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February 17, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-17

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L. XXXIV. No. 99







The Week's News
In Brief
The following column is a sum-
mary of the news of the world
during the past week. An attempt
has been made to present the
most important happenings as
briefly and concisely as possible.
The Senate passed a resolution re-
questing the Immediate resignation of
Secretary of the Navy Denby because
of his connection with the Teapot
Dome oil scandal. The President re-
plied: 4'No official recognition can be
given the resolution." This lighning-
like rejoinder to the Senate's dcanand
made politicians gasp and fair-minded
individuals smile.
"I am a republican, but I cannot
shield anyone because he is a repub-
lican. I am a republican, but I can-
not on that account prosecute anycone
because he is a democrat." This is'
the way the President summed up his
stand on the whole Teapot Dome bus-
Both Denby and Fall have now be-
come involved in a new scandal over
the attempted leasing of certain zv-




Stalker, Mrs. Johnson, LaRowe
Take Part in Meeting in Hill


University services at which Rev.
Gauis Glenn Atkins, pastor of .the
First Congregational church of De-
troit will be the principal speaker,
will be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
Hill auditorium under the auspices of
the Student Christian association. He
will speak on "The Everlasting Real-
ity of Religion." In conjunction with
Reverend Atkins , E. T. Colton of
New York, N. Y., will deliver a short
address upon the present movement
fOr European student relief.
Reverend Atkins has written a num-
ber of books among which are
"Things That Remain", "The Maize
of the Nations", and "Pilgrims of the
Lonely Road." In 1915, he was
awarded the Church Peace Union
prize for his essay on International
Speaker is Historian
After graduating from Ohio State
university, he entered the University
of Cincinnati Law school and also re-
ceived his degree from that institu-
tion. He then enrolled in the Yale
Divinity school, graduating in 1895.
He is also a historian, having been
head of the department of history at
Mt. Hermon Fitting school. He first
entered the ministry as pastor of the
First Congregational churchsat Green-
field( Mass., becoming later, pastor of
the First Congregational church at
Burlington, Vt.
Crocker t Preside at Meeting
Mr. Colton, who is to be the second
speaker was formerly connected with
tie American Relief administration!
in Europe and is at present engaged
in delivering a series of speeches con-
cerning existing conditions in Eur-
ope. He plans to return to Russia in
the near future where he will take
up relief work again. As national
organizer of the Y. M. C. A. in Russia
and Siberia, he is well acquainted with
the situation in those countries.
Lionel Crocker of the public speak-
ing department will preside at the
meeting. Dr. Arthur W. Stalker of
the First Methodist church will read
the scripture lesson and pronounce
the benediction. Mrs. Grace John-
son Konold of the voice department
of the School of Music will sing, "The
Voice in the Wilderness" by Scott and
Philipi E. LaRowe of the school of
Music will play the organ.
College Athletic
Philadelphia.-Yale won the annual
swimming meet with the University of
Pennsylvania today, 46 1-2 to 15 1-2.
Yale also won the water polo match
63 to 9.
In winning the 200 yard breast
stroke event, Phillips, -.Ale, made a
new intercollegiate r'.ord of 5 min-
utes, 64 and 1-10 seconds.
Annapolis, Md.-The Navy beat
Washington and Jefferson here today
in basketball by a score of 54 to 27
Chicago-Indiana University wrest-
lers maintained their position among
the leaders in the Western Conference
by defeating Northwestern University
wrestlers at Evanston today, 10 points
to 4. All the matches were won on
Cambridge.-The Harvard fencing
team defeated New York University
here today winning 7 bouts to 2.
Princeton.-The University of Penn-
sylvania defeated Princeton univer-
sity's basketball team with a score of
23 to 22.
Cambridge.--Harvard went down be-
fore Amherst here tonight in basket-
ball. Score: 27 to 24.
Hanover, N. H.-Cornell beat Dart-
mouth here tonight with a score of
32 to 27.

Obduracy of Employers Hampers Ef-
forts to Forestall Action of Well
Organized Dockers
London, Feb. 16-(By A.P.)-A
strike involving 120,000 well organ-
ized dock men which started at noon
today will arrest the port work of the,
whole nation, and if it continues forI
any considerable time they also make'
idle another million or more men con-
cerned in auxiliary waterside work
and dependent trades and industries.
This docker's walkout is likely to 4
prove much more inconvenient to theI
public than the recentrailway strike
in that prolonged cessation of work
at the docks would prevent the unload-

Faculty To Give
Twilight Concert
Chamber music in three varied
groups will be presented by the fac-
ulty of the School of Music, assisted
by Nicholas Falcone, clarinetist, at the
twilight concert at 4:15 o'clock this
afternoon in Hill auditorium. They
will offer the following program:
Quartet, A minor, Opus 29, by Schu-
bert; Allegro ma non troppo; Andan-
te; Menuetto; Allegro moderato. Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood, violins;
Mrs. Marion Strumble-Freeman, viola.
Miss Ora Larthard, cello.
Quintet, A major, by Mozart; Alleg-
ro; Larghetto; Menuetto; Theme and,
Variations. Mr. Nicholas Falcone
clarinet, and the quartet.
Trio, D minor, Opus 32; Arensky;
Allegro moderato; Scherzo; Elegia;
Finale lallegro non troppo. Mrs.
Maud Okkelberg, piano, Mr. Lockwood
Miss Lparthard. The public is cordial-
ly invited to this concert.
('onference ( hampons Beat, Iroli r-r

Failure To Reach Agreement Wil
Result in Democrat Majority,
is Opinion
Washington, D. C., Feb. 16.--(By
AP)-Republican insurgents, wh
hold the balance of power in th
House tax fight, offered to compromis
with organization leaders on a 40 per
cent surtax maximum provided nor-
mal income tax rates are cut in half
The offer, which remained unaccept-
ed after two conferences, was accom-
panied by a threat that if turned
down the insurgent bloc would sup.
port the democratic platform for a



"ing of incoming food and raw mater- e Tank Men by 45-2 44 per cent surtax maximum.
ernent coal fields in Alaska. ials--a matter almost impossible for I Score To44ontine Discussion
And on top of all this, Senator Hef- even the most willing government to This, the leaders agreed, would
lin, Texas, comes forward with the he minister of labor tried his hard- FIRST N ME give the Garner plan a majority when
prediction that there will eiscl est to prevent the strike from mater- a vote comes next week on the income
ures in connection with a Texas land lsztngrvet tsthefom tr-o tax provision of the Mellon Bill.
scandal which will "make the Teapot the employers, especially those con- Michigan's Varsity swimming team Attempts of, the republican organi-
Dome look like a May morning zeph- n the of Ld I was defeated by the powerful tank zation to reach agreements with the
y.,nected withth portofLnn with- insurgents will be resumed Mondayv
yr. out success. squad of Northwestern yesterday af- althougt some ofh esedtoo ar
Having had ample notice of the ternoon at the local Y. M. C. A. pool. in today's negotiations see little
show that thpresent ices brea ike the ortauthorities have been Although on the losing end of a 45 pects of aneagreement.
are pflated beyond all reason bread nal mpe ther uadngmfes- to 23 score, the Wolverine swimmers The stumbling block seems to be the
areu infltdpbey nd llresn.dIt sell and make other arrangements toI insistence of thQ insurgents that the
should cost five cents a pound instead meet the situation so that there is performed in a manner most satisfac- psen o incm ets ratetof
ofhnine, accoring t te ice ofnot likely to be any immediate short- tory to the coaches. Northwestern 8 d ent )ict i haa pro-
wheat. In England, bread miade ofI;gan4pectbeutihlf ro
American flour is sold at four cents age of food, but, inevitably there will holds the Conference swimming cham- vision also carried in the Garner plan.
a pound.be heavy losses from perishable goods pionship and has one of the best water Sharp Encounters in Debate
should the strike last very long and . Representative Longworth the re-
Representative Longworth, republi- e icertain t s squads in)tsepcountry.yI
canleder treaen topu th Huseinthericestan of neesiedof ie One of their men, Breyer, is one of : publican leader who initiated today's
can leader, threatens to put the House , ' the fastest aquatic stars in the coun- "get to-gether" with the insurgents
on "gaslight schedule" if it doesn't try and in yesterday's meet upheld his declared later he was opposed to
get down to legislative business pret- reputation by winning the 40 yard free such a decree. He contended it
ty soon. ELE CTS Isivle, placing second in the 220 free would alter fundamental principles of
(style, and materially helping his team ,the Mellon bill which calls for a 25
It is estimated that approximately Ini win the relay event. percent reduction in normal rates
18,000,000,000 ostage stamps will be Out of the eight events on the pro- and a maximum of surtax of 25 per-
used i this country in 1924. gram Michigan won three first places;cent.
and furnished closer competition than As the negotiations between the two
Herrin, Ill., boiled over again, and Agreeing in no one name with the the Purple expected. Wittingham of republican groups proceeded, the
militia had to be called in. The bre'w list compiled by Bishop Brant of Ho- Michigan pulled a big surprise when House devoted a third day to general
was a mixture of Ku Klux Klan, bart College, President Marion L. he ploughed his way for a close vic- debate on the revenue bill. After
Knights of the Flaming Circle (anti- Burton has selected Theodore Roose- tory in the 200 yard breast followed seven hours discussion, marked at
Klah organization), the fanatical drys. velt, Henry Ford, Thomas A. Edison by Eislen of Northwestern and Mal- times by sharp exchanges between
warring bootleggers, and alleged and Orville Wright as the four great- veiner of Michigan. democrats and republicans, a recess
crooked politicians. I est men of the twentieth century, ac- Kerr swam a great race and brought was taken after which the House
cording to a report made public Fri- another first place to Michigan in the plunged into a night meeting, the first
"People think," said the president of day night. 150 yard backstroke. Captain Kearns of the session.
the Herrin Rotary club, "that when In making this selection, President contributed Michigan's third winner
a young man graduates from high Burton remarked that while the pub- by doing the plunge in 37 seconds for
school here we present him with a .45 lic considered certain war heroes as a distance of 60 feet. Kearns finish-
automatic instead of a watch." the greatest men of the country, the ied ahead of Captain Dickson, North-
war is not yet far enough in history western, and Seidman, Michigan.
A death blow was given to the Unit- to decide their comparative merits. The Howell, who won the 100 yard free REPO1i To
ed States air mail service when the men named were selected on their style is considered one of the best tank il1 ___ HOU
appropriation of $1,500,000 for this valuable service to society. Mr. Ed- men in the country. He holds a world'sI
branch was killed. This action is laid ison, because of his inventive gen- redord and at the time that Wiesmul- Paris, Feb. 16-(By A.P.)-The com-
to the influence of lobbying by rail- ius; Mr. Ford for his industrial ach- ler, national champion, was unable to mittee of experts who recently re-
road interests who are opposed to the ievements and the sociological value compete, the Illinois Athletic club turned from Berlin where they in-
service. j of his product; ex-President Roose- picked Howell to fill his place. Gow vestigated the reparations problem will
volt for his statesmanship and ability Michigan, finished second in the hun- lbegin the formulation of their reports
A French paper said that Washing- as a leader of men; and Mr. Wright I dred with' Corbett of Northwestern on Monday. Dr. Schacht, president of
ton was considering the acceptance of for his creative achievement in the bringing up the rear. the Reichsbank is still to be heard
French West Indian possessions in! scientific field in the development of Dickson, Purple leader, won the 220 regarding the details of the organiza-
payment of her war debt of $3,000,- the flying machine. free style in 2:45 pressed by Breyer tion of the proposed gold bank.
000,000. It was then pointed out that President Burton added that he al- a teammate, and Papenguth of Michi- General Charles G. Dawes, chair-
the United States had to pay only most included Wilson and Lloyd gan. The fancy dive was captured by man of the first committee is under-
$25,000,000 for three islands when she! George in the list due to their ser- Corbett, Low, Northwestern, and Pap-! stood to have handed Monsieur Bar-
bought the Danish West Indies. vices to humanity during the world enguth taking second and third re- thou, chairman of the restoration com-
war. spectively. " mittee, a document containing his
A referendum being conducted by Michigan's relay team composed of i summing up of the evidence heard by
the Literary Digest on the Mellon tax; H Theyd Gow, Johnson, Kerr, and Papenguth his committee and the other experts
reduction plan shows 80 percent in oi Stand furnished lively opposition for the will do so as soon as they can com-
favor of it. The vote is over 500,000. W L Pet. Purple outfit in forcing Breyer, How- plete a draft of their conclusions.
Wisconsin ...........4 1 .800 ell, Dickson, and Corbett, to make 1:20 I,

The Day's News At
The Capitol
The prohibition enforcement ques
tion in Washington is again a matter
of controversy as a result of shootini
of Senator Greene, of Vermont.
The House adopted the Walsh reso"
lution permitting proceedings to recov
er section 16 and 36 in the Naval Oil
) reserve number in California.
J The Senate conferred the nomina-
tion of Atled Ponerne, of Ohio, as offi-
l cial government council in the Oil
leasing case that deferred until Mon-
day on .a vote Owen J. Roberts, ol
y The Senate adopted a resolution di-
o recting the federal trade commission
e to conduct a nation-wide inquiry intc
e the milling and banking industries.
Objections to confirmation of nom-
- ination of George B. Christian, Jr., to
f be a member of the federal trade com-
- mission was raised by Senator LaFol-
lette of Wisconsin.
Organization of insurgent republi-
- can leaders of the House at two con-
a ferences failed to reach a compromise
agreement on the pending surtax re-
duction in the tax revision bill.
Perfect Weather Conditions Make
Second Claish of Trip
Siecial to The Daly
Madison, Wis., Feb. 16.-Wisconsin's
hockey team, fighting hard for re-
venge, could not stem the tide of de-
feat and was agai overcome by the
strong Michigan six in a fast and
rough game on the lower campus rink
yesterday afternoon. -
The score, 3 to 1, does not indicate
the closeness of the game. The ice
was in excellent condition. Michigan
opened the scoring in the first period
when Reynolds, Michigan's center,
made a short one. When it seemed
that in the second period both teams
vould go scoreless, Beresford, Michi-
gan left wing, shoved the puck into
the Wisconsin goal.
Near the middle of this period Quirk
Michigan's right wing, lifted a long
shot into the net from nearly the
middle of the rink. When it seemed
that Wisconsin would again go score-
less Johnson, captain and left wing of
the Badgers, netted a short shot.
Michianrght widited a longs

I Nine

Players Used in Attu
Stop Fierce Attack of



Purdue bowed" to Michigan's cou
five in a fiercely fought contest la
night at the Yost field house, the fin,
score reading 34-20.
Both teams played an a good brat
of ball throughout the contest, Mich
gan endeavoring to retrieve her pa
two defeats. and again be in the run
ning for the Conference title, and Pu
due fighting to stay at the top of tl
ladder, were Chicago to lose la.
The Boilermakers used nine player
in an attmept to put a halt to tl-
Wolverine machine-like offense. Eac
team lost one player via the four peg
sonal foul route, Doyle leaving t,
game in the first period and Robbir
making his exit in the closing quarte
McWood took Doyle's place at centE
and played a fine game, aiding in ti
scoring with two sensational basket
Many Fouls in Early Period
Captain Guillon started the scorin
when he made good on two foul
Henderson and Haggerty lollowe
with a freeathrow apiece, tieing ti
score. Haggerty made good on at
other foul and then Spradling pc
Purdue in the lead 4-3, with a nes
basket. Robbins counted on a foi
and Henderson tied the score wit
two free throws. Kipke then secure
his only basket of the game, a hon
shot from the side of the court, puti
ing Michigan to the fore, 7-5. Fro
then on the Varsity was never heade(
although the invaders threatened o
several occasions.
The playing of both teams was clos
throughout the half, many fouls bein
committed. Michigan's eagerness hir
dered her play in this period, prac
tically all the players being addicte
to fumbling. Michigan led at ha]
time, 17-8.
Michigan Offence Brilliant
Both teams duplicated their speed
play of the first half in the secon
period. Michigan's offense, revolvin
about the brilliant Haggerty, who ac
counted for seven: field' goals an
three fouls for a total of 17 point!
moved at amazing speed and kept th
Maize and Blue well to the front.
All five of the Michigan men swun
down the court in perfect unison an
completely bewildered the Lamberi
men with their offensive tactics. Tim
and again the Wolverines worked th
ball toward their basket with consum
mate skill, the play culminating i
Hagerty's accurate shooting. Ti
guarding of Doyle, while he was i
the game, and the guarding of Den
and Kipke, completely stopped th
Pardue offense.
Indiana Game Tomorrow
Michigan will meet the fast Indian
five at the Yost field house tomorro,
night and another thrilling contest i
expected. Victory .against Indian
will place Michigan close to the to
in the Big Ten ratings.
Haggerty L.F. Tavi
Henderson R.F. Spradlin
Kipke L.G. Robbin
SDoyle C. Guillo
Deng R.G, Wellma
Summaries: Field Goal. Michigan







_ I

t.S..g.* A... p. g t*S*i b, * lJ i C tt F
the net had been moved out of place!
during the melee but the referee al-!
lowed it maintaining that the puck
had gone in from the front of the goal
and not the side. There were no
outstanding stars. Lineup:
Wisconsin 1 Pos Michigan 3
Harris...........LD...... Peterman
Ritchie. ....RD.....Kahn (C)
John son (C) ....LW.....Beresford
Fiske ........... RW .......... Quirk
Goals: Michigan-Reynolds, Quirk
Beresford. Wisconsin-Johnson.
Spares: Wisconin, Gross. Michigan.
Levi, Lindstrom, Todd.

The largest peace-time appropria- Chicago .............. 5 2 .714
tion bill ever brought before Congress Purdue..............5 2 .714
-The Treasury-Post Office supply bill Michigan4............ 4 .6668
of approximately $729,000,000-was Ohio State ........... 5 3 .625
passed by the House. l Indiana .............. 5 4 .555
Illinois .............. 2 4 .333
The success of the British laborites; Iowa ................ 2 4 .333
and the success of the republican in- Minnesota............2 6 .250
(Continued on Page Two) Northwestern.........0 5 .0001
Modern, Classical Numbers

2-5 for the 160 yards.-

Soph Medics Hold Meeting Referee: Barrett, Queens College
Sophomore medics held their annual
get-together at 7:30 o'clock Friday Union Seeks Recovery of Placard
in the reading room of the Michigan Uso
Union. Dean Hugh Cabot and Prof . Union officials have asked the aid of
John B. Youman of the medical de- the student body in obtaining a pla-
partment, and Howard B. Lewis of the card that was stolen from the tap room
chemistry department spoke. corridor of the building.
'Wierd Note Marks Repertory


Haggerty 7, Henderson 2, McWoo
Kipke 1. Purdue: Guillon 3, Spr
ling 2, Robins 1.< Free Throws. Mi
gan: Haggerty 3, Henderson 5, D
2. Purdue: Guillon 3, Robbns
Taube. -2. -Substitutions. Michig
McWood for Doyle. Purdue: Ta
for Tavis. Rigsby for Robbins, Th
bold for Sprdaling, Cramer for Tat
*bold for Spradling, Cramer for Ta
Referee, Kearns. Umpire, Malow


Listeners from California to Flori-
da were able to follow every play in
the victory of the Michigan basketball
five over Purdue last night by radio

W ill Feature Last Concert'

Josef Lhevinne, the distinguishedf
Russian pianist, and Mme. Lhevinne,
will offer a program of solo and two-
piano numbers at the last of the Ex-
tra concerts, at 8 o'clock tomorrow t
night in Hill-auditorium. Lhevinne
is hailed as one of the supreme mas-
ters of the pianistic art, possesing thei
sympathetic unison of mental and
physical power, and perception.
This is Mr. Lhevinne's fourth ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor. He has been
here in recital twice and once on aj
May Festival program. Reports fromI
recent recitals in eastern cities would

Allegro moltoj
Mr. and Mrs. Lhevinne
Lindenbaum Schubert-Liszt
Presto in E major from
Seven .Character
Nocturne in C major, Opus 9 Chopin
Polonaise in F sharp minor Chopin
Mr. Lhevinne
Second Suite for
2 pianos Rachmaninoff
Introduction (Alla marcia)
Valse (Presto)
Romance (Andantino)
Tarantelle (Presto)I
Mr .and Mrs .,hevinne

from Station WCBC, electrical engin- I stay oau
eoring department of the University.,j
This was the first regular program of!
the newly established plant and offi- Repression was the keynote of the
cials were convinced of the success of Michigan Repertory theatre's produc-.
the broadcasting when several tele- tion of "Anne Pedersdotter" by Wiers-
phone calls came in within a few min- Jenssen, which was presented last
utes after the program ceased prais- night at the Whitney. This abnormal
ing the Station for its technical per- medieval play, dealing in a fantastic
fection and for the excellence of the manner with witchcraft and its sup-
program given by The Michigan Daily. pression, became tremendously power-
Between the halves of the game The ful as it mounted to its climax. The
Daily broadcasted a short program of story treats of the growth of the con-
University news and afterwards gave sciousness of a singularly emotional
the telegraphic report from the hock- girl, Anne Pedersdotter, and of a pe-
cy game just won by Michigan at Mad- culiar hypnotic power over her step-
ison, Wis. son. Today we would call it seduc-
Officials of the station, cooperating tion, in the sixteenth century they
with The Daily, last night announced called it the influence of the devil.
that thnan, ,-a mni macvvciPrarv, 4 rn, r t,.1, 4. 44-.Wa i-n ,-,-,.

- -- :9 w

iCtion AS UnIque

The effective lighting and costum-
ing of Frederic McConnell should al-
so be mentioned. Both were in the
modern symbolic manner, changing
successively with the shifting moods
of the play. Particularly effective
was the red glow thrown on the form
of Anne's scarlet gown in her ter-
rible denunciation in the third act. It
so heightened the emotion of the
scene that every word semed to stab
the consciousness of the bewildered
old man.
There are, of course, many other de-
tails that deserve mention, such as the
ovnor lian --- af + _ m h f + nn_.


Washington, D. C. Feb. 16.-A
operation described as successful wa
performed late today upon Senato
L. Greene, of Vermont, who was woun
ded in the head by a pistol bullet las
night during a battle between allege
bootleggers, prohibition agents and po
lice almost within the shadows of th
Splinters of bone which were driv
en into his head by the stray bull
were removed, about one and one ha

Chicago-Iowa defeated the Uni-
ersity of Chicago in a poorly played l
restern Conference basket ball game
might 21 to 13. The first half end-!
f l - t p 11 4. 1 11 ! 4a - s ,,,,


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