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April 10, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-10

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VOL. XXXIV, No. 144





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Nine Initiated
Nine new men were taken into Phi
Sigma, national honorary biological
fraternity, at its spring initiation and
banquet held last evening,. at the Un..
Of these men. three were of the fac-
ulty, H. H. Clum, of the botany depart-
ment, Prof. Robert Gesell, of the phys-
iology department, and Dr. A. L. John-
son in charge of orthodontia, while
the following were the undergradu-
ates initiated: Lloyd Ackerman,
grad., John C. Bugher, '26M, R. R.
Enders, '24, F., J. Kuiper, '26D, Dr.
G. A. Moore, grad., and C. W. Waters,
grad. 1


frw 'Mask And Wig'To Present
IJIULIJIShow In 'Detroit Saturday
Playing in the state of Michigan Mask and Wig are to be the feature
IT' 11 ior the first timethe flask and Wig of the production Saturday. Probab-
club, dramatic organization fte yustdngth mebs of the
UnNer t IfPnsvnawl rs club declare, twill be the Mah Jongg
ANNN firstmePensyvio asilclb dene at the opening of the second act.
L' G TUN0' XPCT t " rlThat'sT htSaturday night, In this sp ectacle actors are costumed
U~RGE TCRN4JUT 1 EXPE("TEI FOlR April 12, at Orchestra hail, Detroit.j to represent the tiles used in the
FIRST EVENT OF THIS The annual tour, as usual, includes Chinese amusement and asnumber off
KIND the principal cities of the east, where movements are aranged to carry outf
the "Wiggers" have played every year the unique effect. "
VAUDEVILLE S K ETC HES since their founding. I A second specialty will be the1
WILL FEATURE PROGRAM Charles S. Moran, Jr., who is in "Books of My Library" scene in which
charge of the choruses of the big pro- the chorus appears from the pages of
N.nd 1Z..t .ri« .,t. v._ " 3nin ri nt na olo ular novl Tttll l. flPf ThA C t will T T-

Women's Athletic Association Chooses
Marianna Smalley, '2v, For


"Their Ways Are Not Our Ways,'
Former Prime Miilster
Of Australia

Internal Revenue Investigators
Odds As Democrats Plan to
Hire Prosecutor .


Washington, D. C.,April 9.-(By A. P.)
-The peace of the senate special com
mittee invesigating the internal re-
venue bureau was shattered .today
when Senator Couzens, Republican
Michigan, was joined by comnittee de-
mocrats in a successful effort to em-
ploy Francis J. Heney of Caliornia
at the Michigan senator's expense ae
special counsel to conduct the commit-
tee inquiry.
The resolution went through 3 to
2, despite the reiterated prediction of
Senator Watson, Republican, Indiana,
chairman and Senator Ernst, Republi-
can, Kentucky, that the appointment.
of Heney, famoug for many years as
a public prosecutor,' meant another
senate "muckraking" expedition and
Senator Ernst's declaration that it
was aimed by Senator Couzens at
Secretary Mellon because the Secre-
tary had "spanked" the senator in
their recent public tax controversy.
"spanked" the senator in their re-
cent public tax controversy.
Couzens Suggests 'o,usel
Senator King of Utah and Jones of


Polneare, MacDonald, May
TheIr Representatives to]
Plan Direct to Them


Paris, April 9.-(By A. P.)-PlentyF
of time will be taken by the repara-
t tion commission to review and digest'
the report of the experts committee,
headed by General Dawes and Re-'
ginald McKenna, which were handed
to that body today. The commission is
not likely to act before the end of
!next week in view of the necessity of
the members consulting their respec-
tive governments, according to allied
flowever, an inkling of how tlh,
commission may dispose of the reports
may be gleamed by the end of this

Annual elections for all offices in
the three women's organizations, the
Women's League, the Y. W. C. A.,
and the Women's Athletic association,
were held yesterday in University
Officers in the Women's League for
the year 1924-25 will be as follows:
Charlotte Blagdon, '25, president;
Margaret Dixon, '25, vice-president;.
Elizabeth Parrott, '26, treasurer;
Margaret Effinger, '26, recording sec-
retary; Ruth Rankin, 26, correspond-
ing secretary; Ethel Schroeder, '25
and Helen Brown, '25, senior class
representatives; Margaret Geddes, '26,
Iand Anne. Seeley, '26, junior class
representativesl Hannah Fitch,'27,
and Dorothy Nix, '27, sophomore class
representatives: Marion Barlow, '25,
senior member of the judiciary coun-
cil; Norma Bicknell, '26, junior mem-
ber of the judiciary council; Elizabeth
Kennedy. '27, sophomore member of
the council.
The Y. W. C. A. elected the following
officers: Jane Gibson. '25, president:
Rosalea. Spaulding, '26, vice-president:;
Cynthia Smith. '26, secretary; Gerald-
ine Truscott, '25. treasurer. Ellura
Harvey, '25, is the undergraduate re-
j Officers of the Women's AthleticI
association are as follows: Marianna
Smalley, :'25. president; Mary Stew=
art, '25, vice-president; Norma Clark,
['26. secretary; Alleen Miller '27Ed,
treasurer; Elizabeth Ranck, '25, sen I
ior representative; Marguerite Ains-
worth, '26, junior representative
Irene Field, '27, sophomore represent

Uross, Burrows and Scott Scheduled uc on,tas in the past also coached IP I s.xe cas i num
To Appear; Glee Club the Michigan Mimes and Princeton ber among its names those of several,
To Sing Triangles. This year's play is from prominent Pennsylvania athletes as
the pen of Edwin M. Lavino and the well as the piek of dramatic talent
Students and faculty members of Iljes and music are the work of from the Eastern campus. One of
all colleges of the University will ga- Charles Gilpin. Both men are grad- these is Jack Dern, star in the Penn-,
ther at 7:30 o'clock this evening in uates of the University of Pennsyl- Cornell football game last season.
the assembly hall bf the Union for a vania. Reports from Detroit indicates that
mixer. A program of short plays,' Settings and stage affects more elab- tickets .for the play are s'elling out
luncheon, satires and comedies by orate than ever before attempted by rapidly.
both faculty and !students is to be
given for the men guests under the
direction of the Union and Student
Christian association.TI
The prelininary entertainment of
the evening is to lie given by an or-
chestra. The first egular number of
the program isto ie the student vau- umber of 3 NOM


"Their ways are not our way
said Hon. William Morris Hugh
speaking of the problems of the E
before a- large, audience last night
Hill auditorium on the subject "'
Pacific, the Coming World Problen
Mr. Hughes was the prime minister
Australia during the eight,years fr
1915 to 1923.
"What civilization is to predomina
theirs or ours?'! Mr. Hughes asked

deville, a take-off on faculty members,
in which Lionel Aires, '24, takes part
as an alluring younlg woman, and bae-
comes quite fond of a certain faculty
member. Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the
history department is to offer a hum-
orous talk, while Harold P. Scott, of
the rhetoric department is scheduled
for an act of mystery. Edwin G..
Burrows of the fournalism department
will offer a song.
Special M st-
In addition to the music, which is
to be furnished by the orch'estra and
special musicians, the University Glee
club has been engaged to give special
The short talks of the even:ngs are.
to be given by representative faculty
mtemb~ers and students.. Thtomps 1.
Lynch, '25L and others will speak
for the students, while Prof. F. N.
Menefee of the engineering college,
Prof. Joseph Hayden of the political'
science department,:and Col. IT. W.
Miller of the engineering college will
represent the faculty. The luncheon:

New Mexico,-were the democrates who
voted with Senator Couzens. It de-'
veloped in the committee discussion'
that the first suggestion for a commit-i
tee counsel had come to Senator Cou-:
zens from Senator Jones when he had
observed,. Senator ,Couzens said "Me,
floundering around here" and gettingr
nowhere with the inquiry.
When. It was brought out that Sen-
ator Couzens, one of the richest men
in the senate proposed to pay Heney's
expenses in, connection .with inves-
tigaion. Senator Ernst sharply ques-
tioned the legality of that action. Sen- I
ator Jones, defended Senator Couzens j
action and Senator King appeared to
take-the same view. " w
The..Heney employment resblution
landed' on' the committe table like a I
bombshell so far as Senator Watson
was concerned, he bluntly declared
that he knew Heney "well enough"j
to know that the hearing would be
turned into a "muckraking" if Heney
was "given a chance." Senator Wat-
son asked Senator Couzens why he!
had consulted with the committeeI
members on his plan and not with his I
"republican colleagues.',
Charges "Blocking"
SenatorCouzens replied that he "re-'
cognized no republican or other col-
league when he was going after gov-
ernment business.
"They all look alile to me," he said.,
Senator Couzens admitted that hel
had "resented" from the first the ap-
pointment of four members of the
busy finance committee to compose
the investigating committee with him-
self. He left the inference that he
considered this an attempt to hamper.
the investigation and charged speci-
cifically that Senator Ernst had tried1
to "block" his efforts on the commit-
tee. The Michigan Senator concededk
however, that chairman Watson had
not sought to curb the hearing thus
All members of the glee club who
are planning to take the spring con-
cert tour will meet for the final re-
hearsal at 7 o'clock tonight in the
Union. Also at this time a business
meeting and general get-to-gether
will be held, after which the club will1
sing at the faculty-student mixer.
Professor 'E. G. Burrows will be the
faculty representative during the 11!
day trip which starts tomorrow. Con-
certs will be given in nine cities of
this state.
You only assimilate one tenth ofE
what you hear, but seven-tenthsj
of what you read and do. Draw
your own conclusions. Anything
you want to get rid of or anything

week, and it is considered possible
that Premier Poincare, Premier Ran-
say MacDonald and Premier Theunis
may instruct their reparations repe-
sI.adre agi4 .aAo p nj o s' atAiPuas
documents to the government without
previous deliberation. If such action
were taken it 'would be for speeding
up the settlement or semblance there-
of before the German and French elec-


ions. Thrne Dawes report is'unani- ative. of the evening, which is to be free of
mnous; yet it does not represent any- fcost, will consist of doughnuts and
body's views,.' was one succinct com- -tcider.
ment so offered in. no-"re-nch cir- iii tmerAnoucd-i
lle s o today .O evertheless. verbodyThose who have scharge.of- the meet-
wants as much of. it as possible aci ing<. are headed by. a committee of
cepted as 'basis Of settlemuent. - The - IHlT R k ULUIII4IRI 'which Charles Livingstone, :25; and
question is who will begin. L1LJ.l- 1 Dunn are members.' The sub-
- committees are,:: ' publicity Albert
Tokio, April 9.-To preserv ' hePeck, '25: .entertainme-nt, Howard
nemioiy of 34,000 persons whoerish- Turner, '26E, chairman, William Aus-
psntin, '26, .nd Howard Visel. '25:' in-.
SENATE OTER E of 340 nd s ocation in the itations, Robert N. Grab.'.26, chair-
NE ftorn'°r military clothing depot inEarhar
Honjo ward the afternoon of the Sep-Kan, RicardHErbert 2Ett ar
tember catastrophe, the city of Tokio reception, Egbert Isbell, '26L, chair-
plans to erect a memorial hall to cost man, and ten students and faculty
=Washington. April 10.-(By A. P.)- ; yn. 1ebe-0as)ssstats
Immediate investigation . of the i e The holocaust of the Honjo military l Special invitations to more than 75
charges which led to the indictment Idepot was the most appalling incident faculty members have been extended,
of Senator Wheeler. Democrat. Mon- of Tokio's day of disaster. Thousands and it is believed that there will be a
tana, by a federal grand jury in his took refuge in the open space of sev- large representation present from all
own state yesterday, was ordered to- cra acres, thinking to escape the colleges.. All faculty members are
day by the senate.r flames. A sudden change of the high welcome.
Action came after an impassioned ;wind brought down on the multitude a I In speaking of the mixer, John W.,
address by the prosecutor of the hevuti ffims mk n Kelly, president of the Student coun-
Daugherty committee, (deliveredi be- heavy curtain of flames, smoke and Kelpeieto°h tdn on
fag co ted chanibemand le-ie, gases, killing practically every one of 1 cil, said, "This is a great idea, a pop-
fore a crowded chamber and galleries huddled thong. ulax one, and every man on the cam-
and 'expressions of confidence by his'- pus ought to be at the mixer tonight.
colleagues. it f at all possible. It means - a good;
Senator Wheeler denounced the time to every one, and perhaps -some
charges brought against ghim as false . *IU1 I thing more." A number of students
and the indictment as a' "deliberate also have urged that 100 percent of
frameup' He a rred 'ti senate -I the men students attend- the mixer.;
there was not a scintilla of evidence i I UUMany faculty men have written from
to support them and defied his enem-- all colleges commending the idea of
les to produce such evidence. Members of the Detroit branch of the mixer and accepting invitations.
Then stricking back vigorously at' American Pharnmaceutical associatioi
his accusers, the Montana senator de- will hold their regular monthly meet-9
lared he was not to be intimidated; ing at 8 o'clock Friday night in room i
that he had fought corruption during # 224' 'of the Natural Science building. I
a stormy political career in his own Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum-
state and would continue to fight it mer session will give an illustratedI iv FORM}CLUB'TOD
in Washington regardless of his own lecture on the subject, "Some Optical
personal fortunes. Properties of Crystals." All students interested in the for-
Announcing that he sought no More than 40 pharmacists tre ox- mation of a Coolidge club on the cain-
sympathy fr-om his colleagues and ws pected to be present at the meeting. pus are requested to meet at 4 o'clock
perfectly able to make his own fight, .A special car from Detroit has ijeen today in the general reading room of
Senator Wheeler pleaded with tlI chartered and it will bring them di- the Union. Interest in the coming
senate to put an end to what he char- rectly to the Union where a dinner presidetial election has been mani-
acterized as a "spy" system designed is scheduled. fested by the voting in the straw bal-
to intimidate U. S. Senators. A general business meeting will be lot and a substantial number.of stu-
held previous to the talk of Dean dents are necessary for the formation
of a club on a par with those in other
Krau. ;sc-hools.
NTIRI NMENT I Coolidge clubs have been organized
sities throughout the country in an.
TEO TAXIO IN E in many of the colleges and
HELD1,N'N10N AP ROM Ieffort to stimulate the active interest
Wn nn nTl flI of the student in the politics of the
-Unde- the direction of Willard --an- day. Members of the Republican club
Unde thedirctio of ilird San-are especially uiged to attend the
agel, '25E, the first of a series of en- -reecially.a
tertainments was given last night Several important bills will come up
in the tap room of the Union.'- The for consideration at the regular meet- '
program consisted in' a fencing act, ing of the cominion council at 7:30
music by a ten piece orchestra, and o'clock tonight in city hall. While LAW REVIEW 'DIN
songs by the Freshman Glee club. A the business that will be considered at
large crowd was on hand to greet the the meeting has not yet been deter-
first attempt by the Union to revive mined, it is thought that the fight over
the tap room spirit of the "old days." the taxi ordinance will be terminated
The orchestra played Michigan ( by a third and final reading and vote. j More than fifty ex-editors of the
k ! E T~----------------xill-ha------------'1at r

{ -reference to the Eastern peoples
Council Changes Date From May I To' Dencen Now Is Leading McCornmick "And along with this problem of ad
Eliminate Publications by Slight Margin of mitting the Asiatics," he continued
Conflict 5,000 Votes "comes the problem of the mixture o
fraces, a mixture which cannot be pre
REGISTRATION TO BE HELD SMALL IS WINNER VOR G. O. P. Ijvented under those circumstances, s
ON TWO DAYS, MAY 6 AND 7 1 GUBERNATORIAL NOMINATION mixture of races which will no
i blend.
A change in the date of the spring Chicago, April 9.-(By A. P---One "You Americans 'are proud because
elections from May 1 to May13 so that of the closest finishes ever itssd you have inherited certain quaitie
and ideals from your ancestors, no1
Sthey will come after the student pub-in an Illinois primary race tonight ,because of the size, population, 01
ications appointmenzts was made last 1 we
s promised to make historic the des- wealth of your country. These qual-
night at the regular meeting of the perate ities were handed down to you by youi
Student council. Registration was i p loforefathers. Race counts for some-
likewise set forward from April 24 ei :n McCormick 'amd former Gov- thing. Any people could have don
and 25 to May 6 and 7.!ernor Charles S. Deneen, for the re-- what you have done had they had I
, Hgh K.Duffield'24 chairman of publican nomination for the United in them. Admixture would destroy
? uhK ufed 2,cara fStates senate. McCormick during the . hs uaiis
the Student council elections commit-' da s yttled dow n tha ta- Sees Dager IIh Intermixture
daysubsalywhtletia;n aly "'Wherever we see mnixed races.'d
tee, made the following statement In sbstantia lead of his rival "tosxfewer
.Isia rsee degeneration. High standards i1
regard to the change last night: "In- than 4,500 votes bitt tonight, more than living cannot be maintalned when
asinuch as the appointments for' the 24 hours after the polls closed, for- cheap labor comes in. AustralIa ha
k various publications heads are to be iner Governor Deneen' picked up more been making -experiments along thi
made at a later date than expected than a- thousand votes on returns from line for a quarter of a century, t
this year we have moved spring .el- 4,734 of the state's 5,668 precinct and present we have a law whch setsa
ections to the Tuesday after these ap- had an advantage of more than 5,500 minimum wage, a Wage wnicl will e -
pointments are to be made. It is votes. These. precincts, leaving one l able a man to support himself, his
always custoniairy to- hold these sca i sixth of the state missing; but tnelud- Ii fe, and-three ' lldr' n actord ti
pus electiqna- c fte jthei bamrd- an- ing Cook county principally c mplete -to the accepted staidards of' good ll.1
nounces its selections so that the var- gave Deneen 303,602; McCormick,298, ing' -' ;6
ious n mIlaticommittes I1i , have 098, . giving Deneen an advantage -of1 ' r. Hughes explaihed'that Australia
thewhoie figld:of 'attvIties from 5,504. - which is 6,000 miles from the western
which to choose its candidates. President Coolidge continued to pile coast ofi the.United. States and.2,000
1iA moton was passed by the coun- up his ad antage over Senator Jol. Lihtes from England,,is the farthest
Christian association hold a drive for 'son rublan rs(Istcontinent stis n tlztrsh,
preference with indications th'k i aTa tis-otiet s ntl heh
old' clothes in the 'near future for the d holdofthe ast, ilh vhim t.h
benefit of needy Russian and Europ- n+aj.ity. ially *111 mou to pr4nothiof tn aommot.
ean studnthan preits Comparing the East to a great dani
report was heard from the stu- including Cook county complete gave qr. Hughes said,- "If the slightest
A report wasaid,'from"Itheh sligt-st
dent-faculty discipline investigating him 413,933 and the Californian 319,- trickle is allowed, if the stream is ever
committee saying that a meeting of 933 and the Californian 319,257, giving permitted to find its way through,
that body was held yesterday after- the president a lead of more than 92,- nothing will be able to stop it, and
noon. Reports are to be. made at the 1000. Australia will be submerged. And
(next meeting regarding the systems In the republican contest for gover- the inevitable result of these circum-
of self-government employed in other nor it developed into the hotest state tsarces has been the policy of a
schools. These are to be investigat- contest. Governor Len Small, al- I 'White Australia', a policy of total
ed during the spring vacation so that though he lost Cook county by a few exclusion.
the committee will be able to consid- hundred votes, had an 1 dvantage of "This policy is not unjust," he con-
er them along with any changes deem- more than 40,000 by vimtue of his rural tined. "Every nation has a righ
ed necessary at Michigan. strength, 4,879 precincts giving him to say who shall come in and whc
455,095 while State Senator Thurlow shallnot come in. df"you take- away
G. Essington, his opponent had 414 that right, you ta-ke 'away everything
127. " but the mere. label 'nation.' A nation
is iee because it r has tt be
a - ' iy free. no. .because it has uc.many
crati condidate entered received more mlo lpol
n CHILDREN F JAPANthan.100,000 votes with half the state 'anama Canal Charged Center
heard from, but was rejected by Ili- Repeag again the' statement tha
Yokohama, Japan, April 9.--The nois democrats who picked.an unin has been *assciatedwith- is na
youth of Japan will feel the effects of structed delegation to the national for some time, the former prime mi-
the great earthquake of last Septem- convention in preference .to a dele- iste Thewakened East comes
ber for many years and in many ways. gation pledged to the former sec- n t said,,
New, evidence of this has been dis- retary of the treasu-y. h ' -.'
r the other somnething ~of" a ,menae.:
closed by a physical examination rade The main part of his lecture was at
recently of the. school children of Omahia., Neb., Apiril 9.-President elreetuo hssaeet
Yokohama. It was found that the Coolidge's smashing personal endorse- enlargement upon this statement.
earthquake had afflicted 677 children ment by Nebraska republicans were The opening of the Panama canal
Swith "night blindness," or Inability to accentuated as the final returns from changed the, strategic center of th
I Tuesday's primaries came in late to- world from the Atlantic to the Pact
see after nightfall even in the best ar- day. As the tabulation on this camel fic ocean. according to Mr. Hughes
"tfc "lih to a close reports from 1,396 precincts "The majority of the people of the
Physical deterioration after the out of 1,936 in the- state gave him ,world live around the borders of th
quake was found to be general. Of 64,481 against 36,433 for Senator ir-- Pacific; there are probably more tha
about 33,000 children examined fully t am Johnson of California. 1,000 'millions of people in the East,'
percent were anaemic. Equal significance was attached by he- said.
political observers to the big vote In comparing Australia to the Unit
given to United States Senator Geo. ed States Mr. Hughes said, "Wha
1- INITIR . o Norris, who defeated Charles H. you are today we hope some day t
Sloan former representative and gen- become."' He 'pointed out the fac
really accepted as a national admin- that 100 years ago Australlia had
i t cda y'6,population. of 20,000, and the Uniet
A ET USe nde y 81 t States had a population of, 8,000000
Washington, April 9.-(By AP)- Detroit, April 9.-Calvin Coolidge Today Australia boasts of 6,O00,0'O
Agreentent v.as; reached \today by had a lead of approximately 110000, people, the United. States of 110,000,
Republican members of the senate fi- votes -over Senator Hiram Johnson of 000.
nance committee to support the sol- California tonight as scattered re-. Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology
dier bonus bill passed by the house. turns were added to the tabulation of department introduced the speaker
The'committee having disposed of the votes cast in Monday's presidential, who spoke ;on a regular University lec
' ta-x reduction measure bill will take primary. The 500 missing precincts , ture. Mr. Hughes will remain in Ani
up the bonus bill tomorrow and it was are scattered among 64 counties, are Arbor today and tomorrow.
predicted by some of the majority not regarded as likely to make any
members that the measure would be appreciable change in the final re- Detroit, April 9.-More than 1,501
ordered reported immediately. suit. Detroit women join the host of thi
Such action will place both- the Additional returns during the day "bobbed heads"- here every day, de
revenue and bonus bills before the made no change 'in the situation on clared Rudolph Zabel, president o
coef o fha~manCmnn nne -+,1._ ---_n-11-_1-I,-I -- - --1

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