.TH .M-IQIAN DAILY zy In The Churches - ongregfttioiiiil (liirelI rnP will give hi lqast Book on Optimihim this morning will discuss Rose Mlacaulay's; 'old by an Idiot." It will be n "The Mood of Freedlom." i's supper will follow thie service. "The 'Modern View esurrection" will be the stui- r discussion topic at 5:30l The University Women's b will sing at the motion plc- lee at 730 o'clock. The feat- is to' be "The Cricket on the Bible classes will meet at 9:30, and at the same hour the Christian Men's Service Club, will holdI their meeting. 'rhe student's BPible class will be held at noon and the youing people's ser- vice meetihlg at >::10 o'clock. St. I'auilll° 1 iran liiircel "Tr1hree Re asonq for Vnbelief" will be considlered b)y the> Reverend Brauer at the 11:310 o'clock English service in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. German services will be held at 9:30 and the student Bible class will meet at 10:30 o'clock. The student social hour at 5:30 will be followed by sup- per andI a discussion on "Evolution," led by John L: Herzog, A Passion service will be held at 7:30 anti the sermon subject has been announced as "Deepest Depths of Sin." Fir,. Presbyterian Church A ''Pre-Eas1 ier Message" will be delivered at the 10:30 o'clock morn- ing service in the Presbyterian church this morning. At noon the Bible clan es led by Miss Mlary Ross and Prof. W. I?. Hendterson will meet. The social Astdyhour it 5:0 ill 1be followed byh;thie iriia ndvr mIeeting-. Miss Neva Lovewell. ,'2 1headl-resident 0ofthe LaJird co(mmnityi hu, iii!owil Duilitratedl lecture on s eti lenient work iln Chicago. VnitiarinChurch Reverendl Augustus P.l-, eccord of' Detroit, will preach the sermon this morning- at the 10:30 o'clock service in the Unitarian Churchi. Suinday school classes will gather at 9:45. Young people's supper will be served at 5:45 anti followed at 0:30 by a short talk. by Professor R. W. Sellars on .The Gospel Accordling to John Dew ey." Mionll 1, 41en'l('11111,01 "Some Wond"erf'ul ('laiums Jesus Makes for Hlitmself," will be discussed this morning at the 1u:30t o'clock Ger- mani service, in the Zion Lutheran Church. The Bible study hour will be heIlzat 9:00 o'clock. Thle :social hour at. 5:30 will be followved byv the serving; of the student supper. Rev. L. F. Gutndermann will lead the dis- cussion at the student forum at 6:3o on the topic, "The Idea of a Sacra- ment." "An English Lenten sermon T1rinity Luitherain (Church 'The Blood of JTesuis" is the subject upon01 which Rev. Gunderian will ])ase his sermnon this uorning at 10:30 in the Trinity Lurtheran Church, Sun- (lay, school and Bible classes will be held at 1+:30 o'clock. Betlilehient FEvangelical CVhurclh Englishi services wilt be held at 10 o'clock this miorning in the Bethile- hem Evangelical church; German ser- vices at 11. Sunday school and Bible classes will be held at 9 o'clock. will he (delivered at 7:30O on "Calaphas' j j14 Part in Jesus' Passion."' (Continued from Page Thirteen' acoustics of the hall are pronoun remarkably fine. The performar will be staged and conducted with the magnificence usually associ with the Metropolitan--a large chestra and choruas and superb tin gs. Mail orders ae now being~ ceived by the Cleveland:oncert 1226 Huron Road, Clev an0.P for single pefuraceragf $1 to $7. 4 , . ..._. ' First, Methodist Ch ehc nt-Fire Larger Life," has been ni by.'Rev rend Stalker as his ,n sUbjeet- this morning at tie So'clock service. At noon Bbt. ea 'Niyill meet in Wesley Hall ands to o' clock a&Wospital Sing nders uspiioes o the Social service d- "rnt of the Weseyan Guild "will4 tl. An "Easter" supper will be ail at 5 o'lovk and followed atl by' ' religious drama, "He Is' on lof God" M. W.C. Peare, ,ate secretary of, the World's day School Association, willf It on. "Reliious Eduationr an Ingto " atthe evening service t, Andrew's Epscopal Church ly C Unntoln will be -offered at v or1ock eeryice in St. Andrew'.4 etap 1fcdurch.:.,Discussion groups p" wiather at 930 under the 4i hI#of, finest F. Lloyd. The c A lfscussion hs been an- 4 -$q iee t 'e @ Maor Prob- ' fi ec by Modern Industrial- ' ohrmIationwill take place at, 0 20 o'clock servlee at 'which ^Rht: Reveend Herman Page, .~ o'14Miciganr, will give the sr-s address. The evening prayer at 11f be followed by the usual stu- supper. Churich-.oi Christ Disciples wertnd J. A. Canby will peak at 0:30'o'clock service this morning e, "Church of Christ Disciples.4] rer Noises r UfSetsOn incr~jease Here Otti krecei} kg 'gets im An .Ar1~r .ga~i in ium rber i ra~iation y l tait ri~n, tis " Alnost mii- caps dring 411e srvce hours p nc9pc quterng l3 p w I ,n g, tlrn r snx {growl g rwich ae to ghlatio, g _aueby exuni on yol li a eyig sett. ,Radation, riling to popular opinion, is d by the reemssion of the re- °d, ,rt inoui however, rr seous; radiation is# almost t"% c9Aiicaw itl~nthe 'iigset Whenever a set is o~ (0 e~onanb4 a (llAStlrbance is Lp which not only causes a howl- Within but also annoys the other in "the vicinity. rre is a, prevalent opinion that reenerative ~set is the worst of-1 er in regard to radiation. WhileI regenerative receiver does rai- t is by no means the sole offend- the, single circuit and the hetro- sa must also share in the guilt.: rodyne circuits and ather radio- uency amplifiers since -they 'are ~et to0 instability "'ill1 also osi- and-° ¢Ouse iturbanoe.. JTIETfEATERS t(Co tiued%fromn Page Ten) ts Banks in; "The Covered oor'~,' ani Pathe News. 4rplenum nky Dean, the cunning kiddie yed with, Charlie Chaplin in tPilgSrim,"stars in "A Prince of L,"showing At the Orpheum are today through, Tuesday. cis just four years old, William unond in "The :Breathless Mo- " comes on Wednesday and' rsday. Natty Mattison and au. Rich in "Mile a Minute or-, aid Ruth Roland in "Haunted oy" feature the last two days of week.' TheStage Vzmirck ae Anmerican comedy, 'Kempy,' es to the Garrick Theatre this k commencing tonight. J. C. Nug- and Elliott Nugen~t, father and "wrote "Keinpy" The Nugents, au thors of purely American plays they have had two other success- plays produced, "The Clean n," and "Dumnb Bell" In each' of rsuccesses they have sel; cted e phase of native life, fashioned ,to a humorous story, and peopled ith types that are to be found ywhere and anywhere. now 1; I II .1 I I 1-j DMNANT NOIVI SPRING SST tYLE } j I I l] I 0 There has never been. a time when men's clothies were more i sensible than they are for Spring 1924; or These facts ar4e worth telling and they're The niew styles~ fit Iy mnd hang informally. is relaxation; the cogts look relaxed-not sn fe e~ c;t r usr'ae ie n . .better worth The wi1 tg nqr s looking readin t.ff; they . - ,0 I' ire comfortable i I Men look better in such clothes because they seem to be so completely at ease and so unconscious of their clothes. The clothes wear better because there isn't so much strain can them In the illustrations above you see the new models; the double. bratdsits; the four piece golf suit; styles that drapse:e easily and thanett-sggest the waistline. They're good-smnot only in style but, in all-wool quality Ii I -~:. - 4<- ;; I%, ,# The REULE - CONLIN CO. II! U l!