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April 10, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-10

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Published every morning except Monday
ring the University year by the Board in
ontrol of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
led to the use for republication of all news
ispatches credited to it or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news pub-
hed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann .Arbor,
ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
Ipostage granted by Third Assistant Post-
,aster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ard Street.
Phones: E~ditorial. 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ess, 960.
Signred communications, not exeeeding 300
,or s, will be published in The Daily at
e discretion of the Editor. Upon request,
ie identity of communicant will be re-
arded as confidential.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M
ews editor...............Rrbt . .Tar.
'ditoriali Board Chairmnan.... R. C. Morarity
ity Editor..............3.0CGarlinghouse
Night Editors
H. Ailes A. B. Connable, J..
arry C. Clark T. E. F'isie -
1'. M. Wagner
.ports Editor............... Ralph N. Uyt.rs
~omen's Editor...... .....Winona llibbardl
"ni 1,Editor.........Ruth A.llowell
itsistant Citv Editor..Kenneth C. Kellar
irector Michigan News Biurcau.R. G. Rarnsay
)raznatics Editor...Robert B. Henderson


Louise Barley F Eliza
iv isBerke ti R. S
T orina Bicknsell E. C
1lernian Boxer' vere
Tlelen iBrowrlliarc
J, W. Conrad1 Carl
liernadette Cote Ilydi
C,. W. Davis - Ands
7 T-I l T':hrlici, Mari
J. W. Fernamberg Regi
J. 0. Gartner Edm
Sadybeth Ileath C. A
Manning Ilouseworth Mari
Emily Hine Fred
'IlrothvY Krmin N.I
Margaret Keil W.
L~a~1\encall hers
Joseph Kruger

:beth Liebernmann
S. Mansfield
ena Moran
-ld Moore
e Per-ce
rew Propper
ie Reed
,a R~eichmann
;iarie, Schraud.r
A~. Stevens
VT. Sto~nemnr
jorie Sweet
:leric G3. Telnios
R. Thal
J. Walthour
rman Wise

' I I G THE OP N N GU -- tl111 11III3 11111 OPENING11111IIIiIIIII GI11111111111111NI61111RO L L1111(111flilt-11 IF tt H -
Sincere efforts, when directed to- U ITL EDITORIAL COMMENT =
ward a worthy and definite cause, are ( YE Fe tu in
commendable and the cause for which // I
the Student Faculty mixer has been PALtI BEACH- c OIIA OA )FAE
arranged is one whose value is un-CLT (Daily Cardinal)}
questioned. Undergraduate life is Teatvte fuiest tdns=Te Lt s pln -" F c i n
drifting too far away from the acad- DENIZENS will meet at the home Ithyeciego uniersity stue nts I=~'ITg
emicpurose hic gav th Unier-of Brother Washingtoin at seven-thirty! creasing degree of public scrutiny.( -
o'cloc Unpleasant as it may seem they are
taityfflifeanh ot aeringotral en- o'locktonight for a social evening-
tal ffor ha notplaed avitl enughbeing watched. The great majority of
part in faculty circles. The desirekwt hi ie.Per ilb ly Graham s Book Stores
I wth hei wies.Pedo wll e pay-American people still look upon a un-
of correcting both these evils has beenI ed, and later there will be a potluck versity as a place where too many B t nso h
manifested frequently'during the last 'supper.-thngs0re larne by he sudense Diagonal -
few years but action has been post- The club will have as its guest whbich are not in text books. Student; ~
poned. Now, however, a realizationofMrA.DCokyothRhtrcd-aespoetobraiamrly.11111111N11i11111I.11fl] ofI Mr.111111A.1111D.111Conkey11111I1of1i11the1111Rhetoric1111111Hde-i1111I
the difficulty has produced a live is- partnient, who will deliver a short ardielpoetolybTeora diwnorldy___________________________
sue ,which undergraduates and faculty I address on the subject "The Next War feels the responsibility of watching
alike' are arising to meet. The Stu- from the Chemist's Viewpoint." Mr. and waiting with a diligent eye the P t LKSu
dent Faculty mixer is an opening gun, fconkey is well qualified to speak, every move of the university body. L!I IUC ., 1AL"mK
opertionas he wtchwrdcoopra- an Ph . Al mebersareUniversity scandal apparently has as ES ON
opraio a te athwrd copra ad h . llmebes reurged to I much of a lure to the readers of ourI Limiteds: 6'a.,im~ 9:10 . im. and SCRANTON"COAL?--ALL SIZES&
tion in education and University life., attend, as important m~atters will be nwppr shv h oiia f every two hours to 9:10 p. in..
newstwoehoursshtoe8he.political atpre Anthracite'$14.50ton
Idiscussed, including the plans for a fairs at Washington. Some of the at- Express: 7 a. in., 8 a.in. and ep. - Pnwhm.tohust .m
SCHOLASTIC DISTINCTION 17newIhome. tacks are vicious, some are ludicrous, Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. m. and1'
By order of the Id Est. and still others have a modicum of every two hours to 8:56 p. in., Absolutely no impurities, low in ash, high in heat units.
While correlation between academic a*ei. ok rebig*oaota up*n g
mert. ook ar bengwritten about 11 p. m,. To Ypsilanti only, 11:480oaotsLm n g
success in the University, and success FOR WASHINGTONi the American college and about the D" Jm. 1:25 a.im. and 1:15 a. mn. Kentucky and West Virginia. Lump and Egg
in later life, whether it be profession- ear Washington:I things that go on therein. All these WEi BOUNDTerHatQuc FieCk
al, financial, or artistic, is not a fixed I'll say she's just right tinsml
rue eeteeseog ae aeBtlse eretig odpublic opinion. They riles:o 8:417.i.ad vr w Produced solely for domestic purposes. .
rule neerteles eoug caes aveThee'sjus on thng e gttaagre iworry the fathers and mothers of col- hors t g l~.iun.os: :5
been investigated to prove thle fact Teesjs n hn egtaarelege students, they perturb legisla- Express.angytwlous to):.50I OFFICE
that college rank and distinction int on---uesand they m.mase everystodents tp.9m,0CORNWELLBL C
tourein amuseetheo stuweitsap. yo
scholarship is really a prediction of Yoakn sn ex Boni l o themselves. Locals: 7:50) a. in., 1:10) a. in. BLOCK1-1 n 20
unusual rank in later life. ~ an Northwestern students are dubbed ,hns8-lad20
Appearance of one's name In Who's See-.-anyhow "pinks" in a banner head In the Chi- Corpl well Coal-Coake
Who has been taken by all investiga- I don't guess she'll write cago Tribune because they have with-____
tors as a measure of success. While I know damn :well she won't call in their limits at movement for the es- APRIL,
this is not an infallible guide, as too And she ain't no radio operator-so, tablishment of a permanent world S. , H T W. T. F. S. '< - tI'1/ f
much emphasis is pla'~ed on the work thre peace. How little attention the Ti- 1.y 4 5 Read Jr t iy '4 ssIlneu t}.oIumn1s
of teachers, writers and publicists and* * VH bune would pay to the singing of such 6 7 s 9 1%)I 1 2___l_
too little on the work of successful a eg s h othetr tuet 3 4 1 1
Frankly, we didn't expect such apleg steNrtwsensuen 1 4 h 7 l 9
menin usiess stll t srve asa +signed were the signers living in some 20) 21 2w23 2842 .,52 6
me n1uies tl tsre s~ prompt action on Washington's Ipets-_____27__2____3 _
subat ia index iof prominene it ion-or, for that matter, any action university. eoe When two girls are a~ked - '11 HATS READY
lesadateslratclyth ny1all. This department's previous ex- tCev colfo h i'trgofaaDla rMRE At urY
ud ,guide that one who would carry: on ,at evesho ortevstigo ai
suha netgtinwudhv. cursions into the field of annoymousvaaDlaorMratOrsc.niveiginwudhve , roadhouse it receives front page cen-Str
Such a studly was conducted at oac aealtre u t ment in the city papers and is copied 11i1h ln1 1 {ork In , leaningWelynUiestsoeyrsao srby-ihrtehminheaetruguthett.TosndofsdRboct.
and act tha hod tue i tht ~ nor the disgruntled rival have budgdtruhu h tt. huad A TPI
and fats tht, hod tru in tat ingirls visit 'roadhoutses without this s ACT"ORY A ~t1
'ud ltlan inch. We are pleased-immensely.61PakrSt hoe79
stitution w~ould uouey be true*** publicity but they are not, unverity G1PakrS. PioieI
in others. The investigator divided CIIOE VRI.i women. At every opportunity any dis- ° I.T. ,rei lrfI~
the graduates of the school into thrree roha fllOE3a lat, n h ere graceful action on the part of students
groups acrigt scholarship. Iny is grasped by the press for its hungry
accfrs gouprdig aedto honor' was a great celebrating in the streets1,raes who gasp amazedl and who (r.
the firstrgroupRwerelCiccerotheeeae rs, Rend the XWTnt Adls,
mthe valedictorians and salutator- fipra oe ieobete jintheirconcernforthewelfarefor_
medeeply of the fresh evening air, and intercnenfrte"efi o
iwrnppednhisttogs;moretcloselynaioutuniversity people completely overlook a
plansadlthes iwho eehonord jwapdhstgmrheoeyaot$5 ~illti rC $rli
pae altoswh weehnrdhimi. the licentiousness that goes on at their ~~ ontl CT N
'with election to Phi Beta Kappa; and "owsuefcaislltscee very doorsteps. $1551 RoIlutdtrip ENGLAND
ein the the third,p lain graduates.. Ai itn"e e4ce._"iehne I Books sucb- qs Town and Gown and 190 Roundtrlp FRANCE'I
vstudy'toC Wlio's Wg eteaib ed the ld t e atin" iegtl ne"e ht'slnIl the= mor-e recent Plastic Age vwhich 525 Rolladllp GERMANYi
Pthat one out of every two of the honor go tw~oih, etn f portray to perfection the intuniper- 3atr tour )England, France $330.
linenbad a proliint place in the vol - bis he 9atox fouud ~hlinslf at his ate, the bawdry, cheap.,side f uni- LE. + '
nine; that one ot o1 every three of fredsdo.H0nce.vriylf a er iteatninSe~lbpAt b .8
the Phi Beta Kappas acheived that lWotedvlstee omdVr otego n h osr~tv ~
distinction;,andi theao onoe out of ? thinking that Is going ont In the 'un -- ta~trs~j
';teeyten ofthe paestudents won a Itanweedjis r' , ,i'iYw c
evey O p~in gi'sme-nowncas."answerbuhsy.all- ersties at all timues.They ac ~ntu
place in Who's Who. er;h oo pnd ate the. immoral which is ,far ifl the . L O
It is often arguedl in justification of I"Oh hello, Cie" welcomed mVirgi.adfogt le1TermsC L f rwnb huOfFrrs
teimensen out of atiity, ntha bywu.t~ae'yl o. a yu turn out many more good men" 'han I Yu jELP ' OO.I-h
th mes muto iesetb Come in; if I had knew itwayoI;Yor !E IB.N BO.
stuent itousie adovty tht ' eyforget that when the_______olos____a__
w rkbig. riigaddeQI Quite all right Virge ld felloWy" thousands of'youths toseib" t-~-*
mnelt of character, will, put theme far epne icer nklgIntoa1are gt that thiHpnosaehtn EE co-rdinatibn of commnerial stengt,ylrch-
overstauiftefoeduntangod vrsufe caba.' "heeEtioia.o Tfehfese hsez olewhthioiecpaliasinannegnerig:kllwhI
grd' adta tegaeso - .;"ben asorbe4 by nre nomail ling ;:f created this ttanm qtadruple oicefbulding epre-
g aead t a h r e s in- tourists just boter th0 life ,out of ' a b.yIin ° j scts the motive and creatye force which has trngd.
eeivas ;in "college aereally no ;n 'me, . too A n."k oiditions. Ir'. Ctheyes of thewrdtwr hs yeo mr~t
edication° of what one iay do in later , "Say, Ci, have you been out to I University people are subject to a argchitecture
r life. All investigations prove the con-i the ampitheater this week? TheyI different law than the average Amen- This, the largest office building in the wrld-ps-
-trary, except where one considers the got a hot show on this week with lots can. They are much more highly Isasses fundamentally magnificent a#geness n t
I financial rslts.Mt Phi Bta Kap rtczd uto1 ogaooe conception, and cleancut directness in its exeu
reus ofe a- girls.ciiie.Oto ogaooe
spas enter the teaching profession Ot"Shucks they're flat Greek actors, worked idea has grown the concepytion I Let us relieve- you of all your ion which place it among the most''significant of
where the monetary return is notoi- ant hy" that the university student should litI owr oresAmicnbldg.
leiysal.Ammbro hepyI<I ,ided hs isl t lneo oalt bv With such existing structural achievements no ach-
- osysal ebro h3py Nw ned hsain't one of them bis oapaeo oaiyao. itectural future is impossible, no project too vast
- hology departmtent of this university' things-this is a new gang of Roman the average, and he has, and is siy- or too complex to come readily to our imaginn
fconducted a study of the different players." Ing to do that, but he is only human, Phone 11 irefi
Cetil modern invention-modern engieerng
salaries earned by men who have jNp- a' tndti lsia and the publicity given his 'mistakes skill an organization, will prove more than equal
made Sphinx, Mlichigauma, and PhiI stuff. Rather go to some good lion l A absurd and unneeded. otedmnsofteacietreoIh uue
sBeta Kappa, and though he did not fight." IN
3itn h eslst eofaslie Say, there's a idea. There's a good tthreustobofaole,- ---Coustins & lN lt OT IS E L EV AT OR C OM P AN Y
authenticity, it nevertheless showed one showing at the Coliseum tonight. I'- niesiyAoffices in all Principal Cities of theWold
atmnwomdthsoilhnr A whole new batch of Christians has iIn.-iv. I_____
ewere infinitely higher paid than those arrived, and they're going to use 'em BE AUI T
' j7n jn t fln I1IdUs LI1~ t,11ic.iL .' t "3'l ." ... n

Telephone 960)
Advertising....................I. 1. Dinii
Advertising..........:..Perry AL I-layden
Advertising.............:.......W .Roeasei'
A Pdvrtsing ....................I3. E. Rose
Accou~nts .......................l. .Hale
C ircttlation........................ C. Pui dv
Publication................. Lawrence Pierce
C. AV. Campbell N. I;. olland
Bienniie Caplan M. T.. Ireland
C'has. Champion Ilarold A. Mat-ks
iohii C-nlin Byron Parker
Louis M. Dexter A. I. Seidman
Toseph T. Finn ,Geo A. Stracke
Y)avid A. Vox R. . Witer.
Lauren Haight
Night Editor-THOMAS L,- FISKE?
Ultra modernism in religion has

mioved at least one church to pave
the road to salvation with the "sugar
of laughter" to an heretofore 'unrival-
ed degree. Whether the churches
'should make it their weekly business
to compete with. theaters for. draw-
ing Sunday crowds by using time thea-
ter's own material--the popular cine-
ma, or not, has produced plenty o:
food for serious thought on the pun-
pose and benefit of religion and relig-
ious service. But the newer business
tactics of advertising the church an
the service; and, especially its n~iiui
ter with vart-colored blotters givesa
frightfully ridiculous turn to the
whole purpose and attitude of the
congregation to which the particular
church appeal; and, more directly, to
the church which 'characterizes itself
by such methods.
A recent editorial in The Daily de-
plored the tendency of turning the
particular church in question intoa
house of amusement for idle Sunday
night crowds. The same church, how-
ever, has gone one step farther' in an
endeavor to make itself popular among
the undergraduate body by Issuinga
quantity of small blotters each con-
taining a, bit of common humor and
asking the reader to drop in at the
church for one of the popular sermons
or one of the still more popular mov-
ing pictures.
The policy of having adventismng
men direct our churches is to some
extent becoming more and more nec-
essarY but, in a community of the In.
telligence which a university should
produce, the appeal is more injuri-
ous to the true religious ideals whicl
may prevail than it is a benefit, to the
pleasure-seeking crowd which suel-
tactic, draw. A church is, after all
aplace where ideals should be creates
and fostered. The futility of build.


but this is explained by the fact that I "ow much they want for admish."
business affords much greater returns "Fiednrus.BtIjtma
thauteacing hichusualy i th keted a new book-just had it chiseled
work of the Phi Beta Kappa. 1 out today-son I'll stand treat."
'We would be the last to urge the "Let's go" says Cicero.I
futility of work other than tlipe purely ,Walt'll I get my toga" says Virge.
academic, hut there is a danger that -Wvubbicyou.
suich work will completely usurp. the***
tim an atenton f te sudet, ho Here we have some more political
wsill excuse himself with the invalid doe;tsesteeaealto
excuse that "marks don't count for bims that covet offices in the Uni-
an ytiinxg anyway." vrs y Y W.C.A... and they have~




"A DOLL'S l4()01 8.l!a", a rPvicW v.by
Milton Peterson.
An alarm clock sounds off-stage.
"Oh", Nora snorts "dlr. Krogstad". A
t tall dignified individual, for all the
Iworld a Rubenesquze Abraham Lincoln
flutters in. "Is Mrs. Linde to have
may. position at the bank?"-,,"Yes,",
"You must use your Influence to pre-
Ivent such an action," etc., etc., etc.,
l and so forth.
ISuch was-.the impression received
of Act I of coinpstr iot Henrik Ibsen'.-
"A 'Doll's Houise" presented last even-
t ;ntr byth e lasesin Play Production


V GE ill l.}' 1 . iY . \.+. Y}.., Q, 11U UIL1 -,.f 1d CL V G

set forth their qualifications for the
various sinecures in a most naive lit-
Tweiuy-~w Fie Y bS h it of' meography that was inte~ndedi
jVi-'a to be posted somewhere or other. Here

Ago A I-ic igan re soe of hem.and Public Speaking in themit6
____________________________________________ 1. Qualifications of a candidate for i mm of University ball, No. one thins.
vice-president: we forgot, the children. Trhe Misses
Froa te Flesol he i~o M.i~i~, (a) Luncheon chairman of the Fin- Abbot and Master Intane! wereC quite
____(b) Sophomore basketball squad.. a audience used to seeing font- foot
Murl n ihr o h nvr 2. Qualifications of a candidate for freshmen in suchi roles. They, it
sity Whist Club championship lasti the portfolio of secretary: all the simplicity of childlhood. were
m~iht henthy dfeaed fo th I(a) Point committee of League. only natura~l being in the play. Though
nih hnte eetd o h having a minor part, Eiizabeth Pike
'third time, the other two teams in I(b) Flower committee of bazaar. comes next. I was going to be loud
the club. As a reward for their serv- I(c) Door committee of bazaar. in favor of Torvald Helmer, played_
ices they will be sent to take part in 3. Qualification of another aspirant by Albert, Wagner until he ranted
the National Championship .:uet at to this office: around in thle last act crying "Nor-
Chicago next week. (a) Hockey team.I aah, Nor-aah", (tccent' on the la-st
! svllab~~~~e). Thefaldosntrt
______ ~~4. Qualification of a person for trea- slal) al osntrs
I~inI ara_ eentshavebeenMadewith him alone. It is univ=ersial on
aragmet avben aesurer:
f'or the staging of the 'Ministrel show.I (a) Junior Girls' Play,mithled.1 ampus.tNo atteinwhtsevehr
All tickets have been sold and it is The pictures of the candidates are acters walk around. Torvald became
fexpected that the "Standing Roon, posted on bulletin board in Newberry inflicted with rheumiatics when arous-
Only" sign will do heavy duty. If it Hall. In our new role of opinion-! ed by emotion. Ruth, Christensen
is not too muddy this afternoon the j molder to the campus,' we urge all spoke her lines for two acts and then
I members of the troupe will have a? loyal pigs to barge over and look over #ouit of a clear sky began to act. It
parade to celebrate the occasion. the candidates, so that they can base wasertHeesinggr essfgtherply.
______ I ~their subsequent balloting on some- t:or, Hneroirorssnvr

ing and fostering these ideals by an
ap)peal to instinctive fear has been
clearly shown and anl effort has been
made, in many of the. churches to
create -and work out their ideals on a
basis of known fact and conjecture
from fact. In the church which uses a
moving picture and a blotter distribu-
tion to draw its congregation, how-
UL.. .« . 'fl1m %innl l1 ffllfl 0 iq n tin..


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