I 'o 2r4 lt Iai Two VOL. XXXIV. No. 4-4e,. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAt, APRIL 27, 1924 PRICE, FIVE IMMIGRATION AND WORLD PEAC Student Opinion Concerningj Issue Now Confronting Nation DEPLORE ATTITUDE Bates Favors The subject of immigration to the R es c In United States has been discussed the- oretically and practically by many' noted, authorities and students of thei r subject for many years. All possiblet criticisms and solutions have beeni "I am in favor of a restrictive im- offered to the question which has, migration policy" was the comnientt aroused such great interest and dis- of Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law sentation in our international rela- school when questioned on the pres- tions, but to us, as students at the ent immigration situation. The Dean university and future American continued, "I am not in favor of dis-t voters, the question has seemed criminating against nations as such.I rather vague and obtuse unless we Selection of 'immigrants should beE have had some close personal connec- = based to a large extent upon adapti-1 tion with some phase of it. bility to our institutions. While not There are many here, however, to 'universally true, it is a fact that on thet whothis ismnytsuh anwabstract ,whole peqple from the northern stocks whom this Is not such an abstract have been more readily assimilatedj condition which merits only a pass- t'ecause we ourselves are of northern I THE ITALIAN VIEW Michael De Filippis, instructor of1 romance languages, expressed his sen- timents concerning the recent immi- gration restrictions in this manner. "Representative Italians in this coun- try are in favor of restrictions, since the United States deems it necessary, but are unanimously opposed to that portion of the law which discrimin- ates against Italians." He feels that to base the restriction on thie census of' 1890, rather than on that of 1910 makes a resriction on Italians out of pro- portion to that on other nations. I Further, Mr. De Filippis stated that the Italians in this country are not representative of the nation, and that therefore American judgment of them is biased. He states, "Italians realize The passage of an immigration bill by Congress Is always an importantF matter. But when a bill is passed which alters the very fundamentals 'on~ which! our, Immigration policy is founded - asgig does the new JIoh nson bill-the importance not only in its effect upon our own country, but in its effect upon the world cannot be measured. Whether it is best to re- strict immigration at the present time, whether it is best to Vestrict im- migration from certain countries and encourage it from others-all these are questions which should be given intelligent consideration. The new bill, which is so construct-a ed as to restrict the influx of mem- hers of the south European, and. west- Irn Asiatic races, and to encourage the immigration of the Nordic or North European races, and which vir- tually prohibits the entrance into our country of members of the Eastern Asiatic races, is perhaps the boldest step which the United States has yet taken to dictate the racial character- istics of future American citizens.- Is the new bill too big a step? How will it affect the world, politically,. economically, and socially? It is a question on which many .and widely varied opinions are given. Faculty Split In Discussion Of Proposed Expulsion La WORLD BENEFIT HughesUrges ROY HOLMES, of the Sociology De- Exclusion Of partment. Our hope for the development of EasternPeople anything like an ideally democratic America demands for its realization, among other conditions, that popula- "In my opinion the people of thel tion pressure remain low. The natur- East cannot be assimilated by the al increase, by itself, is sufficient at Western civilization," said The Right its present rate to serve as cause for i Honorable William Morris Hughes, concern to those who are thinking in war and peace premier of Australia long-time terms. However great may from 1915 to 1923, in an interview dur- be the population that America can ing his visit inAnn Arbor before the care for without seriously reducing spring recess. Mr. Hughes is con- its standards of living, it is but a mat- sidered as one of the ten greatest ter of decades before thct number statesmen of the time, and has been would be reached were sthmigrationee entirely stopped. A policy if immi- called the world's greatest authority gration restriction at least as strin- on the Eastern question. gent as the existing one seems de- "Whenever we see mixed races we sirable in the interest of Americans see degeneration," he contipued. yet unborn. "High standards of living cannot be And appeal need not be made to the maintained when cheap labor comes (Continued on Page Fifteen) (Continued on Page Eleven) } ing though occasionally. Our foreign students are vitally interested in the policy which the United States is to adopt as regards its acceptance of the foreign immigrant. Place yourself in their position, would it not be a vital Importance to you whether your fel- low countryman is to be welcomed or refused 'admission when he comes to this country with the intention of liv- ing here? Would not the attitude which the country acting as your host takes toward your brother seem to re- fiect upon you personally? Nullifies Good Feeling With a view of ascertaining first. hand what the opinion of our foreign students is upon the subject of their Imigrating countrymen our our policy toward them, several students repre- senting some of the most interested foreign nations have been inter- stock. I, however, recognize that that Italians in this country are of some of our best citizens from foreign the working class, and that the work- stocks have come from the southern ing people of any nation is not repre- nations (Continued on Page Ten) i.--- _ _ _-- Nominations and Elections ECONOMIC:ASPECTS ZENAS C. DICKINSON, of the Ece mies department A considerable body of econo and social doctrines on American migration problems has develc concurrently with the evolution of immigration situation itself; so t the bills now pending in Congress but the latest installment of a to conducted serial. These bills involve three main r posals, ,namely: (1) To reduce s further the total volume of immig tion permissable annually; (2) By ing the 1890 Census basis, to cha the national quotas so that a lax proportion of the total will be dro from northern European counti from which- the bulk of our older migration was drawn; and (3) exclude ordinary Asiatic immigran Humanitarian Argument It is in regard to the proposal i mentioned that the time-honored migration doctrines of American E nomists are most relevant. The guments formerly advanced in fa of unrestricted immigration were I ed chiefly on general humanitariani and upon the supposed need of an creasing labor supply for Ameri industries. Economic analysis d not upset these arguments, but shows more clearly the costs wh the American wage-earner must for succoring the dowh-trodden other lands, and for providing Am can employers with steady supplie Immigrant common labor. The w gains which have been realized by 1 skilled groups of labor here, since migration was reduced by the war by legislation,tend to vindicate t economic diagnosis. Issue is Less Restriction But the live issue is no longer. striction versus no-restriction; it more versus less restriction. Al we may have faith that our melt pot will distill some Periclean set ture out of Greek immigrantss some sort of corresponding values of the other races, .stil e- are pr well agreed that the, tide of;iffn gration which, was comig b efore war cannot lbe '~siilated as cal sloa'er flow. Is the' reason-to pose, however, that theprop' ? se per cent. rate (1890 basise) willbe '1 ter for our country than the- pres rate of three per cent(9l:basis) .some-: larger .'amount?.1,do .not' that we have any way'of Jxdg/ing3 (Continued from Page 9) EXCLUSION, BREACH 4 INTERNATIONAL ETHI Sy Thomas H. Reed mmediate interest the Johnson Im- Its Japanese ex- which is supposed entlemen's agree- rapan. Strong op- Lg our own people 'f; Se' fects of their destructive earthquake. (Continued on -Wage Ten) A TWO-FOLD ASPECT OF IMMI9t ATION Prof. Pitirinne Sorokine. "Because the United. States was founded for the purpose of experi- ienting with entirely new and differ- ent forms of government, and not thinking for the present of the well- being of the country, I can say that I aiim in favor of unrestricted foreign immigration," declared Prof. Pitirime Sorokine, noted Russian student and thinker, who has been in this city for the past week giving a series of three lectures on the conditions of Russia today, and the causes for revolutions, as he sees them. He is known as be- ing a foremost student of the revolu- tionary psychology of peoples through- out the world. "However, taking the conception from a more rational. viewpoint, I! would say that it were best for this country that she restrict her immigra- tion as much as. possible. The rea- soning is that when the incoming, peo-F ples of a decidedly different character and standing are allowed to remain,1 the natural tendency is for the stan- dard of living of the peoples to be lowered Without restriction, the in- coming peoples would soon become in, the majority, may be attributed to the immigration is a question which is answered in by mind in a negative manner, and I wish to say that the greatness of America is not due solely to the incoming peoples save in that when the country was young they proved to be the saving grace upon which the foundation of the greatness of the United States was laid. "Today the situation because of the inevitable passage of time and of the changes which time has made in the economic situation. as well as in the social, I am able to say that the need for immigration has stopped, and in- stead of being 'desirable, the majority! of aliens are undesired by the com- fortable Americans. They now believe that there is a sufficient number of them in this country already, and that' with unrestricted immigration they soon would be -In the majority, and would hence rule the nation, to the exclusion of the native Americans. (This is the second of a series of seven articles E hich have been prepared for The Daily by Professor Thomas H. Reed, of the political science department. The third article, which will appear in next Sunday's second section, will be a discussion of party organi- ration and methods.) The ark of 'our political covenant is the ballot box. By far the greater part of the activity of the political parties is concerned with getting ballots into them. To determie who may be voted- for and tgnder what con- dition S ballots may.be cast and cqunted, every .state hi's a,&great body of laws.. The election laws of the s of Michigan for example ocupy a volume ofa383 pages of 375 words.to the page. Ii' all our states votes canbe 'cast' only by means of an official ballot prepared by public authority. ansf, furnished at public'expense. This, of course, necess- tates some means of determining whose, names may appear upon the hallot. In most countries this is a very simple natter. All that is required being either a few nominating signatures, or a mere declaration of in- tention to become a candidate. In this country it is the practice to signify the party of each candidate. This may be done either by printing the names of all party candidates in columns under the name and sign of the party, or by printing the name of the party after the name of each candidate. In any event the party name is a valuable asset to a candidate, most people indeed voting for the party rather than for the man. For this reason it .is absolutely necessary under our system to have some. authentic means of determining who are the candidates of each of the political parties. Otir problem is still further complicated by the fact that we ,elect numerous officers such as governors and, United States senators from the state, at large; and once in four years i president from the whole country. The result has been the development of a very elabor- ate mechanism of nomination which, with the excep- tion of the National Convention. for the choice of a President, has been ,subjected to very minute legal regulation by the states.. cratic movement led by Andrew Jackson. The parties then turned to the plan of nominating presidents by a delegate convention ; and since 1836 every presidential candidate has been so nominated. The convention system of nomination was in theory simple and democratic. It was based upon the ward. or town caucus.. In these caucuses voters of the party in each town or ward were supposed to rpeet together to nominate candidates for ward or township officers anti to elect delegates to city and county conventions. These conventions in turn chose delegates to congres- sional distiict 'Co'nventions,. which'-selected delegates to state conventions, which in their turn..selected dele- gates for the national-convention. Nothing could.be more denOcratid-in appearance than this. The diffi- culty witW the sfstern lay in 'the fact that the 'caucuses w re not in reality representative meetings. of the part t Fraud and ioleice had something .to do with this in the early dayss1 but even-after ample legal pro- tection 'had been thrown around -the conduct of can-{ cuses or primaries, the, public could be induced, to take no real interest in them. All the caucus did was. to nominate a few candidates for obscure offices and elect a few delegates to minor conventions. It is one of the unhappy reflections to which observers of poli- tics have been led that the people are only interested in the large and dramatic aspects of political life. The convention system further offered remarkable oppor- tunities for those- who were adept in the bargainings and wire-ptllings of politics. Our present methods may be best understood by briefly sketching the history of nominating methods. In colonial times candidates for the legislature, that is for the most important offices, filled by popular elec- tion, nominated themselves. In Bobton, however, during those stirring political days which preceded the Revolution, it became the custom of the patriot party to hold a preliminary meeting or caucus in which the persons to 'be voted for at the coming town' meeting were selected. Needless to say the candidates of the caucus were always victorious. With the Revolution came the necessity of choosing governors and presi- dential electors at large in the states. Party success, demanded that -there be someway of determining the party's nominees for these' offices. This was at.first, done by the members Hof the party who had seats in the state legislature. -Later on there were added to" their number delegates especially chosen from the districts whose legislative :members belonged, to the other party. It was only as tep then to the straight, delegate convention which was everywhere ,ntrod uced about the end of the first quarter of the nineteenth. century. In the meantime presidential candidates had been nominated by the so-called Congressional caucus, that is, by the members of Congress belonging to the n vinnuentin- The fact that from 1804 to 1824 About the beginning of the present century, general disgust with the convention system led to the adoption of- the 'so-called direct primary. By this method the party members 'vote in' their primary directly for the, party candidates for governor, United States senator . and other officers elected at large. -Nearly a score of states have extended the primary system to the choice .of delegates to the national convention,, or have pro- vided -foir an advisory' vote on candidates for the presi- dency which is presumably binding upon those dele-. ates. . There is now a great deal of criticism of the direct primary. A It has failed to accomplish, many of. the things which were hoped for. It has not broken the power of machines and bosses, -nor has it materially, raised the level of candidates. There is, however, more interest in the primary than when it only selected delegates to conventions, and there is, under the direct primary system, a chance for a popular movement within the party to overwhelm the machine. It would be the part of extreme folly to abandon the direct pri- mary system and go back to the old methods of nomi- nation. It is very difficult to see how anyone who was familiar with the convention system in the days of its prosperity could recommend going back to it. After all, the difficulty in the matter of nomina-, tions is' not so much in the mechanism provided by law. as in the minds of the voters. If the average voter, 'takes no interest in primaries, the prinary will be controlled by the professional party workers, in other; words by the machine. Voting. at an election after having ignored one's party primary is the old story of. locking the doo after the horse-is stolen. If the pri- varies of both parties are neglected, we have at the final election only a choice between evils. If you, must choose between voting at 4lhe primary or, at the. electiii, vote at the primary and let the election go. The names of candidates are put on the primary ballot by petition, a fixed proportion of the vote cast for some officer at the last election being required for either party. In the closed primary, the voter's choice; of the party has been predetermined, usually by his declaration at the time of registration., One of the evils of the direct primary has been the tendency for the voter of one party to vote in the primary of the other. If there is an interesting con- test in the Republican party and no contest in, the bemocratic party, Democrats like to participate in the Republican primary. This is particularly the case where the party in which the contest is taking place is the domnant party in the state. The open primary 'lends itself'pecutiarly to this sort of thing, but it can'-be done even under.' the closed primary. InCalifornia, Where the closed primary. prevails. upwards of tw - thirds of the registered voters 'of the' state 'are' en- rolled as Republicans. In many districts there are al- most no, Democrats, and yet Woodrow Wilson carried Califormnia twice for the presidency. The reason for the situation in ihat state is that the Republican._party is normally the' stronger and that all the interesting Primary battles for he last ten years have been within another party as to participate in the election of mem- bers to' another fraternity: It is really none of the business of the Democrats who the Republicans nomi- nate, and vice versa. This breaking over party lines in the primaries tends to destroy the effectiveness and the responsibility of parties. It should be restricted as rigidly as possible. Every effort is made by the law to protect the con-f duct of elections against violence and fraud. In order to prevent persons from voting. who have no right to vote, it is now required that every voter be registered in advance of the election. In some states the regis- tration lists are permanent. In other: re-registration at frequent intervals of all voters is required. In any event -none but registered voters may vote. As' soon as a voter has received his ballot,.his name is checked off upon the poll- list. Severe penalties are provided for those who attempt to vote upon a name other than their own. To preserve the secrecy of the ballot and thus n protect the independence of the voter, the law requires that-.the voter take his ballot into a separate booth and, mark it there in private. This is the culminating mo- ment of citizenship when a man stands alone with God and his lead pencil to determine the fate of his country. No ballot is counted upon which any mark which could many way be considered an identification of the ballot is to be found, Only the official lead pencil or the official rubber stamp can be used in marking a ballot. In some states voting machines, where the turning of a lever takes the place of the use of the printed ballot and the lead pencil, are in use. They have only one advantage, and that is that the vote is all counted when the polls are closed. If, however, anything goes wrong with the mechanism, as sometimes happens, the re- suits may be very unsatisfactory. The correctness of the count is guaranteed as is the general fairness of the election proceedings by providing that -the election of-. ficers, that is the persons who receive and count the ballots, shall be drawn from both of the great political parties. Each party is usually permitted also to have official watchers at the polls during the progress of the poll Designated 'watchers, and in some states the , public.at large, are permitted-to be present while the vote is being counted. Election frauds -are still some- . - times committed, but it is safe to say in general that when a qualified elector goes to the polls he may be sure of casting his ballot, casting it in secret, and hav- That the exclusion of the Japa peoples from the United State technically within the rights of country, but that it was a brea international ethics was the op of Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of thf litical science department in atr discussion of the current jhasE the immigration question. "It is privilege of any nation of the v to 'say who shall enter- withi gates, a privilege recognized b ternational law," he said. How Ido not think tlia't America di( correct thing when your national gress legislated against the Jaj Ipeople. It is not as though great hers of them came to our'shores ' year, they do not. Perhaps a hut or two come to this country, an u which when a proper considerati the numbers which enter from countries is given seems almost ligible. It is true that the natur crease of the Japanese race is high but do not think that there v be a menace from that source." Professor Hayden did not that any drastic results would f the action of the United-States i cluding the Japanese, but added Japan is sure to protest and tl has already placed a boycott on fornia goods. "No such terribl suilt as a war will come about ' is only too probable that it will needless disputes. . am of the op that it is an excellent thing to a strong check on immigration marily that undesirables may be from this country." That he was in favor of usin 1890 census as the basis fo "quota" system of selection of grants who shall be allowed to this country was.expressed b professor, primarily because a desirable type of immigrant ca this country at that time. The fessor scouted the idea that the aL'ainst immigration would ever ituation will very soon t in Russia There we en snaces. and the de- l 11