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April 10, 1924 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-10

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" 'tutb11c41ou1 in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the Uztiversity. Copey received by the A~si'aut to the President until
3:30 P.,in. "(11:30 a. M. Saturday).I
E V icdulun. 4THlURSI)AY, APRILl 111,1921 Number 141
lUWVersit) Lecture:
Dbr. ,Lenher, of the Univers y of Wisconsin, will speak under the joint
aupil o. f the niverity.2tnd he local section of the American (hemical
Society on'Thursday, April 10, at 8 p. in. is the Chemical Anphitheatre.
-4:His subjectl-will be "Selenium Oxycloride", and the lecture will be i1
1i1etrated with a. number; of experiments. The public is cordially invited.
1?.,F. Robbwi~
", Uoie Pr1sliten~s:
~iujl iut'sips fo>r Marh whcih hve not yet been turned in must be
breui ght to ttie office of the Dean 'ofWomen y Friday, April 1t, without
tall .':den 1aiiltou, Dean of \Vimen.
Fres Mine i' Heal Th ectures:
''111 Fltieshmen Health Lectures will be repeated in the Natural Science
Autditorium imediately after Spring 'Vacation as indicated by the dates be-
low.' These are part of the Freshmen requirements of all men students now
In the TTUiversity.
Lecture No. 1-'Tuesday, April 22nd. 4 and 7 o'clock.
Lecture No. 2-Wednesday, April 23rd. 4 and 7 o'clock.
Lecture No. 3-'Thursday, April 24th 4 and 7 ,o'clock.
I-etre No. 4--Monday April 28th. .4 and 7 o'clock.
Lecture No. 6-Tuesday, April 29th, 4 and 7 o'clock.
Lecture No. 6-Wednesday, April 3th. 4 and 7 o'clock.
Warren E. Forsythe.
'the health Srvice Dispensary will be open between eleven and twelve
$' clack o1ly, during spring; vacation. Monday, April 21st, it will be open
frri $ 86iI -&olok.F. . Allen.
volleme of the 2 o'clock lecture section will go to the West Gallery
o 0j*Wj~tal for. the Midsemester examination today.
Win . NCrap.
u 8 s ftroin classes In Shakespearean Reading will interpret the prln-
' tipkv 96 b 'Ro'ofeo and Juliet'wthout the aid of costumes and scenery
Thtgrid V, Alp I10, at8:00 p. m. in Universty ItCall Auditorium. A cordial
hitaRt~o is extended to the public ard no admission charge will e made.,
The anniual meeting of the Universit of M1licigan 4Capter of, Vhi Beta
KA d frill bd held in Room 205 Mason h1lail Thursday, April 10, it 4:15 p.
in. .J. II. lodge, Secretary.
TRh"oC iz re:
Iist"'year phbarnmacy students who desire to take the competitive exam-
1ntos;u fair tiroe Rho Chi prize should n nti fy the Scretry of he College of
1Phrmai y not later- than April 11. Date of the examination is Apri 26,
'98-2 4A 1. It..Waeiir.
ti he P Giun and AladeClub will hold a social ovau:nn^ for its memel)rs and
th r W v s r riends onThursday evening, April 1th. at 7: 29. at the Fac-
ilty ;tli~b§2f:Soth, Ingalls. Th'ie evening will be sijlent at cars
res aieents will be served. All member who aticip to being
present .shot)ld notify Mr. Graichen, Chairman of the Social Commrittee, as
. %) , 'gp ssqille. Phone 2696-W. Jon iA. iyrc.
X1, wil b ameeingthis evening at 7:30 in our roomns on the forth
t4 trof_,) Il'versity ihall.,rThe stand taken by ertain otiu ~ 1r llil-
ygaipnt mnltry service will be the subject for lsussion. All intere.ted are
M +- f y''"' y t . r, E. arl IVr . Cory, Pl'rei4Jnt.
ilitaEJ4 Ju
l~,Tp*o e,:'wilI bi ,a spec ;al meeting of the fraterily at the Uh ncn. Iloim
Ao; A r l1J0, At 7:1p! iiito 'Hyde.
11 ti . "lp1 o d ulu
There,,will be a meeting of the, faculty of the School of Edu:aion at
4:165 p. n., Thursday, April 10,.in the office of the School of EdueIstion.
A. S. Whiney.
?11l, plrsoudsor societies using this
iollta siv#w Include In their ntces Fiial plans for the annual sping
di , haur', anid place." All 'cot ecs vacation trip of the members of th
wv tiucsu tt sdth ill be disregarled.; osmopolitan club were , nouncedI
THURSDAYlast eening at its meing at Lanc
THURSDAY " 7all by Calton Well. of the RhetoricI
: ~ i-I t? c6unmunion, '11arr 112111. i'department, who i faculty advisor
1 b -)f -~tl acuty Ilunchteo~D. n,. Unfor this club.
t' "o~i i' +More than 20 students, mostly Tap-~
ltQ#-?oomiday prayers, Ha:is h:;. anese and Chinese, are to pas c ipate
in the trip this year and a new fea-
4:QQkt~rn~sservces. StAu.lure is to be added in the fact that ar-
dlRe'1 lhll'fli', rangemnt have been made so ta all
{ i¢. t rary society diner, of the visiting students are to b'e en- om 1, no.trtie i

room 18, nion ; tetaind tprivate homes throughl-
F sl--311~r ball commiittee nectb out the trip. This advantage hay ne r
in room 130, Union. been procured before because of thei
7:15--Alpha Epsilon 31u meets i roomI general lack of interest fornlerly
342, Union. shown by the cities which were viait*-
7 :3O--un and Blade meets, 226 South; ed, but this promises well Vfor the foa-
Ingalls street. ture~trips of the club, according tr) Mr.
8:(W---Umversity leture, Chendistry AWells.
asebyhl.T7 nieti ilb t.ca e:4:r-La Crosse team meets In roosm of Mr. Wells and all foreign students
;06, Union. + wh~o ar-e interestedI and( have not sign-
7:40-F-aculty-Student mt jxer, iiiis(iied for thae tour are urged to register
amphitheater. ! at Lane Hall. Unusual opt oi'!unities
I to visit and become acquainted vith
FRIDA !the industries of these cities, ire of-
12:s0 -- aw ficly linelicon,*11-' fered this year which have ntecer been
iqn :0$17 ekcimteiuaipossible before.
eon. room 1323, Union. liourt 3Uss tihe Nixer Toig liia

Anticipating the crowded roomhingj
conditions in tlfis city during the 'week'
of the 1May Festival, many people who

Pineville, Ky., April 9.-The "~mine,
war" between union and non-u nion
employees grew to larger pr'oportions
around the site of the Liberty Coal
and Coke company during the day.
fMore national guardsmen are being
thrown into the region in axn effort
to break up the disturbance.
Don't Miss the Mixer Tonight
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.
~ LOOK!.
Onil he ie lnh6 BACK (OV ER of E
Your TF! I111b0I.E !UIKL




plan to be hiere that week-end, have
already reserved rooms at the Union

and city hotels
Dennis Donovan, house inanag~r off
the Union has Se't oaside 10 rooms at
the Union foil visiting'alumninimenmberst
who Imay need them. No more roomr~s


'at the Union are available for guest . i u *SaAr~zr , r . A n Zrv K
Violet Ray Tells ________
'Fake' Paiint igs 6Wh 'en gnuE se
Berkeley, Calif., April, 9.-Fraudu- i,
letrepresentations of paintings by i
fthe masters can be detected by ur
ing ultra-violet light rays on the art w/ mean
objects, according to members of the
faculty of the art department in the
university of California. Experiments
along this line are being made at thoe
"Under ultra-violet rays the brush
strokes show plainly," said a profes-
sor, "and if photographs are made
while the lights are turned on the
canvasses, the kinds of color used also
are shown, and. when thesearae coi-(j
pared with the kids knowti to' lav<°r You will find an exquisite dih
been used by the artist siilppdse~ to'
have' painted the Pit ue and" fraud ,UNh Hen y! I
can be detected.'* The. erm ns heave ,
used the samne system in c nitipolog y .: 'Porthea--Aramisl-my friends, at
for numer o y'er~ ad th~ itendn mel A new treasure that ol' Doc
for a number ofnye rshanghthosf-OhtHenrysin
ply applying the process to Dumsneerthting:1Ohenyl
It is inevitable that it. will comes intol AFine Catdy-lOc ti teree
gee. 'sv"-
w , r
" c-;
} ~4* Spin
SAll nature tae nanwadclrfu
-, Spring. With the leng he'hf,,4 ys
sunlight evertingr takes a rew le
We can instill that new life into you
Send them to us, dirty,full of grit and
we will return them to you, glowing NN
1*~ cleanness and looking like new. T1
i soft, stainless, clean to feel and wall
Howv is this possible?---The dust is fi
K by a scientific process, whereupon
+ shampooed by a caretaking method
J as it is thorough. Clean water, Ivory
~ , 'electric brush, a vacuum cleaner,. har
- ;.perienced operators make this posit
,,- " ,' Let us sham poo your rugs and , carv S r ny V c io . T e wll br a
Cam~ when school opens.

Anicrican Rugi Cianil
Phone 1911*ll.



c more to you if you send
to your friends'

iplay, at the

otoCraft Shop
Mrs. MacGregor -'~~
ff j
%r rugs.
t grm , andmi
rt gremovte
th rugis
Ld foryo
ig Worku is-


Stu~dents of Dartmouth' recemtly
ept a record for two weeks of their:
allyt rioutine. Thce results sh'owedj
hat an avNerage undergradua-te w\orksi
ine hours, sleeps eight and a hiall'
Dilfs and spends six-and a half hours
trecreation each day.
Attend the Faculty-Student M hx 'r

Oursis ,I. seed .Store. We . i
all binds of :seeds. 'l'lhere is a
dem nand fr rcheap is xvii gi bass
seTd. We suppily that dem iid
ses of good quality, 11lyining by
thalt purity alid (luk growh.
(lesires low pi.riced gra.: s ed
it Avill pay him ito buy it at
our store. Just becau Ise we car1-
ry the tintsst and fiost41expeni~ve
of grasses is 11o reasonl why we

~1' I'

W4 S O
1 ' ... ... '_....
... 74.

jMote Shoppe
't n~l1n1 tR~ i'T




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