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April 23, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-23

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To Have S chool
Vassar alumnae will see the mt E-1
rializatiou of alng c~herishe~d dream

1 Y'dR V

MAlllll YIW I. li. 111


v~~~~~~~~~ Ini ai unii' o e ouse, or "School for Bored Wives"a
Poitca Schools.I~LL UUIU it has been called. The formal dedica-
nnrai 8tion of the house is to take place dur-
SERIE TO uruN E .r ing Commencement.
"-" The chief purpose of the institution,I
tranig oucis orth which was made Ipossiblethog te
The:riig coni frte. .:. The first games of the Inter hose i 94,o woaunai
members of the new cabinet of the baseball series will be played offto rone ,ide19a4placeweraluVa s l
universiy Y. W. C. A. will be held f Tuesday, May 6, on Palmer athletic ' toumnaie a doaboutere assey lae
this year preceeding installation of of- field. . Sneera',roessot s teyoffee.t
flcers,-The;meetings will be in the** *~.~ Any house wishing to enter a team givexra ousrssfohaemoffrdtey
form of "dinners and business sessions in the tournament is requested to
On (hre.'cnselitie 1hurday ev- : ignup efoe 4 'clck omorowcan listen in on regular undergraduate
on; xtrecnsct shrdyee sg pbfr ocoktmro courses. Even story-telling courses
nfings, May 8, 15, and 22. " when all the teams will meet 'in Bar- __________________
Installationi of officers will take our gymnasium for the first practice.
plice this year on May 8, at Newberry . If the regular team is unable to9 re -___________
hall.' The ceremony will be carried port at this time, they are requested
oft bey tie retIring officers,."Thie ser 61/f .< to send a representative as practice, Ofi'C'
i~ of rdinners are to takte, the place of ' hours for the entire season will beTe o
the ainual spring house party, which assigned. Ih otllInpOrl~iit t
cannot be held as usual tis year. . .:: All teams will draw for their op- fete istoryr
Among other activities planned by poents in the series at 4 o'clock Wed-
the W CA~ or te ner fture isnesday in the parlors of Barbour gym-
a picnic supper for all committee' nasium. ft
members, which will be helcl May 14.
_____irs. Edna. S. Blair Initial practices of the interclass"+TH
The' slemnity of 'the' lantern pro- Mrs Edna Sheldon Blair of Wash- baseball league will be held at 4
cesson ad ti'e vcitmen ofbaseallo'clock today when the sophomore."
anld tennis semi-finals, followed by aad eirtaswl okufl
suppr fr al Unverity ome onative~of the Republican National com.I lowed at 5 o'clock by the juniors and
Palmer athletic field are features mittee and founder of the "Platts- freshmen. t +
which may be played up in the post- burg" schools to train G. O. "P. wo Practices will be held every Monday
ers submitted to the poster contest meen in the principles of their party. andieldeeyptnnsmnwater -
which vwill continue luntil Wednesday, 1When they have attended these "train- whfeald'fcethi e il leheld water5
April 30. hnalo h rll ilb eda
Members of the 'Women's Athletic ing camps" women will not, only be o'clock in Barbour gymnnasium.t
association are looking forward to the able to use their vote intelligently in The opening games in the league i
\e t a c f a l r e nmer o o t h o i g c m a g .b t w l e a l w ill b l y d o a 4 h s w e ~ll be usd fr edisplay eand for t i s r c a t b t " h v e n s c e s ' AU T OE
advertising the freshman pageant and f lttbigs avYen uces T F C LY GE VL NCHENr
lantern night. Cash prizes will be -tilly conducted in New 'ork, Rhode '10GV U C EON
awarded to the winners. Island and in Columbus, ., and theJI
The contests for the class song, second in the miIdle west will be!i The annual business meeting of the
poetry and music for the poetry, as held In Cleveland on April 15, 16 and:'.Faculty Women's club will take place
well as the cover designs will be held '17. This will inlude the 14th, 16th, after a luncheon at 1 o'clock tomor-
open until Friday, April 25. All fresh- 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd con- row at the Union. The following re-."
ma oe r re opriiaegressional districts: port of the nominating committee, Mrs.
in these contests as they are consider- MsBliwafomranwp- Grover Grismore1.chirman, will be
ed" essential to the success of the per woman on President Harding 's voted upon at this meeting: Presi-
pageant. personal staff.. Her father was one of, ent, Mrs. M. L. Burton; vice-presi-
the founders of the Republican party (ent, Mrs. Shirley Smith; secretaryI
in Jackson, Mich~, in 1854, so, as she Mrs. Arthur Wood; treasurer, Mrs.
f + ~~says, sle "is carryin~g ai hi, work" in 'Orlan Boston." Committee chaire
l i ~ s for ie par y il aJsbe vted ittpom iyxw _______+_________
f;iL r-'rs i. o axmsrrl. t. wk 11 '.4 d un Ifr
" hiel~~ 'lc t i e e ,s o E u u t n>qGlE1S RA
V- NS. I 7 S : .? , ', h. "Y ;2'. ., r '" 4 t l i , i=: . P r Ice
° hesrenc gloes oreredthroghI________________________A _____
11 rab ad vte rcivedi sandtel ~a J luhre x st anywhere doubts Ilknow~ And little empoe. Numli(E
11' be te, ii 'Jedand pileticabiF-of 'Americans however, 1esides i
" . ' $. ° .., Europe., - Why _ tourists, spend soie -time studying-In
There will be a meeting of the rep- ity of co-education is a distinct shock ( the universities. Michiganatnd Mch-
sentatives ;of the Honor, coniatto tepeople of sourthe rignpepl 'enoxnknon ad r
'o'clock today in Barbour gyrialx-tthe Italians t9 W°hom ,wc talkied at and Mrs. Jordan (or Giordano, a s.ijk
the Unlversity of Rome were" amazed 1.tlan nise ncalni)$
-tt heida fprohibiting women from Iseveral people fom tUniversity,
Womn wo ae °o akereqire 1timeUniversities. Women have attend- bFthstudents anf romfer; nRme v
tda r'wod la physcal education ed t- 'nivers~ty of Rome for huond- and Florence. Ann Arbor, geographi-
ust sigh'up4at once in arboutr'gym- reid a (i hidrcds :o years, and their icaly, meant nothing to the Italian peo-
sium: All absences on and after pleight' s uiq'~~tined" Such is the pi, and the name was so' eaninaless
~ril 4must be made up. inforion glop .us by Myr a B. Jor- ttioehelkprinitdn i,
Pi amda t dan, 1'orierly dean of wome1 at .the Ing'the Jordlaxs on his register as Coin-
j, P LabdaTheta will' iaet t8 University, who=' with Mr. Jordan, has ing from Amsterdam, simply because,
,. ,'clock :tonight at Delta Delta Delta just returned from a stay of 21 months "it was a better known place." Con-
Pause, 718 Tappan road.! in Italy. "Of course, not as many wo- sequently there resulted numerous
Senir ad jniorwomn wo aeomn as men are in attendance," she c<omnplicatio>ns with Dutch tourists.
'w*Snfo an juior ome wh ar ent on, "but of the 7,000 students ate "But," Mrs. Jordan related with
intterested in library work as a pro-{ Rome, a goodly number were women.msmn,"ehd nyt elte
ession are invited to vocational des- In lectures that we attended, on art { tamusemntAr"wehadnonlyetoUtellethemy
t fssion to be conducted' :by Mrs. A. S.! and music, there were always many! were 30 miles from where Henry Ford IU
l~obart, assistant dlean of women, at 4 women present." made his autoiles, and they knew
(iclock tomorrow in the office of the Mr. and Mrs. Jordan visited the all about it."f
dean of women., larger cities throughout Italy, and ________
frm3tt went as far as the wild and rockyj Announce .Marriage
1 =eiimes'dramatic society will hold! country of southern Sicily . A'Each Announcement htas been made of the,
aring tryouts fo t o'clock to- large city has. its own university, Na-i mariage of Huth WVannless,. of Moline,
orrowv in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Ipes and Rome boasting the largest. 1Ii~ to Wiliamn Newell, x'16, o
1'niestwoearinie toThat, in Romne is in the center of theI Aledo, Ill,n April 8. ,Mr. Newell at-a
OUL, !city, crowded in, with no ampu, so tended the University of Michigan foi'I
I i e r s t y w o m n r e n v t e d t o t h a t i t i s , h a r d ' t o f i n d i n d e e d . I t i s t o y a s
F Suet egeofMtneconsiderable distance from the Pal -_________________________
<usicale will hold a combiiied group .....llanhe01 Roanfru." ....... " "...ri'" " -i.

meeting at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow at "Throughout the country, children
]tsy Barbour house. are educated at public schools. Sec- ....
_____________ ondary education, is gainel at boarding
.' and convent schools, though some titl-
WillAtted W.S. G A.ed families still employ private tutors.r
Helen Delbridge, '24, president of ar'lo mrca n"Egi
There raloAeiaanEnisr
the Women's° League, and Charlotte': boarding schools, where, at great exFrtR n itrs
$~agdon '*25,president-elect,, will, pense, young ladies from this countryTOI T
r'epresent the University at the an- may go to be "finished" with lectures
a.nnual meeting of the Women's Self- on"at ad msic" I r er(hx
Governing association to be held April Italian people learn French and Ii -U I~t
23 to 26 at Columbia, Missouri. They' German nearly as' soon as they do F
ill eav Moday, April 21, from lie- their own language, English is not well .IA N II/
} AT THlE THEATER ~ ~- -1 "The M~an I(
IR I 5 A M L S S .I C hiropodist and ro ,=I
iI Orthopedist rX I " \Yon"
Screen-Today I .0,7 N arts U tiv ,rs"10 Phone. 2662 I... . . . . , .
Arcade- Richard Barthelmess"
andi May McAvoy in "Thme
{ Enchanted Cottage." I

will b~e a feature of which, no dloubt,
lumny mothers w-ill want to take ad-
vantage. Facilities will be provided
for basketball, hockey, tennis and'
horseback riding.
The alumnae house will also pro-,
vidw a place for the alumnae to meet
together and to entertain distinguish-
ed guests of time college. Attractive
ledgings will be provided' there at I
mioderate rates.
$155 Roundtrlp SCOTLAND
'I $15Rounrdtrip EN+GL AND1
.;$190 Rountitrlp FRANCE
$205i Roundtrlp GERMANY
g6 day tour England, France $330
Steamsip Agt. Ph. 1364
Lt'FineuI Engagi3Jfen2fIt 1in
oi Ann Arbor
,,W3U( 091LOFSSI{A
31Sj~herc f'Its emedns.i
IC, 5c ad $114r

Read The Daily "Clas!


Costumes that add to the

joy of ridn

Smart garments that bring i-
creased pleasure to this exhila-
ratingsport. Made'atong distinc-
tive, nlew lines, of f aborics that will
giv ,long' servicea ModestlIV

Linen, sleeveless

$15 e

Wite Linen
White Drill


Red(1an1d(1green flmnnel.



- 'I
- .~F -




~' 'i~ 1. I'

A fr a az .g
jazzy, snappy story of maodern othad't
s ~frivolous ciutlook on life. The plot is laid a' d thew
inine-most rl~CI3 cf New York w ealth And. society.
A veritable avalanche of, th3 ills, action''and suspense,
starring Glenn 'Hunter, the greatest actor of youth -O
fudl pairts on the screen' toda Y.
T-1heSpat Fatmily
"Heav ySeas"''
M. ''L .) .11Xili WETI! OR( IESTRINL

Wuerth-Glen Hi
ful Cheaters."
rpheum- Dus'
"The Man Whc

Itugram's Scara-
unter in "Youth-
still Farnuul in
to Won."

.. .

r \
:A 1
r I . ..

' .
Ij , A
I,! P

' .
. ~



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