THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I tftS COLUMN CLOSS AT 3 POM. The Place Were You'll Be Satisfied 110 SPITALT SUPPLY CO. Geri. Glitzenlilrn, Xgr. Makers and Dealers in uriC: anud Scieplifical -r: trumnul I FOAL RENT SINGLE ROOM, private family. Tel 1767-J. AOV-ERTI SING DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES Charged at the rate of 12c per readinig line for one or two insertions, 11c pez rending line for three o- more insertiloniL White space charged for at samez rates. Classifieds charged only to-'those having phones. Ask about c ntracts for classified advertising. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per "reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines-per insertion Classif r4d Colma~n Closes at It o'Clock Noon, Saturday. A bdeinal :Belts, Artificial Limbs lBra ces, r ss Arch Support's Experimental W'or-k of All Kinds NMiC"rtone Knives Ground and Other I}ine Grinding Plating and Repair Work 210 1. Washington St. Telephone 2904-HM LOST Fl;RNsI hD three rooms 2nd blath 1 for the sutmmer. Available afterI J xnef 7. $40 pf-r mnt. ear Pack- ardl and State. Cll2016-,T between 5 Yan d. 7 ). -Il. TWO SNLE roomsw1lllighted, at- ts'tl vlfished Iin )rivate lionme. No sokig. Pice reasonable, 1018 lEast Unierty Ave. Phone{ 123-~. IVERY DESIRABLE 2" room light,'IIJIII~IIII~IiIIIIIIIlIfh~IIiI~~iil~ii house keeping suite for 2 people,. convenient to campus and hospital. I Phone 3422..' T H ' ATRA.CTIVE single room, south east : .ection. $3.60. Phone 3211-W.G1 .EYLUN # OMFOR GIRL students or Bus! - ' ness women. 517 E. Madison, phone 3.307-J, .FS-iIadS GROCERIESStOPals COLLEGE Special Cof fee. Still 35ic 600 ..LIBE.TYSand at '} 'Al.,E E (1W( HtV, 516.Es Wiili'nns sSt.Fat-F nt ISIOVEiR r 7### 7 *I ######I!##it lI 111#11# ###1#1##1##d Il TI( aches r WSCELLA1(ESOUS RUGS SHIAMPOOEID or dust clew-ed. tAnn Arb~or Carpet Cleauing W(,rks.. Phon~e 50. Superfluous Removed 1'ermianent1y 1)y ELECTROLYSISj ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE 13y apppointment only Phone 2267-R. ORDERS FOR ngravinig should be placed now to avoid~possible delays atnd disappointment: .0 D. Morril, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter &Stationery Store. PA~Y A VISIT to L. G. G'oss" green- house Geddes Road and see our good perennial and annual flowerj plants. Delphinium and Acquilig,- eas two and three years old now ready. S*.-a. - .MIPARKER I)UOFOLD lpen, name on~ FOR SALE barrel. HI. J. Deason, 408 East FO ~.1Washington. Phone 2172-J. 111l2 Street--Twelve rooms, income LF . - LETON CONCRETE tennis courr" fifty dollars a week. Let us show_ Tuesday night, a watch and fob. you this property and give you price# Please return the fob. Kopf, Phone anid terms. Will stand investigation. 2649-J. wt (htkhind Ayeime--Ten rooms oakj COPY OF Copeland's "Problems i 1finish, fine condition throughout, large Marketing". Reward if returned to lot, garage,, the terms are liberal. I W. C. Schwer, 603 E. Washington an Serv VACATIO V 71 .. w. w . _ . _ .... __ __ _ I.. Whnere are you going to board? Y ou will get the best meals prope-r balance and variety, and save money ine the bargain. Varsity Lodge Dining Hall 611 Church Street Read. The Daily "Classified" Colun RIBNSEY '& 11LEIJlE Phone 1194-R. 413 E. Liberty Street ALL MAKES. Agency 0ioodsi~ock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- Ilug machine, Line-a-Time copy Iholders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone '866, downtown No. 9 QAnn viArihnr qC.-. D, 1.-r 'Mi.1- GREY SQUIRREL choker, lost in or near Majestic. Return to 825 E. "cSiwi)crlorService" NI-W'SPRLING hoMery in chiffon .and hecavier grey anti tan shades. 1 8 Nickels Arcade FOUNTIAIN PENS RiDE:R'S REPAIR SERVICE is un1- oiualed. Rteal work~manship and one flay- service. RIDEiR'S Pi SH-OP 302 State Street NOW IS the- time to get yo~r portable Victrola for the canoe trips. -See Schaeberle & Son, 110 So. IMain St. PORTABLE PIIf0OOOAPHI, $23.50. JTact the thingl for your sing out- ing trips. Easy terms if you wislh. University Music House. TYPING promptly done at reason- able rates. Mrs. Hirsch, 551 Church St. Phone 835-M. TYPEWRITING and mimeographing promptly And neatly done by experi-j a'enced operators at c onsiderate prices. 0. D. Morril, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Station- ery Store. SHOE REP A1lIN Full-soles a Specialty. Put on lasts ! and treed into shape. :Made to look like ne6w. Give us a trial. Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Factory 534 Forest Ave. SHIOFS REPAIRED "while you wait, Fuloll soles a specialty. 0. G. Andres' University, 1656-R:.N-E 3.59 IPER WBEK; $5.50 WITHOUT BREAKFAST - I DRESSMAKING & TAIL~ORlNG IExclusive collegiate styles for E young wyomen. Needlework of all kinds. Experienced w, 'rkmanslilp. lw }MRS. R. T. REAM 411 Thompson. Phone 2768-'W. ' ____ ____ ____ ____ _ S ENTERTAINMENT On your way to classes-or on your way home. - e ;,: "TIlE; COLLEGE MA1IC'IAN" rCarry all student supplies-Blue-Books-Note Books Engagemetns Solicited from Frater- I - Writing Paper--Ink--Pens--Etc. nities, Sororities, Clubs 'etc. 927 S. State Phone 2727-R. YOU 5L LK ORST NOTICE - CALLING CARDS, Wedding An-Ir M- T ~f TOw nouncements, etc. Orders given E prompt attention. BIIDJ)LE'S BOOK ~Uiest STORE, 11 Nickels Arcade. _ 1111 S. Uiest WANTED TO RENT or for the whole season. Phone 284. - USED CARS 1923 DORT SIX sport model; copmli equipment; excellent condition. 1___J11z~ E+ast Hoover Ave. Phone 3517 F-1. W . w_____ Of the highest and best is here to aid I us in serving-our safe deposit vault assures you of ample secutity for your valuab~les. investment; in fF arn cers rdM caisB n a RAider Qtttyy 101-105 S ,.MIa'n St. 330 South -state W O y ,r '-s ,c ro trq p N fns :n~y1 .ii , y " ".. ii a''«s o ~nrl° .a ia i"ri i+ a /wrr E jJm wil py o i i-t111'ST SCRANTON COAL-ALL SIZES Empire Anthracite, $14.50 ton Absolutely no impurities, low in ash, high in heat units. Pocahontas Lump and Egg Kentucky and West Virginia Lump. and Egg Terre Haute Quick Fire Coke - Produced solely for domestic purposes.. -OFFICE' - CORNWELL BLOCK Phones 81 -Fl1 and 220 7 Corll el Coal-Coke :. Canoe lNOR BANJO nd case. Used btt very little. $24.00. Pay as you play U'niverslty Musics House. I a sc SONiANDLIN'as lw is $13.0 Terms if you wish. University, ;Vlisic House.- Z jLLS L or rent large house wvitlh ccommodations for 24. Suitable onr eith;er fraternity or sorority. ,. rplendid loca tion. Phone Mrs. HATS Spring millinery for women at mod-' oratie prices. ANNA:F. WESCII 20(6,-L.iUberty cSt., Phone 1390-11 t FN ]LEMEN .All jokes aside come in and get a re ,l Honest to Goodness pair of shoes made to your order.. From~ $8.50 and up. ANN ARBOR CUSTOIX:I SHOE a FACTORY Z ,'. . Phone 159J Tor Yours 709 N UhniversiyAme., ECIAL RIDING I o or Ladies or Gents for a few days, nIly at $15.00. naeto your -m asiu'e. -AN~N AR- )Olt CUSTOM S1I3OE _F1ACTORY. Phone 37.2-MT. -j S4UDE14BAKER .LIGHT SIX roadsterk 9i 23. Disc whell demonstrator, ful- ly equzipped. Bargain, cash or will. celIl on time. Phone 2558 -or call at 207 E. Washington St. X3LI t' ReKdlSun Room Set, Walnut dining table, Queen $,25.00. Phone 3417-W. $25.00 Aznne, NOTHING is better 'for a gift than a really beautiful Chinese Rug. To !)e had in table mnat sizes at $5.00 up to carpet sizes. Mrs. H1.13. Mer- rick, temporarily 818 Church. WANTED STUDENTS desiring work for sum-! mrvacation can arrange for an atz tractive sales propositon by calling Ion 11. W. McMullen ait the Michigan II Union Saturday Morning April 26th,j from 10 to 12. COOK and asistant for Camp workI 'during July and .August. For fur- ther information call Robert Brown. 179., . t r l i . 2 terest as long live. The same pen will be a legacy to your grand-children. Sold and Serhiced as you R S T, I Si ANNUA L 10 ROOM HOUSE with double garage one F. U. $13,000. Small dlown paymnent. Call 617 after 8 p. m. LARGE LOT 200xl6t 2 -cellontly located on Cambridge and 'Olivia. Will divide. Cash or by Rider himself PENS NN.OIVI DUALLY FITTED IIl terms. 1003 E. Huron. Phone 909. 1 ' n ~ U~~ ) ~' " eUr Isz 6 r.u c ___________________________ Good condition. Phone 189. EVENING GOWN worn once. 538 Tap- MIIAR AL-IKE orsl _____________________________ at original price. Call 3003-J. L. C. Smith Tpyewvriter in good con- - -.-..- -.. .__________ edition. $25.00. Calla th Gas A FE~W positions are no available Off ice. 1 to youing Women who can qualify S o BARGAIN: Full set of Ludwig drums !ditions, meals at cot, with clean 302 State #st Call after 4 p. m. 1925-W. work, permanent. Michigan Bell S0-11 , FCiIfNTelephone Co. c-o Chief Operator, Perz Specialists ix room house near car service, ex- adMi t cellent location, large lit, garage andy DISHWASHER. Ask for Mr.. Foster driveway. Sinfonia fraternity. 514 hop Oak floors, hiot air heat, cistern, sone Street. fireplace, every other convenience.f R eal value at $8,000. Small pay-! ment down. Iliff X1111 1 1i~~dt[111~ 1lll lllillt1U1I1Ii1~~ JARKENS & SON Realtors 110 E. Liberty St. Tel 345 Evenings 2596-J ! ESDNE ON FIERDON Road, Due to an error in yesterday's ad it was erroniously :;teas. heat, four bedrooms, double sttdta=u eore r 7000 nodrta h garage. x$12,500. Phone 3017-W. -sttdtaoureorear$700 . In rerhtte ______________________a ;public might always know the truth we wish to state that at ~ Military ball. Call 2866-M. the present time our capital is $600,000. 1922 FORD COUPE, driven 16 months 191'3 Studeb'aker Light Six Roadster, MICHIGAN MUTUAL SAVINGS ASSN. dilsc wheels, bumper, motormeter, and other accessories. Tires, uphoist- !!1111111111111111111111U -11NU11J#11111iItlll11111 ryandi finish in finest condition. Ths a h s.behdiv nbyacaecarlllllllhallll11111111111b1111e11111111dr111111ren111111111by1 fu driver. A smart appearing car " atasaving of several hundred dol- tars. Call 2558. Wa 'htenaw Mot- SPECIAL BREAKFAST 11 II AU I.ORJL EARL V. MOOR E, Musical Director CONCERTS 'AM 21 -2a22324 11 lOii , . ii O A1 l ii AIM Ii .. II" 's Galv en EN NY IRUEGER, Munich, Berlin and Madrid Operas - Soprano DIJSOLINA GIAN'MINI, American-Italian Concert Star - Soprano SO P IIE BRASLAIU, Metropolitan Opera - - - Contralto SOPHIE BRASLAF;, Meropolitan Opera - - Contralto TITO SCHIPA, Chicago Civic Opera - - - - Tenor FORREST LAMONT, Chicago Civic Opera - - - Tenor It STARS FROM MANY OPERAS IN MANY CITIES 'VICE NTE BALLFSTER, Metropolitan Opera I OYVA L DADMUITN, American :Artist - C'ESARE BAIIONEO (Chase Sikes) La Scala Opera SYLVIA LENT, American Virtuoso - - - ALBERTO SALMI, Distinguished Artist - - HAROLD BAUER,. a Master Player - - - PALMER CHRISTIAN, Well-Know* n Artist - THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNITON- EARLYV. MOORE, Conductor - TH lE CHILDRE4' FESTIVAL CHORUTS, GEORGE 0. BOWEN, Conductor - THlE HICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FREDERICK STOCK, Conductor - Baritone - Baritone - Bass - Violinist H -arpist - Pianist - Organist '0 - a o ices INSTRUMENTS HARP VIOLIN PIANO - ORGAN ORCHE STRA CHORUSES or Co., 207 E. Washington St. 0 vening5. WfIIL SELLA MY $1800 baby gr piano, like new in every respect $800. Might consider 'good tC upright as part payment/. Traver St. )pen a randve IAfter The tforE1*t.Sr*iN/F1 3 Y~TT~11 1229 , at the 500 Voices LA P INAVE RA (First Time in America) C'&' A TmtI? 'rf/T~r..a- m in A vn{n - - Respighi 4