THE ;MICHIGAN .DAILY , ENGLISH FLYERS OUT TO BEAT U. S. LIVULIUbt DRUK~U BYDETROI T GROUP Republienn Convention rrases Dtnby, Jllicks 31e°110n1Taxat ion Plan BRAND CONCH 'S' MINOB.ITY A S " o l ] I ; L T M T E"etro it, A p ril 2 3 .- W a y n e co u n ty Republicans in convention here yes- terday endorsed President Coolidge aind the Mellont tax plan; praised Ex- secretary of thle Navy Denby as hav- ing taken the most vital act of pre- parednes in the Pacific; endorsed th,, bonus and branded the Cougr~ssional minority as political traitors. The resolutions presented for adop- tion at the spring convention of Wayne Republicans contained the above re- solutions in detail. Starting with aj suimmary of the satisfying conditions prevailing in the United States at the present time, due to Republican ad- ministration, (according to the con-3 vention,) with a detailed account{ of measures which have led to present prosperity, the Republicans then listed their endorsements of candidates for the coming election. An expression of faith in Edwin Denby was contained in the notes. Charlces Warren and Alex J. Croesbeck were named as delegates at large to the state convention to be held in Grand R;apids on MAay 6. A call for' all Republicans to vote in the next election in order to secure success in. the voting wvas made. The name of Couzens wvas not mentioned by the party. The cut in nationali taxes made during the last admninistration wad credited to the party with arguments1 given for the enactment of the Mollon tax plan. Newvs Of Indian Burial Mound I Bowles To Finds In State Reach MUuseulm I .C Speak A. Course Dr. G C. owlesof Detroit, is to Construction workers on the Pere of 1,000 Iroquois, in whiichi all' of the 11" th, prini pal spea ker at the last Marquette have unearthed a fine spec- inhabitants but three we'ore killedl or of a se ries of vocational talks to be mnofaIninbramonnarcarried wl wa. gien at 1 o'lock Sunday aVfternoonl ime ofan ndin bria mond ear The fir-t sk eletons founld were toi i aehll unde r the 'auspices of the Alexis, Michigan, accordling to word of amn oaadcll esn!vctoa eatetof, the student received here by Dr. W. B. Hindlale wooaf iwe h fn"Ltmaete Chi'st i"na s oci. tion. IDr.lBowles is the zoology museum. The dIiscoveory inumber of buried b 1odies rond170,c(1idre ason of the leadling auii ~U~kLI, VII i p o &i l, ti 1 J149. was reported by Calvin GoodIrich, at: present on the staff of the T~ield Bl1ade. A great number of bones are meni-! tioned as part of the find, toget her with a number, of implements and or- naments. Dr. H-indale is manking a r- 1 rangements to send invesia to rs to the region, but expected that 4the value1 of the find would probably be les;sened' by unskilled. investigation. This find follows on the heels of thle discovery of another large mound at St. Ignace which was reported to the museum by A. Riley Crittenden, pa: - tor of the St. Ignace Methodist Episco- pal church, and former member o L the Times News staff here. Rev. Crit- tenden reports that the find has not been investigated as yet, but is being guardIed to preserve it until experi-I enced archaeologists can direct opera- tions. The bones in the mound are crumbling badly, he states, and are difficult to handle. HeI has sent skull to the museum, which i ;)r._I lins- dale declares has been buidCon- siderable time. The large amount of bonecs in too mound fosters the belief that this was the burial place of Iroquois. Indians, perhxaps following some massacre, ac- cording to Dr. Critte-nden. He quotes fromt a history of Mlicigazn by Cla rke IRichard Tuttle regarding an attack- o, n the mission of,St. Ignace by banl l ofte iuntry, anm wiilgive an ad- DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING d Iress on1 "Dentistry.", 'PO flTT VO i ON LITTLE TN VESTMEN:'T Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. mm "W ihi W itisi plane wh-,Iieali is a0tseiiitiii g to beat the U. S. Iliens arou i idthe w c4-rld abov e) and below, its crew: Squ~ dron :lcoider XAi arena (sl-i ani g) Flyig Officer lenderel Ii, 1)iHot, and Ser-eant Anidrew s (right), Thfe g tetraice in the L,'Mtory of the worlhi is now in progress, Th c cou l rS blvo-vld itself. The rac- ers are I ytis-h "a.d('. Ai,,,canplaunes. TIme prize is the honor o)f being the fi rst to (1C) -ri~C h Io',e by air. Thle Biitis', ,l plne, comlmanded. bySquadron- LeaderN.Iac-aren ofthe RoOvi f;ead arigto oth- ers, is 1i}ink;b tl,(> yof EytJnkldia, CIna, Japan. Cani~aaand GCxr8eenn :], 1,w:h it l ried StalIes entrants in the r"ace, of which there are'othree a re g o ing in the opposite direction. Oficiailly, it is not a race, hoee.iris MFacl~z ren tuveilin. und or t_^c li r odes f the ritishgoV- eminent, as the Americam fliers are a n4 ir theirs. WHINEYAPRIL,26t v wDsI)~a~e C~dz, .1 IA'., 7LGR TcP1fR/ Wq CO/CD' It Is the Laugh Sensation of the Age, DON'T'-WHATEVER YOU DO--MISS IT!1 MAIL ORDERS NOW Prices-$ 1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 All Seats* Reserved 55 y . . L_ MUSIC A ND,, i , . i 'Ss ill hae;~rhg t ll '~ cormunonnlace character. n:Mr. r _; ei C hris<.- in selection, is to say the leas;:,mu- r dal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Jimmie the adtaker" sells. anything quickly.-Adv. Clemnt, l~oc (J .ofeducation at Notheser uivrsty hsbeen ap- ),ing cci~ Jrf F.s Bolt-ss o1 edIucation in the Puiersty.acording to a statement f~otthe oft'ice of. the presiden . Thie ratnfinent will be effective Sept, 1. ;m' W a ~pi1 2.-----John Adso15t i i r i Bloomington, April 2':.--The 2ii of Indiana" in pageanrtctrm wil lb(. shown at the amphitheater on May 7 as part of the University's centennial celebration. IIIIBUI U' Cyesterday afternoon's twilight organ u~r~unrecital. This mray sonund lTike a fac"e- FOR H UM IILLII iU he aftiI ~ lrt' a!bard a goodly ,ainuhor of concerts in; which the wiork of the mnain performer (Continued from Page One) was anything but outstn~nding 3acli's "Prelude a nd Fugue", in TiE Dar. Lee R. Dice, curator :^f mtaua1-miogae r.hitanhebsop mans in the museum, was grante6d: i orunity fr. dilay of atiest.p- leave of absence for the summner to pl>ayed the grand, but simple, first carry out researches in Cob o.opjssaC, n a nanner that waspea- Carl L. Hubbs, curator of fishe sm ij e t.ftFi e ad ,i.' zont 14u ciiet iVY museum, was granted a leave _of At: a n4?Mlb n at ' tl'u run~t sence during July to direct a survey of tht it was music. r :ointhe bolder th~e fish fauna of tlme Au Stable, PiQa gd lstimnrJ4i hcnl) os t ,y1Pef o age System. opening passage:, Mr, Chr£stian C"ha j Ruth Rouse, assistant to p,L -N W to h IT in' j 1,0,i-c 1X. frl dH. Lloyd of the Gradf4tte hd'Mj i t? Las ~zactjfgll qrFBILV N iets . . 'Wa appointed recorder in the 10q Fl£ Wagne's'Tannh11au't1.ser" overiture1 is uate scholby the ~ 22 The Chinese Student' 11A1: nce ofis i long _I' orous a pir, .and the forth America will bpol i #Nfftectm UL ne iswlhli f~i. ia ' in AnIdborthean orchestra w.ere .plamg ir-' annual conference i i rr Sea.A; r; mbnts"ad 'eek of -'September 4, it 'waes an- Csted. Ati ),: th witr'st"Grayd Cho -- n tecedh li n Thune Pn-meichat ~a ~it ,wa i~vrnjii:p-E o anti ttrong ThePanAniric~n11ighwy ('.1- r'endifo'n. which make; it rathter easy mission, investigating Americn high- forThe iselel tp n7i-lhe a horus ways and highway transport PI; gUests' singling. - of the Highway Education boar!, wlM -Aford in gs)ea i 1tms1 b sal)or spend a dlay at the University!, early in 1, ChuItitiiY , progr,.. There is June, in recognition of the Unive'- somiething l* ot?;th17ftli,11lVr311Of or-' sity's accomplishmuents in thisfie ld. ,gan play°ilin h 1i"2Me00u tink he 11 I y 0 o'11 ' . i~.h FQRGEWTHOS S'OL LEiE'tAYS .;,I YOU TA E .,U NCE71A G REGULAR PRICES PHTOG AP F C L T E'.x4 0 RA " ,. ,. x T~~~YD O Bud~get Adopted The Regents adopted the budget of I_ the University hospital for next year amounting to $908,747. The degree of bachelor of science in architecture was granted Florence B'. Robinson, Grad. Degrees of bachelor o~f science in engineering wero czmn- erred on' Earl C. Friel, '24E, andi Charles V. Berry. The degree oif doc- tor of medicine was granted Clarence H. Crego, :Jr., '24-M. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. _ __ r w :.sue.. . *.M...o.+, e .. .w J,- - - _.- .....,...,,,,,,,,,,,,......... w......w.. . .-..-... ,. . .., a i . ;.. t . . ,. ,; First Showing In Ihe Worl ALL TALKING , ABOUT! f,. " TONIGH6T ONLY4 DUSTINj - ......- ........ AGE WANTS- Her eyes glance to the right and to. the left. Which one should she choose? 'The old man, serious and forcible, who yWANTS her, who offers wealth, position, title? But the youth also desires her, and -his hopes are high., And all life is :like this- yours and mine!I f /. { ,. 4 . AnOiiarti,& Sad YCoa and Hoad.Hgi Directedrb ~NH HARy I~ BEUMOy AnO~ia (tentu ry. I' STARTING TODAY 2:00 THRU SATURDAY 3:30 SL8. s30 loftt dieU de i1, 2 t- . T -" - "WHT;ou:ca't~hear iublyay,-or I Desire, Longing,' Rivalry, Conquest / 4..^ : .-.. ,. . " . " _ .. .. . t y - 5 } _ x « rae "C1 1. . 4 X" jG . fz C haumberlain earned this, you can do the sanme~ sell- JIzi'rY ENIMEIENCY MUITD, CHAINS-during your vaca- tion. vr automobile owner is aprospect You don't have to jack or pry your (-ar to put them onl. A wonman or child can (lo~ it '. .. E 1 METRO MASTER~PIECE I) ftj;1 FOR THIE LVE OF A WOMAN AND TO AVE~'NGE A 11 ! UMIZI!, F 'AI i i ti I nmRAF-eSabatini Metropolitan Presentation Orchestra Doubled ii:e Carol and 1t~ ~r i6f 'r Q r 1y 1 1 fit 10,11EA WI T~Wf Alic e -t ejrra GOLBE T KY ~Nlgh-ts 7:00-8:31 Allt Seats 55 (Except Boxes) ?ictur 'I i i M , 11 I imm a