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April 24, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-24

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Gets High Post

Fraternities And Sororities To Hold
Jlou -e Parties IniHonior
Of Event
Special arrangemenents whlich are ex -
p)Ected to colurIiete the pro;gram a
rane for Mother's Daey, to Ihe l~e.(d
May 1-1 under tme auspices of the Su
dent C'.i~tian association., inclhui,? a
gathering in lliii! aundioriuni .3t hichl
Edg-ar A. (sue t. we11ll nown pot,,,o W
on the staff o; the Detroit Froo Press,E
will give the principal addres;s. Mr.
C uet 1has not asa yet announced. tie
s'ub)jct for the talk:.3
The prog ram nfor Mtinher':s Day is
br^ing organized b;y a commnittee ]leadl-
ed by Dna d Wd'liams, '2{i, comnsisf lug
of TIarold 8.teele. '2, omner ilatten-
d'or l, '25,.Frank1. Daily, grad, Ellura
l arvey,' '25, 1Frieda Deikoff, '21, Helen
Brownz, '25', and Ruth Rankin, '2G.
MaV~ny of theo fraternities and sorer- !I
ities on the Campus have signified
their intentions of holding a Mother's'
hous3e party on the date mlentioned1,
and it is hoped that, as this is the
f irst.' attempt that has been made to-
wards, establishing the function as a
Mlichigan tradlition, all of these organ-I
i zations do all in tAeir power to muake
it a suceessz.
The Mothiers are expected to arrive
in Ann Arior Saturday, May 10, and in
the afternoon several ;groups will
maike tours of the ca mpus and other.
,Ilrces of interest in the city, special
student guIides being proitvided for the1
pu<rpose. Therm. will ble a dinner that
even^Iing for all of the Mothers and
thecir sons or daugh9ters. althoughl the
ex act "Lwc^ al' which this' will be held
hias not been decided upon.t
AU churches j-5arcs to i',,jve lMother's~
Dayi servsices in ilace of the regular 1
serevices Sunday m~orning. artd in the
froo.n the meeting in Hill aurditor-
mmzr wi11ll -n held. Otbrer fe Iaures'e
wich w ,ill he preseted~ at this flan-c
eton will.PI'li e anpoinced itil at
Inter date; rrhis meeting will close
the program.

Siie rs('Cover I,i))Miles Onl Sprilng
Trip 'I' ire ugh N ojilerw
f\~~I UIA 'iIV11 EVE"[11ION S
1Breaking capacity records at Mlar-
cquette and1 Midlanid, andl Singing be-'
__fore fu+_ll hostes I7Pin gt othe'r imnpart-
at i t ci t itcs of nlortliern l:Michigan, the
,n;esty C i 0)c ob 'lleoted its{
trip AMondayt%,-ig:hL makliing its final
al t~la anrceat Flint..
T'he entire trip covered aIpproxim-
atey l5OJ iile;.The club' was en-k
'thuisiasticaItly received by alum-ni and
civic organizations andl was well en-
tertuineTd upou the tripa. At Frankfort
and ('heyb;oygam baniquets were given
in thir honor, Land at Ito a cll, Cadillac,
Menorinie, I renwoodl, Marquette, Soo,
r\Midlaudl and F1Mlntda'nces were given
for the cluab after thle lertor miaIces.
) R. Winifield Adams, soloist, was de-
~clared the outstanding star of the trip.
li1e was accomipanied by Booth's or-j

!Drawngs O Eigteent AndCoachies tGuests of XMIin
Coaches Yost, WIiman and Mather3(e ir~l 'im I 1
I\ i ee nh/e oi tunes and W. H, Hattendorf. 'N t, captain of' W-eka! hamer(ifcomer
1 ~~~~~~~the track team, were guests last Tites- 1645 ' TN65.. 45 da&ih.o hWil n C a be ra:a .n
____Az . Fm, 45 I, ropic
Pook ilua7trratioihifrom vil-:iuc 01 xvs i beginning its long and Jaw- Commerce at a banquet given to the 1°t>,booh 9 ht Aduan.
1 ht lat eighlteeth ad he nrli rnet cernrt h U C (a1ei'Milan high school baske tball teamll
century' , soinf 1)11pe;oi ~e '" '~l the hest examiple o1'f #tiAddi~res;ses were given by each of thiem
( 1 w;g thin 2VoCe, ran"iitkL111l ; Ui' Jus Sket('hesinPtthe col'ti'ti',Tinte~rspersed ib ty 1talk ; 1"r ll lamn
bumnor, :sketches and (ai'ticto ii iA viPlus~ration fronm a ConiIi W;s- ----$155 Roundtrlp SCOT
fashionll i tes 111nd plitical r'i t c 7tOW oa Rom:, ',showing lIunm I, >a. l$155 RounditrlP ENGI
frrn an inter s IngI ; ui unalsiit a ndlsockied infant wiii t ab i e G ~ H H 190 Roundtr Iip FR[$
bit aL it> ~~iovse in cone- hand and a sworin it I; G "No,+ Non,1 iI).y N 'anette",$216 Roud!drip GEI
Practically all o" 1l)e picture-, r sanl }) efore the ancients of "6daiorEglnFa
en for the exlhii~ are the w o r1s of ' r" 2ge, :nd vowing, even at Mlat Nlf~tW MUtSiCAL COM'0Y1E.;KUE'L1
t wr.i-aiown fEngiisb il; it 1* )r ' '' ' ,Is vundying hatred or Rowe. ld,031W l ealuty ('1411r1S Steamsisbp Agt. >

1 nI 0i,1ii there ii one ( )11112it lIP.
fWr'm of a fsinprefo "'
slady'si lo~k 11' hi(L i lw % ei t I :r1 1 1
stlow a ('11aillttype ot0 womlzhl ll, ;>4
ha tl', probably pvui r1a.; on
sportl-%olencl it 01 1801ml(n! hit
k 1) VlOf1hi I :containi :n theJ)W Intl
014);'l( Y.v beginning wih smP,.' Go!'
1rv' 1 1udol ph Ackerrma 11 ncii and p ,"<
iu~ l :oug examphe~iof ca r'e: qIire
1) T 1 1 Ol;'k:hnk, nd 1 ; in 1*'
,Jt)?l ,c1ii Ivi' E5li" l d~i '-
ntol, o 1 ' I un u'",''. \' in i that 111;''V li' e

. ~'d ,, e si
Reconmm.end!ation by Senator A lber
Cummins, of Iowa, won for Albert ,
Pearson, professor of modern langt
ages in the C.niver' 'ity of Iowa, _ti
post of United States minister to Pc
land, lie succeeds Hugh CGibjs


Traffic Halted
s P olice Seek

ir,-e' i 1'1 1 C0h aks the Ctl 'u t ion in2 '
hu o'usart from the brutalities anld ;I tlI 111:11Itll ltIilt111r t11#1iIIll~tIIIiIfIiIlI~iI;"Si li II~II
con,; meess of an older period to the =
gentler satire which is preferred o
''I" eeXhtibit.Colita ins three good ex-
ipi :)i(- of, the w ork, of William Hog- , '.,eU,
iur~ith, who is one of the befit-known w heNe
s rt ists represented. The display also p . I t1
contains some political sketches by .- flf. r +d
Johln lDovtle and some cartoons of E gf
Nap11oleon executed by .James Gilira~y
P'atron ze Daily Advertisers.-Adv. I n-codne~ihte noic t4y
7 opening on MaynardStreet i ct i
,-.Michigan Daily, we offer you Fta toll
high grade -merchandise at or cao..L
I prices than you have been accustoi ,d L.,ay
[PLS ..ndAthetc nd
New Pattrs 'FineQuality ARROWFSiirt
tale StreetTH NE
'bor, Mich.
3Ed &bHADY"avilsToggery Shop
:nedc by (i32iyPmI1'd Street-- _lWrc i 13u ti ''CS I °,,'r . " 'a !
r 144 WEST 42"°SSTREET
S, CK~Olc1n En BUi itmo

transferr ed to Switzerland. Lai v iotatons
Give_ Dinner Dan ce I Police officers yesterday afternoonj
began stopping autominoles at street
A t UJnion Tonight iter.;ections and required drivers to
-- Ipr-oduzce their drivers' license. Tfraffic
Many reservations have already b~een was held up for some time at street
made with DIennis iDonovan, hxouse, corneirs in busiiuess districts while off-
mlanag er of the Union, for the dinner ficers conducted their examination.
dance from 6 to ' o'clock tonight in' The search to see that all drivers
the main (lining room it was atinounc- dri hers possess licenses is part of a
ed yesterday. The affair is~ the fircitcrus ade begun by Chief of Policej
of a, series wh-ich x will he ivei:i by the O'Brien and his men intended to make
Union for the general ]l1'tmb'I'5hilI) sore type street:s of Ann Arbor for both I
every Thursday night thle remainder of pc di;triaus and motorists. A state
the year. No extra c'harge is being; law lard";ides that all persons driving
ma.)de for the niusc. Dinner is $1, avhilpusearrwt he t
pte, the c ustomaery price. vehclenn itwchry iefhO'tre's ie-
Addition aal re rr tions ('an be ma cde cne n ti he 're' ne
t.ioni to SOCr that local drivers comply
todapy with ]\1r. Doni- ,- by member:
who wish to attend or to bring g uests \with the JtAt utec.
It's !rt~e, ffcicy l~v carp ah i ".T m'ui? tr- arltakcr". sells anythxing I
(Tasi~it.-Arta Vuicly ;- -'Av



T O Y H RTProf . G Ca rilvube, diector of the
Am tm cl h'l~oa toiesof tlhe ntedir~ I
,., ol+1 s~l w Ieijovr,tile, nextl 'of1h"
sei'ies' of mdicl' lctulres whl 1 ich'ar
being1)t given tihroughtouit lte:;"11mster.
I' lie w)1ll stPiak tat7:130 'clock toight
i Iilih" 3i If :R~ y Ot An;' t~on33hi et e
will"o-e O i~thelin, f Alyr
r'h ys.in the Hi'try fr n~y.Sr
ger~~'Aece 'j, ,t .Nichols N.
Aler, who i hAr~-t hoetrs
they , soul:,.b ,o' ratiitrest to
aniybody gned i ciuitif' 'work.
and espeektlly as ia' supllemeflt to theI
work being done in a numbiho of the
coursesi in the medical school.
I ---'-- ~r'11 Iji2 I
I There are several good olpena-
I usonltheodvertising Staff of
Th1, Da ]Y at ptresent. Anly stu-
i'dent interested in outlining ad.t- I
Iveising camailgns, condlucting
Ireseairchles, or illnwritling adver-
tisements may apply for th1ese!
1'po itions biy 'on lug to The JBusi-
n4 e pnrtment of Th- Daily
y d ~atar'noc this week:.
I There are only a litmited noun-j
I her of posit ons open, so 'tryouts
are urged to apply as soon as I
1 possible.
I (W ithout 1BreatkC3ast)I
' m1Iie HallI
Agrents IW'anted
F]. on c.'n count 0on,$10 to
$11' a day seliing this new ise
cc sory for Nord cars -SU'Rp;--0
GA'theo twvell riacive valve.
aksit implossible to run out
of Fas. Elasily installed. Every
Ford ownier wants one., Write
k. for onu' littoral proposition.
The otw ell company
0~3.1iLivernoi~r arvenue
Detr Olt. Mich.



W~~'w- - m."s'," -.

I c I I
Order You~r ,
+ ~~~100 (C.'zrds ~nd Plate 1$2175 d-ndI Up.' '
W"c "c Cal0S. fur?'tt" 1fplin.cd 0o' cngravcd an1 1no 1 unCccmcits
I ,_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ II
12S. Main St. Phone 1404
fs , XII' H

T" he openng-fa ea.utiful'



4! y, :7?




at -


South Pln Street

['1iousands of dollars h-ave been spent in rc'
mode.ing and in new equipment, thereby makingy
this the Mvost Beautiful, Finest Equipped, Most
Sanitary Rts.Ctaura nt in Ann Arbor!

-'WIGt.".. J 2






Fiest of foods- -both regular
A~.~ and short orders--wvill be

Mlodern i n every I -

u '

tomatic, Coolinpr



ordered on or


before Saturday,
March twenty-
nine, are here

T, d~i.
r rv.,Ice.

lBoth Counter and table

in after the theatre--orwi


Cre down town.

Have breakfast, lunch, dinner with us. Try Tour
seasoned meats--home made'{pastries.,
Stop in after the theatre fora
lunch or ice cream soda.

rTIaylor NM ade
SExtra Pants Reduced from ~
$9 to $2.50
SThis extraordinary offer open ,


--7- ---


I '' - w' ra W W A I-fr dn a . ^ II A &-%,I11

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