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April 24, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-24

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:4I hIll


VOL. XXXIV. No. 148






Union Operas To Eliminate
Jazz From Musical Numbers,




That the next Union opera is to
have as little jazz music as posslible;
anilthat the troulble with current pop-
ular musical rendition in general is
that it runs everything into the same
mould-are the statements of E. 1.
Shuter, Union opera director.
Believing that the large majority of
musical comedies are too largely
characterized by jazz music and that
a musical comedy does not necessar-
ily have to depend upon the rythm of'
jazz for success, Mr. Shuter has be-
gun the production of the next opera
with a view to having its music origin-!
al and cl'aracteristically American.
"There is no such thing as jazz music
perse," says Mr. Shuter.
To illustrate what he means by pro-
per music for the musical comedy, Mr.

Shuter point to the music of "Sitting
IPretty." This kind of music will live,
he thinks, and will be a real factor in
the success of Union operas.
Mr. Shuter attributes the popularity
of jazz music to the competitive spirit
of jazz bands and orchestras and to
those personally who play in them.
"Today the premium and high salary,
gontto the best music, but to the
one who can perforI the most starti-
ing individual stunts or who can most
violently distort the original score.
"There is already some evidence of
the return to a purer, more original,
saner form of popular music, or more
precisely, the way in which it is com-
ing to be rendered, and the time may
soon come when it wil be no credit
to a show to say that it jazzes its
music after a distorted fashion."

Defends Own Action In Signing Oil
Reserve Leases As Being For
Good Of NatIou

Diemocrai tic Senators Call Bill "Gold
Brick" and "Miserable Makeshit"
In Present Form

Tennis players and athletes
who; wish to ;use Ferry .field for
1practice on afternoons of base-
ball games miust bring their ah-
letic' coupon books to gain 'ad-
mittance to the park, Harry
Tillotson, business director of
the Athletic association, an-
nounced yesterday. Varsity ten-
nis players are excepted from
this rule.
This step is made necessary
through lack of a fence between
tennis courts and the baseball
field, and the only way of secur-
ing admission to the games isj
at the main entrance. The
regulation will go into effect at

Representatives Of P7 Iniersities
Expeted 1o Attend Sixth
Annual Convention
Morethan2 deans and adisers of
mnen from colleges and universities
from all parts of the country will be
in Ann Arbor today for the sixth an-
nual conference of deans and advisers
of men which begins here this morn-
lng. The meetings will extend through
Friday and Satutiday.-
Problems of a nature confronting
the deans of men will be discussed at
the various convention sessions which
will be held in room 308 of the Michi-
gan Union. Registration will be held
at 9:30 o'clock this mornifg at that
place and at 10 o'clock the first meet-
ing will take place, at which time Dean
S. H. Goodnight of the University of
Wisconsin will speak on the subject,
"how can a Dean of Men best Serve
the University and what are the prin-
cipal and typical functions of a Dean
of Men?"
Burton to Address Deans
At 11 o'clock Dean Thomas A. Clark
of the University of Illinois will ad-
dress the convention on "How can the
Dean of Men come into close personal
contact with students in a large uni-
versity?" Both of the morning talks
will be followed by discussions. 1
The afternoon sessions will be op-
ened at 2 o'clock by President Marion
L. Burton who will give an adress of"
welcome. Dean Edward E. Nicholson
of the University of Minnesota willl
give the response. Following these,
at 2:30 o'clock, will be a talk by Dean
Francis F. Bradsh'aw of the University
of NorthCarollna. He will speak on
"'Vocatonal Guidance, employment
work and other forms of personn-el
service-flow mdlch has a student a
right to expect?",
Con.dfng the afternoon meetng,
Dsap nt+ y Ctlteof Pudue ini-!":
versti11 speak on "How can tu-.
dents be stimulated to greater and
more lttelligenlt interest in problems
of the day?" Abuiness-meeting fill
be held-at 4:30 p'clock
.Dseusses Fraternities
iollowing dinner which will be giv-
en by.the University of Michigan in
room 318 Of the.Uion, the deans will
attend a smoker at the University club.!
The -program for Friday includes
several talks on such subjects as the
relation to the- university- of frater-..
nities, what scholarship requirements
should be attaied by fraternities be-'
fore they are allowed to initiate new
men, and student government pro
ems. The deans will be guests of
Dean Joseph A. Bursley at dinner to-
morrow night.r
On Saturday morning, the universit-
ies' representatives will hold a round 1
table discussion and in the afternoont
will attend the Ohio State-Michigan
baseball game as guests of the Ath-l
letic association.£
Many Schools RepresenIed
Those men who will be here for tIre
three day conclave as anounced yes-1
terday by Dean Bursley, president of
the associaten; are: Dean Robert
Williams of . Albion college, Dean G.
E. Ripley of the University or Ar-
kansas; Clarence S. Yoakum, director
of personnel research of the Carnegie
institute of Technology, Dean S. A.
Johnson of the Colorado Agricultural
college, Dean P. G. Worcester of the
University of. Clorado, Dean Floyd
Field of the Georgia School of Tech-
nology, Prof. Edward D. Diment oft
Hope college, Dean Thomas A. Clark,
and Fred H. Turner of the University
of Illinois, Dean J. E. Foster of the
Iowa State college of Agriculture.
Dean Robert E. Renow of the Uni-
vyersity of Iowa, Dean C. R. Melchr
of the University of Kentucky, Dean
Albert K. Heckel of Lafayette college,
Dean Edgar E. Brandon of Miama uni-
versity, Assistant Dean E. B. Hill of
the Michigan Agricultural college,
Dean C, P. Stelmle of the Michigan
State Normal college, Dean E. E.
Nicholson of the University of Min-
nesota, Registrar H. H. Armsby of the
Missouri School of Mines, Dean C. C.
Engberg of the University of Nebras-
ka, Dean Franiws F. Bradshaw of the
University of North Carolina, Dean
W. G. Hormell of Ohio Wesleyan un-

versity, Dean Frank C. Spencer of
Olivet college, Dean Howard McClena-
han of Princeton runiversity, Dean
Stanley Coulter of Purdue university,1
Dean L. H. Hubbard of the University
of Texas, Assistant Professor . L
Richmond of Toledo university, Dean
S. H. Goodnight of the University of
i~irm tin an nlen T Miltnn Vance



Conditions In Social Strata Make
Human Race Unrest Says
Prof. Pitirime A. Sorokine, noted
Russian student of revolutions and ob-

Regents Alter System in School of
Education to Harmonize With
Literary College
Entrance requirements of the School
of Education were altered so as to

server at close hand of the recent up- harmonize with those of the literary
heavals in the Russian nation, gave college at the first session of the
sthe secosd lecture of his series at 4
s Board of Regents' April meeting held
o'clock yesterday afternoon in New- night
berry auditorium, speaking on the sub- ltd
j~et of "Causes of Revolution, and the graduation requirements in the school
etof"Cuse of Revnoltinan thes were changed to 120 hours credit and
PYerversioni of Human nature in Tlimes
of Revolution.", as many points as hours, this to take
Professor Sorokine e:<plained in his effect in February 1925.
address that througho't all history the The Regents also adopted the con-
conditions of social ;erata have been nittee system for organizing the sep-
the foundation and the tnudamental , arate departments of the School of
reasons for the unret and the dissat- Elucation. Under this arrangement,;
Isfaction in the human race. "From department heads as such will not be
the beginning of time, the few who appointed, but the chairman chosen
were able to climb to the topmost by his department colleagues will
strata were the subject of the envy serve in that capacity.
and the hatred of those less fortunate,.,g m
- and revolutions came as the'inatur~al ('hange l3tarking Sy steut
result of these conditions,. Both in the literary college and in
"The conditions -of this system nmay the Scho4 of. 1ducat0io tbe m-a rking
best h-e explained by the- use of -a system was amended so 'att for each
chart, where a triangle.is- evided into hour of "E" grade no credit will be i
four or five strata, the top .represent- given And a "minus l"'point miust be
ing the aristocracy and the rulers, made up
By natural laws of mankind, the e.1 Dr. Warren Forsythe of the Uni-
people deserve to be in the lower. versity- Health service was granted a
classes, while those who have ability ]nine m'onths' leave of absence begin-1
but are not where they belong will ring October 1. He ywill spend theJ
strive to undo their more fortunate Itime instudy in John Hopkins- uni-
fellow, and place themselves in thei versity.
positions. And in this hfndamental Drs. Cecil Striker, I. H. Friedman,
fact, in this fundamental statement of and H. V. Dwyer were appointed in-!a
conditions, lies the true reason for the.r
existance of revolutions." structors in internal medicine. Jose
Professor Sorokine explained the Hermann was appointed laboratory
reverse effect that the Russian prop- assistant in internal medicine.
aganda has had upon the institutions Prof. Charles B. Gordy of the en-
of the Russian nation, showing that ini gineering college was named lecturer
every instance the things which the on industrial management in the
propaganda called for were sooner School of 'Business Administration.
or later done away with. Wilkins Gives Books
The next lecture by Professor Soro- r Dr. Ross Wilkins, '78, of Detroit has
kine will be given at 4 o'clock this presented about 50 rare volumes to.
afternoon in Newberry auditorium, the chemical library, it was announc-
and his subject will be "The Influence ed. R. F. Becker, '26E, and Milton Wi-
of Revolution, and the Biologic Corn- I and, both of Grand Rapids, have
position of the Population, and Tits given to the University a flying boat !
Vital Processes." 'his will be the f the "Dep
of te. Dp" type. W. 'E. Burleson

Muskegon, Michigan.April23.-- I Wasington, D. C., April 23.-(By 1
(By AP)-Abandonment of the pri-C
-nmanes and return to the convention AP)-The senate following in the foot- -~---------- --
system was urged by Edwin Denby, steps of the house, passed the sol- n
former secretary of the navy, in an ad- dliers' bonus insurance bill today by a
dress at Fremont tonight. Mr. Denby majority sufficient to carry it over
also expressed himself as opposed to ajridty iaento T rryvetIovs 7
any amendment of the prohibition en- a presidential veto. The veto was 67
foreement laws---"unlessit is to make Ito 17.
them harder to evade" and reiterated President Coolidge has declared I
saton egilaton re opeulE WI1NS OPENERH
his defense on ehis part in the naval against a bonus but proponents of this
reserve leases. His address closed
with an unqualified endorsement of particular kind of adjusted compen- Wolverines Forced Into Extra Inning
the administration of President Cool- sation legislation are hopeful that it Contest to Defeat
idge. aPwill meet with his approval. Before Aggles, 1-0
"I think the direct primary system it reaches him, however, it must go to,
of nomination has outlived its use- conference for adjustment of minor FARMERS ARE HELD IN CHECK
fulness and should be abandoned," the differences with the house.-I By THREE MICHIGAN HURLERS
former cabinet officer said, adding Assured by Republican leaders that
that while serving in the state legis- they would vote to override a veto of Putting up one of the best games
lature he voted for the direct primary this bill but would support a veto of they have displayed here in years,
a cash bonus measure, the senate the Mich Ag i 1 in
congress four times under that sys- resisted all efforts to ad a cash option.
tem. The test on this question came with to a 1-0lscr arsity aseballteam
"We voted for it then because of the the rejection, 47 to 38, of an amend- : F -erry field
flagrant abuses that seemed to have ment by Senator Copeland, Democrat,Tu'a
corrupted the convention system," he New York, which would have left with The only run of the fracas came
said. "Neither system is perfect but the former service men the choice of after two were out in the extra in-
the convention system is preferableI full cash payment, or the insurance ning. Bachmann opened the frame {
now, in my opinion. If in the future ? certificate provided for in both the by grounding out to third and Jack
abuses creep in we can change that senate and the house bill. IBlott followed with his third conse-
method." Many Democratic senators who vot- cutive base on balls. Haggerty forced
Touching on his resignation from -ed for the measure in its present form Blott, at second when he hit to theE
the cabinet, Mr. Denby repeated his denounced it as a "miserable make- hot corner and then Dillman was safe I
defense of the signing the naval oil shift" and a "gold brick" and formal { when the second baseman fumbled his
reserve leases, maintaining that in sr notice was given that at some futurej grounder, Haggerty taking second.
doing he was acting for the best in- time efforts would be made to amend Herb Steger then broke up the 1 game
terests of the country and providing it so as to enable the veterans to get ,by hitting sharply to deep left, Hag-
an oil reserve, easily accessable to the , cash. -gerty crossing.the plate.
navy, which would prove of great - On the final vote on the bill, nine 'lAlthough close, the game was ra-
value in the event of war. Democrats and eight Republicans op- ,er slow and uninterestig rThe
1pored it while,33 republicans And 321e lwaduineetn. Te
posd i whle83 epuliansand32Wolverines had several chances to
Demorcats and two Farmer-Labor sen-
IS atrs suppor ted it. score but never took advantage ofI
ELLIOT WIII ORE_- - them until the final.inning. Time af'teru
tIme a Michigan man would get on
theWpath only to die there when hisI
ammates failed to -come - through
Iwith the- necessary swat, with. the re-
suilt thatMichigan had nine men left
Miss Lucy Elliot, a iember of the . on base during the contest
executive.committee, and chairman ' - - -The' outstanding * feature - of the 1
the publicity committee for the Detroit -Changes have been completed in the Maize and Blue team was the pitching
alumnae, will be the chief speaker at publications offices in the Press build- of the three different men used in'the
a second meeting of the city divisional ing during the spring vacation box by Coach Fisher. Stryker pitched
chaarmen, and the team captains,,which have entirely altered the for- the first two innings before being re-
which is to be held at 3:30 o'clock mier arrangement. All publications placed by Jablonowski, who had been
this afternoon at the Women's City i now have a larger floor space and a slated to start the game. Stryker
club. more unified system. yielded only one hit and Jablonowski
At this time the 200 captains, will e the athletic association during the seven innings he worked
be given final instructions for the or- transferred from the Press building on the mound allowed only thr
ganization of teams. to the Yost field house, the Gargoyle I ,g
According to this method, it is ex- and Chimes staffs were moved into moe, giving the Aggies the small to-
Accodingvactes]offces nd teirformr (tal of four scattered hits. Benson,
pected that the Detroit alum-nae. 1200 te vacated offices and thei forme who worked the final frame for th
in number, will be canvassedi for thea offices merged into the Daily space. wowre h ia rm o h
University of Michigan League sub- The Daily now occupies the entire east Varsity, sent the Green and White
scriptions between May 10 and May end of the building, a much larger down in one, two, three order.
31 S and unified space than was possible (Continued on page six)
The Special Gifts committee will before. The Michiganensian offices --

Limit Tug-Of-War to One Pull
Annual Underclass Spring
Prospects of a cheering section c
the fifty yard line at the big foo
ball game next fall in which eve
student in the University will have
right to sit were discussed last nig
by the student council and a comm
tee appointed to confer with the At
letic association on such a plan.
system whereby the students may s
in a body at Fery field, with the chee
ing nucleus a solid block of men, a
other section devoted to women an
other students, attending with friend
arranged in order of classes, will -
aim of the investigating body.
The committee appointed, which w
cooperate with the Athletic assocl
tion and the Board of Directors
that body, is composed of Dona
C. McCabe, '24, Robert C. Moriart
'24, and A. B. Connable Jr., '25.
The following plan was discusse
by the council and will probably 1
the basis upon which the committe
will work: all students and the
friends as far as possible will be gi
en seats in one of the stands, eithe
in the north or south one. In the ce:
ter of this stand will be -a cheerin
section composed entirely of men st
dents and open to any male student o
the campus. Any man sitting in th
section will also be given his regula
allotment of extra tickets whichwi
be in some other part of the fiel
The women will have a similar se
tion in which they may be togethe
under the same arrangement. Tlos
students not applying for cheerir
section seats will be given stude:a
tickzets along 'with their -extra one
somewhere-on the, same sidei of Il
held, as far as, possible, and will i
arranged. in- order of - classes. TI
faiulty will be seated with, the siu
dehts and the alumni ,and tax paye
will be given -the' stands on- theof
posite side of the field. This propos
will be investigated by the- anlointe
committee whi'ch will' confer with th
Athletic .association.



Discussed proposed cheering
section plan for football games
and appointed a committee to in-
vestigate the feasibility of such
an arrangement.
Announced the council nomina-
tions committee for the spring
elections and the offices coming
under their jurisdiction.
Adopted a report of the Spring
Games committe calling for one
pull in the annual tug-of-war and
the rope tying contest to be used
on May 9 and 10.

hold a meeting at the Hotel Statler on
Monday afternoon. This committee
has received a number of gifts for the
new building, concerning which an-
nouncements are to be made later.

!~ nvn baon M IIUYrU , fn ondUJOlniniA acn


last of the series, and will be open to
the public.
Schorling Speaks
Before Rotarians
Prof. Raleigh Schorling, principal of
the new University high school, was
t-he principal speaker at the regular
noon luncheon of the Ann Arbor Ro-
tary club held yesterday noon at the
Chamber of Commerce Inn.
Nominations for directors of the
club who will serve during the ensu-
ing year were received. The names
will be presented for election at the,
next meeting. The five receiving the
highest" number of votes will be de-
clared elected for the next term.
Michigan alumni living in El Paso,.
Texas. held a meeting and luncheon
recently for the purpose of renewing
interest of the alumni in their alma-
mater. It was agreed that hereafter
monthly meetings would he Weld.

of Ann Arbor basegiven a set of aero-
[nautical: tools. The Illinois Steel com--
Many . presented six reels of moving I
picture filns. f
(Continued on Page Two)
Strict enforcement of the new stop'
street ordinance will follow the erec-
tion of stop signs at the intersections {
of the through traffic streets, accord-
ing to Chief of Police O'Brien who said {
that all the signs would be erected
by Saturday. The signs are furnished E
by the local branch of the Detroit Au-
tomobile club.
The leniency that has been shown by
the police department to motorists
caught violating the ordinance will
end Saturday, Chief O'Brien said. In
most cases offenders were released
with a reprimand, but beginning Sat-,
urday a fine of $25 will be meted out
to drivers of automobiles who fail to
come to a dead stop before crossing a
stop street.
I "he streets designated by the com-
mon council as through traffic streets
lare Washtenaw avenue, Twelfth street,
Huron street, Packard street to the
city limits, and Main street fromi
Packard street to the city limits.

4I All men wishing to try out for the

nave b~een moveasto an adjoining space
and the aDily business staff has been
given increased space.
Contracts for tho completion of the.
upper reading room of the Union have
been let,'-and the inew roomi is to be



cheerleaders' squad are asked to re- ready for 'use by next fall, according
port at the upper reading room of the to announcement of Union officials.
Union, at 4 o'clock today. Those men E Contracts for the furnishing of stone
who have attended previous tryout for the floors of the room were let to
meetings are urged to be present. the Ann Arbor Tile and Fireplace
The meeting is one of a series which company, while Matthews - Brothers
will be held between now and the Imanufacturing company of Milwaukee,
end of the year, and from the men at- Wis., will furnish the woodwork for
tending this series of meetings, the the room. The furniture and numer-
varsity squad for next year will be ous fixtures will be bought at a later
selected, date, probably in the early fall.
Nominees for varsity cheerleader on The completion of the new room
the ballot of spring election will be was made possible recently by the
chosen at this meeting. A cheerlead- gift of Mrs. Edward Waldo Pendleton,
ing committee from the Student Coun- who asked-that the new room be call-
cil will be present to judge the can- .1ed the "Memorial Library." The work
didates. of completion is being arranged by,
the building committee of the Union.-
ARPBEINGIn Battle Creek.
Dr. John SundwalL of the depart-!
Republicans of Washtenaw county nient of public health, Dean Allan S.
in convention in this city yesterday h of he E u tio shooland
unanimously adopted resolutions re - Dean John R. Effinger of the litera-ry
questing that the Washtena s county#college were guests in Battle Creek
Republican delegates to the state con- yesterday of Dr. J. H. Kellog return-
inr to the citv lst night It is thle

New leads who have not taken prin-I
cipal parts in former Union operas,
or possibly those who' have taken no
part at all, are to be chosen for next
year's Union opera, according to L.
Mortimer Shuter, director.
The new leading woman is to be
of the ingenue type, characterized by
cleverness and vivaciousness. The
part of the new male lead is not to
be unlike that of some of the more re-
cent operas.,
Tryouts for cast and choruses are
now being conducted by Mr. Shauter.
Men who wish to try out for parts in
the cast will apply to the director1
from 10 to 12 o'clock in the morning
and from 2 to 4 o'clock in the after-
noon at the Mimes office.
Men may try out for places in the
choruses from 4 to 5:30 o'clock today,
tomorrow, and Saturday. Three types
of choruses will be selected from the
tryouts, the "men's pony" chorus, the
members of which are to be from five
feet six inches to five feet seven

The cotucil nominations comm
tee for thetspring elections was r
no uncod. It. is composed of John
Kelly,.,'24L,. president of the Stud(
council; HarryD. Hoey,.'24, man,
ing editor,. of The Daily; Thomas
Lynch, '25L,. president of the Unic
Hugh K. Duffield, '24, and Donald
McCabe, '24. This committee m
nominate six senior and six jun
candidates for next year's council. t
candidates for council president, a
S two or more candidates for the pc
{ tion of Varsity cheerleader. From i
council candidates three junior a
three senior councilmen will be ele
Petitions for candidates for any
these offices, except council preside
will be received by this committee i
til Wednesday, May 7. To be consid
ed a candidate. for either a senior
junior council position a man m
receive the namies of 15 percent
the students -enrolled in each colli
in the University on his petition.-
the case of petitions for prospect
cheerleaders the nominations conn
tee reserves the right to approve
disapprove of the- candidates prese
ed as it sees fit. Petitions cannot
submitted for the office of cour
IA report from the Spring Gar
committee was accepted by the co
cil. It announced that only one

inches tall, the "men's"

Chorus in-


The DENIZENS, Aristophanes
Chapter (The National Humor
Society) have appeared before us
en masse and requested repara-
tions for so belittleing the august
society by placing the illustrious
ne, i in 14- .R_ WP mfikf

cluding men about six feet tall, and
the women's chorus whose members
will be about five feet nine inches
Wenley To Speak
At Kant Meeting

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