THEMICIGAN_ DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SI .I COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 PA F0UNTAIN PEN INK REMEBER that Rider told you Dia- mond Blue Black Ink was the best fountain pen ink. Now you know it is good. RIDER'S PEN SHOP | 302 State Street of all makes Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Cleaned & Repaired 0. 1 ). O i I 17 Nickels' Argpde The Typewriter & Staticnery Store Dealer: Corona & L. C. Smith 4LL TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITIN MAKES. Agency Woo6,stock and P.M. AD TI ING Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- i'g machiire, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sip- pties, Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown No. 9 Ann Arbor Sax. Bank Bldg. GE ILEMEN oscow April 21-Establshment of All jokes aside come in and get a ving synagogue' similar to the eH stSovet "living church" is planned meal Honest to Godes sair ofsn .wish Communsts at Poltava. mrey characterize the present syna- up. goAsues "s da" with superstition and ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHIOE ignorance. "4 A rf P"l i c . # "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. (luick] y.-Adv. MISCELLANEOUS CALLING CARDS, Wedding An- nouncements, etc. Orders given prompt attention. BIDDLE'S BOOK STORE, 11 Nickels Arcade. RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50.. Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE By appointment only Phone 1167-R. FOUNTAIN PENS RIDER'S REPAIR SERVICE is un- equaled. Real workmanship and one day service.- RIDER'S PER SHOP 302 State Street FOUNTAIN PEN INSURACE Have your name engraved on your pen or pencil, price 25 cerfs Buy ra- tiobally known fountain pens sad Ink from 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels' Arcade, and forget your troubles RUSICAL NOW IS the time to get your portable Victrola for the canoe trips. See Schaeberle & Son, 110 So. Main St. FOR SALE WILI SELL or rent large house with accommodations for 24. Suitable for either fraternity or sorority. Splendid location. Phone Mrs. Marksman, 1680-R. S'ECIAL RIDING boot for ladies or Gents for a few days only at $15.00 made to your measure. ANN AR- BOR CUSTOM SHOE FACTORY. Phone 312-M. STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX roadster 1923. Disc whell demonstrator, ful- ly e41uipped. Bargain, cash or will sell on time. Phone 2558 or call at 207 E. Washington St. BLUE Reed Sun Room Set, $25.00 Walnut dining table, Queen Anne, $25.00. Phone 3017-W. 10 ROOM HOUSE with double -garage one E. U. $13,000. Small down payment. Call 617 after 8 p. m.- Adults Class every Monday and Fri- ay night at8.00.15~ odern Class lessons $5.00. Dancing from 8 to 10 P. M. Private lessons daily, both modern and Classical. We specialize in teaching children. FRATERNITY OR SORORITY t We are pleased to offer a thirteen room house on Hill Street for sale. Approximately 1 1-2 acre of ground beautifully.landscaped; large trees. First Floor-Large living room with fireplace, dining room (will accommodate about 2; persons), music room, library, butler's pantry, large kitchen. Finish is oak, oak floors. Second Floor-Seven large bedrooms and bath, linen storage room. Third Floor-Dormitory large enough for three extra study rooms, sleeping accommodations for forty persons. Basement-Hot air heating plant, large coal room, fruit and vegetable room, laundry facilities. This beautiful home is well adapted for a Fraternity or a Sorority. Price and terms reasonable. For further information or for an appointment to see this property call MR. NEWTON With 000 4 ..- CHARLES L. BROOKS REALTOR 215 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 315 SHOE REPAIRING FOR RENT GARAGE: First class, near South Full soles a Specialty. Put on lasts Division and Packard. Call 663-W. like new. Give us a trial. FRONT SUITE on first floor with Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Factory piar-o and furnished. Direct front 534 Forest Ave. entrance. 332 E. Madison. COLLECTIONS-EVERYWHERE Give the children a piece of WRIGLEY'S after every meal. It satisfies the craving for sweets and the chewing of the gum will help digestion and act as a pleasant, antiseptic cleanser of mouth and throat. You would "give almost anything" if the children would keep their teeth clean. Why not reward them with PERSONAL SERVICE DEBTORS TRACED We Collect and Remit VACATION IS OVER Where, are you going to board? You will get the best meals! with proper balance and variety, and save money in the bargain. Michljgan Credit Adjustment Co. 317 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. afer eery meal Varsity Lodge Dining Hall 611 Church Street 10 Years' Experience With Student Accounts NO COLLECTION-NO CHARGE TELEPH[ONE 2709-2497-J 0 "Superior Service" $0.50 PER WEEK; $5.50 WITHOUT BREAKFAST $16,500-14 Rooms and Dormitory $3,000 Down This house is completely furnished! with student furniture and bedding. Six rooms on first floor with two fire-j places, finished in oak and oak floors. Six rooms and bath on second and two on third besides the dormitory. Large lot, 66;d32 and only two blocks OPPORTUNITY Is Coming Your Way It will knock at your door several times during the next few weeks. Will you welcome this opportunity? A strictly modern duplex, just put on the market, as owner is leaving town. 'his two-family is separate from the basement up to the roof. Each side has six rooms and sleeping porch, separate heating plant and attic, oa kfloors and finish below, linen closet, chute and laundry; a-o fine entrance ball with coat closet. Kitchen has built-in cupboards with oak finish and oak floors. .This house is just like new; only built six years, and has had cxcelcnt care. I1 is located on one of the best paved streets of the city, only three blocks from campus, near school, and it an excellent resi- dential section. MR. WHEEILER Ann Arbor Home Builder's Assn. 4tS First National Bank Bldg. Phone x385 Evenings 2444-M-1456-M-1205-R and have the very reward itself do the work! Try it for a month and observe results. Three cents per day per child will pay the bill and make them happy! SEALED IN ITS PURITY PACKAGE! TPER'ECT GUM E11 : IL . .._ from campus. Look at this for 1 ment or a home 'with income. invest- li ._.._v .," W- R Ma" RB OR'S THIRTY-FIRST M m.u iRS. ADA GUSTINE 716 First Nat'I Bank Bldg. I Phone 835-Fl TERRACE GARDEN DANCING STUDIO On Brooklyn Avenue I Phone 241-R No. 22 Wuer h Arcade1 Attractive home on one of our prettiest streets and in an ex'- Open Daily 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. clUsive residence section. GRANVGERAVE Seven rooms, finished in oak and ivory enamel, steam heat, fire- lace, French doors, tile floor in bath room, built-in tub, hammered LOT brass One of the best lots left on Grang- er Ave., priced for quick sale. electric fixtures. Large lot, shade trees, double garage and drive way. An altogether lovely home that cannot fail to please you and remarkably low figure of $14,500-$2,500 down will handle.j p I LL A T' EARL V. MOORE, Musical Director CONC R T S 21- 12 L. D. CARR & C. J. TREMMEL 17 Say. Bk. Bldg. at a j stGalasiaEvent Call ALBERT GREINER with 441-F1 Evenings 2761j-M H arkins & Sonr EMMY KRUEGER, Munich, Berlin and Madrid Operas - Soprano JUSOLINA GIANNINI, American-Italian Concert Star - Soprano SOPHIE BRASLAU, Metropolitan Opera - - - Contralto SOPHIE BRASLAUT, Meropolitan Opera - - - Contralto TITO SCILIPA, Chicago Civic Opera - - - - Tenor Realtors $21,000 Buys this house just right for a Rooming House.or small Frater- nity or Sorority. Large living room, dining room, sun parlor and kitchen on first floor. Five large bed rooms on second and two on third. Hardwood finish-modern and; in first class condition.I 110 E. Liberty Street Telephone 345 2965-J STARS FROM MANY OPERAS IN MA NY CITIES A FORREST LAWONT, Chicago Civic Opera - - VICENTE BALLESTER, Metropolitan Opera - ROYAL IDAI)UN, American Artist - - CESARE BAROMEO (Chase Sikes) La Scala Opera SYLVIA LENT, American Virtuoso -- ALBERTO SALVI, Distinguished Artist - - HAROLD BAUER, a Master Player - - - PALMER CHRISTIAN, Well-Known Artist'- THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION EARL V. MOORE, Conductor - - THE CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS, GEORGE 0. BOWEN, Conductor - THE CIIHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FREDERICK STOCK, Conductor - BaTenor - Baritone -Baritone Bass - Violinist Harpist - Pianist - Organist - 300 Voices 500 Voices INS TR UMENTS HARP VIOLIN PIANO ORGAN ORCH ESTRA CH ORUSES II 11 You can satisfy that 11 desire for some- II II BIII II thing different LA PRiMAVERA (First Time in America) SEADRIFT (First Time in America) - - - Respighi - - - Delius Two blocks from campus. I Al 11 E . _ 141 111 ,