THE MICHIGAN DAILY AG YAW v-v, UNDER6RADUATES WILL OPEN DRIVEl .niversity of Michigan League Will Conduct Intensive Campaign April 29 to May 9 MISS ANNA LLOYD HEADS STUDENT DRIVE COMMITTEE Undergraduate support of the Un- iversity of Michigan League building will be secured indan intensive drive, for funds to be held April 29 to May 9, according to Miss Anna M. Lloyd, '18,1 chairman of the student campaign; committee. The drive among the wo- men students of the University will be the only one in which the under-, graduates are asked to participate and is planned to serve as an impetus to the alumnae drive which will fol- low soon after. Every woman on the campus will be asked to give, or get in some way, the sum of $50 which is equivalent to a student life membership in the Uni- versity of Michigan League. Seniors, jtaniors, and sophomores who take out memberships will be allowed three years in which to pay them, while freshmen have four. The opportun- ity to secure memberships at $50 will not be open to alumnae. More than 400 life memberships have already been taken out by the women of the University. . The organization of the studentl campaign is under the direction of a general student committee of which Mis.3 Lloyd is chairman and Miss Na- talie Murphy, '15, vice-chairman. The student members include representa- tives from all of the dormitories, sor-1 oities, League houses, and the board! of directors of the Women's League. At a meeting of the general commit-I tee held last Tuesday in Barbour gyni- nasium, the general committee chose a central committee of 12 members which will be in charge of the active 'work of the drive. During the drive each member of the central committee will be responsible for 12 team cap- tains who will be chosen according to geographical.divisions. Each captain in turn will have 10 members to in- S7. The posters should be taken to All members of the carnival chor- Sthe physical educatinoffice in usBar- us of the Jnaor Grls'piay are ask- GARRICK bou gynasum efoe Aril30.ed o snd$3, frhircostumes, to They will be judged on May 1, by Lilias Kendall, 545 South Division The Diistigui Prof. Emil Lorch', Prof. Alfred (G. treet, before spring vacation. IDE WOIl Pelikan and Mr. Herbert A. Fowler. _In The Great A All posters will be used and the Delinquent signing-out slips for teiview. A meeting to discuss ways of best one reproduced. March must be sent in to the office of ty J. C. 1Nugent stimulating competition among the flRIT lNIT;the dean of women today. THlE 17 teams was held yesterday in Bar- New York Cast flour gymnasium., ~ilfr i fl hour gynasium TO P~tII~kr [D[ TfflRV jAll members of the lantern chorus I______ The central committee includes Dor- IU UNIN H iER TUVYN oticeses of the Junior Girls' play should see othy Dunlap, '24, Esther Anderson, '25, June Knisley, 1204 Hill street, before Mildred Kuenzel, '26, Mary Louise Jan , o 4 hi rends. Coolidge, '27, members representing Sigma Delta Phi, national honorary Women who purchased maize vacation, about their refunds. the dormitories; Margaret Anne Kee- dramatic and oratorical fraternity, blue stools used in the Junior Girls'!Iast eso td un gan, '24, and Constance Clarke, '26, wiB hold a convention here today and play, are asked to call for theT im- epresentatives to Attend Council representing the sororities; Helen tomorrow, April 11 and 12. It will be mediately, at Betsy arbour house. Representatives of the University Y. King, '24, and Esther Trout, '26, from opened by a luncheon Friday noon. c. ta ouil toed ths the Honor council of League houses; The object of the convention is to Mummers will hold spring tryouts abinet training council to be held this Elizabeth Parrot, '26, and Ruth Rank. discuss general questions which have from 3 to 5 o'clock on Thursday and knd ay 2, silaent, '2, ne- in, '26, from the board of directors of presented themselves to either local Friday, April 24 and 15. The place JDavis, '24, and Lillian Prance, '24. the Women's League. chapters or the society as a whole. will be announced later. Dis, ,si n L of the work of local Y. - A plan by which the various chapters Iicsino h wr flclY Alnb hc hevroscatr W. C. A's and issues to be brought may be more effectively organized and Due to spring vacation, the Tues-Iup at the coming convention, will be co-operative will be particularly dis- day afternoon dramatic section of the taken up at the council. The i r o Ile r cussed. Faculty Women's club will not meet Several constitutional changes will this coming week. The next meeting It's +rua effielency to use Daily Passes By be made at this time. Election of na- will be on April 29. Classifieds.-Adv. tional officers will also be a featureE- of the convention, The mater has stuffed a pillow es- Miss Elizabeth Oakes on the faculty pecially for us, to rest our weary at Rockford college, Rockford, Ill., na- Next 4 head. tional treasurer and secretary of the Sunda -- organization, will be one of those at- We don't know whether we can face tending. Miss Anne McGurk who is in " Lprsienvo"fttea ternt odKC OG the family at Eacter or not, we've bad the public speaking department of the l n i et eK n our hair shingled. Ann Arbor high school is national president of the fraternity.G Our next best tho't we were our! brother masquerading last time lie saw us so we are seriously considering adopting a switch. We do think it's horrid to coax us FOB POSTER C, into the dental chair and everything - L and then let the thing down with a thump. The college walk has noth- Rules and specifications for the pos- ing on that experience when it comes ter contest which is being conducted in HENRY KING'S Production of to getting a jar at the base of the under the auspices of the Women's brain. athletic association have been an- -- nounced. All women interested in en-'IE We wish the Library would adopt tering the competition are requested I A t1 some sort of magnetic attraction for to follow the regulations set forth by At the overdue books that would draw them the association. automatically back to the fold and ex The loster issto advertisetthegruaes,! A GREAT TRIBUTE TOIM " elude our having to face the librarian freshman pageant and lantern nightA R T when we ask for a charge account. to be held May 20, on Palmer Field. A GREAT ARTISTE BY' - We're going to sleep so much when 24 Size of the poster is to be 18 by A GREAT CRITICN We'regoingto slep2soinches. we get home our family will think 3. Any number of colors may be "THERE" th t st MATINEE S we've gohe in for hibernation. used.i oigo esae 4.'veegone iwiforlhibernatios.tusee.this season, nor was there anything 2-3:30 4. The following lettering is to be ' Announce Marriage used: "W. A. A. presentes pageant on the stage last season, to corn- 25c and 3c THE - Announcement has been made of the aid lantern night-May 20, 4-8:30."' pare for one moment with the NIGHTS marriage of Dorothy Louise Platt, : 5. The prizes are: Cash, $5, $4, $3, pathos, the suspense, the spectacu- 7-8:30 1 BACI '27, of Glendale, Calif., to Alton Deane and $1. lar miagnificence and the gorgeous general Adnis- Hobbs, '24M, of Ogdensburg, N. Y. 6. Any woman Jn the University finale of the picture which presents sien 5e I NOTRE The wedding took place March 31. may compete. Lillian dish in "The White Sister."s -Alan Dale in N. Y. AmericanReserve Seats light$ Soo to S 2.601 Wed. and $1.50, Sat, Mat. $*0 shed Comedian F HOPPER merlcan Comedy 1nd Elliott Nugent GGEFNTS ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS LIN Cent rai nine (Slow Time) Leave Chamber of Coimmrce Week Days Sundays 6:45 am. 6:45 a. m. I2:45 P.m. -45 P. M. 4:45 p.m. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Poprietor I I Daily clisif ed for rai resultsI and Production Daily classified for real results. 1 Od W, -TODAY AND SATURDAY- 1 \ _ . ti.p . .. ,,fll! ,,, I1 ' -; x/ a , ' t J ,:.. "'b i J,, r r fit. k SMissPatsy Ruth Miller Who Sensationally Startled holly wood With Her Beauty in the Production The story of LJNTCH d y I fz K OF DAME trn mon . lost; then pl won. A plot high finance interest. a political boss who caveman ideas and ayed gentleman and of humor, intrigue, , love and human .w LANDLADIES! LOOKD On the Inside BACK COVER of Your TELEPHONE BOOK. Patronize Dail dvertisers.-Adv. Orchestra Doubled in Sire "SO it's a --IN ADDITION- N IN LAWS" sTHE SPiDEIF Century Comedy From a Microscopical Study Now is your chance to have those rugs cleaned while the boys are home. Call us today. ' Comm. 4 EASTER CARAMOUCHE" J Sunday I { i REX BE '(1117 "FLOWING GOLD" 31ILTON ILA Jil "Every Rug Shampooed with IvorySoap" . f' --- '! v ,a...,.e,... ,.,,x. ,Q s " qt AMERICAN RUG CLEANING WORKS PHONE 1911 Boston ri I KELVINATOR Bag . E ; 1'". i ) lj) Your Homie Stay 2L It Electric Refrigeration For i KLEEN HEET Oil Buiner Water Softeners Installed By William Hochrein s Shopping Special while they last. They have so many use- ful uses-why try to tell Get the price list from your laundry there. that list back with you so that you can compare it with our list, This will convince you that our prices Bring , you. are right. 211 So. Fourth Ave. $1.5 to 2.00 PLUMBING HEATING Phone 525 Usual Price Our Price 3 Z We have always prided ourselves with the fact that our prices were fair but we never suspected that we were even lower on some things than other leading ii $1 .00 I laundries in the state. HOPE I Sold at HAMPTON i ipm P-honle,6076 or'2077 G. Claude Drake's IN "DOES IT PAY? DRUG and PRESCRIPTION STORE Corner N. Univ. and State 0 .No i iii