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FREDERICK STOCK, Conductor LA PRI3IAVERA (First Time in America) SEADRIFT (First Time in America) - - 300 Voices 500 Voices - Iespighi - - Delius INSTRUMENTS HARP VIOLIN PIANO ORGAN ORCH ESTRA CHORUSES "D TifI 7?D1 a ,..