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April 23, 1924 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 147







,U a
o, mLtLONS
Advise Higher Sur-tax and Lower
Normal Rates As Remedy.
to Problem
Washington, April 22.-A four fold
attack on the revenue bill sent to the
senate by the finance committee was
outlined today in the minority report
of the committee filed by Senator
Jones, -Democrat New Mexico.
The Democrats, the report showed,
will demand the Simmons income tax
schedule in place of the Mellon rates,
modification of the forms of cooperat-
ions and estate taxes, and opening of
tax dispute hearings to the publie.
The report characterized the commit-
tee bill as "fundamentally defective
and unscientific" and directed the par-
ticular assault on th. Mellon Income
tax rates reinserted in the measure in
lieu of the Longworth compromise
schedule adopted by the hbuse.
Reviewing the recent history of fed-
eral taxation, the report claimed
Democratic attempts to curtail the
high war taxes were frustrated by the
Republican majority, while when a re-
vision of taxes was ordered in the
revenue act of 1921 "the Democratic
minority urged greater reductions
downward, particularly in the normal
In proposing the tax plan of Senator
Simmons. North Carolina, ranking
Democrat on the committee, calling
for higher sur taxes and lower nor-
mal rates than provided in the Mellon
schedule, the minority disclaimed any
purpose "to soak the rich',. adding it
"profoundly believed that Invisible
wealth, the prosperous and thoe with
real ability to pay shold bear a great-
er. 0hare of the bupdeg of the gov-
The Sinmons plan egled for a ma-
imun siur tax of 40p cent a ppi-
cable on incomes of $500,000. The
Mellon maximum sur tax would be 25
percent on incoies of 4100,060 and
over; whereas the present law calls
for a maximum ur tax 'of t O per
cent on incomi 'obf $2(),090 and over.
Navalt Unit Wll
Sign FoCruise
Requisitons will le a made. .for
summer outfiti ' t the regular ieet
ing of the naval reserve tonight, and.
it is essential that every man be there
to facilitate the business of signing
for them. No men will be allowed to
take the summer cruises without a
complete outfit, was the word received
by Ensign Dodd from Detroit head-
At the same time, applications for'
those desiring to take one or more of
the cruises this summer will be made
out. The applications have been mail-
ed from Detroit to each individual
man and they will have to be filled
out at the meeting tonight. No fur-
ther enrollments will be allowed this
year, as there is too much business to
be carried out now to enable the.sign-
ing of any new men.j

Philadelphia, April 22.-Harry K.
Thaw was declared sane tonight by
the jury that had been hearing testi-
mony to determine his mental condi-
The jury declared him fully capable
of looking after his estate after a del-
iberation of seven hours.
William A. Gray, counsel for Evelyn
Nesbit, divorced wife of Thaw said
that a motion probably would be filed
for a retrial of the case.
Ted Rhode's orchestra will furnish
music for the Parent-teachers' meet-
ing in the Ann Arbor high school Fri-
day evening.

Reid To Address
Engineers Today
Elliott 0. Reid, '22E, junior acrOnau-
tical engineer at Langley field, Va:,
will speak tonight at 7:30 o'clock at
the Union on engineering positions of-
fered by the Uited States govern-
ment. He will explain the personnel,
purposes, location and equipment atj
the field.


Gale of Oratory Delays
Stormy Session on



California Aims
To Check Disease
Phoenix, Arizona, April 22.-Inspec-
tion and disinfections of all railroad3
passengers from California bound for
Arizona points will become effective
April 28 as a further safeguard against
spread of the foot and mouth disease
through Arizona under an executive
proclamation issued tonight by Gov-
ernor Hunt.

i '

Washington, April 22.-(By A. P.)-
A gale of oratory swept the soldier
bonus bill through a stormy session of
the senate today and was not checked
until adjournment when agreement
was reached to limit debate tomorrow
so that a final vote on the measure
could be taken early in the afternoon.
However, while proponents of the
cash option amendment and the
"die hard" opponents of any bonus un-
loosed an attack on the pending insur-
ance bill. advocates of this measure

Advocates of Two and Three Quarters
Per Cent Beer Continue Battle
Before House Board
Washington, April 22.-Proponents
of 2 75-100 per cent beer today con-
tinued their advocacy before the
house jkdiciary committee of modifi-
cation of the Volstead act to legalize
a beverage of that alcoholic content.
Representatives of the association
ag- inst the prohibition amendment
coupled their testimony with that of
the Rev. Roland W. Sawyer, a Congre-
gational minister of Ware, Mass., in
an exhaustive resume of undesirable
conditions which they said resultedf
from the alleged inability to enforce

Vice chairman Pluinumer of the ship-
ping board occupied the stand In the A
house investigation of the board.
The senate devoted the day to de- PRESIDENT HOPES TO RELIEVE
bate on the soldier bonus bill, but fail- THE WORLD 'OF ARMAMENT
ed to reach a vote on the measure. I BURDEN
A bill to carry out work recommend- ADDRESSES LUNCHEON
ed by the special advisory committee OF ASSOCIATED PRESS
on immigration was introduced in the
. Says United States Should 'rake Lead
Ipoit Firm Establishiment of
The department of agriculture an- oerman hleparateons
dnnaP it w ild t klr f dl of Germa n Reparations

Strassburger Leads 90,064 Votes
14, 778 InI Race For Delegate
to Convention


Hope to Raise $10,000 in Order




Cover Expenses of Athletes I
In Attendance

Philadelphia, April 22.-(By AP)-
Early returns from the statewide pri-
maries in Pennsylvania today showed
Ralph Beaver Strassburger of Norris-'
town leading Governor Gifford Pin-
chot for delegate-at-large to the Re-
publican national convention.
Figures from 769 districts out of1
8,119 gave Strassburger 90,064 anda
Pinchot 14,778. Included in these re-
turns were 515districts in Philadel-
phia, most of thema known as Republi-
can organization districts which gave !
Strassburger 80,419; Pinchot 6,729.
Newark, N. J., April 22.--Returns
from 16 elections districts out of 2,-f
514 in New Jersey's presidential re-
ference primariestoday gave Presi-
dent Collidge 300 and Senator Hiram
W. Johnson 72 votes.
Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt of the ma-
thematics department presided at the
Mathematics conference held April 18
and 19 at Chicago. Representatives
from nearly all mid-West institutions
were present, men coming from as fai,
west as Kansas. The purpose of the
conference - was to create interest in
mathematical research work.
Michigan was also represented by
j Profe Alexandet Ziwot, and Prof. W..j
13. Ford.,
Harpr To Speak
Before Engineers
Robert Britton flarper, anintertia-
tional 'figure in the gas Industry, willj
speak on "Opportunities for ngiineei'
in the Gas Industry," Wednesday eve-
ning, May 7. His discussion will deal
with some problems engineers now in
college will have to deal with in fu-
ture years.
Although at present' chief chemist of
the Peoples Gas Light and Coke com-
pany of Chicago, Mr. Harper has con-
ducted research work in gas plants
throughout the world. He was vice-
president of the International Gas
congress in 1915, has written many ar-
ticles on the subject and has to his'
credt many discoveries. important in'
f the problems of the industry.
Corvallis, Ore., April 22.-Repres-
entatives from more than fifteen wes-
tern colleges and universities will
leave on June 19, for Yokahoma, Jap-
an on a student pilgrimage of. friend-
ship. They will return about Sept. 5.


conducted aplwhichty said show-the prohibition laws.
eitwould 1)11 they sdh - Tickets for the Olympic tryouts to Grandmothers . pumpkin pie 'was
ed: t wuldbe passed tomorrow' with~-
out the cash amendment. be held May 30 and 31 on Ferry field brought under the suspicion by Dr. J.
Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho, are now on sale in the larger cities C. Vobeck of St. Louis, who testified
picturing scenes of distress in the throughout the state, and it is ex- that sugar, Water and yeast in this
delicacy might produce a "heavier
farm areas and the growth of public pected that the $10,000 needed to bring kick" than permitted under the 1 -2
indebtedness sounded the opening at- the athletes to Ann Arbor will soon of 1 percent standard, which he de-
tack on the bonus and declared "it ssclared should be =raised to 2 75-100:
is time to take stock and turn the be raised. It Is estimated that this cent.
corned." He and Bruse, democrats, sun will cover the traveling expenses Mr. Sawyer, who is a member ofj
Maryland who also spoke against the of the four hundred athletes who will the Massachgisetts legislature, said
bonus, prefaced their remarks with come from seven states to make a bid the "jolly and jovial exhileration of
the assertions they expected the pend- o'o America's Olympic teamthe old days" has departed and left an
ing bill to be passed. undesirable substitute in its place. He
Senator Brookhart said that while Tes e e aion o are toch - harged those who were responsible
the farming districts were in distress under the auspicesof the Michi- for the Volstead act were not keeping
and could not afford additional taxa- gan Association of the Amateur Ath faith with those who voted for the!
tion, and government expenses "the letic Union and the Olympic commit- 18th amendment. Those who wanted
great industries of the country which tee of Michigan with the assistance the amendment, he. asserted -did not
reach the enormous profit can pay the of Michigan Athletic association. In contemplate such rigid enforcement
boys who fought for us and then dur- order to gain the privilege of having as the act provides.
ing the war." He reminded the senate the contests here the committee in
he had introduced an amendment to charge must 'deposit the $10,000 with
hehditoue naede t he ntoadvactikety'sale wll.rob-RDVILL ECIIH
the revenue bill supposing restora- the national association by ay i. .S
tion of the excess profits tax which he They advn in ch moe wlln this
saidwoul suply sfficentably, bring In much more than this m i
said would supply sufficient money amount, it is estimated. A total at-
to pay the bonus.tendance of 20,000 is expected with"
- the. tickets selling at $1 each. Ann
Arbor has been allotted 2,500 tickets America Castro, the distinguished
11111:1 ORS , to sell, 800 of these having been al- Spanish Philologist, will deliver two
rd sed for bs la orgniza . lectures here this week-end. Friday
ready asked for by local organizations. afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the Nat-,
The .Rotary club has, reserved a ural Science auditoriuni 'he will speak
AT"UNON MA 2AND 3block of 100 seats, the Fxchange club in French on "Spanish Romanticism
100, the Chamber of Commerce 500, and Its Relation to European Roman-
Members of the Round Table, an and the Kiwanis Glub 100. Students ticism In Generali" At 11 o'dlock
educational organization of state ad- may obtain tickets at the Yost field Saturday morning he will speak' in
ministrators of education, will meet in house *where they are now on sale room D, Memorial hal, in Spanish, on
, niventiOn r ..Friday and -Saturday; at the regular price. 1°"The Dramatic.Technique :of Lope de-

nouncea it oum tax eul enargeo
the foot and mouth desease situation
in California.
A department of justice explanation
of how seized liquor disappeared
through petty graft was placed before
the Daugherty committee.
An attack on the packers' consent
decree' was made in the District of
Columbia court of appeals by the 'Cal-
ifornia co-operative canneries.


Act as Head Mentor in Baseball;
Assistant In Basketball
and Football

, I

Harry G. Kiple, '24, athletic star in
three sports.here for the past three
years,' announced yesterday that he
had accepted a coaching job at the
Uni'versity of Missouri next year. He
will act as head coach in baseball, as
well as assistant coach in basketball,
and football.
Many offers from i different schools
and colleges over the country have
have been pouring in on the Michigan
star during' the' past few months, but
the most attractive'offer was that from,
the Missouri, school. In accepting
.Kipke will take up his duties under
Chester Brewer who is athletic di-
rector there.
Brewer was fdormerly athletic di-rec-,
tor at 'k A. C. and has always been re-
puted to have been a fond admirer of
his new assistant, Kipke will 'assume
his new duties about the first of Sel t'
ember, it is said..
He has accepted a position as athle-
tic director during the summera..at
Camp Cliff Haven in Vermont, a sum-
;mer camp for boys at which he was
last year.
nn nIiTTrr Tfl raiin

New York, April 22.-(By AP)-
Promise of efforts to bring about an-
other world conference on the limit-
ation of armaments was given by
President Coolidge in an address to-
day at the annual luncheon of the As-
sociated Press.
Such efforts, the President declared,
must be based upon the firm establish-
ment of a definite settlement of Ger-
man reparations. With this effected
America would well be in a position
to- take the lead in promoting an in-
ternational conference.
Will Be Based on First Conference
The president expressed the belief
that the proposed conference might
well be based on the theory of'the
Washington conference of two years
ago, which, he called to mind, had to
leave unsolved the question of sub-
marines, aircrafts and land forces.
The conference, he asserted, might take
up the codification of international
law with an attempt to establish rules
of warfare and to determine the right
of neutrals.
While emphasizing that Europe
must first set her economic house in
order, Mr. Coolidge declared that there
appeared to be every reason to hope
that the report of the Reparations
commissions committee of experts
offers a basis for practical solution
of the reparation problem,
Speaks Qvjer R.dl-o
The President sloke, to 1.000 per-
sons, including the editors and pub-
Ushers of most of the country's.lead-
ing newspapers and to unnumbered
millions through 11 of the most power-
ful radio broadcasting stations link-
ed directly through nmore than 7,000
miles of wire with the. ball room of
the hotel Waldorf-Astoria where the
luncheon was held.
Frank B. Niles, president of, the As-
sociated Iress' &nd pubilbilhe'r oft he
Washtngton' Star, 'intr'dduc Mr.' Coot
idge as one possesingto a superl-
tiye ridgree" the facilty and desire 'to
ntkealsolutely c i a u eryd
ment on any subject that egagcd t4
attention efit .eole " ' >


Iy 2 and 3 in the Michigan Union,
fol, a disctission of school problems.
The membershiji in the' organization
; jcgnfine1 to superintendet'r and
principles 'from townsof population I
greater than 10,000. President Mar-
ion .. Burton and other men, prom -
?net in the 'state field of 'educatin i
)ill, speak.
Discussions will be conducted iii
formally, .and many problems will be .
undertaken by the convention. It is
suggested by the committee in chargeI
of the arrangements that any members{
who have developed any special fea-
tures such as systems of budget mak-
ing, child accounting, etc,. be prepar-
ed to discuss their systems. Among
the list of topics that have been listed
for study for the superintendent* are
discussions of school finance, school
curriculum, the University and the 6-
3-3 plan, the school of education, the
hiring of' {eachers and others of vital
i+ t the school administration.

.Among the eities which -have,, al- Vega." '
ready disposed of large blocks of, seats l Head of' the literature department
are Grand Rapids; Flint;Det ro t; and of the,UniverstyofMadrid Professor.
SAkson while Lansing Toledo and Kastro, is- at present acting as an ex-,
Muskgon are also selling tlheni. :change lrofessor at Columbia. Univer-
1Aong 'the} contestants in; the '29 ,y, He is. now ;making a short tour
events which comprise;# the rmeet are n - the Middle West
'some of the" world'spleading; athletes. ' 1s the .auttor of several books
'hose' competing here will -be selected and many articles. He wa.s one of
m states of thecentral division the founders, . Rtei is at present one of
*fro'thetine editors.of "Revista" de' Filologia
which includes Michigan, Ohio; In- El ,"pi g review
diana, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, which has been published in Madrid
and Kentucky. since 1914.
During his stay in Ann Arbor Pro-
Sr an P1i 17'r nnaintr n n im fessor Castro will be the guest of






to M 0 MR f Wb IHIUM
E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the
Union opera, who has returned from
the University of Wisconsin at Madi-
son. directed the musical :comedy,;

Prof. C. P. Wagner of the romance .
languages department.

Washington, April 22.-(By A.P.)--
MPAIGNPLANS TODAY Republican activities are in full swing
at colleges and universities in near-
Plans for the undergraduate cam- ly every part of the country, follow-
paign to raise a portion of the $1,00,-Iing, the organization of student Repub-
000 fund for the University of Michi- lican clubs under the college bureau
gan League building will be completed of the Republican national committee.
at a meeting of the central committee Under 'the auspices of these clubs,
to be held at 4:30 o'clock today in the th e a . n r t
graduate school office, room 9, of Uni-both menand,*women undergraduates
versity hall ire participating in mock conventior
The undergraduate campaign' to be =discussing the' o utstanding political
conducted April 29 to May 9 has as its and gaining accurate
object the securing of a life member- tionuon Republn arty inciples
ship in the University of Michigan iono epublicanrtpicipek
League from every woman in -the Uni-from well ~fiown fepublicanspeak-
versity. The life membership, priced ers. .
at $50, may be paid over a period of ; Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of
five years. Every student subscribing Stanford unive ity;'regards this move
to the fund will receive a yellow and. on the part.of the Republican nation-
blue pin bearing the slogan, "Michigan al committee as an important step in
League for Michigan Women, Every- inducing students to take an earlyin-


1'?omta -. rt .
An unidentified woman was '>adly
cut about the face and head when
the Ford coupe which she was driving
collided with a Buick sedan driven
by Dr. J. F. Adams of 1231 Oliva at
9:15 o'clock last night at the corner
of Thayer and Washington street.
She was taken to St. Joseph's hospi-
tal where her condition was reported
not to be serious. The name of the
woman could not be determined from
the hospital authorities at a late hourj
last night.
Cooley to Speak in Detroit
Detroit,.April 22.-The Detroit"En-
gineering Society.will hold its annual
meeting and-banquet Saturday.. Open
house will be held ,at the society club
rooms, 478 '.Alexandrine avenue1 west,
all day. A luncheon-,will be served
at 12:30 o'clock. The banquet will be
served at the General Motors building.
at 6:15 o'clock. The speakers include
John A. Russell,, Harold -H. Emmons,
president of the board of commerce
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the. Uni-
versity of Michigan, and Thurman Mil-
1er, president of the Wilmington, 0.,

interesL LO Ue nn liiaaiu i...
.r = ' ' '"Twinkle, Twinkle", the annual pro--' ' Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of1
ST -duction of the Hlairsfoot . club, schools at Niles, has accepted the off-
Patent ,{ ce ToTwinkle, Twinkle" played April 17- er made by the 'Ann Arbor board of
26 in a number of cities, among them education of the .superintendency of
Be Extended Soon Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis,. the schools 'of this' city.
- Peoria, and Madison. - Mr. -Haisley was selected by the
Washington, I). C., -April 22.---;y Directly after his -departure from board at in an informal meeting Fri-
AP)Thie are 200,000 applications Ann Arbor, Jan. 26, Mr: Shuter. began day. He is a graduate of Earl am
for patents on inventions now pending ;his work on the Wiscon-sin production. College, Richmond, Ind. Mr. Hais-
it the United States patent- office, ac- personally directing the show, and ley has held the position of principal
cording . to a statement - to-day of the easily had the production ready for of ' the high school at Three Rivers
inited States civil service commission. appearance at the set time. He re I and, the high school at San Antonio,
To speed up action, congress has auth- ports that the Wisconsin show has Texas.
orized n appropriation which will taken the greatest stride in its history Leaving this position, he went to
permit the addition of 100 to the pres- toward becoming a successful produ- Columbia university from which he
ent examining force of 500. ction. ;received his degree of master of arts.
The Civil Service commission will Mr. Shuter will remain in Ann Ar- He is now completing his seventh year
hold examinations May 7 and later bor until the tryouts for the cast, at Niles.{
dates for positions of assistant exam-I choruses, and music of next year's _
iner in the patent office. The en- Iopera are practically complete. He
trance salary is $1,860 a year, and in- is now busy selecting men for the castOC
creases are provided up to $5,000 a and choruses of the next opera accord-
Iea'r. I ing to the plans published in yester- RIIO S FLLW Hp
i Full inforation concerning the ex- day's Daily.
amination may be obtained from th m
United States Civil Service commis-
sion, Washington, D. C., or the secre- Lionel G. Crocker, cf the public
tr ofthecivil-serviceboard at the LI NIRSITY ,peking department, has been offered
post office or customhouse in any city. a three-year fellowship in religious
-. r uh&iSE INuIH1NIIIeducation at a college or university of
111 1his chosing by the National Council

1' ,
. ,
C '

where." terest in national affairs."It, is im-
Representatives from the dormitor- portant," he says, "that students dur-
ies, sororities, League houses, and 'the ing the period just preceding their
board of directors of the Women 's participation in active citizenship
League compose the central cone- should have their interest developed
mittee of the campaign, having been in public activities."
chosen from the larger general com--
I Press Association
NIFY F FMNWill Meet In May

To whom these presents do mat-
ter. Acceeding to the constant
wishes, desires' and supplications
of our many faithful patrons, we
have found"it to the advantage of
the Universe and University to re-
sume our world famdous title. We

Lesochier Favors I
Exclusion Of Japa
Madison, Wis., April .22.-Prof. D.
D. -Lesochier of the. economics depart--
a ment 'of the, university. of Wisconsin
has endorsed the Japanese exclusion
bill. :In an interview with a Cardinal
I reporter Professor Lesochier said of
the bill; "Unquestionably, Japanese,
exclusion should be written into the

s ti

of Schools of R.ligion. The offer
Cleveland, O. April '22.-A proposed came froinProi Charles F. Kent, one
rmpaign to raise an endowment fund of the founders of the nation-wide or-
$20,000,000 for a greater Cleveland 'gnization.
niversity,. which will rank - with the Mr. Crocker has not yet decided up-
rgest -institution 'of learning, was 'on accepting, as he expects to be en-
nounced today by Dr. Robert E. Vin. gaged throughout the coming summer
,, president of the Western Reserve a-t the Universit' yof Colorado, in
aiversity. Construction of the new in- I Boulder,-and -will visit England during
ittion will be under way by October I the month of September.

Ninety-one metermen from .various7
parts of the state attended the short1
course in electric meter practice, eon-
struction, and testing, given here from
Monday to Saturday of last week un-
der the direction of Prof. Benjamin F.
Bailey of the electrical engineering
department. Three lectures were giv-
en daily and laboratory experiments.
were carried on each afternoon ex-
cept Saturday,
Friday night the men were banquet-
ed at the Union. Professor Bailey act-
ed as toastmaster and speeches were"
made by J. C. Langdell of the Con-

The Michigan Interscholastic press
association will hold: its annual con-
vention May 9 and 10 in Ann Ai'bor.
Forty-two state high schools comprise
the membership of the association.
Each high school. is expected to 'send
two students and one faculty adviser
to the meeting. The program is to be
announced at a later date,
St.Ident Attacks
California Head
An unidentified Russian student of
the University of California unsucces-
sfully recently attempted to assasin-

16, when Dr. Vinson will be formally

Miss Rambeau Better

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