THE:1 M'ICHIIGAN< DAiLY w .- , :w.. ..----,-- - -- TIS' COLUMN CLOSES _AT 3 PAM L SSIFIE THIt~ COLUMN CLOSES IAT13 P.M. LOST F0!'L?~iENT LAST SATURDAY, large manilla en- S ING A D IOUBLE rooms for velope containing questionnaires c men. Apy11CevrC. importance to The hMichigan Daily,1 heve 0 Finder please notify lbusiness of kc' WE\J) 1ROOMS 1OF light lhousekeeping 960 or Loraine Price, 2949. n xjtvr i txrren 5 and 6 o~ 'clock Has New Theory flfltrhrlK Ntghe 50.o S . 2.8 kIK I; Wed, aI'd. The Distinguished Coniedan DEIV OLF ROPPER In The (Great A rercan C4 'ordy ;i ly .J. C. .NvT ent nd Elliott NIIgeI11 THLE .N GE.NTS 1 ew 'Fork Cast and Production BOARD (Without IBreakfast) FOUR DOLLARS Ne it1aLaw- 1hI \ I A DVERTI SING DAILY CLASSIFIED RATiES Charged at the rate of 12c per reading tine for one or two insertions, 11 c pet reading line for three Gr more insertione. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to throse having phones. Ask about cnntracts for classified advertising. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion; ClassIfi4'4 Colum~n Closes at 1,. o'Clock boon, Saturday. ".1mmIe-the-Ad 'Taker' TORTOISE SHELLI glasses, last Thursday near North Boulevard. Leave notice at 558. CHAIN KEY RING with seven keys' on it Saturday afternoon. Call Hayes, 849-W. THE LOWER"I PART of Conklin Fo1,n- tain pnn on campus or State Street. 5:. 0 S. DIvisin NICE SiTE a eCond floor.. An 1exceptioally w-ell furnished suite; ona: first floo r. Can lbehad as sing- les. Private, lavatory. Dormnitory if de Tred. Students mrnrie(d or; busines peop~le. Also garage. 422 I am ilton Place. Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Ad v- } Finder please call Betsy Barbour IAt', ,1TMOl)Af IONS for two or three IHouse, me-n students Phone 1194-M 422 - i E-- HWashington. Yl IVANTED DIRTY RUJGS to Clean. 'Every. rug cleaned with Ivory Soap by the shiampoo method. Phone 1911 for our truck to call. Rugs will be de- livered when promised. American Rug Cleaning Works. AN EXPERIENOED fraternity cook.' Call 1460. FOR SAID. ' FIVE FULL blooded airdale dogs. For information, phone 197 rii..g 2, 2 or write Fred Kleinschmidt, Sal-, WILL SELL or rent large house with accommodations for 24. Suitable for either fraternity or sorority. Splendid locatWon. Phone Mrs. Marksman, 1680-R. SALESMAN WANTED-Guaranteed IPPECIAL RIDING boot for ladies or salary 'and commis'sion. Part "r ' Gents for a few dlays only at $15.00 full time. Apply 708 1st Natl. Bank made to your measure. ANN AR- r Bldg. i BOR CUSTOM SHOE~ FACTORY. Phone 312-M. EXPERIENCED male cook for boys summer camp. Inquire at Lane OSCAR SAENGER course in vocal Hall. Phone 1693. training. Victor records, new, $l20.{. ROO'MMATE for a freshman architect jCl 99U oeon at- 1008 Monroe street. 1206-R. !ATTENTION LANGUAGE TEACHIERS .., nd Students. 3 sets Cortina langu- GARAGE IN VICINITY of 720 Church age records, English, French and St. Call 1145-W. Italian. $25 each, regular price $60. University Music IHouse. l A. UNI1VERSITY QI UL to help wvith, ________________ housework. Call 2324-M I 1E'P E 1HELP YOU to select a car WA -'-- RST for your trip home. B~uffington, _________________________620 .Monroe. Phone 1118-,I. QARGE:Firt cass ner SuthTWO ACRE farm on Washtenaw "New Divsio an Pakad. all663W. University Center". Restricted. I Karl Mlom,60 iet,1713-1 TYPE WR4ITIiNG alom,62 iery ~LL AKE. AgncyWoodt~o an Very attractive cottage at Whitmore 1Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- Lk.Alfrihd odwls rig machine, Line-a-Time copyan a garage.I holders,, rubber stam'ps, ribbons and ~rlMlcl cushion lkys, type cleaners and sup "Where a little buys ''a lot." plies. Machines rented. I73M62ELbryS ANN ARIBOR TYPEWRITER- jWILL THlE MAN w~ho found Delta Gamna pin please call 4:52 today. !A lIT o 2 4n for two or three( rJ -~boys. 41 B, aV-ihington.. ShOE REPAIRING IY Full soles a Specialty. Put on lasts ti)YU rg ou frcenn and treed into shape. Made to look iS1I O'Lr st sfrcenn like new. Give us a trial, or repairing during Spring Vaca- Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Factory tion. Expert workmen. Every rug 534 Forest Ave. shamp~ooed with Ivory Soap. Set _________________________________ Inside back page of Telephone Dir- HASectory for particulars. AmericanDrP.Jwrk I RugCleaning Works. Phone 1911. Iug SEDI CARS Blood transfusion as a means of Spring; millinery for women at niod- FOR TOURING, odtrs re, rejuvenation for old people is ad-I crate pI'CS.lghtd irs, wineartrtin , perect vocated by Dr. P. Jaworski, eminent ANNA E. WES'I mechanism. Will sell cheap be-FrnhPlsscett.Hsasht 206 Librty St.fore Friday. 121 W. Willvana fte by an injection into old veins of young 205:00bet.S. ftrblood having a biological affinity, P hone 1390-R.___ _______ worn-out tissues have been revived IOIE-TYPEW~iRITIERS( in a manner truly remarkable. Medi- NOTICE_________f__all___makes__ cal scientists are investigating his. Fisli Fish Fish j oug t ll mkestd Ecage, claims. We wish to announce that we have CloeanedSold, RedpEaged ,I openedl a first class fish market. 0. D. MIOR RILL,in r m IIt s I White Fish..............25c per 11). 17 Nickels' Arcade Perch.................. 25ec per lb}. The Typewriter & Stationery StoreI Trout...................28c per lb. D lealer: Corona & L. C. Smith (Cniudfo PaeS) II C tne fo aeSx In fact a variety to choose from at I~NA R 4I ous fraternityr houses every Wednes-I reallowprices. Orders (delivere(d. __________________ _dy ('~aiatimFish Market ly 609 Detroit St. WE KNOW how to dust and clean I r ~Oriental Rugs. Call 1911 for our No postponement games will be al- CA_ N AD, edn n truck. American Rug Cleaning lowed in the league this. year. All!I nouncements, etc. Orders given oks games not played because -of bead prompt attention. BIDU)E'S BOOK ;PEntries are now open for the All- weather will be played after the rest STORE, 11 Nickels Arcade. campus singles andt doubles horseshoe of the schedule has been completed. WOMEN to know you can buy dishes, to aet Managers of independent and soc- kitchen wares, and notions at your; ety playground baseball should call own figure. Visit our Sale to raxn I- at the Intramural office'to sign uip all this week. Closing out all j -mditey hOMElI SUPPLY STORE lii te s ide BIA~i' COVER of Managers of classhadaltem 209-211 East Washington St. I Yotir T Ii'11 PIONE B11OK. I are also expected to sign. up in the Ann Arbor _________________ near future. Tales n our .Letters ..z Tell' .> Of I You. have an "individual" handwriting 'style. Your letters tell your 'character and temperament to one who knows how to read them. "Through the Eaton, Crane & Pike Company we arc able to offer the service of individual character readings. by an authority at a nominal cost to all users of CRANE' S LINEN LAW ,N EAT ON'S HIGHLAND LINEN Let us explain this service. 0. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARtCAD)E The Typewriter and Stationery Store EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown* No. 9 Ann Arbor Say. Bank Bldg. TYPING DONE during spring vaca- tion. Special 'rates. Leave work at Student- Supply Stor-e, Graham's (E. University), ;Slaters or call; 2096-J.- All Jokes a side 'ornfe in and get a real Honest to Goodness pair of shoes. made to your ordter. - From $8.50 and I up. ANN ARBOR CUSTM SHOE RUGS SHA1\WOOED_ or bust cleaned., Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works., Phone 50. Supierfluous Removed P1ermaniently by EETROLYSIS ELECTRO-CpOSMETIC SERVICE Bly appointmn~t only- Phone 1107-R. NORWALK-ELYR IA:Driving to Ob er- lin ,Ohio, Saturday April 12. Re- turning April 20. Can take 3 pass- engers. Phone 1158-M at 6:30 p. ni. AV I CAN DECORATE your house or fraternity properly. See us or, call 1170-R. The Artcraft Shop, 916 E. '(Washington St. Knit to fit CANOE, 17 ft. Morris, full mahogany 4deck. Complete equipment and can- Soe cover. Call Tendoll, 2769-M. -NOTICE TO Fraternity in the best building sit to be had, only, six blocks east of camnpus. 132 foot frontage on Oswego, paved street, fbetween Hill and Geddes, overlook- ing the Huron Valley. See phis be- fore you buy. Herman Folske. HOUSE MANAG~ERS RUtGS are to a home what, wothes are to a man. Send the rugs from Syour house here for Spring Reno- vating. American Rug Cleaning Works. Phone 1911. AFTER VAGATIQN7 Where are you going to board? ,You will get tiele est meals with proper balance and variety, and save mn-i ey i inehe argain. Varsity Lodge Dining,-)Hall 611 Church Street P BURSON Fashioned hose without a seam $100 THE EXQUTISITE CORSET SLOP 109 E ILiberty FOUNITAIN PENS F~OUNTAIN P~EN INSURiCE, Have your namne enigraved on your pen~ or pencil, price 25 cents Buy n4 tionally known fountain pens aiad ink from 0. D3. MORRW.... 17 Nickels' Arcade, and forget your troubles HAVE YOUR rugs cleaned during va- cation by the shampoo niethod. American Rug Cleaning Works. Phone 1911 for particluars. MUSICAL NOW IS the time to get your portable Victrola for the canoe trips. See Schiaeberle & Son, 110 So. Main St. rr-,vacation. rreparatios During the rush and bustle of vacation activities you will not care to take time out for that OneGlnc Sufice Sut0r vrcot" wakngdw thrtet o a telvnticivl ":ta a h is eain iC i veypatcua" abu"i cohs St -lc lte begn a SATURDAY, APRIL 12 '"CHARLES TFROHMiAN' j r'esenrsk (IN PERSON) . 11v S/L/SBL/RY F/ELD'S t I SAAS/~v//O STAGE COMVEDY 1117A ATAIL NOW The. new "English " Clothes we have Just receive d from Stratford are the finest we have ever shown They're great clothes these new English styles. They're the most distinctive, the best looking, the smartest cl~othes ever designedk for the college man. The fellows that have seen these new 'things that have just come in are more than. "Superior Seri-ice" $6.50 PER WEEK; $5.50 WITH OTBLREAKFA ST " -k1 j-' , ~ "~~' J [{ Enclose Self-Addressed Envelope PIlCE S-Lower Floor, $2.75. Balcony $1.10, ALL SEATS RESERVED $1.65, $2.20 enthusiastic. We are now offering for your approval an *- Famous Butter. .... ..... ,. , ... . . 44e Shredded Wheat *........,... ..lOc Toilet Paper (Waldorf or Fort Orange) 3 for 25c or 13 for..... .1. o extensive showing in which the new Powder tints predom- inate: blues, tans, greys; the light shades are mighty good looking. Stratford tailoring gives them their smart style--- two and three button coats; short vests; extremely wide trousers. Drop in today and look thorm over FRED we GROSS SHAMPO or MARCELL .lsoug r . .. . . .. . . .. . . 7 Headquarters for s 3 i It it