ri~ i F'FICIAL4 NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' Published every morning except Monday ri-wg the University year by the Board in ntrol of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorials ssociatiofl. The Associated Press is exclusively en- led to the use for republication of all news spatches credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and the local news pub- shed therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann ;Arbor, ichigan, as second class mtter. Special rate postage granted by Third Assistant Post- aster General. Subscription by carrier. $3.50; by mail, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ad Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 ann. 176-AEIBusi- ss, 96o. Sigred communications, not excceding 300 orris, will be published in The Daily at eo discretion of the Editor. Upon request, ie identity of communicant will be re- irded as confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 176.31 M4ANAGING EDITOR HARRY D. KOEY sews Vditor..........Rube 1R. Tarr. 'ditorial Board Chairman. . .R.' C. Mtorarity ity Editor............ .J. C. Garlinghouse Night Editors HT. Ailes A. B. Connable, Jri. arry C. Clark T. E. Fiske P. M. Wagner Opposition became prevalent in liter- ,, ary circles as early as 1890 when Ed- fJ uardo Prado wrote his "'American' Illusion" and Cespesdes, of Cuba, pen- ROLLS ned his "Monroe Doctrine." Pereyrai DOLLAR HALF DOL in "The Legend of Monroe" asserted I , QUARTER DIME that there it not one b~ut three Monroe Ej I KLE J. Doctrines, the last two of which tend 9 i -Y ... .... -.4N,.. _. ,.- ----Yesterday morning we saw Caligulaf toward a glorification of America ' withan mpeialiticpolcy wrkig Eand hie was all hot about this Duse de- ithclawnjmerilticplicySout mrk igmisc. Said he was going to celebrate in clodeatoneunction..All SoulhiAedr- ica'n intellectuals cannot be classed itidehlsvrs.W exand with this anti-Yankee group;; but! that we'd already handled it quite ef- nevertheless, the number that (10 corn- ficiently in deathless prose, baut he in- prise the group is sufficiently large to 1listed on going ahead with his project. cause. warranted qualms as to the Hee t s seriousness of the movement. The only reason whfy this movemrent T D;ead ii .Ptt UUnr teas not gained more headway than it From Pittsburg's cherry-colored night has is, undoubtedly, due to' the fact She passed, to pale celestial light. that Argentina' and Brazil have for Mourned with International° tears long been at loggerheads in their. poll- 'the tragic qu~een of many years tical and industrial rivalry. Because Gave up the ghost IIn Pittsburgh. of this they have not been able to col-1 +an overtones of moth and rust; laborate upon any definite policy. A priestly, murmured "dust to dust"- But smothered beneath their piolitical Rmneadpsingv e li smroke; there; is, in -each country, aI To almost legendary fame. red-hot coal of antagonism. The fire; She passed away burns hottest in Argentina. The re- Ii ITBRH cent aid extended by the United States -Caligula. to the Brazilian navy served to mat-** erinl iaiin 1111 R C Ar ~pntinian 1'i k,.inn + ''WOr.ts Editor.. ........Ralph N. Bers Woen's Editor...... .....Wicna Iibard 1 ri Editor ................ Ruth A. Nowell Aslsistant City Editor..Kenneth C. Kellar Director Michigan News Bureau R. G. Ramsay Dramatics Editor ...Robert B.' Henderson Assistants Louise Barley Elizabeth ~iebermann .N. Berkman R. S. Mansfield Norma Bicknell E. C. Mack Herman Boxer Veiena Moran' Helen Brown llarold Moore .W. Cnrad Carl Ohlacher Berna dette Cote Hyde Perce G. W. Davis Andrew Propper Harold hrlih Marie Reed J. W. Fernamberg Regina Reichmann J1 0. Gartner diarie Schraud~r Sadybeth Heath C. A. Stevens T. P. Henry AV. Il. Stonean Manning Hlouseworth Marjorie Sweet Emily Hie Frederic G. Telmos. Dorothy Kamin N. R. Thal Margaret Keil W. J. Walthour Lilias Kendall Herman Wise Joseph Kruger BUSINESS STAFF Telephone "0 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVR1! Atvertisig......... ....... L. Dunne 4 vertising................ Perry M. Haydei Advertising.......... .....W. Roeser Advertising.................. . E. Rose Accotits ........... .....,1 L. llae 4iTCUlation ,............C. 't dy lublicaton..........awrence 'Pirce Assistants' C-. W. Cmpbel N. E. Holland Bennie Capln M,°I. Ireland Chas. Champion lax~nld A. Mazas ?ohn Coni Byron Pa ker Louis Dl,1 1exter A.. Seidman I seph f. 'inn Ceo A. Stracke S)avid A. rox 'R.. C. Winter Lauren Haight WEDNESDAY, APRIL.? !3, 1924 "1ighit Editor-=HARRY C. CLARKI I'THR' ^- A Father is pretty busy these days, in the rush ofv spring business yet he n ver oggetA that weJpo e chek.the !first J 6each roth.f, i ° ay b1.. pressed for time, beset by' worries, hurried by business affairs, but he never forgets the sons or daughters at Michigan. One of Michigan's finest traditions, Father's Day, is set for May 16 and 17. Now is the time not to forget Dad. Hie is not in touch with Ann Arbor af- fairs; he won't know there is any such thing as Father's Day unless he is told, and told soon. Business men cannot drop everything and travel about the country on last minute calls., Write home today and tell Dad that he is wanted in Ann Arbor in less than a month, so that e may plan the visit and be 'certain of ar- riving on time. A five-act show, golf at the neigh- boring country clubs, a special section at Capi Night, and numerous house parties are being planned. The Union expects 700 guests. Every effort will be made to entertain the fathers, but alL this will be of no avail if Michi- gan's sons do not do their part of the advertising. Father has not forgotten you-re- member Father :and his visit to Ann Arbor, May 16 and 17. PAN-AXIERICAN PROTECTIE PAR TICIPAMION It is a question as to Just how well the present day situation that exists between the United States and those countries south of .the Rio 'Grande is generally understood. The popular concepltiq~ seems to be that of a ti- tanic eagle spreading protective wings over a covey of doves wo are huddl- ing close to their champion. Such, however, is far from being the view point assumed in certain South Amer- ican circles, Our Monroe Doctrine, originally a protective tenet, hasf now reached a stage of being highly reprehensible in the eyes of many South Americans. T'he United States is severly attacked in both the political and intellectualI ern~il inreae igennna irccin !PANTA REIl and at the same time it somewhat mol- lified that of Brazil. The Daily fice, during the recent TeUnited States has promotd ied pleasant interlude, was completely re- emany attempts toward Pan-American-viean enlarged, and now we no ism ut one aveincrrednotblelonger feel at home in it. We come iues. bTheonenhaenilelradonotbein-sort'of preoccupied, as befts our succbess.nThe Dcernenih el ebras tiona station,. nd, planning to sit on the ofe thed Mon roeoct r inete ldltoastoyear CiyDesk for a minute, find oursef sereonly stto seti mattsint ofame-in a wastebasket. Similarly strolling chaticstte.Cerai potios f Sc-over to engage the Sports department rtary Hnghis' address were distorted1 in pleasant converse, we find oursef into out-and-out imperialism. being chaffered by- the Womien's Edi- For a quarter of a century Spain or and her underlings. has been active seeking more cordial Wo1Vrst of all, when we came back, relationship with her new-world off- wewr otlyuabet-oct u springs. Unassisted, she has been w eettlyual olct u erstwhile office, together with the sun- none too successful; but now comes' dry important ooks, documents, and, the report that Mussolini has agreed literary remains we had left there on to cooperate with Spain in this di- the sad afternoon of April 1. WhatI rection, all of which gives rise to a we finally did was cros off all the old host of speculations as to just what scores, pick out the best-looking desk~ the result will be.- in the office, put our feet on it, and If suspicions increase as to the mo- curse. tive of the Monroe Doctrine it is veryI Perhaps you have the impressio possible that the ABC powers will that there ought to be a few past turn to Spain and Italy as a passage of tenses in the last sentence,-but if you escape, although it is highly improb- scrutinize it very carefully, you will able that they would in any manner find that you are wrong., Just a merge their governmxents with Eu- wrong as can be. ropean ones. Such a prospect serves ** to bring home the advisability of the At a meeting of Denizens held yes opinion'recently expfrsed, that icon- j erday atrnoon, the following repr: tinued effort to promote goodl feeling was rea and acocpttl' b t iescey between, the America6. should be em- The rest of Y ie nani s ,~ie p1t. phasized by the modification of the ed in due coe se of tine~ Monroe Doctrine to permit po.tici- ; patiosn in-itby all Chose whorcse erni- tory t guards.-- -' P'chFi i in a certain widely read daily new- Ipaper there recently afppeared an arI I tile apropos of the new Immigration [..i et- rF .. ' S aid ' v"1 ~-wr we..y tax ri~in ; Ago{ At Vlichi an ~ cro' ted -audndd°tireretd deizen t fY '41fv-gan of Europe and Asia the United States . ........%peaceful, opulent, untrammeled, an Vxon 1~l~ ile ~ftli~U o M~Paj~yI roomt appears to be the lasts place in __ 'I". pih eadin~ his(a9'I sspected)° unscrupulous misrepresentation o The Lits yesterday took oratorical I conditions among brother Denizens i mxatters into their hands and madeI the Old World, I immediately cable good their threat of protesting the to the In Hoc Signo's of our capter election. Accordin- to the consti tuin V ladivistok, Pfufnsl, Chapaltepec tion a meeting of tl'e association mayI Florence, Italy, and the Punjab. They be called at any time upon written I replied unanimously by cable collec request of two members from each of 1 hat their chapters were never in the classes represented on the board. sounder financial condition, that mot- The request was made and according- gages on their houses were rapidly ly the meeting was legal and consti- being paid off, that, instead of being tutionaL. ioercrowded and underfed, they wer overfed and undecrowded, and tha At a meeting held yesterday morn- they had been hanging the pledge pin ing the fresh medics took steps' to- on te most proising young crop of wards organizing a baseball team. pledges yet. Their alumni, they asev- Scouden who played on his class team, erated,were never stronger nor mor '00, at Cornell was elected temporary loyal. The11ujab boys even decare captain. After the mneeting the camli- that plaits were definitely under wa dates went through short practice,- on for, the construction of a new house the campus and a number of men which would have 43 bathrooms. turned out. I eg to recommend, in my capacity The fresh dents also organized a! of chairman of a committee of one, ap team electing Rogers captain and pointedl to investigate this matter, tha Ward Moore, who caught on Ollivet this report be given the widest pos- several seasons, manager. A tax of sible publicity, in order- to counteract 25 cents per man was voted for the aty prevalent misconceptions as tc support of the team. the condition of Denizens in countries ______ other than our own. H-eavy hitting by Toledo and ragged (Signed) illurhisoiiliabe work by the 'Varsity tells the story. -In Hoc Signo. The feature of the game was a long I -hsafdvtwa wr oi h running catch of a line hit by Davies. presence, with the assistance of, and Flesher batted well making a single without malice by the above urchi- land a two bagger. Toledo played muchl son Mabie on this, the twenty-secondr better ball than in the previous ! day of April 1924. games. Taking this into considera-' (Signed) Wilfred Putshafel. tion the game tomorrow ought to be IoayPulc a god ne s te vrsiy wll ak (My commission expired last yea.) a god oe asthevarsty ill ake* -* * THE I 0 GAN E1A LY _ __ __ WDN" AY JP 14 $ CAMPUS OPINION I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AN AIATC VEW (~' ~lEGRAHAM'S BOOK STORES P11011-The Latest jTo the Editor: Iwsgreatly atmused ais well as jeauig . somewhat chagrined the other night Fauig S P R IN Both Ends of the Diagonal- at Hill Auditorium listening to the _____________________ "Great Asiatic Peril to the White FIC.'T IO~JN Races" so vividly described by the Honorable W. M. Hughes, the war A-RH MSBO KS O E tiepieminister of Atrlia..In- a feverish attempt to convince hisi audience the gentlem an fromn Austra-la r s re a g l o p eu i e a d-- imagination. He must'have been ith,.- DTOT In }}CJ[( eignorant of, forgot or, ignored a DETROIT UNITED LINES fwsldfacts in the pleading of EASis i1 case. a n,9Ia.i.ndATTENTION The truth of the fact is that the Exprtes: S ua t 9:10 ip. nd EL HOE U SC IB R lwhite- races have already successfully eveytohust :0T L P O E .i: I °i ^RIB C ExrssI a. i.. 8 a, in. and e4ruy w . excluded the Asiatic races from fie two hours to 8 p . m.i. of the six continents of the world. Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and' OF vi-ANN ARI3OR The few Asiatics who happened to every twoa hours to 8:65 p. i., remain in these chosen lands have 11 p. im.To Ypsilant+_ only, 11:40 p. M., 12:25 a. in, and 1:16 a. in. I The date of rendering telephone bills Efound their conditions of life and op- ~BUDb ~ "ti portunity so miserable that thiWu- Lri Eds :~ N. aONDevrtw will bechanged hi month. brarstaiydcesganthy hours Lo : 1 p. m. Please read the important notice , soon will die off. For all practical pur-i Express (making local stop): 9:60 enclosed wt your teephne 'ill poses the so-called Asiatic peril is{ a. in. and every two hours to 9:60wiheenoe i. only imaginary, to be utilized by labor p. m." leaders and politicians. In the sixth Locals: 7:50 a. m., 1:10 a. nu~ continent Asia, the home of the Asia- _________ MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE Co. tic, the white' races, by means of mil- itary conquest and "Peaceful Penetra-1 "tions" have reduced Asiatic sovereign- i APRIL I ty to a small percentage of the Asia : -1T. ,'.1T. F. S. tic soil, and they are eternally hungry 11 -- for what is left-iron, coal, oil, and the 6 7 H 9 10 11 12 tLord knows what not. To-day the1 13 141 1 16 171S819 British, the Trench, the Russians. and 20 21 22 23 24 212 6 (f -a e even the Amrericans, all have their vi 28 2 30 C{fO £a~ share of the spoils of war, or more ',SPit1N4G HATS RAJJ i properly the ;loot of international save a Dollar or More at Our I akes you to@ & w ope hold-up. Absolute exclusion on the -i- stor -aW '.jone hand' andI eternal "Open-Door" on lg t('Ih'a ' 'YorWOLE smmerfree IIt-1 y e the other scenms to lbe the policy of the -lIlRll~il \ e gi-ic 1~rc1ee iwhite race. Until recently the Asiatics «'ATday hT TOR:I pp U 17 PackardYti«FASOR >.cltodays arovehsrEurope o ee t~ I have suffer'ed like the good Nazarene i leeD.~B phone 192 tw otst e elgipea e (WeeP.i.R Stops at State) gtara~lms tle i who taught one to turn his left cheekI marvelous art treasures-her gay, fasci'. c1 while his right one is smacked. TrulyTh t asth etemnfo Asrla- inating cities -her stirring events. h saysmptheGgentleman fromsAusralia "Their ways are not our~ ways." if _______________ OlmiGae-tercstEso i the doted Australian for one momentI CHEAP LAWN GRASS and Deauville-the British Em~pire Ex- t puts himself in the other fellow's Ours is a seed store. We carry hibition-these are all great numbers r plac ,, his Anglo-Saxon sense of Sus-I all kinds of seeds. There is a on this summers programn. 1 tce nd airlaywil prbaby cmpe demand for cheap lawn grass tseadfipa il rbbycme eed. We supply that demand 3him to see the situation differently- b furnishing low pmiced gras- You1r.E'xpenrses Were he a-Cinese, Japanese, or' a ses of good quality, meaning by, Hindu, he - worid have to agree with that, purity and quick sgroWth. can be kept down. $15 akes you over the, Asiatic student who uttered the"" ayr~~a~~qe eodcJi q iet ~ Cm f~oiI ds, in a recent ;issue of xei o;pie rasse 0~ps lowiii. w r ; v it: i-Ilpay i na:to luy it atr 5gt } a fps f'i i "n '' Students Monthly: or toe..utbecause weca-$-° c atons h "hle j r 4merica talks vehe - - ry he finest and most expensive it. -ft e king 0 lnmdtso t after n entfy of the so-called Yellow Peil, f 'grasses is -no mi~eson -why, wei ee p7o1w ttofrta8r teAitctioshvfr eai, shouldnt have the other andti,, 1 ( ("how ' tat( v ies, sfee rmMooe itue.W r idel eits. " 1Th' dei athe geat the iati:,*( ihos avefo dtaot0- i Crcup tourers what ai~~ uz+.h4sr t tt 3lil rel. Danger from ihe they, wat- and Beal at the pmi e tewrd-h oei-h lmi Yellow races, you say? What absu l- they c animford to pay. Olr "--ity worlde Homler g~i-t lyic f itl What, could industrious trad fig 1 e moo ; J lc4Y aonale. -Ors~ie6ftli~st~ uo and agric ultural countries do to (u- ertohegodlws Weae niusfrou uts=.ea ontis 1dager the, seiUri tyfthie- Whites who --- sare ever s-li~wing- Thei- "= teelt> and HARRIS SEEkD- STORE- 1whose crowning glory is might, Whseff- A~nr il5higtoAt i Ffth Ae. 1pride is militarism, and whose thil rst is , I zterritory,? llow Veril there is in- ! , al AkfovracI;yof' 1hn rle i ti p. onot f- the R adPthe Xan Ads ' i 'ic tfl js iwe rayswrc ,f ~es~rlgI__________________ ~~Ug nd wherethe itrest- reliyoftoa."Te sitcst~-I! ing eents of te Auro Ya d ot od y' heIia - :_ _ ,___ __ ___ _!__++__ ___ fan season tak , ace, ijust share of God's free land, but [ T E uoro" and "Cq'mfor swould like, however, to plead a;; al I Et 1A'X I in Second Clas". downtrodden worm would have picard- i TIlE (1,1'13 LUNTtCh "- "" ed on me no 12 Arbir Stre*I " d4Sir, please tread one o ol'e, Near State ai Packard Streeli i tW aull. -811. ____ ___________-__ ADRIAN-ANN AUB*IIC B13S Li A IN 9 Central Time (Slow 'l'ime) eTY~mh I . ea Char her of Commerce y MRcNLi a u.Lu REATREWeek Days Sundays__RmLim_1___aft" _Uft 45 A. m. ~6:45 A. m.f (o(84R1(1 StAi7 At18{rQRPkt 1x 45I Ii-* m. :45 p. I.M.JR~L S ! . H EKLLIOTT, Popritr 2- UII L( son.. -F M Aot It has been my dubious, privilege during my short and dubious care1er to see some dozen produictions bear- J ing the seal of the famous D~avid Eel- asco, and with thme obvious exception - tof "The Merchant of Venice" not one-0f Cs 11f l''utGothRegardlessRose" ofllCost I Doctor," "Daddies," "The Auctioneer," f a "The Return of Peter Grimmn," and no Kii-cud tndfr ,moet L H ED on their own merits as legitimateI dramas. All of them have been mount-E ed in the most elaborate realistic man- A TOPCOAT is a necessity, no other wtiy amound it. We hav~e themn rainproof d so they ner, costumed with. lavish extravag- can be worn for a raincoat when you nced one. Loose box 'backs-plain-in greys, overplaidls, 1ance, and played by famous and in- e!c. Also belted models in tweeds, ctc. The mrices are extremely low. Priced at $13198, famous stars of recognized calibre. $16.48, $18.48, $19.95, $25.58. 1 Such a formula, unquestionably, brings inmediate and gratifying mna- ( terial results from the wily-nily thea- Outdoor Clothes and Shoes Knickers ten mob eager to suck in the latest Leather Jackets, Knickers,. and Breeches fo r }sensations. But the fact remains that whn r.Beaso asben ntusI Men and Women. All at ridicuously lo-w, and Brecches,' for Men and Women. Every -l.astically lai~d in his grave and his' prices now. Hiking Shoes, High-Tops, Mloc- one reduced. A Special at $3.69. All ma- I laudatory obituary comes to be' writ- casin Shoes, Rubber Boots, etc., are all need ten it will be discovered that he has nw nfc hy r eeste.ter ials, and size. 'contributed little or nothing to the t advancement of the American or any *other kind of drama, and has to his tl -credit only the piffling advancement of} several surface "stars." I 1 As for "Kiki," it is merely a repiti- ! Slickers $4.48 up; other,; from $2.98. This sale icclud cvc.ry coat in the store. All re- t ion of the eternal flattening of farce duced and just when you need them most. Think of it! And get yours now! -toward the final curtain. Like "Justf -Married"-although the two are not inj ALL SIZES, FOR MEN AND BOYS rthe same class at all- its first act IOO was very near genius in every respect, B a k t~ A t o e ,C n e B a k t i i i every effort possible to capture the fourth and last. Everybody ought to I I comne out and get a line on the men before the spring trip. Michigan defeated Chicago and won 'the Central Debating league champion- ship yesterday when a unanimous vote Iwas given Michigan by the judges. Michigan was invincible in every form tion that Michigan had. The .Judges of :each day's manu- scripts will be dear kind Mr. Cowles and two members of the rhetoric de- partment yet, to be selected. The Iprizes, which are to be paid for out 1of the treasury of that eterling or- Iganization, DENIZENS, 'will be as fol- lows: I FIRST PDIZE..... Blue ribbon SECOND PRIZE...... Red ribbon THIRD PRIZE...... Just a ribbon 1 No 'member of the staff of the Mich- igan Daily will be allowed to enter the competition. field. Politically we are represented as entertaining imperialistic designs to- Already the hair cutting fiend has made his appearance and as a result I