WEATHER AND COLDER TODAY LLNow Si r 43a I i I r VOL. XXXIV. No. 146 TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1924 HONOR 62 SENIORS IN PHI BETA KAPPA SOCE I E TIO European Debts, British Labor Regime, Discussed By Hughes "Germany has not paid as much per be set at a high figure, and that Ger- capita on the war since 1919 as has many be given several years before Australia," said The Right Honorable she must begin payments. Further, H he suggested that Germany be given William Morris Hughes, war and aI ag onwt hc octhu peace premier of Australia fron] 1915 a large loan with wh'ich to catch up to her former industrial stride. to 1923 and'vice-chairman of the Re- Questioned as to the success of the parations .commission. in an inter- ! usinda.otescesoh Leader OfI DEMOCRATS START'FACULTY-STUOENT nut COUNTER MEASURE MIXER, FIRST OF TO, MELLON PLAN' KIND, MAKES HITI' SOLONS ANNOUNCE OPPOSITION COMEDY, SATIRE, AND MUSIC, TO PROPOSAL SPONSORED COMBINED IN SUCCESSFUL BY G. 0. P. COMITTEENEN ENTERTAINMENT SIMMONS' PLAN CALLS S, C. A. AND UNION UNITE FOR 40 PERCENT SURTAX I N PROMO [ING AFFAI" L 4 WILL HOLD INITIATION BANQUET MAY 8; WOWEN PREDOMINATE IN SELECTIONS MILLIKAN, NOBEL PRIZE 'WINNER, TO SPEAK HERE Dr. Robbins Is New Chapter Read; Hodges And Strauss Choen On Executive Committee Phi Beta Kappa, inter-national hon- orary scholastic society elected offi- cers for the coming year and 62 stu- dents of the University to membership in the local chapter at the annual meeting held yesterday In Mason hall. May 3 was announced as the date for the initiation banquet and lr. Robert Andrews Millikan, famous American physicist and winner of the Nobel prize award, as the main speaker of the occasion, ,. Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the President, was chosen to head the society here, with 3. H. Hodges of the chemistry department, secretary and treasurer, and Prof. L. A. Strauss of the English department, member of the executive committee. The total number of students elect- ed was somewhat smaller than last year but represented more than five percent 'of the literary and education senior "classes. ~tfese, 56 were' fro the fomer school and 6 from the latter The following members of the sen- for literary %.Class were selected: R. L. Alexander, Thelma ,Andrews, Mar- garet Asman, H. F. Barrett, Marguer- ite J3issel,PElizabeth -Carson, Velma Carter, Lucile Chalmers, Charlotte Clagett, Dorothy Curtis, Frieda piek- hoff, Authur Dittmer, Marjorie Drake, Dorothy Dunlap, Harry Friedgood, Arthur "Graves,. Lillian Greenland, Dorothy Greeuwald, Halmer hansen', Eria Iellmuth, Patti Hiller, Emly, -Hine, Winifred Hobbs, 1t E om p,I C.'T",yen floor, Mary Hu esman, MaryI dives, H. b. Kaiser, Mary Kessel, B.. W. Lenske, fi. S. Lo Mary McCully,f G. J. McCurdy, Gsaudeces Megaro, 3. I A. Miller, W. E. Parnall, Guy Peppiatt, E. C. Prophet, C. Ii.Qua intance, G. 0. Rearick, Rosina Schenk; Helen Schinansky, W. G. Schwer, Althea. Seeley, Elizabeth Slote, Winifred Smeaten, J. J. Spoutz, L. E. Squire, Catherine Stafford, Frances Swain G. W. Troost, Lucilla Walker, Lois Waterman, and Mary Wright. From the senior class of the School of Education the following were pick- ed: Jessie Bixby, Evelyn Eastman, Lucy Hainbecher, Helen Porter and Russell Thomas. In addition to the seniors L. 1i. Parks, '26L, and Norman Cameron, '23, were also elected. CoOL IDGE PLEADS'FOR ORY LAW OSERVANCE Washington, ,. C., April 10.-(By A. P.)--President Coolidge, addressing members of the Women's - National' Committee for Law Enforcement from the south portico of theWhite House today told them sitcessfu 'law en- forcement depended prirmarily upon the. measure of. public'sentiment for observance of. law. . " sometimes wish,"the"President said, "that peo- ple would put a little inore emphasis upon the observance o. the law than they do upon 'its enforcement. - It -is a maxIm of our institutions that the government does not make the peo- ple. hlt the people make the govern- mrent. -That- is why -a gathering, of this kind is so encouraging to me." The president who received:the com- mittee after they had heard addrsses on the subject by the two new mem- bers of his cabinet, Attorney General Stone, and Secretary Wilbur and other speakers, emphasize that the only practical means for stimulating respect for law was ceaeless "awakening of the conscience to movements such as come from your activities an through a determination that there shall be a new order of things." Library Will Stay Open For Vacation During vacation the general library will be open to students for the regul- ar hours, and departmental libraries will be open for a few hours every day. The regulation concerning circulat- ion wifl be lifted tomorrow and from then 4n books may be drawn out as -1 a arm cntI ha ri.a i- view yesterday afternoon.- 'Germany has not even paid her own internal debt-her debt to her own people-which probably amounts to more than 30 or 40 billions of dol- lars," he continued. "What she has done has'tbeen to cancel her debts with worthless paper, paper which has an infinitely small value." "England, whose share of the war was almost as large as Germany's, hh-s paid off her internal debt com- pletely, and with money that was, comparatively, at par. France has also paid off her enormous debt, and she paid it with currency which was only slightly depreciated." When asked what he thought would be a fair amount of reparation for Germany to pay, Mr. Hughes said, "Of course it is possible that the fig- ure set by the Reparations commis- sion, 33 billions of dollars, may have been too high. It is extremely diffi- cult to say exactly what Germany can pay. Up until now she has paid a billion dollars a year, five billion in all. But increasing population will increase her ability to produce, and thereby increase her capacity to pay." Mr. Hughes favors the suggestion made by General Dawes' commission on reparations that the reparations' MacDonald Labor government in Eng- land, Mr. Hughes said that many peo- ple thought that the advent of the labor party in England meant the ad- vent of some form of Russian Bolshev- ism. "These people," he hastened to explain, "are the only ones who are disappointed with the working of thej labor government thus far." 1 The MacDonald government may fall' at any time, according to the Australian statesman. Ile expects the English labor leader to bring for- th some matters of domestic or for- eign policy on which he will not havej a majority, thus necessitating an ap- peal to the people. Mr. Hughes be-1 lieves that in all probability this is- sue will be a question of naval policy, possibly the Singapore Base issue., Mr. Hughes, who h-imself has been connected with every Labor govern- ment in Australia since 1904, believesl that the MacDonald government is at least attempting to satisfy the essen- tials of a good labor government, that is, the improvement of the condi- tions of the masses, the abolition of privileges and privileged classes, as such, the giving to labor a largerI share of the wealth which it produces,, and a high standard of living condi- tions for all people. -"----- BALL TEAM LEAVES SFOR SOUTH TODAY 15 Men Selected by Coach; But Sophomores Chosen for Journey Three FIRST GAME TOMORROW WITH UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Michigan's Varsity baseball squad, composed of Coach Fisher, Manager' White and 15 players, will depart at= 5:30 o'clock this afternoon from the' M. C. station. for their annual invas- ion of the South. The first game will be played tomorrow with the Univer- sity of Kentucky nine at Lexington. The final selection of players was made yesterday afternoon, with five pitchers, two catchers, seven regular fielders and one utility man included 'in the selection. The infield will line up against Ken- tucky with Wilson on first base, Giles. on second, Dillman at short stop and George Haggerty on third base. Bach- man will play in left field, Kipke will cavort in. center field and -Coleman will play the right field. Captain Jack Blott will play behind the plate, with Baker as relief catcher. Deview will act as infield and outfield utility man. Coach Fisher will probably use two men on the mound in the initial con-' test.. Stryker is due to get the first calf, but it is not known who will re- lieve him. The remaining four twirl- ers to iake the trip are Benson, Shoe- smith, Torrey and Jablonowski. The first four named pitchers have seen service on the Varsity squad be-1 fore, but ,Stryker is the only one who has earned his "M." Torrey was on the squai two years ago but was forced out by an injury and was un- able to play last season. Benson and Shoesmith were on the squad last year with Benson getting into several of the games. Jablonowski is the best looking pitcher of the sophomore. candidates. Wilson is the only regular fielder who is a sophomore. Giles and Dill- man were substitute fielders last sea- son, while Haggerty was Varsity sec- ond sacker.. Kipke is the only veter- (Continued on Page Six) ! ,E ' BY EDUCATION FACULTY Rules were adopted, that will change the entrance requirements to the School of Education and have them conform to those of the literary col- lege, at .a meeting of the faculty of the School of Education yesterday. Class B will be eliminated. The new changes in the marking system in the literary college were also adopted. Limiitation in the range of sub- jects leading to a teacher's certificate and a general renumbering of the courses in the education college were GLEE. CLUB LEAVES FDR SPRING TOUR Thirty-Four Men Start on Annual Jaunt; Itinerary Includes 11 Michigan CitiesI ROTARY CLUBS AND ALUMNt PROVIDE ENTERTAINMENT Thirty-four men will leave Ann Ar- bor today on the annual spring tour of Michigan Glee clubs, with an itin-. erary enbracing stops at 11 Michigan cities. The singers will make the en- tire trip by special Pullman and will return Tuesday April 22. The first concert will be given in Howell to- night and the second performance will be presented at Cadilac Saturday af- ternoon- Bonus Bll, Passed b3 House Gets Consideration froyn Senate; Postpone Act'on Washington, D. C., April 10.-(By A. P.)-Lines for the major contest of the revenue bill in the senate were de- finitely drawn today by lannounce- mnent of Democrats on the income tax plan they will propose as a substitute for the Mellon rate placed in the mea- sure by finance committee republicans. The bill as framed by the, finance committee was introduced in he sen- ate by Chairman Smoot, who said he expected to call it up for considera- tion next week. Senator Robinson, Arkansas, democratic leader, joined Chairman Smoot in the suggestion that the bill be taken up next Wed- Inesday. The income tax schedule, introduced by Senator Simmons, North Carolina, ranking Democrat on the finance com- mittee, is a radical departure from I the plan of Garner, Democrat, Texas, which was supported by house Demo- crats, and approaches very closely, the Longworth compromise rate adopted by the house. It provides for a maximum surtax rate of 40 per cent applicable on in- comes of more than $500,000. The house maximum rate was 37 1-2 per cent on incomes over $200,000. The rate on $200,000 in the Simmons pro- posal is 38 per cent. The maximum rate in the Garner plan, was 44 per cent, on all incomes over $92,000.1 The committee bill would make the maximum surtax rate 25 per cent on all incomes over $100,000. Senator Simmons announced that the plan he proposed today would raise three million dollars more re- venue annually than would the In- come bill carrying the Mellon normal surtax rates. Meanwhile, the senate finance com- mittee took up today the soldiers{ bonus bill passed by the house and which Republicans of the committee have agreed to support. On request The first annual faculty-student mixer was held last night under the auspices of the Student Christian as- soc ation and the Union in the assemb- ly hall of the Union which was pract-' ically filled by the men who gathered to hear the comedy, satire, and novel- ty numbers of the program. I Faculty men of all colleges and a wide representation of students were present to create the laughter of the evening. Special music by a student orchestra and the University Glee club, short talks, and refreshments completed the program. Thomas J. Lynch, '25L, and Harry C. Clark, '24, spoke for the students, while Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineering col- lege, Prof. Joseph Hayden of the pol- itical science department, and Col. H. W. Miller of the engineering college represented the faculty. Charles Livingstone, '25, and J. K. Dunn, '24, headed the committee in charge of the mixer. Assisting them were a number of sub-committees. To illustrate the success of the first mixer, committeemen point out the banner attendance, the unusually friendly spirit of those present and the, fact 'that many groups of students re- mained to talk with faculty men moreI than 30 minutes after the mixer, while} two groups remained with faculty members more than an hour. HFATFII RITTI F MINKS many arais up nnale Forscussion And Informalitles ' I-I SIGMA Xl SELECTS National Honor Society Will Hold Initiation Ceremony May Sixteenth{ THREE OF FACULTY MEMBERS HONORED BY SCIENTISTS Sigma Xi, national honorary scien- tific society, has announced its 'an- nual initiation to take place on May 16. The national committee will be nresent at this time to narticinate in a 7 i S: : a Hugo Stinues The famous German industrial lead- er who died in Berlin yesterday fol- lowing an extended illness. Berlin, Stinnes, the Gern other ma night. I struggled and was Around and child ed in his~ could sp interests. his recov foremost ing again Three performe ago for g to the im tient qu geons, th essitating one on S that pneu Hugo S mann Sh9 comparat9 ed to bet many. H trolling i a total c marks ax mines, sh ers. He sha ' coal indn Sunday will be spent traveling be- j of Democrats, who asked time to out- tween Cadilac and Frankfort, from line proposals they will advance for which latter city the special will be a bonus, definite action on the bill ferried across Lake Michigan to Men- was put off until Saturday. Chairman ominee. The third concert will be Smoot predicted the bill would be given there under the auspices of approved by the committee on that Michigan alumni and the American day and a report of the measure madej Legion. Ironwood will be the next to the senate by next Monday. stop for which performance a special4 matinee program has been arrangedI for the high schools at the 'Memorial LENHER LECTURES ON building, where the evening concertUU will also be given. Wedne~'day the ni men will pass through Saxon, Wis., ISELENIUM OXYCHIORIDE on their way to Marquette tar a con-c cert at the Northern Normal college. Sault St. Marie will be the next town Prof. Victor Lenher of the Uni- to be visited on Thursday. On Friday versity of Wisconsin delivered his the Pullman will be ferried across the famous lecture on selenium oxychlor- Straits of Mackinac and the trip con. ide under the auspices of the local tinued to Cheboygan, where the club branch of the American Chemical soc- will sing at the high school, at a ban- iety, last night in the Chemical ampi- quet given by the Michigan club and theatre explaining the uses of selen-i another affair sponsored by the Ro- ium and its compounds. given at the Co-Professor Lenher, is in the manufact- Ay Cner allen giland t SatCm- ure of red glass. Bakelite, hard rub- nmunity Center hall in Midland at ber and coal, which formerly were urday evening following which the I thought to be insoluble in any solvent choristers will journey to Flint, where are soluble in selenium oxychloride. a record audience is anticipated. Selenium in one of its forms conducts? George Oscar Bowen will conduct the electricity in the light much better special evening concert there. From than in the dark and with this fact Flint the troupe will proceed to De- as a basis certain motion ' picture troit, returning to Ann Arbor Tues- firms are expending large sums of day morning. money in the attempt to send motion Special entertainments have been pictures by radio. provided by local alumni and civic or- ganizations and the Glee club men are Wisconsin Oera assured an excellent time, according to advices received by those in charge On Longest Tour of arrangements of the itinerary. Trips to the locks, Fort Brady and i Madison, Wis., -April 10.-"Twinkler other points of interest at the Soo Twinkle," the twenty-sixth annual have beentarranged. I ,'.b *1,,. teT-at ani a iiLn i LU ~ U HI 1LL IW i =pU ±,1. I ,l 1 the initiation. friend, A POThefollowing have been elected to othersntow full membership in the society: gation of New taxicab rates for all cabs oi- Faculty: Ora S. Duffendack of the was repc erating within the city limits of Ann physics department, Prof. H. L. Keim newspape Arbor were fixed last night when the of the medical school, Laurence L. pulp fact ordinance governing taxi lines was Lockrow of the physics department. Stinnes passed by the common council. The Those elected to associate member- Peoples'I bill was passed despite heated pro- ship are: Liberals1 tests from taxi operators and several Graduate students: Bessie B. Kan- financed aldermen, and its passage terminates ouse, Peter J. Klaphaak, Frank A. the party a long struggle between taxi owners ' Spragg, Hakon Lund, John F. Ross, in the Rei and the council over the proposed Alma B. Ackley, John E. Anderson, I monarchy rates. Ralph F. Cohn, Robert R. Tanner, Ce- dates fav Ten days following legal publication cil J. McLean, Everett Chapman, During ti of the ordinance single passengers Lewis N. Holland, Richard E. McArdle, the Gerr will be charged 35 cents for the first George S. Buchanan, Sarah Clarkson, July, Stin mile or fraction thereof, and 10 cents Hsio T. Lee, Floyd Poindexter, Walter blamed 'V for each succeeding one-third mile.' M. Simpson, Ruth C. Wanstrom, Put- immediat Additional passengers will be-charged nam C. Lloyd, '24M, Perrin H. Long, threatene 25 cents for the entire trip. Time '24M, Mary L. Long, Lloyd Ackerman, valley we rates were set at $3 per hour for five Dugald E. Brown, Frances N. Clark, coal. Wh passenger cars and $3.50 per hour for William J. Clench, Harry W. Hann, ,lreached,1 7 passenger cars. James P. Jones. the duty Mayor George Lewis received per- Undergraduates: Herbert F. Schie- meet itst mission from the council to appoint a; fer, '24E, Carl 0. Erlanson, '24, John Stinnes committee of city officials to convene E. Sass, Lyle E. Squire, '24, Benjamin many big with a committee from the Board of F. Hausman, '24E, John R. Polhamus, ably of t Regentsto discuss the enlarging of 4 '24E, William K. Saunders, '24E, James dustries. the water supply for the University. E. Wark, '24E, Donald A. Zinn, '24E, to formb y Campus landscaping and the build- Ernest J. Abbott. '24E, Henry W. vent alp. ing program will also be discussed at Bousman, '24E, Charles R. Burrows, the meeting. '24E, louis A. Dorff, '24, George H. Griffin; 24E, Gabriel Kron, '24E, Cle- M ay Settle British- ment R. Brown, Herbert W. Cole, '24E, Julian R. Fellows, '24E, Donald E. I Russian DIsputeh; Marsh, '24E, James W. Morse, '24E, George A. Whinery, '24E. London, April 10.-(By A. P.)-The I Washin Anglo Russian conference for the set- P.)-Sen tlement of the remaining differences IMUSIC mHOnjjI S nia, a ca I between Great Britian and the Russian S Rpresident Soviet government will be formally night in opened at the Foreign Office Monday WLt I fl I [NEASTis not qu when Prime Minister MacDonald N'ill to do pol welcome the Russian delegation head- To ! an effort ed by Christian Rakovsky, andl Prof. M Two slosistsfrom the ol of" cor Proraschenski who arrived in Lon-MscWila Wheeler of the voice There Preobs s wdepartment, and Doris Howe, and ad-' d don lastnihhscad don last night. vanced student in the School, have his cand The sessions will not be public but been engaged to sing at the annual ws ther the opening speeches by the ]'rime Music Festival of te Ithaca Conser- ent repor Minister and '. Rakovsky will be vatory of Music, April 25 and 26. The tail his printed and the daily program of the concerts will be given at the First states th session will probably be communicat- Methodist Episcopal church of Ithaca. the Rep ed to the press. Mr. Wheeler will sing the tenor rol- at Cleve ________________es in Mendelssohn's "Elijah" andj Since']b CRossini's "Stabat Mater", while Miss terday, S ' j C aeag Chems# Howe will sing the contralto solo in with a ri IA~il Sp ak H re"Elijah." Both singers have done con- il S e ee siderable solo work in Ann Arbor and whilemac --- Ielsewhere. They are soloists at the them, at Mr. Robert B. Harper, chief ahem- Methodist church here, and have ap- abandon ist for the People's Gas Light and I peared in faculty concerts. Mr. tiond Coke company of Chicago, will deliver Wheeler sang the tenor role in the The o an address at 7:30 o'clock May 7 in I "Messiah" which was given here at hesgn Hill auditorium. His subject will be Christmas time, and Miss Howe sang has give Id"TheField for Engineers in the Gas the part of Buttercup in the High hi te Industry" and will be one of interest School presentation of "H. M. S. his state Tto students in all branches of engin- Pinafore." Glared tt April 10.-(By AP)-Hugo more closely identified with man industrial life than any an, 'died at 8:30 o'clock to- ndefatigable in his labors, he I against the impending end conscious to the last. I him were gathered his wife Iren. ' To them he had devot- Slater years all the time he- are from his vast business There had been no hope for 'ery for many hours and the medical skill could do noth- st the ravages of disease. major operations had been d, the first about four weeks gallstones, and it was owing possibility of keeping the pa- let, according to the sur- at complications arose, nee- further operations, the last unday. It was also reported imonia had developed. tinnes, director of the Woer- ripping company, although a Ively young man, warept- the leading capitalist of Gr- e was accredited with a con- nterest in industries having apitalization of 8,000,000,000 nd his enterprises included ips, factories and newspap- red control of the iron and stry of Germany with his ugust Thyssen and a' few d occupied' a dominating pos- 'ard the entire inland navi- f that country. In 1920 he rted to have purchased 60 rs as well as several paper .ones. was the idol of the German party, formerly the National which he was said to have after the revolution. While he helped to place in power ichstag quietly renounced the y, it openly espoused candi- vorable to the old regime. he Inter-Allied discussions on many indemnity at Spa in nnes' defiant attitude was for the failure to come to e terms. He said that the d occupation of th'e Ruhr ould stop the production of hen the agreemnt was finally however, he declared it was of every German to help terms. was the primeamover in industrial combinations, not-. the electrical and allied I- It wassaid thatr ehelped ig combines in -order to pr- economic crash. JOHNSON DENIS REPORTED QUITTING1 Q ., igton, D. C., April 10.-(By A. ator Hiram Johnson, Califor- andidate for the Republican tial nomination, declared to- a formal statement that he iitting what he is "attempting litically." That he defined as to rid the Republican party rupt and reactionary control." was no specific mention of idacy in his statement, nor re any reference to persist- rts that he would at leastcur- activities in the remaining at are to select delegates to ublican national convention land. his return to Washington yes- enator Johnson has conferred umber of his advisers here. o formal announcement has de it is known that some of least, have advised him to the contest for the nomina- mly public answer the senator n to question as to whether ded to adopt that course in ment tonight. In that he de- hat the "unholy alliance be- 'ooked big business and crook- cs" which dominates the Re- party must be smashed and ty "revitalized and regener- Hughes And Wife j Guests Of Hobbs The Honorable William M. Hughes,. former premier of Australia, was time guest of honor at a luncheon given in the Union yesterday by Prof. William Herbert Hobbs of the geology depart- ment. Mrs. Hobbs simultaneously enter- tained for Dame Mary Hughes, wife of the statesman. The distinguished visitors will remain in Ann Arbor un- prouctonoc ne ~rs voL organz tion of the University of Wisconsin, has commenced its sprinj tour through the Middle West. The tour this year is the most ex- tensive one ever taken by the Hares- foot club, and will include Cheboygan, Appleton, Racine, Kenosha, Rockford, Chicago, Indianapolis, Peoria, and Milwaukee. Urbana, Ill, April 10.--Due to slow stadium payments there is as possibil- ity that the dedication of the new stad- ium may have to be postponed until 'i I Bering and business administration. Mr. Harper was at one time head of the technical section of the American Gas association. He is now one of Jinx Hits Oregon Tracksterst Eugene, Oregon, April 10.-Coach T4nIvwnrd a TTniversity of Ore-on has I tween cr I ed politi publican the par