THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. FBUR r DAILY OFFCA BULTIN ublication in the Dulletin is constructive notice to all members of he University. Copy received b tbc As,%Istant tc the IT. -~dart un~til :301 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturr"lrc. Volume 4 5SATUR1DAY, F11RARfY 16, 19241 Nunmber 9S ,rare College Grades: All the grade coupons have been mailed to the addresses written by students themselves. Consequently no grades will be given out from office directly. Arthur G. Hall,i Registrar. Crary Faculty Mieeting: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the Literary College Monday, ruary 18, at 4:10 p. in., in the west lecture room of the Library. Two cial orders for consideration, the renumbering of courses and the com- id curriculum in Letters and Business Administration, have been mailed lwe members of the faculty. Arthur G. Hall, Registrar. ulty of the Colleges of Engineering and Areliiectiire: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of these colleges on Monday, ruary 18, at 4:15 p. m. in Room 411 West EngineeringBuilding. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. rmittee on Extra Hours: Petitions for Extra Hours will not be received by the Committee after close of this week. Petitions should be handed in either when making tions or changes in elections. J. WV. Schioll, Chairman. atlonal Lecture: Supt. E. E. Lewis of the Flint Public Schools will give an address in .e Hall Auditorium at 3 p. mn. Saturday, under the auspices of the Voca- pal Department of the S. C. A. His topic is "Service Through Public ool Leadership." All are invited. E. R. Isbell. ht School Observation: All students electing, High School Observation. courses are expected to it at ten o'clock Saturday in the Auditorium of Newberry Hall (2n 1 r~. C. 0. Davis. ra Concert Series: Tho last concert in the Extra Concert Series will be given in Hill Aud- ium Monday evening, February 18, by Mr. and Mrs. Josef Lhevinne, ists, whien they will present the follo~ying program: Sonata in II major (Mozart) Mr. and Mrs. Lhevinne, Lindenbaum (Sch- rt-Liszt), Presto in 'E major (Mendelssohn), Nocturne in C major, Op. Chopin)J, Polonaise in F sharp minor (Chopin) Mr. Lhevinne; Second te for two pianos (Rachmaninoff) Mr. and Mrs. Lhevinne; Hungarian sies Airs (Tausig) Mr. Lhevinne. Charles A. Sink, Sec'y. ulty Concert: The following program in the Faculty Concert Series will be given in lAuditorium Sunday afternoon, February 17, at 4:15 o'clock to which general public, with the exception of children under twelve years of age, ordially invited: Quartet, A minor, Opus °29 (Schubert) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood, Marion Struble-Freeman, Miss Ora Larthard; Quintet, A major (Mozart) Nicholas Falcone, and quartet; Trio, D minor, Opus 32 (Arensky) Mrs. d Olkkelberg, Mr. Lockwood and Miau. Larthard. UJniversity Head May Be Canada's Envoy To U. S. I z - ---- erone Bowling tournament for the fraternities at the various Big Ten I Y T r C Ischools Ihave not been received in 11 jL[ ON Ann Arbor as yet. Although this ev- ent is pa st, the bowlers are urged to -~ continue their p~ractice in keeping for S ATURDAY 1 the Intercollegiate Bowling Associ- 112 :00-Xluiiiaie coitaiiei lunch, roomsI ation's tournament which will open 319-321, Union.I shortly. Michigan will be represent-I 2:00-Outing 6l0)i tobogg'ani arty, ed andl wants the best that the stu- iHill and Olivia streets. dnt body can produce, in order toI 3:00d-Supt . f.. Lewis, of Flint, capture the title, if possible. Suit- speaks at Lane hall. 'I able rewards will be given to those 4 :04-M4illtary ball committee meet-{ who represent the University in this ing, room 306, Union. capacity. 6:34-Alpha Phi dinner, rooms 1319- 321, Union. 'In 'ann~P aiir 6:30-Beta Phi Delta dlinner, roomsitLUU NDJIIRIS M O B~~ 323-325, Union. 7 :0-Upper Room Bible claiss, Lane, IS IC al 7 :00-Glradlate History club m~eeting, ___ room 306, Union. (Continued fromn Page Six) 7::3--craftsmen mieetfng at the Mas- onictemle.year. as ackleford and Ash both S :00-Ph1l Kappa dinner, roonif 318. graduated last June. Hitting streng- 320, Union. th is necessary to the Michigan nine 8:00-Basketball, Purdue vs. Bell-} if it is to cop the bunting in the Con- igan, Yost field house. ference again this season, as the SUNDAY I pitching staff will probably be weak- 9 :30--University Melt's Bible class,; er than the mound corps that brought Upper room, Lane hall. the flag to Ann Arbor in 1923. 4 :00-Sigmna Delta('hi, roont 30ey, Un-' Shackleford, Ash and Uteritz formed ion. a trio last yea'r that brought sorrow 4 :30---Soph. Prolei committee, room, to many. a pitcher, and the absence of 302, Union. these three stick artists leaves Fish- I Si r Arthur Currie Sir Arthur Currie, principal of Mc- Gill university, Montreal, has been asked by Canada to become the first minister of the dominion to the United States. Sir Arthur commanded the Canadian expeditionary forces in the World war.R Union Changes Paris Office A change in the offices of the Am- erican University Union at Paris is announced in their last bulletin. The issue also gives a summary of the work done by the London office. I,~:00-Mleeting of Scalp anid Blade, Iroom 304, Union. I f:30-Congregvtloflal Students' supper and social hour,, 36:00-Student supper, Harris hall. Rev. E. T. Nutter, of Detroit, speak- s er. er in a tight place. However, he is in hopes of uncovering a few diamonds in he rough whom he can groom :to be formidable hitters. The coming week will find the pit- chers cutting loose to a greater ex- tent than Fisher has allowed them to do so far. They have been working JChimnes 'Wants Business Tryouts J All second semester freshmen Jor upperclassmen wishing to try J out for the Chimes business staff Jshould report from 2 to 5 o'clock, Jtoday, at the Chimes office in the JPress building. I, ntraml ural ireMS ly ironing out the kinks that the winter's inactivity developed in their 1 t "old soupers". Coach Fisher ex- ('Continued from Page Six) pects that nearly 100 candidates will ation for the Intramural program. will be on hand for practice by the middle Ibe made at the request of Dr. May, a of next week, when the Wolverines IDirector of Waterman gymnasium. All! will start work in earnest for the coim- men interested should see him at ing diamond season. {once. reslt It's trua efficiency to use Dail; Finalreut in the Western Con-s Classi~eds.-Adv. I - ii SE iCOND SEMESTER, Text Books N Charles A. fink, Sec'y'. ,*NEW AND SECOND-HANDS rsity of Ifichigan Band: ormation -tonight at 7:45 at the Yost Fcild M'ouse for the Purdue bas- R game. William Graulich, Jr. Mgr. cad The Daily "Classified" Columins A I ' S UNIVERSITY BOO KSTORE I- f1= w- w_ I- w- w- w- w- r- r- w- K_ Iw (w 1 11 1= w.. K w- r= s ar r w A rr r r r a w s err r r _ _ sa ilYa er r s awe w s r M rr tr i s wn r r r r r I I F THREE"CASH STORESI Can Sv You oney! Our buer, for our several stores, fis always no n and looking 'out for Real Bargains for our Custoniers. Co pvare Prices S cFancy Layer2 c English Wlu. Meats . . A~5*E~,J Fruit) A ORANGES. 0FANCY 7 LEMONS 40 1/2 Lb. Chocolate'8 (Walter Baker's) A8 ' (FULL STRENGTH 3Large 00c OUR We can make anything 'yu might want for your home and we know ewe can suit you with the Lowest Prices for REAL HOME MADE WELL BAKED GOODS GIVE USA TRIAL' 2 Lbs. Best Crackers. .C t1PONLY.0 Fried Cakes c Q doz. .1. (You Can't Beat Them.), .... f - ___._ ~ i u I + K !Buaa*Cburcb .servitces -6 I 0, , 41TARIAN CHURCH te and Huron Street; iEY S. ROBITNS, '.mnister February 17th, 1924 CHURCH OF CHRIST DISCIPLES All Services Iteld. In Lane Ital Corner State and Washington Sts. F. P. A RTH1R, Pastor mn..--Church School. 7orning Service: Inientallsm of 60 B. C." --Young People's Supper. l-Professor J. I-. Hanford 'Tice Larger Bible" e service opens with Mr. La- 's ten minutes organ period. evening meeting closes in time hie University Service. SERVICE~S Sunday: Bible School, 9:30 A.. . Christian Men's, Service Club, 9:30 A. M. Preaching Service, 10: X0 A. M. Students' Bible Class, 12 noon. Young People's Service, 6:30 P. M. Midweek Prayer Service. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Dr. Iden will speak at 10:30 Sun- day morning, February 17th. I T. PAUL'S LUTHERAN ! CHURCH (Mi'fssouri Synod) Corner third fnd IWest huron. Sts. CARL A RAUER, Pastor I SERVICEq 9:30-Services in German. S10:30-Students' B~ible Class. I11 ; 30-Services in English. Sermon I Subject: "Salvation by Grace, Alone." 45:30-Student Social Hour and 'Supper. I6::30-Discussion, ".Astronomy," Hlerbert H. Schiefer, leader. No evening Service. a BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH -(Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th Ave.. near Packard G. A. NEUMA11N, Pastor Suda School at 9:00 a mn. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH -0-Q... ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH REV. L. F. GUI1DEIVIAN, Pastor 9:00 A. M.--l3ih~le Study H-our. 10:30 A. M.-Sermnon (German) "lEyewftnesses of .Yeses' Majesty": '5:30 P. M.-Social Hour and sup-i per for students. 6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Top- ic, "The Virgin Birth of Jesus."! 7:30 P. M.-Sermon subject, "The Richness of God'Ft Grace." Fifth A-ye. and Wi]ilam St. Washington St. ant i Ffth Ave. E. C. STFLLI ORN, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Sunday School student class. withI 10 :30 A. M.-"IConlnecting Links." IRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. EONARD A. HARRETT, D.D., Minister LEWIS C. REDLANN, '16, See'y Men Students MILS. NELLIE CADWELL, Seely women Students 30-Morning Worship, "THE ME~SSAGE OF THE BIBLE." 00-Student Classes led by Miss Mary Ross and Prof. W. D. Henderson. 30-Social Hour. O0-C. E. Meetinig. Gerrit Fielstra, '26, leader. Topic, "The Race Problem: Is There na Superiors" COIL. CATHERINE AND DIVISION STREET; 9:00-Sunday School and Bible Classes. 10:00-English Services. 11:00-German Services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. E1DWARD ; AXLES. Minister HIOWARID IR. (IAPMATN Mttiister of University Studenits' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH REV., A. WV. STALKER, D~. D., Pastor REV. IW. SCOTT WESTERMAN, Associate Pastor MISS ELLEN WV. MOORE, Student Director 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. Pastor's subject: "CAN FOLK FOLLOW JESUS ?" 12:00 M.-FIVE BIBLE CLASSES at Wesley Hall. Leaders; Prof. Leroy Waterman, Dr. Thos. MW.' Iden, Mr. G. D. Westerman, Dr. A. W. Stalker, and Miss Ellen W. Moore. 5:30-6:30 P. M.--Open House at Wesley Hall. 6:30 P. M.-Wesleyan Guild Devotional Meeting. Mr. William McEwen, Leader. Subject: "Why I Ain a Christian." No evening service because of the University Service. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH "THE STONE CHURCH WITH THE WARM WELCOME" HERBERT A. JUMP, Minister E. KNOX MITCHELL, 'University Pastor L.UCY °H~LlER, S'ecretary for WiVomen Students ]JENKY LEWIS, RECTOR CHARLES T. WEBB, Director Student Work RACHEL HAVILAND, Secretary for Student Work 10: 30-Morning Worship. Sermon by Mr.' Savles : " The Changing 12:00=-Church :Sund'ay School. 12:00-Students' Class at Guild House I (Tnosite tihe Church). If you want to SAVE MONEY A quite unusual interest has been manifested in the series of sermons on Evolution and] Religion. It is hoped that they may soon be published W~iEK OF F1EBRUIARY 1 7TH,-.1924 III I ~d..VW -T V I N 2