THE MICHIGAN DAILY IAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN iled every morning except Monday the University year by the Board in of Student Publications. ers of Western Conference Editorial ion. Associated Press is exclusively en- * the use for republication of all news ie credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local niews pub- keeps pace with production. Notwith- standing, the general good signs the stock market has been weakening. What is the trouble? The doubtful state of mind seems due more to poli- tical than business conditions. People are becoming worried about the pos- sible effect of recent inquiries and re- velations of national prosperity. Some question the honesty of our public life in general and feel that government1 in America is "breaking down." Others are less moved by evidences of de- struction partisan spirit and fear of what the pr.actical effects may be in this year's campaign. TOASTED ROLL BOYS TODAY, RULERS I 4 TOMORROW MI r General. To the citizen more concerned with! scriptlon by .carier,. $ao; by mail, the welfare of his count'ry than the im- ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- mediate fortunes of any political par- Street. >nes: E-ditorial, 2414 ana 176-M; Busi- ty, there is nothing really alarming in. 960" the situation at 'yashington, and there ned communications, not exceedin 300 is a plain course to follow. Such a{ s will be published in The Daily at citizen is bound to feel that nothing lisretion of the Editor. Upon reqiuest,I identity of communicant will be re-, permanent is to be gained either by d as confidential. painting things blacker than they are or by covering them with dishonesty EDITORIAL STAFF and incompetence where they exist. Telephones, 2414 and 176-K As a sensible merchant remarks, MANAGING EDITOR "It is necessary to clean out the Au- HARRY D. OEY gean stables in Washington about once in a generation, and our willingness Editor..:..........Rcbv B. Tarr to undertake the job should be re- rial Bo0ard Chairman. ...R. C. Morarity + Editor..............J. C. Garlinghouse assuring rather than disturbing." Night Editors; . Ailes A. B. Connable, Jr. THE INTRAMURAL DEPARTMENT y C. Clark T. I:. Fiske P. M. Wagner In a recent issue of a prominent col- s Editor............. Ralph N. Tyvtrs sr e's Editor..........Winona Hibbard lege paper many people were sur- c Editor..............Ruth A. Howell prised to see a story to the effect that ;taut City E:ditor..Kenneth C. Kellar tor Michigan News Bureau. R. G. Ramsay the intramural department of that latics Editor. Robert B. Henderson college was to be abolished. After the rkman A Cs. Mack experience which Michigan has had na kne Verena Moran with our own intramural department n Brow er Carl Ohnacher it is hard to see why any school would e te Cote U yde Perce Andrew Propper want to abolish an organization such Ann Arbor, we learn from the poster quoted above, is to be the scene of another Boys' Conference. If it's as full as col material as the last one, we are in favor of it-and from the advance notices, it won't be nothing else, ADV. Dear Cowles: She was in the upper study room of the library yesterdiay. A piquant lit- tle blue hat, with a blue ribbon done around and fastened by a nickel buc- kle on the right side of the front, al-{ most completely hid her bobbed hair, brown, of which a little peeped under the front. She always laughed when she spoke to. the girl in the brown hat on her right, especially when she talked with him who sat first beside, then across from her. Dark blue serge with blue ribbon trimmings was her dress, scarcely visible from my viewpoint because of a coat with black trimmings. She is small, but just right, and if she sees this "Maybe she'll write me,! Maybe she'll phone me,' Maybe she'll radio-" and I hope she will anyway. -Washington, * * * FROM TILE NOTEBOOK OF A -- t1 r31tll I-ll tllr l ltrtflrtrtirririr r l e rr r e r rir i r irr irr ir iir i i r t trrr EDITORIAL COMMENT ij= MISDIRECTED FACULTY ZEALI (The Pennsylvanian) Few cannot harken back to the days'-The Latest Spring Fiction at prep school, when it was consider- ed a quite clever thing to place tacks on the master's chair or put a mouseE - 1 in his desk, or even to stretch a string .n1 I S DOOK Od J S across the hall so he would fall over Both Ends of the Diagonal it in the dark. But all those foolish - pranks were presumable discarded as ridiculous. 1 l 12 t II l ( i 1 f E rx rm .ne en 't One's amazement is hard to ima- gine, then, when one finds no less a learned and august body than the Faculty of the Wharton School hid- ing down the dark corners of learn- ing ready to stretch a string across the halls of learning to annoy, harass, and trip up the unsuspecting student. At the March meeting of that body, a motion was passed in regard to the conduct of examinations and quizzes that seems tottally unnecessary-and its only utility, to use the vernacular, as something to "rub in" on the Wharton School student. The con- text of the legislation was that dur- ing such quizzes and examinations, all unnecessary material brought to the room where the latter was being held was to be placed in one huge heap at the front of the room. Wheth.- er such material bore a relation to' the examination mattered not, it could no longer be placed under the seats or similar pace, but was intended to be kept out of reach of the wan- dering clutch of the student. For several months past, the seem- ing tendency in the Wharton School has been to work toward a closer re- lationship between teacher and pupil, while evident progress had been made that would pave the way for a possi- ble return of the honor system. But such petty acts as these serve but to widen the breach, and make the point of complete understanding ats far away as ever. Such actions can never hope to make a scholar of a man, if such is their motive-for a feeling of repul- sion is stimulated rather than any added interest in the work. Only the broadyrindedness and liberality of most professors and instructors, in what even they considered too radi- cal a measure, is all that averted a crisis in the :matter. But itis the act, rather than its interpretation, which leaves a bitter taste in the students' mouth. Such a dictatorial piece of DETROIT UNIIED LINES EAST BOUND Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and every two hours to 9:10 p, M. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and avy two hours to 8 p. m. Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. andl every two hours to 8:55 p. m., 11 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4G p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m. WE- BOUND Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. m. Express (making local stops): 9:50 a. mi. and every two hours to 9:50 p. in. Locals: 7:50 a. mn., 12:10) a. mn. WHITNEY SATURDAY, APRIL 12 i fAqpq~ Th~~ CHARLES FROHrMAN ) resenrs (IN PERSON) ti v SY9ISBIJRY FIEL D' SA)ASH/NG STAE comEDYHIT THEGRE/AT" (AIOT A MOVIE') STPE, /NEW YORK CAST I9ND PRODUCT/ON roll li lick P. Henry n~ng I lousewo ilr [line -othy Kamin as Kendall eph LKru erm abetl i Licern l eglita lPcthranin dniarie Schraudar rth C. A. Stevens N. fl. .St neman -Marie Reed N. R. iT)al . T.). Walthour nann herman Wise 4 THEATRE eld' BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVRO'1 #t v - t'o..... ...... ....1.F.L.. Dunne tivertism ...........Perry M. I ayei Adve siwt .................. W. Roeser t det sing........,.........R. Rose Alccttau,..............I. L. 1 ae C irccilation............... P v 'Azblicain............awrnce 'ierce '., t , CaptU Iants lan .U. CL bepeF. 'l an { 1 h mpion Harold A., r f 1n 1 a. nA. Strac 7aV,!A. Fox R. C. Winter LaBuren Hlaiht WEDNE DAY A PIl 9, 1924. Night Edlditr-PHItIP 9 WAGNER (AN - PINGQ BE FAR BEHIND flLhn standadize ne*syapfrs, the;s, and farmnhg; they may even standardize emotions, learning and ,speech; they probably will standard- ize the calendar and the date of Eas- ter; but there will always remain at least one insurmountable obstacle to complete stand ardization. They caxn never force Spring t regulate her coming by a time-table, the vernal equinox. With wat egotism and acclaim the Weathermen all over the country an- nounced her arrival on March 21! Everyone told everyone else that that was the first day; of Spring's sojourn, that she arrived at midnight. Every- body was full of information about her and anxious to spread it. Yet all the while that delightfully coqueitish young lady. laughed up her, wind-Blown sleeve and doubtless re- marked, paraphrasing Mark Twain, that the report of her arrival was greatly exaggerated. She smiled ami- ably and tenderly at their assumption of great knowledge, for ages in their passing have made her tolerant. ,Spring .knows that the egotism of man has changed very little since his birth. She knows that just as Alex- ander dreamed of a vast Asian Empire so man dreams today of an infinite- ly greater empire, a dominion over Nature, which he can never accom- plish. That ever youthful and elusive maiden, Spring, knows the value of keeping her swains awaiting and rec- ognizes the humbling effect his policy has on their ego. She knows that if she were to come every year on the same date mhan would lose interest in her and regard her as his slave or his wife. As it is, the longer she post- pones her arrival, the greater is the rejoicing when she does come. All of us enveloped in her warm embrace feel the blood within us fow faster, and our hopes, tarnished by the gloom of winter, become bright- er; and there comes to us an acces- sion of power which 'makes all things seem, possible to our expanded strength. Once more we feel our- selves the lords of creation. BUSINESS AND POLITICS The business situation just now is a curious one. A prominent business n-rhnr - rmanndn 'ni n arr as this, that means so much in the COLUINIST OF 18 lives of the students. The intramural department ot Mich- 1. The walls of the Natural Science igan provides any student, who so de- auditorium are clean except around sires, a chance to compete for supre- the thermostats, where there are a macy among his fellows in any sport lot of janitorial thum-prints, th1 that is recognized on the campus. spoor of countless temperature ob- Through this competition many stu- servations. dents ar'e thrown together and they 2. All the good modern stuff in the dEn. ae d thr Lb ary sgpu on rese vedb the rhe often form friendships that are last Library Is put on reserve by the rhe- ing. The derartment provides sched- oric instructors in order that their! ales for inter-fraternity competiion, stupid students may read them. This ulsIeffectually prevents eager bennies for inter-class and all-campus par- ticipation in all branches of sport. The from getting at them. eyes of the varsity coaches are ever on 3. When a girl gets in a street car, the alert for new material and it is sall the other girls in the car stare at not unusual for some good varsity her and make mental comparisons of material to be discovered in the course hats, shoes, .etc.' of: intratnural compitcn..4. When one studies in the Library, Anothergoo l tingtiat comes from one is disturbed by the chattering of actual participation in sport by so alh the people until about 9:30, when nrost of them leave. Then the librar- many men on the campus is the spirit of fair play an4he realization of what ian goes around and slams .all the at.A ti itaeally is. A man 5A n who knows history #rcalizes w 'rat it is to play a hard 5 itra itr ealizesm t t er all to losehard tnd writes it is called a scholar; one !clean m'eaenddtien a.ter all to lose, . only after-be lhas had the same thing who doesn't know history and writes ohit is called brilliant. APRIL S. M. T. W. T. F. S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.)16 17 18 19 I20 21 22 23 24 25 28i 2~ 28 29 30 SPRING HATS READY Save a Dollar or More at Our t Store Iflgh Class Work in (leaning and Reblockingt FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. , Phoe 17192 (Where D. U. R. Stops lt S5ate) LOOK On the Inside BACK COVlERof Your TELEPHONE BOON. $155Ripnd2 tp TLAND F.N I E \GLAE#' Sges Rou dhltr A h 4 AN 36 day tour Entghund, France $ 6 E. I(UEntEIR SteamsIfp Agt. I~pR 1$4 I IB AliL NOW Iailoe Seq-Addressed Envelope PIRICE'-Lower I'iour, 62.75. Balcony $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 ALf SEATS 7IESERVEI) seminimamans N A r A A a } legislationis odious and would well be carefully reconsidered at a subse- quent meeting or repealed en toto. ~ . , _ _ is happen to him. it nirny help to teach him that the rules make the game and that any thng which he does towards! cheating the rules only serves to spoil the game. Let us hope that our intra- mural department will continue to grow in its scope and that it will come to be fully appreciated by all. All this, as we say, is from the notebook of alad of 18. Of course we're 19 now. . I DENIZENS NOTICE I AllDenizens will kindly report early for dinner tonight, and will wear white shirts, as we intend to have a couple of prospects I TONIGHT: The Play Production Classes will Present "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen in IUniversty Hail at 8 o'Clock. Read the \Vant Ads Mode Shope 711 NORTII UNIV. A bore Arcade Street and Afternoon G awns and Blouses For All Occasions Also Hemstitching M. M. SCHALLHORN Twenty-Five Years Ago At Michigan From the Files of the U. of M. Daily) April 9, 1899 For the first time in the history of the University of Michigan, a debating team won two unanimous victories. Last night in the finals of the Central Debating Leag,4c contest, Micliigan defeated Chicago by the unanimous vote of the judges. Although the Chi- cago team was strong they lacked the thorough preparation that Michigan had. Sousa's band will make its second appearance in Ann Arbor tonight when it plays in University Hall at 8 o'clock. Sousa is at the peak of his career now and a wonderful pro-! gram may be expected. The band is here under the (auspices of the Wo- men's League; and the proceeds will go toward completing the Women's Gymnasium. Candidates for the varsity track team are asked to report to the coach this afternoon. Regular practice will begin tomorrow if the weather per- mits. All tryouts will be'expected to remain in town for practice during the spring vacation. L. L. Renwick, '99 'Iit, gave a very entertaining organ recital last night. Mr. Renwick has been studying the organ for several years and expects to go to Europe this summer to con- tiue his study. The relay race for the interclass championship, which was given as part of the program arranged in honor of the visiting state legislature, was won by '00 Laws. In this race J. B. Wood, '00 Law, broke the Gymnasium record for the 440 yard dash. around. These boys have been * * * very highly recommended by our ]jTHE WHITNEY THEATER, our ownj ! Alumni, and are possible Deni- proud and prideful house of the Arts, zen material. is quite bursting with activity for the By Order of the Id Est next few days, housing no less than three attractions in six days, and all * * * of them worthy Broadwray successes Martinisville, Ind.; but mainly be- in their particular fields. * * The first of the list, Anne Nichol's This now straw ballot that the Re- "Just larried," is to all inten:s sand publicans took yesterday was a jolly purposes quite what its title indicates, sort of a graft. On the instructions a pure bedroom farce; only in keep- to the boys ran the voting booths was ing with the times the beds have been this sentence: eliminated. It is one of those pieces Use your own judgement about ask- that by some unaccountable miracle ing people to vote. run and run and run in New York, de- Inasmuch as the booths were run spite the fact that it contains neither by members of the Republican club, mind nor matter. It is simply a frothy we should not be at all surprised to truffle that pleases for the moment, see a victory announced for one of and for the moment makes barrels of the following men tomorrow: LaFol- money for all concerned. lette, H. Johnson, C. Coolidge, C. Alice Brady, playing Ann Arbor in Hughes. But of course It doesn't mat- "Zander, the Great," and in sense ter much anyhow.. 'became the father of the entire Wo- We registered six times and each men's movement. time stuffed an empty ballot in the Above its propaganda "A Doll's box. That's frustrating the capital- House" also brought into being a group istic interests, hey? of characters and situations so vivid * * * and soundly theatrical that nearly all WE NOMINATE FOR THE the great actors of the day have ap- HALL OF FAME: peared or longed to appear in it. Hon. John E. Sedwick, first be- And after all this, you will admit E cause he lives at Great Incohonie, that you tremble a bit when you think 1 Martinisville, Ind.! but mainly be- of amateurs attempting the produc-1 cause he is the High }Chief of the Im- I tion. At least, it will be an unusually{ proved Order of Red Men. interesting experiment as well as an P. A. Fox, first because he lives at opportunity to see an unusually in- Coweta, Okla.; but chiefly because he teresting play. is p cs dent of the Anti-Horse Thief Ass9ciation, which was founded in Saturday, April 12, is wortb.7y of I 1854. more serious patronage. The play John A. Longacre, simply -and solely itself, according to all reports, is1 because he is the supreme Tall Cedar sheer melodrama, with the Good Girl of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon of and the Cute Child, and somebooze' U S. and bootleggers thrown in on the side -Mr. Jason Cowles. to add the modern flavor. It reeks Iwith all the old-fahioned hokum, but Ann Arbor is notable for the absence it is clever bluff for all that-and it on public statuary. This is especially turned them away in Gotham. If you p.enlia irwhen onne think nf the many are in town, you shouldn't miss it. i M { s au:a¢ A visit to our store will convince you that we have many articles which will allow you to en- joy your vacation with 'more pleasure and comfort. Some of the items are 9K Tom We itC ISeaters and Sapt Coats o all kinds For riding, hiking,' and all outing wear and in a large assortment of mateiials. For mer and women-from $2.68 up. 1 Iig Shoes, Wool Socks an- olI" Hose, Army Shoes, Water Proof an High TopMoc casinPack Shu r Ladles en 0. D. WOOL ARMY, BUCKSKIN, PLAID, BLANKET MOLESKIN SHIR IS, UNDE RWEAR, HOSIERY Canoe Ban ke, Auto Robs and Army Blankets Haversacks, Packrolls, Canteens, Mess Cans, Puik Ten's and Wal Tents, Grids, Camp Stoves, Raincoats, Cravanettes, Rubber Boots, Etc. Space permits mentioning but a few of the many items in our stocks. .Anticipate your wants early thereby avoiding the week-end rush. Khaki work trousers, coveralls, overalls, and all kinds of work shoes. t..