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April 24, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-24

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. _

cation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
university. Copy received by the A10itant to the P're-;dcnt until
ne04 'IHlUR5SDAY, APRIL 2"I, 191 Nimilber 118
College of Literature, Science,' and f te A rts:
latest date on which the inidsemienter reports can be taken into ac-
Friday, April 25a. 11. It. 11tunireys, Assistant Dean.
ty Women:
rhursday, April 2-4th, at 4:00 1). M., iniHif, office of the Dean Of
there will he an informal conferenice for women interested in,1Iib-
rk as a profession. The conference is restricted to juniors and
A. S. Hobart, Assistant Dean of .\\Women.
rc will be :t meeting of t1(, ('o>1niitt . on Diiploa S ihoolsr at. 3:00
iy, Apt ! 25th ,in the Presidlent's Off'i ce . t. B, duondlsom, L O(;y.

'rHI WrTiters' Club:,
i 'here will be a meeting of the Oratorical Board in room 302 Mason
ifreetirng of 0r_torical Board:
TlereillI be a menting of the Oratorical Board in room 302 .Mason
I lall, Thuiars;day at 5 :00 oclock. J. R. Dunni, Pres.


N ;r 7 ("j now Litrary butilding ,is nowah eadl of 1,1iew«oundled w omnan was taken to the e ,e ge! lei-indb~dadilifaent os
I+ations Officialpct hIr.k :is encountered Niw , il its, hereherematined until an amb)ul-
inii tme,194 ~ necnee e to the hospital.
I TIe alike ofth supe th(rvi, r io
s)teadinrly l~: m;lolwr, Plans to make the freshman bans-
st("fl ~nthe let ting onf' on;trac t : ,ile!-which is to be held April 29 .it
sfor the interior of the horn: t ladthle 1 nion an annual affair are being
wil be completed at anll arlvy date, :udc b the freshman activities Coln-
mit ~ the Union.

_ _ _._. _. __. _. _ _ , i

%1l01a Na:
'n( eWill be a necting this evening at 7:30 in ou;r rooms cmn he fou rthl
floor of Uniiversity Hall. All interested are cordially incited. The1 subject
for discuss .ion will be the "Japanese Exclusion Act."
Earl AV. Cory, Prec Ident.p


r ii*riyCu mkr
Trhe U'niversity Club will give a smoker on Thursdlay
s 0%.10(k in the Club room-1 to the visitinig(deans oef men.
invited. 11*mry F.

night, April .21, at
All members a.re
.Ada ms~, Secretary.



Wi A 1




reon lime ii isi or of Mi'icine:
rofesscot ( . (' jn Hubiler will lecture Thursday
n the W4est Amnpitheatre of the' MVedical Bluilding
s in tlislor-) of Anatomy in Connectiona i nly
Lis lectulre is open to the public.

evening, April 24, at
on the subject "S-)ine
wvitlv Vesalius".
N. M1. Alter.

dent iinmuer Emplom ent:
E. ihildebrand, '22 Lit., who now holds an executive position with the
J. Hleinz Company will be here to meet and interview students wiho wouxld
consideration of employment, through the vacation period. All inter-
ed get in touch with him at the Union Saturday, April 26th.
J. A. Bur .ley.
,sinip and jhoroine Woieiin
All~ women should sign up this week at B3arbour Gymnasium for the
iuired outdoor work in Physical 'Education. Ethel MlcCormicki.
thor Engineers:
Mr. C. E. Stone of the Chzain Pelt Company of Milwaukee, W4isconsin
1 be in Room 221 of the Engineering Buildling, Friday morning, April 25,
nterview Seniors regarding positionls with his comnpany.
It. C. Aniderson.,
:ek 10 (Drama)
In place of the regular lctuOre pcrice(l at 1.1 o'clock the class will meet
examination on Friday, April 215, at _4 o'clock, in Room 103, rTappan Hall.
Campbell Bonne'r.
rv4cal Education. Athletics and seliofl Healthi:
All courses in the Th'eory and! Pralctice or Physical Education and Athi-
es elected for the fourth quarter begini this wee':.
:freshmen should report to Coach '-Tather on South Ferry Field at 3
ock. daily for their' course in Baseball.
Sophomores should report to Coachz Hoyt on the Varsity Outdoor Track
3 o'clock daily for their course in Track.
, uniors should report to Coach ,athr on Sothr F erry Ficld at 3 o'clock
13y for their course in pract ice coachIing ar boll and to M1!r. i1 t(fall at
lterman Gyrnnasium for the course inl[ M?ior pts i.
Sieinora should report to Mr. Wieiran at. the Voc!1'iielfl I Lus;)for "assE;I-
a~t in practic~e coaching,
E. 1 I Wieian.

All persons or societies using thtis
column shouldi include In their notices
day, hour, and place. All notices'
witliout this data -ill1 be disregarded.
'It 'llI HSlAY
12 :00-1lietoric faculty Inn c lwoim 0n-
4 :00- university lecture, New ber'ry
hall auditorium.
9:30 A. N.Diean's convention, regis-
tration, room 308, Union.
10).00 A. AL-Dean's conveotion, je-
Iing address by Dean Goodnight of
University of Wisconsin, room 308,
12:00-Economics faculty luncheon,
1 :00-Annual business meeting of the
Faculty Women's club, Union.
2sQ-Dean's coniventlion, President
Burton speaking, room 308, Union.
6:00)-Dinner Dance, Union.
1:s30---Medic lecture, lDr. Hluber speak-
ing on "The History of Anatomy,
Medical building.
12 :00--Law faculty luncheon, 1Union.
h: ii--- University lecture, Professor

Luild ing Progress V
If present plans are cowi~leted -ac-
cordilng to schedlule there will be more~
than 100 rooms with accommodations
for 200 law students in the new Law- ere iaihih Simitli, Jr.
yer' clb radyforoccpany te iAfter the post had bee~n accepted.
f rsl re fady frlculny.h then rejected by W. P. G. Harding, for-
firstofnxfal mer governor of the federal reserve
Scaffolding on the State street side system. and 6tlhers considered for it

Mrs. 1Harry rfhornlpson colorel d d-
lvorced wife of lla'ry Thom pspon,5 ;71
I north State street. lies near deatih to-
(kiy at the University hospital as the 1
result of a bullet wound near the spine
received Nwhen site vas fired upon 1lv.
Thomnpson at about 12.:45 o'clock yes-.
terday vmorning.j
According to several iunmlwrs of thi,-
lplha Sigmia hi fraternity, 1315 iHill
' street who arrived hiia l:tely ate
teshooting occurred, hompnj sho It
the wvomian when hie found her in
c.ompany with another Negro at1322,
H):ill street where sh1e is employ <ed.
Tier companion es(-tpedlani is un-j
-known to the police.
eThe' assailant mande no aftempt to
tescape, and confessed to the shioot-j
- ing when the police arrived. Ile is
s now being held at the county Jail.

A Fine Candy,
I oc Everywhere



The story about Queen* Isabeltets
jewels is all wrong. The first tour td
"America was trade possible _bY.. feed-
ing the crew 4h Henry t

will soon be remioved, it has been an-
nounced, and a complete view of the
architecture of the builing can be ob-
tained. Concrete floors will all be com-
pleted in a week or so leavig only,
the concrete finish to be installed.
Work otn the kitchen_ equipment 'is'
practically finished, and the club room
is now being prepared for the archj
ceiling. Roofing of the dining room
will also be begun at an early date.
This part of the structure will be trade
of oak.
Rapid work is also expected to fin-
ish up the steel on the roof of the
rooming, quarters. Nearly all the oak
finish has arrived for the kitchen and
will be hurried along at once.

Jeremiah Smith. Jr., of Boston fin-
ally was appointed League of, Nations
Hligh Commissioner for Hungary. He
will leave for Geneva immediately for
con ference~s with the league officials
'r si then go to Budapest. He virtual-
ly becomes dictator of the country's
resources for two years as he will
supervise the program for Hungerian
financial reform.



c t1

'Work Up To Pate
Structural wvork in all the buildings
that are now being erected on the
camtpus is speeding along and it is,
expected that all will be ready for oc-
cupancy ac'cording to schedule. Stone
wvork is well under way on the new
Medical building, which is hoped wvill
be completed for use next February.'
Concrete is nearly poured for the
Nurses' homde and it is thought by
those in c.barge that it will be ready
by the first of next year, at least. The

We have dlone3 our level best to make
a tobacco that tastes just right.
We bought, for making Velvet, the best leaf
tobacco that grows in the famous blue-grass
section of Kentucky, and then slowly and
thoroughly aged it in wood.
Ageing in wood takes more time and costs us
lots more money, but it makes Velvet mild
and mellow and gives it fine flavor.
Remember--Velvet, aged ini wood.

~ ,
' t}t


?l of "A MIII svunijiefr Ngtslra
udents in the Saiepaer aigua,~w c etl
fromn "A iidmimmnir ight . I )rei"Tu ,APpil24 at 7:30O
t o~alditoriuin of Univel-ity Thal.'1 l(l publiC is cord ially -it vited
r.M ih


Our~nex con~er~t wifl e tat 1h-, Micigcn AI 1iunlae Banrquer in Detro t,
rrlmy, evenng, May :10t0. VWe are also o sing- over the radtio thiat ::amle
avey, mn nwill he e,_pcctied to go, even, those that did not -o con
Spring trip. Save that date. John 3f. ;0 r 61 izl, g I
My Glee Glib:,
T'here wil l e anl important meting roIf te (;lee( Club tonig ht ,at 7 :60
ick .i~n the Union.. All, the membhers this'semeter;:re t reueted tfo be
alit.ul1 1A[tu . lJiussel, 'Manager.
R Blade Club:
The Gun & Blade Club will hold its reguhl bsiness meeting on Thurs -
evening, April 24, in room o61 rdich-14gan Unhinzat 7:10 'cloc{k. TheI
rt of the proceedling;s of' the National Clune Badc(o.- otion heild at
ilo, Wisconisin on AIpril IQ, an-d 119 w,'ill bae givenl at this meetcing. The
has heeu entered in the intramrura;l (dencrt Ient independent leagu"-Ie of
ball. All inltert'stod l leasehe presen2t so) that practice may be0 started.
,l'e11 A. ]Bete.

(Castro speaking on "Le liomantia- Install Panels l
sinme lispagrnol", Natural Science Four stone panels, typifying the
auditorium, work that will be undertaken in the
4:00---Colf Society dinner 'room 16 building, are being installed at thet
Union, ends of the portico at the front of theY
UN TICESnew Literary building. These are I
U-NOTICES hiseled in the stone. and illustrafe"
thra t~ r -outs will he e ld tin Theperltraue itrfn hls
ifLiiiie theater on Tihurrday, Friday, i oety, ltrtre .try n
,14 I0131-day of this week. ihuorij s"pluswr wscmpee b h
thou~ ta{ .ts il b u If t oran 4 o. F rm of. Ricci and'Tari, New 'York ar t-
cheduled for from it) to 12 in fthi1'Jts, who wI llaso furnisk two:aah
iarnin acnd frot to . t I n tiroadt'.. I for, the frnt of th~e tructure, onle ofI
noon.tt 5ieaI api sr iitiientra IIII, at i he r tuiversity and ov% ofthe state.
rcn.a'edl foreband f ronart'.. Iortim'.rjthe~lwMajovlfy of the york on the front
Shnlr th le director, il iris offiCe ii rcoiraftons o _ (lipbuilding is being
the 31Another Nciwr.YI clonertist, Aestomen
the Mimes theater. dVnej by.ithose jpen.
' i1 Lorenizo, brqticr of the,p~inter who
HOOR- THU Ndicnic ot of .tJp work in the ('1cm1-
If auts and Tenx~ v i lbrar ies, is furnig-
I ~ArFand ETO li~t iPE N iy'rlA for the new build-
a 0PE irg. ieistle oa N ln il; ~leoylog (in tlhe top, oftlthesructure andl
1''rhfflc o '6ve tr ~oad l<ke~nn th~e crnitce dcli~. .
Xrbo aq ~Yisi~u~i xll e dtouc~l Stone crestjiag wor'ik and the nn
be'gnniig , o etraucQ have al!<o bcevu placed in his
ro ian oays'misson hre ut th rb .Tbe majority of the exterior.
cmntri:!,i,)n litre. The v st .toile wa...s l5O p r red ~tlrpugl
ad i etalished to allow tle copai laid firmu
letion of itehe ayin2 of lt, eiihw wy
tl!At waIs commenced last, yea r, ev-
oral muile s of the road. are in a n un-
lra ed condlit ion at present.
It is thouraght that the pavement will
be. cO nil~ctd by .luly . When the!iYo
'edis oI)(11ed i Ju ly=motorists will Y U
v 'clear stretch cif concrete be- jd s
-,veueii rtle two cities. e i
"Jmi wadmta r" sells anything,] th
o n i 'k v . --A dI. I

O e..,..


aP kl hinds oef seeds. "Thereos
demand ~lfo)r chea-tp la!wn grass3
by furn-ishing low priced gras-.
;es 0' g.od qalllity, meaning by
tht pueirity t : 1Cd quick growthl.
If 'or anly reason. a cwutom'?r~
deritdreslow price',d grassseed
it ilil pay hinl, to buyt'it at
our soe.to~ ~cu e wear-
of grasse:s ir o reasoni why w,
"houldn't hrace tlie other' and
lowen, priced ixtures., We. are~
h-ere to giveo Ur'i'U LSOre'5 -wh~at
they waint an ined at the price2
they C anafford t~o pay. Our
Tries are alwaiys r-ea~sonahle.
)Ve aroq anxious for our custojn-
erfs to 1have good )tllawns .



~7X I i

I cs, ;r ti& tmm'rIR ORACCO GO, ~l


- - -- - - -

t Lothies


Coy'. Wuslhington

rimt iAve.

r-77777 , x k -s ' i: ni6 '*r: R e ,e *3uir7l

can satisfy that




ire for


ing different




I ne

AT --

Tuttle' Lunch Room


338 Maynard St.

South of Majestic





10 Cards and Plate $3.00 and Up



rA 1

!t' I


git!t!MlNfi. - """

6,di e cis



iS-oz. Jars of Assorted Jam

IT fwrsw


Palmolivecor- KIrks, Hardwater Castile


Eber Try It?


Look.,Your ilest
With Spring really here
that new-


wvill need


for r2c

Fe announce ths arrival of
owng new nuer(Amidise:o
be rliost beautiful hand made
uses, two to six year size:,
filet and Irish trim, dainty
rs. Varied prices. hiats andl
net~s to match.
weaters in coat and slip on
a, brush and plaini wool.
ats for girls two to fourteen


Cant' be beat-pleasant as well as effective.
We have all the reliable Tooth Paste-Pow-
demsand the best lines of Tooth Brushes.

Sp ring Suit and

College Special Coffee still 35c

You can find one that will st

Cleans Teeth Mean Health


I at

lno llnw of rnhhor znnrl:q. in- . .


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