m mm,. _ -q irwww~iU" the increased amount of space avail- able in the Field House for practice :n the weight events Steve has been 7lanning to give the hammer and jave- lin throwers an opportunity to get into condition during the winter months and next year plans to put them indoors for a short interval ev- ery day. With the graduation of Van- Orden, star shot putter, last year and the decision of Hindes, last year's Conference championship weight thrower, not to return to school this semester, the coaches expected the weight events to draw a large number of football players this season but up until this time none have made their appearance. The javelin throw will be another event in which the Wolverine team will be hopelessly weak and at pres- ent there is no one to tryout for it ex- cept Herb Steger, captain of next year's football team, who has never put the wand more than 150 feet. Steve however is hopeful that Steger will improve his distance this year and that there will be a number of new tryouts when the squad stars preparation for the outdoor seaso.n As was predicted Charley Jewtraw-, American i'e star, set the pace for the world's skaters. He could not how- ever, hold the fort alone and as a re- sult the United States skaters bowed to Finland and Norway. This is not tc be marveled at, when one considers that these countries virtually live on skates in the winter. Captain i Kenneth Alward . One of the best me non the Indiana floor team this year is the Hoosier captain, Alward, who will be seen in action Monday night when the Indiana aggregation will face Coach Mather's Varsity five in the Yost field house. Alward is a guard who is rated among the best in the Big Ten this season. FOR ILLINI MET in drilling his men in the fundament- als of the game and he feels that al- though his squad may not bring back a victory they will show the results of this drill. The personnel of the squad is some- What different thanwhat it was in the first meet of the year. DeFoe, will wrestle in the 115 division in- stead of Doty who has. been shifted to the 125 pound class. This change has been made necessary by the with- drawal of Karbel a 135 pounder from the team. Karbel's loss will be a serious detriment to the team since he was a reliable man and in the meet against Purdue put up one of the best exhibitions of pluck and wrestling skill in holding his man, a Conference chamlpion to a tie. Rose, one of the best men in the Conference for his weight will handle th 145 point assignment. Gillard a scrappy grappler will take care of ,I- - I r. .I- FRESHMAN TRACK NOTICE Freshman track practice will be held every afternoon in the Yost field house. Freshman Coach. CHARLES B. HOYT, MANAGER TRYOUTS WANTED All candidates for assistant baseball managers will report any day this week at 3 o'clock, at the Yost field house. W. T. WHITE, Manager, Michigan's wrestling team left yes- the 135 pound match. Rose was de- terday morning for Urbana to engage feated only once this season and then 1 in a grappling meet with the Univer- beca seanotherConference lal pion. sity of Illinois, tonight. , Ferenz is entered in the 158 pound The Wolverines although on the' class with Meade in the 175 pound losing end of the scores in preceed- match. Marion is Michigan's repres- ing meets this season, have inevitably entative in the heavyweight division. - presented a good front and have lost mainly because of their inexperience. It's true efficiency to use Daily Coach Barker has spent the last week Classiefieds-Adv. I, SI ead the Want Ad, A3 he man who buys a Stetson 1 cause of its style later discov the long wearing qualities whi make Stetson the choice of w dresed men-PTrvwhX-PeP ------------- ;-; - be- ers ich yell i a maman ansm ess mu aan u a n me when you see it? In our window you will - see a case containing 99 BLUE BIRD PEARLS and ONE GENUINE - ORIENTAL PEARL. To the person selecting - the genuine pearl, we Swill give absolutely a FREE a beautiful i ;. 4 4 i M a25." Blue Bird Pearl Necklace See our windoa! ., a; a' w r G . A2 '