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April 09, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-09

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Aids McDonald

I'ubflcatloi in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
,e y i'versity. Copy received by 'the A'a~rat to the Prescent until
-3.30 p. in, (1130 a. . Saturday).
Volume 44 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 1924 Numbe' 14i
Honorable William Morris Hughes, former Premier of the Australian
commonwealth, will give an address on the subject "The Pacific, the Cor-
ing World Problem" at 8:v0 v . Mn.t. ednesday, April 9, in Hill Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited. M. L. Burton.
I o TeDeans:
~ , There wIU be no conference obf the Deans n Wednesday, April 9.
1.L. Burton.
IT,4Versty J=iw ue:
Dr. Leaner, of the Unversity of Wisconsin, will speak uinder the joint
auspices of, the JHniverslty and the local section of the American Chemical
Society on Th sdasy, April 10, at 8 p.im. in theb Chemical Aph'theatre.
His subjecwill be "selenium Oxychloride", and the lecture will be ii..
Slustratedl with a number of experiments. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins.
Beads of Departnments, Literary College:
Important communications are being sent by cam pus messenger to the
heads of all departments in the Literary College. They are asked to secure
and consider them promptly. Arthur C. IHll, Registrar.
Faeulty, Coliego of iterature,. Scence, and the Art :
The attention of instructors is called to the mid-semester cards which
have been distributed through the messenger service. Instructors are re-
quested to report PROMPTLY every student whose work has been unsatis-
fgctory up to and including the mid-semester examination. It should be
noted that these reports are not on the mid-semester examinations alone.
Additional cards may be had on application at my office; or they will be
sent It telephoned foir. W. It. Humphreys, Asst. ean.
All Freshman Women:
The freshman ;pageant tax of fifty cents due from every first year wvo-
ma>} ia payable in the basement of Barbour Gymnasium from 9:00 to 12:00
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mrnings of this week, and frot' 2: 00. to
4:00 Wednesday 'and Thuirsday afternoons.
Persis 31. Cope, Chairman of finance committee.
Coleges of Engineering and Architecture:
Followlig the Spring Recess, classes will toe resumed in tese c~lleg~s
on -Tuesday morning, April 22nd. Louis A. Hlopkins, Secret~ry.
English 14--American Literature:
The Mid-Semester blue 1)0k wil be given Thursday morning, April l,
at 1:00 o'clock as announced, University High School, Roon 105.
C. C. FrIe.
Geology, 2-F,ieil Trip:
Section list: for the field trips in Geology 2 are posted on the bulletin
board near the east entrance of the Natural Science Buildin;. he W (Ines-
day afternoon sections will meet at 1 p. 7n- Wednesday, April 9t, at the east
entrance of the Natural Science 'Building. L.* 31.(Goud.
oci4~o "'X19:. r
Aragementl' for change of these topics may not be made later than
Friday noon of this week. R. H. Holmes.
t1A' fl irk ouse"-Plny Production ,Series:
T "otlgt prpty st 8 oclockr in'[nversibyZall Henrk Isen's threi
act dFia ADoIl""1House"'will 'be' prsentedl as the 'second progran in
the seri1s f Ply'Produion plays. 'The audience is urged1 to be seated by
o'clok. I ,,.r 9. M T Ilollhster.
1rhi gliha Initiation and an jet:
T he regular Spring Initiation and Banquet will be-hadk at the Michigon
V i1od 'Webl day April 9,at 6$o'cock:
lir.'Ituss~llTI sse'y ill act as tostmaster. Dr. Emiersuo ofthe Ilyi-
enIc,1tab 4titem1a nd Dbr. LewiW, Profesor of PhyiologicclI Chemistry, are
Be, there promptly at the hour set. L. I. Wagener.
Uulverty oJ44flian Band:
Regular rehearsal tonight at 7 P. M. at the Band eadquarters.
R. 0. T. C. Forination for 13:00 P. Mt. Wednesday, April 9hi:
infantry Drill: All 'members Cmpanies E and F, Infantry. Uniforms
will be worn.
fen~d Practice at Morris Hall.
Officers, noncommissioned Officers, Seniors and Juniors, not included in
the above formations will assemble at Infantry Office.
Commutation checks are now available for those whose physical exam-
inations and property accounts are complete.
J Win. T. Carpenter. P.M.S. & T.

of Ramsey McDonald, first Labor I're- edhby a regular captain and cre1 I[ w, in- li *iin~nii~pIn the first book, issued in. a lima
mier of England. 'e(ludling a capable physican. Rteser-Jlf j lftul lIl edition for the use of the des
rations are to be inade with Chestor "' ''U '" I services of the army and navy,
GV M A L N G ~ ~ S ray, 92o ti W ashlington Street, Boston, olll~ i n n r S p I S gave extensive data on the hitheU E 9 L N H I EF U I O KS P 1 ite e p o e u j c f e oingn . T o oh r o i o k r
London, Aprl -The sovet dele- ittlebexploredt becntte hero:~
'OFBDT SUI T ton to the conference for dliscuss-; Col. H. W. Miller, head of the dc- iu eas hycnttt h
Ig FEED~ S~ ENS~ ~n en ie comxplete discussion on railway r
inof treaty and .-debt qu estions be- ! partmenit of mechanism andenier
tween Russia andl Great Britain is ex- Ping drawing in the engineering col- nering oTheisolumoihe ar
Summer vacation on board a sail- IIpecte:d to arrive Thursday. lege, 'has received from the govern- naigcmlto so oiea
ing shipl cruising the Atlantic, wh1ich1 lment press at Washington advanceleyadcer uh rtlryf
leaves Boston on July 1 and return 1 Mnil, A, pril S. -Insular Auditor1 copies of his most recently completed I 1S30 to the present day.
September 1, is offered to collet;- tu- Wight [ Ias l een agreed upon as gen- book on American seacoast artillery. 1---
dents by the Nereus S;hip Companty. era l manager of the Philippines Na- ' This is a fourth of a series of seven F-'aronize Daisy Advertisers.-Adi
This voyage will compromi;e, a vi.,- tional Patnkl, butl has not formially been books which Colonel Miller has been;
itation of the Azores, Mtiadeir'i, and .cect d." preparing since the war for use in
nmru quit ldAlatcS--------amscolanR.(.TG.uis '1 .ports which ordinarily touristsnever ' Jimmie the adtaker" sells any-thing
view. (quick'ly.-Adv.i P,0
Instruction in piloting, wvorking
!s h ip , re e fin g sa ls , "s h o o tin g th e s u n ",N ig h ts a d a y o h r t s s o a l r N i l e . 5 0 o to $ 2 ,5 0 Y oN ed'
be .given those who so desire. TheU lIEU~ Sat. Mat.
exes fti r' 1b 30 f The I~istluguhihed Comledian 1mastermen Earn Extra Credi
whch$00ist b1pi1a'tetie1, WiF HOPPER * Sl'
of application for berth and the bal-, in I lie (,reid An:merican Comedy For Exams onCo La eS v
ance on June 15. "{MY Thehange and recreation So necssaryto eveyn
This ship is a three mast bark of 1 fly J. C. Nugent and Elliott 'Nugent Riders Pen Shop Tridelycombined with superootunitfo
ucational advancement. Boating, swimnte
13t t} tons ownedbyte erushp;141A(,GNS concerts, dramatic perforUmanced, insirig'et
company of Boston. It will be mann- New York Cast and IProduction _________are___here_ auvaial
.-u1iLI- SU M R NI

Frederick W. Jewett
The Right Honorable Frederick W.
Jewett now has an opportunity to'
put in to practice some of the theories
lye expounded in his book "The Soc-
ialist and the City".'- He is first com-
missioner of works in the government
On the Inside RAC4K COVER of

Mil I p IN

_}. r'tl Rig:.



- Organized excursions to', in'dus
financial and art centers of Chi(
Course covering full year's wor
Ge neral Chemistry. Twelve cou
in Department of Religious Eiduca
Sumimer Session opens June 23,
an inlds





lddress WALTER DILL. SCOTT, Presideni
044 University Hall Evansto

.. ...


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e =s.",y

i ,.:

Have your rugs cleaned



vacekoti on




Amory gThe
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, will play the regular twilight or-
gan recital at 4:15 o'clock this after-
noon in Hill iauditorium. Th-e pro-
gram, which follows, combines the,
works of three classicists and of four
contempora ry composers.
All persons or societies uisinmg OhN
cohin in should include in their notices,
day, hour, and place. All notices
ivithot this data ni Ill be disregarded.
S:z00--A. 31.-Holy Cosnminion, St.I
Andrew's church.
1:00Q~-+Noonday prayers, Ha rris :hali.
4:0-0-pen house, Harris half.
7: :O0-Fresliman Giue club pjravl'c,
room 308, Union.
7 :00-3enmbers of the Cosmnopoltan
clib spring trip meet in Lane hall.
b :30-Student concill meets at -
7 :30 -3licabgran -Y(ungstown club;
meets in room 302, Uniors.
7 :30-De). olay mleetingl, Lane hail.
7 :30-Evening prayer and address, St.
Andrew's chuirch.

Fartasie on Words from the Holy
. }} Script ..................Huber,
Nocturne, Opits 9, No. 2........ ChopinI
Choral Prelude "0 Sacred Head,
Now Wounded.. ..... .... Each
allegro con. brio (Sonata in D)
{Appriecio ......... ........1~aulkes
Good Friday Music from "Par sifal"
Advanced students of the School of
M4usic wvill give the following program
lat 7:30 o'clock tonight in the .auditor-
ium of the School,. The public is cor-
dially invited to attend.


---Put your rig cleaining 'up to cleani-
ers wvho know-v how! Shampooing i's the
I latest improved process for thoroughly
*cleaning carpets and rugs. The work
is done with1 all the care of gentle
hands. Ivory Soap and clear, softo
* water are scrubbed into the fabric by a
soft electric brush. All dirt is loosened;0
all grease spots are dissolved. A vac-'4
o uum cleaner removes every article of
~' washed out dirt, grit and grime, leav-
ing the rug clean and bright as new.°
These rugs are then hung in a dry. room
.{ and thoroughly dried0
No rug. is too: soiled to be perfectly
c leaed by . our Shampoo process.
o - - Don't discard rugs and carpets because.
r* ~they are old and soiled. Let us sham-o
r: po CLEANLINESS into them and you0
will get more wear out of them.
ua 1911AFro
x ~before you forget1
~; 9.-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- ---- ---- --- --. -- --'I--- -






. G




tY 1


I v


Inter mezzo ...........
Sarah Baicker
0 Hope Within My Bosom ..
C,.ro msio ben...........
-irginia Auyer


f INTadesrauschen............... Liszt.
! Alice Manderbach
Concerto D major (first m~ovement)
Pauline 'Kaiser
Prelude, Op. 28, Nos, 15, wnd 18
I .. .... .... .... .... . 0h10pin
r ~Virgina Tice
,,;ring Cycle "A Song of Life". .L.idg-: y
IA S :gh .,nt.XWrong
Tlth, Wind on the World
All in a Garden Green
Cray 1-ills
D eares;t When I Am Dead
s Ti to me





a Helen MartIn
Watchman's Song;............ Grieg
Elfentanz................... Grieg
Mary Brash-ear
Gavottee en Rondeau Ei major. . Bach

A ia Ar m -m7 lir A AL I T U 'W T 4"N eAi 'V A 'WT W T A"

7f AILd Urh WA7

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